The Library
The reference library managed by the Medical Law Göttingen has one of the most comprehensive holdings of domestic and foreign medical and health law literature with 10,105 volumes (as of November 2020). In addition, 45 current journals are obtained from Germany and abroad and a total of 324 different journals are kept. The clear thematic subdivision of the library holdings ensures problem-oriented and subject-specific research. In addition to standard medical law textbooks, an extensive holding of monographs on special topics as well as dissertations and other research papers can be used. Since the beginning of 2015, the library has been set up as an independent branch library in the library of the Faculty of Law in the Juridicum on Platz der Göttinger Sieben. Researchers and learners benefit from the extended opening hours and the work opportunities of this large legal library.
The center's library is a reference library. Remote lending is also not possible. The library's holdings are listed in the Faculty of Law's catalogue (OPAC) under the signature M.
Further Information
institutions and bodies dealing with medical law and bioethics
- Website "Informations- und Dokumenationsstelle Ethik in der Medizin" (
- Website "DIMDI - Deutsches Institut für medizinische Dokumentation und Information" (
- Website "Bioethics Policy Research Center" (
- Internetportal "Ethik und Recht in der Medizin und Biotechnologie" (