Euroculture Team Göttingen

Simon Fink
Marc Arwed Rutke Lars Klein
Director of Studies
Prof. Dr. Simon Fink
Coordinator & Supervisor
Marc Arwed Rutke
Senior Lecturer
Dr. Lars Klein
Saskia Lachmann Vivien Hube Aatreye Karmakar
Assistant Coordinator
Saskia Lachmann
Student Assistant
Vivien Hube
Aatreyee Karmakar

Affiliated Faculty

Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Goering

Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Goering

Director of Studies, 2008-2017

Martin Tamcke

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Martin Tamcke


Ailén de los Heros

Ailén des los Heros, M.A.

Participating Disciplines

The interdisciplinary programme Euroculture in Göttingen is run jointly by the Faculty of Social Scienes , the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Theology. The Departments of Political Sciene, Sociology, History, German and English Philology, Theology contribute to the programme. In addition, there is a well-established cooperation with the Center for Methods in Social Scienes and subjects such as Sociology, Ethnology, Cultural Anthropology, Economics and Intercultural German Studies, among others

Former Team Members since 2008

EN Co-funded by the EU_POS