General informations
- Why studying Theology in Göttingen?
- Personality development and participation in civil society
- Study programs, degrees, occupational goals: An overview
- Study contents: Theological disciplines
Informations and Course guidance
Study programs
General informations
- Why studying Theology in Göttingen?
- Personality development and participation in civil society
- Study programs, degrees, occupational goals: An overview
- Study contents: Theological disciplines
Study programs
- Magister Theologiae (in Protestant Theology)
- Protestant Theology (B.A.)
- Protestant Religion (M. Ed)
- Intercultural Theology (M.A.)
- Intercultural Theology (B.A.)
- Doctorate
Informations and Course guidance
- Student Advisory Service
- Examinations Office Faculty of Theology [German]
- Information on languages
- Information for Freshmen
Study quality
- Internal Quality Management
- Course evaluation at the Faculty of Theology
- Hall of Residence / Student Housing
Package of modules
- Schlüsselkompetenzen
- Certificate Programme "Ecumenical and Interreligious Encounters in Non-Homogeneous Environments"
- Package of modules: Jewish Studies
- Package of modules: Theology