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- Nitzko, S., Bahrs, E., Spiller, A. (2024): Consumer willingness to pay for pesticide-free food products with different processing degrees: Does additional information on cultivation have an influence?, in: Farming System 2 (2024) (online).
- Nitzko, S. (2023). Consumer acceptance of the use of plant and animal by-products of food manufacturing for human nutrition. Food and Humanity, 1, 1238-1249.
- Nitzko, S. (2023). Consumer preferences for naturally high-fiber and fiber-fortified foods: A preliminary segmentation study. Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety, 18, 119-132.
- Nitzko, S., Bahrs, E., Spiller, A. (2023): Consumer willingness to pay for pesticide-free food products with different processing degrees: Does additional information on cultivation have an influence?, in: Farming System 2 (2024) (online).
- Bayer, E., Busch, G., Spiller, A., Kühl, S. (2023): Pasture shooting and mobile slaughterhouses from a consumer’s point of view: Alternative slaughter methods and the meat paradox, in: British Food Journal.
- Lieke, S.-D., Spiller, A., Busch, G. (2023): Can consumers understand that there is more to palm oil than deforestation?, in: Sustainable Production and Consumption 39 (July 2023): 495-505.
- Langer, G., Kühl, S. (2023): Perception and acceptance of robots in dairy farming—a cluster analysis of German citizens, in: Agriculture and Human Values
- Bayer, E., Spiller, A., Kühl, S. (2023): Consumer expectations towards slaughtering: Are there different expectations towards the slaughter of conventional and organic animals?, in: Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 14 (online): 100695.
- Schulze Schwering, D., Focke-Meermann, L., Spiller, A. (2023): E-Commerce in German Agriculture: A Case Study Investigating Farmer Satisfaction Applying the Thinking Aloud Method, in GJAE 72 (2): 117-132.
- Jürkenbeck, K., Hölker, S., Spiller, A. (2023): New label, new target group? The case of the organic label and the Nutri-Score, in: Organic Agriculture (online): 1-15,
- Sonntag, W.I., Lemken, D., Spiller, A., Schulze, M. (2023): Welcome to the (label) jungle? Analyzing how consumers deal with intra-sustainability label trade-offs on food, in: Food Quality and Preference 104 (March 2023) 104746: 1-13.
- Schütz, A., Sonnstag, W, Christoph-Schulz, I., Faletar, I. (2023):Assessing citizens’ views on the importance of animal welfare and other sustainability aspects in livestock farming using best–worst scaling In: Frontiers in Animal Science. Volume 4 - 2023. DOI:
- Lieke, S.D., Spiller, A. & Busch, G. (2023):Can consumers understand that there is more to palm oil than deforestation? In: Sustainable Production and Consumption, Volume 39, July 2023, Pages 495-505
- Zühlsdorf, A., Kühl, S., Radda, D., Spiller, A. (2023): Grüne Marketingclaims auf Lebensmitteln: Verbraucherstudie zum Verständnis von umwelt- und klimabezogenen Werbeaussagen, Chartbook, Göttingen 2023.
- Ohlau, M., Mörlein D., Risius, A. (2023): Taste of green: Consumer liking of pasture-raised beef hamburgers as affected by information on the production system. In: Food quality and Preference, 107, 104839. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodqual.2023.104839.
- Haefner, G., Schobin, J., Risius, A. (2023): Personality traits and meat consumption: The mediating role of animal-related ethical concerns. In: Frontiers in Psychology, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.995482.
- Sonntag, W.I., Wienrich, N., Severin, M. & Schulze Schwering, D. (2022). Precision Farming – Nullnummer oder Nutzbringer? Eine empirische Studie unter Landwirten. In: Berichte über Landwirtschaft - Zeitschrift für Agrarpolitik und Landwirtschaft, 100 (2), 1-33.
- Schulze Schwering, D., Bergmann, L. & Sonntag, W. I. (2022). How to encourage farmers to digitize? A study on user typologies and motivations of farm management information systems. In: Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 199 (2022) 107133.
- Schulze Schwering, D., Sonntag, W. I. and Kühl, S. (2022). Agricultural E-commerce: Attitude segmentation of farmers. In: Computer and Electronics in Agriculture, 197 (2022) 106942.
- Schulze Schwering, D., Hollenbeck, A., Krone, S., Spiller, A. and Lemken, D. (2022). Crop protection market segmentation: relationship between buyer segments and the use of digital sales channels. In: International Food and Agribusiness Management Review.
- Escobedo del Bosque, C.I.; Grahl, S.; Nolte, T; Mörlein, D. (2022) Meat quality parameters, sensory properties and consumer acceptance of chicken meat from dual-purpose crossbreeds fed with regional faba beans. Foods, Vol.11(8), 1074,
- Schütz, A., Kurz, K., & Busch, G. (2022). Virtual farm tours—Virtual reality glasses and tablets are suitable tools to provide insights into pig husbandry. Plos one, 17(1), e0261248.
- Nitzko, S., Bahrs, E. & Spiller A. (2022). Pesticide residues in food and drinking water from the consumerʼs perspective: The relevance of maximum residue levels and product-specific differences. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 30, 787-798.
- Jürkenbeck, K., Mehlhose, C., Zühlsdorf, A. (2022): The influence of the Nutri-Score on the perceived healthiness of foods labelled with a nutrition claim of sugar. PLOS One, 17(8): e0272220. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0272220.
- Klapp, A.L., Feil, N. Risius, A. (2022): A global analysis of national dietary guidelines on plantbased diets and substitutions for animal-based foods. In: Current Developments in Nutrition, NZAC,144. DOI: 10.1093/cdn/nzac144.
- Risius, A. (2022): Was isst die Zukunft? Ernährung im Zeitalter von Krisen (Feed for the future? Nutrition in times of crisis). In: Gesellschaft. Wirtschaft. Politik. (GWP) 71, 3, 265-269.Pointke, M., Ohlau, M., Risius, A., Pawelzik, E. (2022): Plant-based only. Invesigating consumers’ sensory perception, motivation, and knowledge of different plant-based alternative products on the market. In: Foods, 1825086. DOI: 10.3390/foods11152339.
- Laves, K., Mehlhose, C., Risius, A. (2022): Sensory Measurements of Taste: Aiming to Visualize Sensory Differences in Taste Perception by Consumers—An Experiential fNIRS Approach. In: Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing, DOI: 10.1080/08974438.2022.2064027.
- Busch, G., Schütz, A., Hölker, S., Spiller, A. (2022): Is pet ownership associated with values and attitudes towards animals? In: Animal Welfare, accepted for publication.
- De Olde, E., Busch, G. (2022): Opinion paper: Role of standards in the transformation of the livestock sector. In: Animal: An international Journal of Animal Bioscience 16 (2022): 100588
- Oliveira Linder, M., Sidali, K.L., Fischer, C., Bossi Fedrigotti, V., Begalli, D., Busch, G. (2022): Assessing preferences for mountain wineand viticulture by using a best-worst scaling approach: do mountains really matter for Italians? In: Wine Economics and Policy 11(1): 15-29
- Oliveira Linder, M., Sidali, K. L., Fischer, C., Gauly, M., Busch, G. (2022): Assessing Italians’ preferences for mountain beef production by using a best-worst scaling approach. In: Mountain Research and Development 42(3): R8-R15
- Ohlau, M., Spiller, A., Risius, A. (2022): Plant-Based Diets Are Not Enough? Understanding the Consumption of Plant-Based Meat Alternatives Along Ultra-processed Foods in Different Dietary Patterns in Germany. In: Frontiers of Nutrition, DOI: 10.3389/fnut.2022.852936.
- Ohlau, M., Risius, A. (2022): Integrating a Real-Life Experience with Consumer Evaluation: Sensory Acceptance and Willingness to Pay for Coffee Drinks in a Real Café. In: Journal of International Food and Agricultural Marketing, WIFA:2046671. DOI: 10.1080/08974438.2022.2046671.
- Altmann, B., A., Anders, S., Risius, A., Mörlein, D. (2022): Information effects on consumer preferences for alternative animal feedstuffs. In: Food Policy, 106:102192. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2021.102192.
- Iweala, S. and Sun, Y. (2022) The many aspects of voluntary sustainability governance: Unpacking consumers’ support for tea standards in China and the UK; in: Cleaner and Responsible Consumption;
- Iweala, S., Spiller, A., Nayga, R.M. and Lemken, D. (2022) Warm glow and consumers’ valuation of ethically certified products; in: Q Open;
- Spiller, A. und Iweala, S. (2022) Ist Bio die Zukunft? Politik für eine nachhaltigere Landwirtschaft, in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte;
- von Grafenstein, L., Iweala, S. and Ruml, A. (2022) Information source and content–Drivers for consumers’ valuation of fairly traded chocolate; in: Cleaner and Responsible Consumption;
- Jürkenbeck, K., Mehlhose, C., Zühlsdorf, A. (2022) The Influence of the Nutri-Score on the perceived healthiness of foods labelled with a nutrition claim of sugar. PLoS One, Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0272220
- Zühlsdorf, A., Jürkenbeck, K., Schulze, M., Spiller, A. (2021): Politicized Eater: Jugendreport zur Zukunft nachhaltiger Ernährung, Politicized Eater: Jugendreport zur Zukunft nachhaltiger Ernährung 2021,Göttingen 2021
- Jürkenbeck, K., Spiller, A., and Schulze, M. (2021). Climate change awareness of the young generation and its impact on their diet. Cleaner and Responsible Consumption, 100041. Doi: 10.1016/j.clrc.2021.100041
- Schulze, M., Spiller, A., Risius, A. (2021): Co-ops 2.0: Alternative strategies to support a sustainable transition in food retailing. In: Frontiers in Sustainability, 2:675588. DOI:10.3389/frsus.2021.675588.
- Escobedo del Bosque, C.I., Risius, A., Spiller, A., Busch, G. (2021): Consumers’ opinions and expectations of an ideal chicken farm and their willingness to purchase a whole chicken from this farm. In: Frontiers in Animal Science, Vol. 2, section Product Quality. DOI: 10.3389/fanim.2021.682477.
- Werner, A., Risius, A. (2021): Motives, mentalities and dietary change: An exploration of the factors that drive and sustain alternative dietary lifestyles. In: Appetite, 165, 105425. DOI:10.1016/j.appet.2021.105425.
- Weinrich, R., Busch, G. (2021): Consumer knowledge about protein sources and consumers’ openness to feeding micro-algae and insects to pigs and poultry. In: Future Foods.
- Busch, G., Ryan, E., von Keyserlingk, M.A.G., Weary, D. (2021): Citizen views on genome editing: effects of species and purpose. In: Agriculture and Human Values (2021).
- Escobedo del Bosque, C.I., Risius, A., Spiller, A., Busch, G. (2021): Consumer’s opinions and expectations of an “ideal chicken farm” and their willingness to purchase a whole chicken from this farm. In: Frontiers in Animal Science 2: 682477. https://10.3389/fanim.2021.682477
- Oliveira Linder, M., Sidali, K., Busch, G. (2021): Mountain beef and wine: Italian consumers’ definitions and opinions on the mountain labelling-scheme. In: Economia agro-alimentare / Food Economy 23 (1): 1-39. 2021oa11549.
- Mehlhose, C., Risius, A. (2021): Assessing Label Frames and Emotional Primes in the Context of Animal Rearing - Response of an Explorative fNIRS Study. In: Sustainability, 13, 5275. DOI:10.3390/su13095275.
- Escobedo del Bosque, C.I.; Risius, A.; Spiller, A.; Busch, G. (2021) Consumers’ opinions and expectations of an “ideal chicken farm” and their willingness to purchase a whole chicken from this farm. Frontiers in Animal Science, Vol.2, 682477,
- Escobedo del Bosque, C.I.; Spiller, A.; Risius, A. (2021) Who wants chicken? Uncovering consumer preferences for produce of alternative chicken product methods. Sustainability, Vol.13(5), 2440,
- Schulze, M., Risius, A., Spiller, A. (2021): Perceptions of undercover investigations in Livestock farming: An End that justifies the means. In: Animal Welfare, 30, 39-47. DOI: 10.7120/09627286.30.1.039.
- Mehlhose, C., Schmitt, D., Risius, A. (2021): PACE labels on Healthy and Unhealthy Snack Products in a Laboratory Shopping Setting: Perception, Visual Attention and Product Choice. In: Foods, 10, 904, 1-18. DOI: 10.3390/foods10040904.
- Schulze, M., Spiller, A., Risius, A. (2021): Do consumers prefer pasture-raised husbandry from dualpurpose cattle considering everyday meat products. A hypothethical discrete choice experiment for the case of minced beef. In: Meat Science, 177, 108494. DOI: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2021.108494.
- Escobedo del Bosque, C.J., Spiller, A., Risius, A. (2021): Who wants chicken? Uncovering consumer preferences for produce of alternative chicken product methods. In: Sustainability, 13, 2440, 1-22.DOI: 10.3390/su13052440.
- Sonntag, W. I., Ermann, M., Spiller, A., von Meyer-Höfer, M. (2021): Im Streit um die Nutztierhaltung: Gesellschaftsorientierte Kommunikationsstrategien für die Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft, in: GJAE 70 (1): 1-16 DOI:10.30430/70.2021.1.1-16
- Escobedo del Bosque, C.I., Spiller, A., Risius, A. (2021): Who Wants Chicken? Uncovering Consumer Preferences for Produce of Alternative Chicken Product Methods, in: Sustainability 2021, 13, 2440.
- Schulze, M., Risius, A., Spiller, A. (2021): Perceptions of undercover investigations in Livestock farming: An End that justifies the means? In: Animal Welfare 30 (1): 39-47.
- Meyer-Höfer, M., Schütz, A., Winkel, C., Heise, H. (2020): For the future of pig farming: a transdisciplinary discourse organised as a future workshop. Landbauforschung: Journal of Sustainable and Organic Agricultural Systems 70: 59 - 65.Doi: 10.1016/j.foodqual.2020.104155
- Jürkenbeck, K., Spiller, A., (2020): Importance of sensory quality signals on consumers’ food choice. In: Food Quality and Preference. Doi: 10.1016/j.foodqual.2020.104155
- Mehlhose, C., Risius, A. (2020): Signs of warning: Do health warning messages on sweets affect the neural prefrontal cortex activity? In: Nutrients, 12, 1-16. Doi:10.3390/nu12123903
- Kiefer, A., Elsäßer, M., Grant, K., Lindner, R., Trcek, U., Risius, A., Schulze, M., Spiller, A., Dentler, J., Wacker, K., Sponagel, C., Weber, J., Bahrs, E. (2020): Grünlandschutz in benachteiligten Mittelgebirgsregionen durch ein Bio-Weiderindkonzept am Beispiel des Südschwarzwalds. In: Berichte über Landwirtschaft, 98 (3), 1-40.
- Escobedo del Bosque, C.J., Busch, G., Spiller, A., Risius, A., (2020): My meat does not have feathers: Consumers’ associations with pictures of different chicken breeds. In: Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 163, 1-25. Doi:10.1007/s10806-020-09836-x
- Busch, G., Kassas, B., Palma, M., Risius, A. (2020). Perceptions of antibiotic use in Germany, Italy and the US. In: Livestock Science 241:104251 Doi:10.1016/j.livsci.2020.104251
- Gesa Busch, Elisa Bayer, Sarah Iweala, Clara Mehlhose, Constanze Rubach, Aurelia Schütz, Konstanze Ullmann, Achim Spiller (2020): Einkaufs- und Ernährungsverhalten sowie Resilienz des Ernährungssystems aus Sicht der Bevölkerung: Eine Studie während der Corona-Pandemie im Juni 2020. Ergebnisse der zweiten Befragungswelle , Diskussionsbeitrag Nr. 2004 des Departments für Agrarökonomie und Rurale Entwicklung der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Göttingen, August 2020.
- Achim Spiller, Britta Renner, Lieske Voget-Kleschin, Ulrike Arens-Azevedo, Alfons Balmann, Hans Konrad Biesalski, Regina Birner, Wolfgang Bokelmann, Olaf Christen, Matthias Gauly, Harald Grethe, Uwe Latacz-Lohmann, José Martínez, Hiltrud Nieberg, Monika Pischetsrieder, Matin Qaim, Julia C. Schmid, Friedhelm Taube, Peter Weingarten (2020): Politik für eine nachhaltigere Ernährung: Eine integrierte Ernährungspolitik entwickeln und faire Ernährungsumgebungen gestalten. Berichte über Landwirtschaft, Sonderheft 230, Doi: 10.12767/buel.vi230.308
- Schütz, A., Busch, G., Sonntag, W. (2020) Environmental enrichment in pig husbandry – Citizens’ ratings of pictures showing housing elements using an online-survey. Livestock Sciences, 240, Doi: 10.1016/j.livsci.2020.104218
- Anesbury, Z. W., Jürkenbeck, K., Bogomolov, T., & Bogomolova, S. (2020): Analyzing proprietary, private label, and non-brands in fresh produce purchases. International Journal of Market Research. Doi: 10.1177/1470785320948335
- Jürkenbeck, K., Spiller, A. (2020): Consumers’ Evaluation of Stockfree-Organic Agriculture – A Segmentation Approach. Sustainability, 12 (10), 4230, Doi: 10.3390/su12104230
- Busch, G. et al. (2020): Einkaufs- und Ernährungsverhalten sowie Resilienz des Ernährungssystems aus Sicht der Bevölkerung: Ergebnisse einer Studie während der Corona-Pandemie im April 2020 , Diskussionsbeitrag Nr. 2003 des Departments für Agrarökonomie und Rurale Entwicklung der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Göttingen, Mai 2020.
- Jürkenbeck, K., Zuehlsdorf, A., Spiller, A. (2020): Nutrition Policy and Individual Struggle to Eat Healthily: The Question of Public Support. Nutrients, 12, 516, Doi: 10.3390/nu12020516
- Busch, G., Spiller, A. (2020): Warum wir eine Tierschutzsteuer brauchen – Die Bürger-Konsumenten-Lücke. Positionspapier Universität Göttingen, Department für Agrarökonomie und Rurale Entwicklung, Diskussionspapier Nr. 2001
- Escobedo del Bosque, C.I.; Busch, G.; Spiller, A.; Risius, A. (2020) My meat does not have feathers: Consumers’ associations with pictures of different chicken breeds. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, Vol.33, 505-529,
- Escobedo del Bosque, C.I.; Altmann, B.A.; Ciulu, M.; Halle, I.; Jansen, S.; Nolte, T.; Weigend, S.; Mörlein, D. (2020) Meat quality parameters and sensory properties of one high-performing and two local chicken breeds fed with Vicia faba. Foods, Vol.9(8), 1052,
- Hölker, .s; STEINFATH, H.; VON MEYER-HÖFER, M.; Spiller, A. (2019): Tierethische Intuitionen in Deutschland: Entwicklung eines Messinstrumentes zur Erfassung bereichsspezifischer Werte im Kontext der Mensch-Tier-Beziehung. German Journal of Agricultural Econimics 68 (49): 299-315
- Hölker, S.; Von Meyer-Höfer, M.; Spiller, A. (2019): Animal Ethics and Eating Animals: Consumer Segmentation Based on Domain-Specific Values. Sustainability, 11, 3907;
- Hölker, S.; Von Meyer-Höfer, M.; Spiller, A. (2019): Inclusion of Animal Ethics into the Consumer ValueAttitude System Using the Example of Game Meat Consumption. Food Ethics 3 (1): 53-75;
- Viergutz, T., Zubek, N., Schulze-Ehlers, B. (2019): The spatial variation of switching rates in large cooperative membership bases: empirical evidence from the dairy sector. European Review of Agricultural Economics.
- Lemken, D.; Spiller, A.; Schulze-Ehlers, B. (2019): More room for legume – Consumer acceptance of meat substitution with classic, processed and meat-resembling legume products. Appetite 143.
- Hölker, S., Steinfath, H., Meyer-Höfer, M.v., Spiller, A. (2019): Tierethische Intuitionen in Deutschland: Entwicklung eines Messinstrumentes zur Erfassung bereichsspezifischer Werte im Kontext der Mensch-Tier-Beziehung, in: German Journal of Agricultural Economics (GJAE) 69 (4): 299-315.
- Nitzko, S., Spiller, A. (2019): Comparing „Leaf-to-Root“, „Nose-to-Tail“ and other efficient food utilization options from a consumer perspective, in: Sustainability 11 (17) 4779.
- Werner, A., Spiller, A., Meyerding, G.H. (2019): The yoga of sustainable diets: Exploring consumers mind and spirit, in: Journal of Cleaner Production.
- Hölker, S., Meyer-Höfer, M.v., Spiller, A. (2019): Animals Ethics and Eating Animals: Consumer Segmentation Based on Domain-Specific Values, in: Sustainability 2019 (11) 3907.
- Latacz-Lohmann, U., Balmann, A., Birner, R., Christen, O., Gauly, M., Grajewski, R., Grethe, H., Martínez, J., Nieberg, H., Pischetsrieder, M., Renner, B., Röder, N., Schmid, J.C., Spiller, A., Taube, F., Voget-Kleschin, L., Weingarten, P. (2019): Zur effektiven Gestaltung der Agrarumwelt- und Klimaschutzpolitik im Rahmen der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik der EU, in: Berichte über Landwirtschaft, Sonderheft 227.
- Kühl, S., Zühlsdorf, A., Spiller, A. (2019): Ist doch sowieso alles künstlich? Verbraucherverständnis der gesetzlichen Aromakennzeichnungen, in: Ernährungs Umschau 66 (7): 128-135.
- Martinez, J., Weingarten, P., Balmann, A., Christen, O., Gauly, M., Grethe, H., Latacz-Lohmann, U., Nieberg, H., Pischetsrieder, M., Renner, B., Schmid, J.C., Spiller, A., Taube, F., Voget-Kleschin, L. (2019): Möglichkeiten, Ansatzpunkte und Grenzen einer Verwaltungsvereinfachung der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik der EU, Stellungnahme des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats für Agrarpolitik, Ernährung und gesundheitlichen Verbraucherschutz beim Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft, in: Berichte über Landwirtschaft, Sonderheft 226.
- Schulze, M., Spiller, A., Risius, A. (2019): Food Retailers as Mediating Gatekeepers between Farmers and Consumers in the Supply Chain of Animal Welfare Meat – Studying Retailers’ Motives in Marketing Pasture-Based Beef, in: Food Ethics, 3, 41-53.
- Gassler, B., Fronzeck, C., Spiller, A. (2019): Tasting organic: the influence of taste and quality perception on the willingness to pay for organic wine, in: International Journal of Wine Business Research 31 (2).
- Hölker, S., Meyer-Höfer, M.v., Spiller, A. (2019): Inclusion of Animal Ethics into the Consumer Value-Attitude System Using the Example of Game Meat Consumption, in: Food Ethics, 3, 53-75.
- Iweala, S., Spiller, A., Meyerding, S. (2019): Buy good, feel good? The influence of the warm glow of giving on the evaluation of food items with ethical claims in the U.K. and Germany, in: Journal of Cleaner Production 215: 315-328.
- Mehlhose, C., Hunecke, C., Spiller, A., Brümmer B. (2019): Der Markt für Milch und Milcherzeugnisse im Jahr 2018, in: German Journal of Agricultural Economics (GJAE) 68, Supplement, Die landwirtschaftlichen Märkte an der Jahreswende 2018/19: 62-84.
- Busch, G., Gauly, S., Meyer-Höfer, M.v., Spiller, A. (2019): Does picture background matter? People’s evaluation of pigs in different farm settings, in: PLOS ONE 14 (2): 1-19.
- Kühl, S., Gauly, S., Spiller, A. (2019): Analysing public acceptance of four common husbandry systems for dairy cattle using a picture-based approach, in: Journal of Livestock Science 200: 196-204.
- Sonntag, W., Spiller, A., Meyer-Höfer, M.v. (2019): Discussing modern poultry farming systems – insights into citizen’s lay theories, in: Poultry science 98: 209-216.
- Weinrich, R., Overbeck, C., Spiller, A., Zühlsdorf, A. (2018): Mogelpackungen und fehlende Zutaten: Zur Wirkung von relativierenden Verpackungshinweisen, in: Ernährungs Umschau 65 (7): 120-125.
- Lemken, D., Kraus, K., Nitzko, S., Spiller, A. (2018): Staatliche Eingriffe in die Lebensmittelwahl. Welche klimapolitischen Instrumente unterstützt die Bevölkerung?, in: GAIA 27 (4): 363-372.
- Gassler, B., Qian, X., Kühl, S., Spiller, A. (2018): Keep on grazing: factors driving the pasture-raised milk market in Germany, in: British Food Journal 120 (2): 452-467.
- Kühl, S., Sonntag, W.I., Gauß, N., Gassler, B., Spiller, A. (2018): Bürgerbewertungen unterschiedlicher Haltungssysteme von Milchkühen, Mastschweinen und Masthühnchen: Ein systematischer Vergleich, in: Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit) 13 (2): 157-164.
- Rovers, A., Wildraut, C., Mergenthaler, M., Sonntag, W.I., Meyer-Höfer, M. v., Spiller, A., Luy, J., Saggau, D., Brümmer, N., Christoph-Schulz, I. (2018): Analyse der Wahrnehmung der Nutztierhaltung durch unterschiedliche gesellschaftliche Gruppen, in: Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit) 13 (2): 165-170.
- Wildraut, C., Rovers, A., Sonntag, W., Christoph-Schulz, I., Meyer-Höfer, M. v., Luy, J., Wolfram, J., Spiller, A., Mergenthaler, M. (2018): Annäherungen in der Bewertung der landwirt¬schaftlichen Nutztierhaltung – Ergebnisse aus gemeinsamen Diskussionsrunden mit Tierhaltern und Verbrauchern, in: Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit) 13 (2): 171-182.
- Sonntag, W.I., Golze, S., Kutschbach, A., Gassler, B., Spiller, A. (2018): Bürgerreaktionen auf Zielkonflikte in der Hühnchenmast, in: Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit) 13 (2): 218-225.
- Liebe, U., Glenk, K., von Meyer-Höfer, M.v., Spiller, A. (2018): A web survey application of real choice experiments, in: Journal of Choice Modelling, 33.
- Busch, G., Gauly, M., Spiller, A. (2018): Opinion paper: What needs to be changed for successful future livestock farming in Europe? in: Animal, 2 (10), 1999-2001.
- Grethe, H., Arens-Azevedo, U., Balmann, A., Biesalski, H.K., Birner, R., Bokelmann, W., Christen, O., Gauly M., Knierim, U., Latacz-Lohmann, U., Martinez, J., Nieberg, H., Offermann, F., Pischetsrieder, M., Qaim, M., Renner, B., Schmid, J.C., Spiller, A., Taube, F., Voget-Kleschin, L., Weingarten, P. (2018): Für eine gemeinwohlorientierte Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik der EU nach 2020: Grundsatzfragen und Empfehlungen, Stellungnahme des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats für Agrarpolitik, Ernährung und gesundheitlichen Verbraucherschutz beim Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft, Berichte über Landwirtschaft, Sonderheft 225.
- Sonntag, W.I., Spiller, A. (2018): Measuring Public Concerns? Developing a Moral Concerns Scale Regarding Non-Product Related Process and Production Methods, in: Sustainability 10 (5): 1-16.
- Gassler, B., Spiller, A. (2018): Is it all in the Mix? Consumer preferences for segregated and mass balance certified sustainable palm oil, in: Journal of Cleaner Production 195: 21-31.
- Brümmer B., Spiller, A., Mehlhose, C., Schulze-Ehlers, B. (2018): Der Markt für Milch und Milcherzeugnisse im Jahr 2017, in: German Journal of Agricultural Economics (GJAE) 67, Supplement, Die landwirtschaftlichen Märkte an der Jahreswende 2017/18: 119-137.
- Sonntag, W.I., Golze, S., Spiller, A., Meyer-Höfer, M.v. (2018): There ain’t no such Thing as a Free Lunch: Nachhaltigkeits-Zielkonflikte in der Hähnchenmast aus Verbraucherperspektive, in: German Journal of Agricultural Economics (GJAE) 67 (1): 31-47.
- Busch, G., Spiller, A. (2018): Pictures in public communications about livestock farming, in: Animal Frontiers 8 (1): 27-33.
- Busch, G., Spiller, A. (2018): Introduction: Consumer acceptance of livestock farming around the globe, in: Animal Frontiers 8 (1): 1-13.
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