Public Relations
Our aim is to motivate and intensify the exchange between the faculty and interested parties from science, culture, politics, media and business, as well as the public.
We also support scientists and scholars, staff and students within the faculty.
An overview of our service
...for members of the faculty:
- Publication and distribution of information on events, research results and publications on the website and on social media
- Advisory services and support for the creation of websites, external presentations, posters, flyers, etc.
- Advice and support in the creation of information on the academic programmes (e.g., course flyers, websites...)
- Advice and Support on the use of social media
- Advice and Support to create photos and videos
- Planning and execution of graduation celebration
...For media and interested public:
- Processing enquiries about the Faculty and its research and teaching portfolio
- Arrange contact with contact person (e.g., expert, student counsellor, cooperation partner)
- Conducting informative events and tours (e.g., for school classes and other prospective students)
Quick links
Focus and Projects in the Faculty »
Academic programmes offered
Courses and degrees offered and Services for Students »
Information for Teachers »
Newsletter for students
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Faculty Events Calendar
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The faculty on Facebook
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The faculty on Instagram
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There for you:

Guido Albrecht-Böning
Public Relations Adviser
Tel. 0551 39 24887
You can reach me:
Mo - Fr, 9:30 to 13:30
- Facebook netiquette
- commencement
- Die Philosophische Fakultät
- Studium an der Fakultät
- Forschung an der Fakultät
- Impressum
The Faculty of Humanities’ Representative for Public Relations
+49 (0)551 / 39-4887
Fax +49 (0)551 / 39-4887
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Faculty of Humanities
Humboldtallee 17 (Raum 126)
37073 Göttingen