Contact at the Examination Office
Due to a very high workload and sickness absences, the processing of your requests is currently delayed. Please avoid email inquiries about the processing status, as these only increase the workload unnecessarily.
At the moment, priority can only be given to tasks that are relevant for all students, such as entering examination offers in FlexNow. After that, priority is given to processing formalized applications, e.g. certificates, ungraded modules, work internships (BioDiv), thesis registration, sick notes ...
E-mail advice cannot currently be guaranteed.
If you have any questions about the subject Biology, please refer to the FAQ and the information provided by the Study Advisory Office on the pages of your degree programmes or during information events. You can find information on the subject of Psychology here.
You may already receive an answer there and it may no longer be necessary to contact us. Otherwise, we will of course be happy to help you in the open office hours or telephone consultation hours.
Documents and applications can still be submitted as PDF files by e-mail. Please always include your full name and matriculation number as well as the relevant degree program in emails.
The examination office is responsible for questions regarding FlexNow, exam administration, submission of final theses, certificate issue and more. Find all contact details below.
Collect your final certificates
From now on you can collect you transcript and certificates in person during the office hours (see below, Wilhelm-Weber-Straße 2 only) and during the offer "Infopoint".
If you still wish to recieve the final documents via mail, we would like to ask you to hand in a sufficiently stamped and correctly addressed return envelope in DIN C-4 format to the Examination Office of the Faculty of Biology and Psychology (Wilhelm-Weber-Str. 2, 37073 Göttingen) and request the sending of your graduation documents with a short covering letter.
Certification hand-out, submission and collection of applications/forms/certificatesOpening hours:
Mon & Thu 3-4 pm
Changed opening hours during semester break:
only open Mon on 17.02., 24.02., 24.03., 31.03.and 07.04. 3pm - 4pm
from summer semester then new opening hours
Wilhelm-Weber-Straße 2, ground floor
Campus Map
B.Sc.Biologie, 2F-BA Biology
Andrea Keilholz, M. A.
Office hours:
Wed 10-11 am,Wilhelm-Weber-Straße 2, room 0.106, Campus Map
Fri 10-11 am, via telephone +49 551 39 28912
Office hours cancelled 28 Feb 2025 due to illness
B.Sc. Biodiversity, Master of Education, M. Sc. Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Master of International Nature Conservation, M.Sc. Biodiversity: Ecology, Evolution and Conservation, B.Sc. Psychology
Hendrik Kuschel, M.A.
Office hours:
Mon 4-5 pm, Wilhelm-Weber-Straße 2, room 0.106, Campus Map
Thu 10:30-11:30 am, Wilhelm-Weber-Straße 2, room 0.106, Campus Map
M.Sc.Molecular Life Sciences: Microbiology, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, M.Sc. Developmental, Neural, and Behavioral Biology, M.Sc.Psychology
Phone: +49 551 39 28903
Office hours:
Tue 1-2 pm, open consultation hour, Wilhelm-Weber-Straße 2, room 0.106, Campus Map
Additional consultation hours at the North Campus by appointment
Out of office on 18 Feb 2025, 25 Feb 2025, 11 March 2025 and 03 June 2025.
B.Sc. Biochemistry
N.N., currently represented by Hendrik