Laura Eigenmann

Laura Eigenmann is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Sociology, Research Unit Gender Studies , at Freie Universität Berlin. Her research focuses on gender and diversity policies. She is currently working on the project “Negotiating Equity: Policy Discourses on Gender Equity and Diversity in Science”. She earned her PhD in Gender Studies from the University of Basel in 2022 with her dissertation “From the Margins to a Mission: How the EU Became a Promoter of LGBTI Rights”.
Prior to that, she studied Gender Studies and Sociology in Basel and worked as a lecturer, program coordinator, and coordinator of the graduate program at the Center for Gender Studies at the University of Basel. During her PhD, she conducted research stays at Temple University Philadelphia, King’s College London, and the School for Advanced Legal Studies London.
Her research interests include discourse analysis, critical policy analysis, the politics of sexuality and gender, LGBTI activism, national and European identity discourses, homonationalism, and queer history.