Explorable Data Science

Information Event on Emmy Noether Programme – “Artificial Intelligence Methods”

Are you researching in the field of artificial intelligence and thinking about applying for an Emmy Noether Junior Research Group?

The Campus Institute Data Science (CIDAS) at the University of Göttingen, in collaboration with various departments, invites you to a digital information event. The aim is to provide early-career researchers in the field of Artificial Intelligence with an overview of the research environment, cooperation opportunities, and support services at the University of Göttingen and beyond.

Contents of the Information Event on April 23, 2025, 5:00 PM (CET)

(The event will be held in English)

  • Research Environment in Göttingen:
    Introduction to the University of Göttingen, its research infrastructure, and the interdisciplinary CIDAS center.
  • Emmy Noether Application Process:
    Explanation of the application procedure with the support of the University of Göttingen: timeline, required documents, deadlines, and available individual support during the application phase.
  • Interdisciplinary Exchange:
    Opportunity to connect with representatives from various application domains, such as medical informatics or forest sciences, to discuss potential use cases for your methods.

If you wish to participate in the event, please send an email including your name, research focus, and thematic interests to: cidas@uni-goettingen.de

You will then receive the access details for the digital event.

Further Information

The DFG's call for proposals 2025/2026 for the Emmy Noether funding line “Methods of Artificial Intelligence” can be found under the following link: https://www.dfg.de/en/news/news-topics/announcements-proposals/2025/ifr-25-27

The Emmy Noether Programme is a highly competitive and attractive funding scheme by the DFG that enables researchers to qualify for a professorship by independently leading a junior research group combined with teaching duties appropriate to their career stage. It thus offers a "fast track to professorship."

The call is aimed at outstanding researchers two to four years after completing their doctorate. Periods of illness or parental leave are taken into account. The programme is open to both postdoctoral researchers and junior professors with fixed-term contracts. International applicants are expected to continue their academic careers in Germany following the funding period.

Details regarding eligibility can be found on the DFG programme homepage as well as in the programme-specific FAQ.