Prof. Dr. Ines Michalowski

Ines Michalowski has been a Professor of Sociology of Religion at the University of Münster since 2019. Together with Maja Apelt and Liane Schenk, she conducted the BODYRULES project, which focused on the handling of the body at the intersection of organization and migration. Currently, as part of the Münster-based Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics,” she is researching organizational adaptations for religious majorities and minorities across five types of organizations and nearly 20 countries through an indicator-based comparative project.

She studied at the Universities of Paris X – Nanterre and Sciences Po Paris and completed her doctorate through a co-tutelle between the Centre de Sociologie des Organisations and the University of Münster, in collaboration with the Osnabrück Institute for Migration Research (IMIS). Subsequently, she worked for many years at the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB), with interruptions for stays in Washington, D.C., Boston, and Vienna.

Her research focuses on the sociology of religion, diversity and organizations, migration, citizenship, and international comparisons.