Göttingen Centre for Genderstudies (GCG)
Welcome to the Goettingen Centre for Gender Studies (GCG)!
The GCG is an interdisciplinary institution of the University of Göttingen which aims at advancing research activities in the field of Gender Studies at the Göttingen Campus.
On these pages you will find more information on our activities, goals and function. You can also find some interesting information about us in our GCG info flyer (in German or in English).
Gendere(ed) Thoughts Special Issue: ‘Die unendliche Zirkulation des Wissens. Auseinandersetzungen und Arbeitsweisen mit den Theorien und Methoden der "Critical Feminist Materialisms".’| Konstanze Hanitzsch und Alicia Schlender (Eds.)Wir freuen uns, Sie und Euch darauf hinzuweisen, dass die neue Special Issue des open-access-Journals gender
Die Ausgabe findet sich open access hier.
Die Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie sind gravierend, besonders auch für die Gleichstellung von Frauen. In Zeiten der Not sind besonders Menschen in Care-Berufen in Krankenhäusern aber auch im Einzelhandel nicht nur höheren Gefahren sondern, wenn sie Kinder in ihrem Haushalt versorgen, auch verstärktem häuslichem Stress ausgesetzt. Während Frauen die Anerkennung für die Erhaltung der systemrelevanten Strukturen durch die Politik in diesen Krisenzeiten erhalten, stellt Regina Frey in ihrem Artikel Corona und Gender – ein geschlechtsbezogener Blick auf die Pandemie und ihre (möglichen) Folgen die Frage, welche geschlechtsrelevanten Probleme die Corona-Pandemie verschärft und stößt Gedanken an, inwieweit wir aus dieser Zeit lernen müssen.
Den ganzen Artikel finden Sie hier.
The idea behind the Gender Lab is to give added publicity to Gender Studies in Göttingen and to offer other students and relative newcomers the chance to discuss their work in a helpful context and to set up networks.
New Deadline: 15th of April 2020
Find the complete Call here

More information you can find here. Please note that only invited persons can
participate at the symposium.
- Conference in Göttingen | March 14 - 16, 2019

Arguments for a non-essentialist redefinition of kinship have been put forward from a number of fields, including philosophy, gender studies, literary and cultural studies, and cultural anthropology. Judith Butler (2004) reads kinship as a problematic allegory for the origin of culture, arguing for an understanding of kinship beyond the normative restraints of biological relations. Similarly, Donna Haraway (1995) takes a dim view of the historically fatal consequences of blood-based kinship. However, the attraction of the genealogical origin is not limited to patriarchal narratives. Margaret Homans (2013) has looked at origin stories in adoption narratives and pointed to the paradoxical situation of feminism which on the one hand advocates non-essentialist, non-nuclear, non-heteronormative forms of kinship, and on the other hand acknowledges the power of the particular relation between birthmother and child. Damien Riggs and Elizabeth Peel (2016) finally have staked out the field of critical kinship studies and formulated its focus as “the need to move beyond a humanist account of kinship”.
This conference aims at following this premise, and seeks to further research in the field of critical kinship studies by bringing together different disciplinary perspectives into a cultural hermeneutic approach. It invites contributions from a variety of academic fields, including anthropology, history, law, literary studies and others.
Gender and Violence in the Contexts of Migration and Displacement
The Working papers series Gender