First Nikolaus Market at ZESS (2013)
Göttingen. A Good Christmas Deed: eight Göttingen students had a zero euro budget
...which was enough for them to set up a Nikolaus market with international flair.A total of 400 euros was raised for the Göttinger Children's Clinic Kimbu. One of its organisors, Benedikt Pfaffenbach, explains how this was made possible:
Credits - the sought-after points students are required to collect in order to complete their studies. Pfaffenbach and his fellow students completed the project management course at ZESS (Central Institute for Languages and Transferable Skills) and it was from there that the idea for a completely traditional Nikolaus market was born. "The University Chairman, Ulrike Beisiegel, herself gave us the green light for the project," Pfaffenbach says, "we organised the sale of Glühwein and arranged for a tombola with prizes, invited the Leos and had a Terre des hommes stand." They received support from Zindelhof, who donated the Glühwein and sponsored the decorations. "Students from ZESS assisted us with the Saint Lucy candle-lit wreath and made spanish pastry for the event," Pfaffenbach continues. One of the members of the student group had suggested Children's Clinic at Papenberg as the donor agency, which the students were familiar with. The clinic was overjoyed with the the donation of 400 euros.
Source: Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine from 24th Dec 2013
Flyer from the Nikolaus market: