Euroculture (M.A.)
What does Europe mean to you? What comes to your mind when you think about it? Do you see Europe as a continent? Or as the European Union? Do European citizenship, European Championships or the Eurovision Song Contest come to your mind? The Euro and the Single Market? Europe means different things to different people mainly because it is defined by actors from different sectors and continents following their perspectives and interests. In Euroculture, we work on mapping, understanding and linking these different takes on Europe.
- Name:
- Euroculture – Society, Politics and Culture in a Global Context (Erasmus Mundus Joint Degree)
- Degree:
- Master of Arts (M.A.)
- Standard period of studies:
- 4 semesters
- Start of studies:
- Winter semester
- Language of the programme:
- English
- Admission:
- Restricted (application via the study programme)
- Special features:
- Chargeable; own Fee Schedule
Get to know us
Euroculture is a two-year master's programme that offers specialized knowledge and methodological and social competence which help students to work in a problem- and project-oriented way even beyond the usual subject-specific limitations, and to present the results in an adequate manner. The MA supports students in familiarizing with the methodology of interdisciplinary research and offers in-depth understanding of political, sociological, historical, or cultural-scientific point of view. Our students will – at the end of their studies – be able to analyse European integration processes in an independent, interdisciplinary and problem-oriented way and to judge the effects that regional, national and supranational cooperation and conflicts of the past have on current developments and the dynamics in Europe.
"Euroculture - Society, Politics and Culture in a Global Context" is unique because it offers a joint, integrated programme run in a Consortium of twelve renown universities on four continents. By studying at a minimum of two universities and by undergoing an internship or a research track, our students decide which pathway they take through the programme and we, teachers and coordinators, accompany them through this journey by offering support and advice. This is one reason for why we have a success rate of 98%.
With an interdisciplinary approach that combines courses from at least two leading European universities with an internship and hands-on skills training, Euroculture prepares you to make a difference in careers like diplomacy, international business, research, journalism, cultural management, and European administration. Moreover, the MA´s compulsory mobility track and it´s various applicants from all over the world, help students to dive into an international and intercultural experience.
Studying at at least two universities gives the possibility to students to improve their ability to communicate interculturally and to therefore improve their knowledge of foreign languages. Moreover, the MA Euroculture teaches students how to conduct scientific work independently, how to adapt to different work and life environments and how take responsibility and leadership in groups consisting of members from different national and cultural backgrounds.
The Euroculture programme gives students a chance to prepare themselves to enter new professions that come into being due to the intensifying process of economic and political integration in Europe. Euroculture serves to qualify graduates to take up professions that require sound knowledge of European culture, current transnational developments in European society and politics in a global context, and the European integration process. Some of the possible professions are work with European institutions and organisations, with institutions of teaching, research and further education, the media and journalism, librarianship, foundations and associations, culture management, museums and collections, tourism, foreigner and migrant counselling, public relations, and human resource management (especially in international companies).
The most recent Euroculture Alumni Report has shown that Euroculture graduates find their first relevant job in no time: 70% secure a job within the first 3 months after graduation, and the rest mostly within 6 months after graduation. This is a very positive result, that shows how well the programme equips its students with skills necessary for the job market. Especially such practical courses like Project Management, and the experience our students acquire working in international teams help the Euroculture alumni be successful.
Consecutive/graduate programmes
Consecutive/graduate programmes
Euroculture is an integrated Joint Programme which awards a joint / double degree to its graduates.
Students thus study at at least two different European universities of the Consortium. These are:
- Georg-August Universität Göttingen
- Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao, Spain
- Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
- Jagiellonian University Krakow, Krakow, Poland
- Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, Olomouc, Czech Republic
- Uppsala Universitet, Uppsala, Sweden
- Universitá degli studi di Udine, Udine, Italy
- Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France

Students start their studies at Göttingen (or another European university). The first semester offers classes in the "Core Fields of Society, Politics and Culture", which are outlined further on our website . The tailor-made soft-skills scheme "Eurocompetence I-III" runs through the four semesters and equips students with the competences they need to successfully complete the Master and qualify for the job market.
Students continue with their second semester at one of the other seven European universities. The semester includes a Research and a Methodology Seminar as well as a Summer School ("Intensive Programme"), which is hosted in a rotating manner by one of the European partners. As central element of the programme, the "Intensive Programme" gathers all students from all campuses and the core faculty to discuss a changing topic (part editions and impressions can be found here ).
In the third semester , students have the choice of doing an internship at a placement of their choosing (examples can be found here ) or a Research Track at a European University or one of our non-European partners. These are:
- University of Pune, Pune, India
- Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
- Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada
- Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico.
The fourth semester is studied either at the university of the first or the second semester. In a "Thesis Seminar", students are supported in researching and writing their Master Thesis. Eurocompetence III helps students to transition from the Master to the job market or their further studies.
Regulations and module directory
- Admission requirements:
- Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, History, Theology, a Philology or another subject close to Euroculture
- Fees:
- Programme with own fee structure
- Language requirements:
- A good command of the English language (for details please follow the details on the application procedure here)
- Application:
- Application via online tool
- Application deadline:
Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Candidates: December 1st;
Self-funding students up until March 1st;
in case of places remaining: afterwards admission on a rolling basis
Director of Studies
Prof. Dr. Simon FinkPlatz der Göttinger Sieben 3
37073 Göttingen
Tel. +49 551 39 26506
Study Advisory
Marc Arwed Rutke
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3
37073 Göttingen
Tel. +49 551 39 26381
Examination Advisory
Dr. Lars KleinPlatz der Göttinger Sieben 3
37073 Göttingen
Tel. +49 551 39 27822
Application Advisory
Saskia LachmannPlatz der Göttinger Sieben 3
37073 Göttingen
Tel. +49 551 39 26381