In publica commoda

CRC-Schedule: ESTABLISHMENT of a Collaborative Research Centre

Applications for DFG Collaborative Research Centres can be handed in at all times, however, please be advised that the DFG only decides on invitation to prepare a full proposal and accordingly approval or rejection of establishment proposals twice a year (usually end of May and end of November).

The entire application process consists of two steps with a total duration of approximately one and a half years, beginning with your idea and ending with the start of funding. This procedure requires excellent cooperation within the university, across the campus and pertaining to the DFG. Our department will be of assistance during the entire application process, providing you with information and counsel.

The following schedule, thought to serve as an initial means of orientation, portrays an exemplary timeline of the individual steps along the way. Please note that the indicated months are only stated for reference. A more specific time table in relation to your project as well as precise processes will gladly be discussed in individual counseling interviews.

ATTENTION: Currently, due to the high volume of applications at the DFG, the date for the recommendation for the preparation of a full proposal may be postponed by half a year. All other dates will be postponed accordingly.

Gewünschter Förderbeginn
1st step: Review and recommendation (Draft proposal phase)  
Begin of consultation by the Research Department 07.2022
Application to the university for start-up funding 07.2022
Discussion with the Vice President for Research 08.2022
Preparation of the draft proposal (also called concept paper) autumn/winter 2023
Submission of the draft proposal to the office of the
der Research Committee of the Senate
Presentation and discussion of the draft proposal in the Research Committee of the Senate 02.2023
Submission of the draft proposal to the DFG for review* 02.2023
Consultation panel with the DFG 09.2023
Recommendation by the DFG for the preparation of a full establishment proposal 11.2023
2nd step: Review and decision (Establishment proposal phase)  
Application to the university for start-up funding 11.2023
Kick-off meeting with the Vice President for Research 01.2024
Preparation of the establishment proposal winter/spring 2024
Submission of the pre-proposal to the DFG (6 months prior to the on-site review) 02.2024
Discussion of finances with the Presidential Board 03.2024
Submission of the proposal to the office of the
der Research Committee of the Senate
Presentation and discussion of the proposal in the Research Committee of the Senate 05.2024
Discussion of the proposal in the Committee for Development and Financial Planning 05.2024
Short presentation of the proposal in the Senate 05.2024
Submission of the full proposal to the DFG (8 weeks prior to the on-site review) 06.2024
On-site review by the DFG (two days) 08.2024
Decision by the DFG 11.2024
Written notice of the decision by the DFG 12.2024
Project launch Januar 2025

Note: Due to the corona pandemic, the consultation panel and the on-site review are currently only taking place in virtual form.

* The DFG currently recommends submission as early as possible.