Conference and Seminar Papers
- Conference Papers
- „Confirmed By Experience“. English translations of naval theoretical treatises in the 18th century. Workshop: „Lernen, um zu siegen? Anpassung, Kreativität und Wissenstransfer im globalen militärischen Kontext, 1600–1900/The best learners will be victorious? Adaptation, creativity, and knowledge transfers in a global military context, 1600–1900“. Göttingen, 15.–16. Oktober 2024.
- When men-of-war turn female: Violence and gender relativity in eighteenth-century naval battles. Joined Conference from King’s College London and Oxford University on Women & War, All Souls College Oxford, 22 March 2024.
- Burning your boats. Anticipation and justification of self-inflicted ship losses in late 17th and 18th century naval warfare. War Losses & Naval Warfare. Pertes militaires et guerre navale XVIIIe–XXXIe siècles: Anticiper les pertes navales: innovations & prospectives. Aix-en-Provence, 28–29 November 2023.
- The Rhythm of Battle: Sounds und Soundscape als strukturierende Elemente in frühneuzeitlichen Seeschlachten und deren Darstellungen. “The Sound of War”, Interdisciplinary and interepochal Symposium of the German society for military history, Berlin, 27–29 September 2023.
[The Rhythm of Battle: Sounds and soundscape as structuring elements in early modern naval battles and their representations]
- Sublime Bloodshed? Visual Representations of British Atlantic Naval Warfare in the Eighteenth Century. War Stories: Conflict in the Atlantic World, 1600–1850. Conference at the McNeil Center for Early American Studies, Philadelphia, PA, 17–19 November 2022.
- Charged Men’s Tales: Perception and Memories of the Battle of Toulon 1744 in the Court Martial of Captain Ambrose. War Times in the 18th Century. Perceptions and Memories/Périodes de Guerre au 18e Siècle. Perceptions et Mémoires. Early Career Seminar/Séminaire des Jeunes Dix-huitièmistes, Graz, 18–22 September 2022.
- Maritime Gewalten: Erfahrung, Darstellung und Bewältigung militärischer Gewalt auf See, 1665–1783. Conference for Early Career Researchers in Military History, Potsdam, 14–15 October 2021.
[Violent Seas: A Cultural History of Naval Warfare (1665–1783)]
- Research Seminar Papers by Invitation
- Maritime Gewaltkulturen. Erfahrung, Darstellung und Technik von Kriegsgewalt auf See (1665–1783). Research Seminar Early Modern History, University of Göttingen, 25 June 2024.
[Naval cultures of violence. Experience, representation and technology of combat at sea (1665–1783).]
- Betäubt vom Donner der Kanonen. ‚Beschießen‘ als maritime Gewaltpraktik in den Seeschlachten des langen 18. Jahrhunderts. Research Seminar on the Cultural History of the Early Modern Period, University of Berlin, 29 January 2024.
[Stunned by the Thunder of Cannons: Shelling as a maritime practice of violence in the naval battles of the long 18th century.]
- Violent Seas: Cultures of naval martial violence c. 1660–c. 1780. Research Seminar at the Centre for Maritime Historical Research, University Exeter, 25 October 2023.
- Seeschlacht auf Distanz? Das ‚Jagen‘ als maritime Gewaltpraktik im Siebenjährigen Krieg. Research Seminar Early Modern History, University of Rostock, 06 June 2023.
[Naval battle at a distance? Chasing as a maritime practice of violence in the Seven Years’ War.]
- Maritime Gewalten: Erfahrung, Darstellung und Technik von Kriegsgewalt auf See, 1665–1783. Research Seminar Early Modern History, University of Frankfurt, 21 June 2022.
[Violent Seas: Experience, representation, and technology of War Violence at Sea, 1665–1783.]
- “We’re gonna Burn One More than you”: Eskalationsdynamiken und der Einsatz von Brandern im Zweiten Englisch-niederländischen Krieg (1665–1667). Research Seminar Early Modern History, University of Göttingen, 21 December 2021.
[“We’re gonna Burn One More than you”: Escalation dynamics and the use of fireships in the Second Anglo-Dutch War (1665–1667).]
- Painting Seapower: The Depiction of British Naval Battles in the Eighteenth Century. History of War Seminar, Oxford, 11 March 2020.
- Riskante Entscheidungen: Die Belagerung von Toulon 1707 und ihre Folgen. Research Seminar Early Modern History, University of Göttingen, 07 May 2019.
[Dangerous decisions: The siege of Toulon in 1707 and its aftermath.]
- Ein Fürst erzählt vom Krieg: Die Konstruktion adeliger Kriegstagebücher am Beispiel des „Journal de la Campagne en Flandre 1746“. Research Seminar Early Modern History, University of Göttingen, 22 May. 2018.
[A Prince’s tale of war: The construction of aristocratic war diaries through the example of the “Journal de la Campagne en Flandre 1746”.]
- Poster Presentation
- Maritime Gewalten: Erfahrung, Darstellung und Technik von Kriegsgewalt auf See, 1665–1783. Graduate School for Humanities, University of Göttingen, 02. November 2023.
[Poster presentation: Violent Seas: Experience, Representation, and Technology of Naval Warfare, 1665–1783]
- Upcoming papers
- 20 November 2024: Viel Lärm um Nichts? Seeschlachten als Sound-Event. German society for maritime and naval history, Regional association Berlin-Brandenburg, Berlin.
[Much ado about nothing? Sea battles as sound events.]
- 4 December 2024: Violent Seas. Experience, Representation, and Technology of Naval Warfare, 1665–1783. History of War Seminar, All Souls College, Oxford.
- 14 January 2025: How Shipe became Prizes. Between Customs of the Seas and Cultures of Naval Warfare. Prize Paper Lunch Talks, online.