
Initial support is provided to all international postdocs by our University Welcome Centre.
We promote the exchange between postdocs in our supporting faculties, inform them about funding opportunities and further training and support them with applications. A postdoc or postdoctoral researcher is defined here as a PhD holder who conducts professional research under a time-limited contract or fellowship. In addition to providing individual support for postdocs, the CBL coordinates the Postdoc Network Forestry & Ecology and forms the faculty interface to the Göttingen Campus Postdoc Network.

Postdoc Network Forestry & Ecology

About Us

The Postdoc Network Forestry & Ecology was founded in 2023 to provide postdoctoral researchers of the Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology with subject-specific exchange opportunities in teaching, research, and scientific policy developments.

Postdoc BBQ UGOE 070623_1

Our Activities

- Monthly meetings for networking and exchange to subject-specific topics
- Mailing list with information on (job) announcements, events, qualifications, etc.
- RocketChat channel for informal exchange
- 29.11.2023 Symposium as part of the Forest Science Week
Postdocsymposium 2023

Become a Member

Sign up for our mailing list
Send an E-mail and join our RocketChat channel
We look forward to meeting you!

Postdoc Network Coordinator
Dr. Simone Pfeiffer
Büsgenweg 1, office 0.105
phone 0551 39 23909