Support- and couselling services
Support- and couselling services
Counselling services at the university
You can also contact external bodies:
The counselling services mentioned below are partly specialised on certain challenges and support options for socially disadvantaged groups and can answer specific questions.
Anti-discrimination counselling
E-Mail: adb[at]
Representative for students with disabilities or chronic diseases
E-Mail: katrin.lux[at]
Counselling and support for trans* students at the AStA
E-Mail: transberatung[at]
The Representative for Academic Quality: confidential advisor and ombudsperson
E-Mail: kritik[at]
Teaching and Learning Complaint Management
E-Mail: kritik[at]
University Staff Medical Center/ Betriebsärztlicher Dienst
Equity* Uni Beratung
E-Mail: beratung[at]
Scholarship counselling
E-Mail: sjardtankred.seibert[at]
Decentralised Equal Opportunities Officers
Contact persons in the institutions and faculties
University Equal Opportunities Officer
E-Mail: doris.hayn[at]
Incoming Office - Göttingen International
E-Mail: julie.harris[at]
Jugend- und Auszubildendenvertretung (JAV)
E-Mail: jay[at]
Ombuds Office for Good Research Practice
E-Mail: katharina.beier[at]
E-Mail: persrat[at]
Psychosocial Counselling (PSB)
E-Mail: psb[at]
Psychotherapeutic Outpatient Clinic for Students of the University of Göttingen
E-Mail: pas[at]
Psychotherapeutic Consultation Hours for Employees
E-Mail: psm[at]
Social department of the general student council of the University of Göttingen (AStA)
E-Mail: soziales[at]
Counselling on Social Issues of the Studierendenwerk Göttingen
E-Mail: sozialdienst[at]
Representatives for Disabled Persons
E-Mail: sbv[at]
Compatibility of studies and family
E-Mail: katrin.hansmann[at]
Compatibility of science/occupation and family
E-Mail: familienservice[at]
Information on studying for refugees
E-Mail: gefluechtetenarbeit[at]
Central Student Advisory Service
E-Mail: infoline-studium[at]
Central Conflict Management
E-Mail: konfliktmanagement[at]
Anti-discrimination counselling
E-Mail: adb[at]
Representative for students with disabilities or chronic diseases
E-Mail: katrin.lux[at]
Counselling and support for trans* students at the AStA
E-Mail: transberatung[at]
The Representative for Academic Quality: confidential advisor and ombudsperson
E-Mail: kritik[at]
Teaching and Learning Complaint Management
E-Mail: kritik[at]
University Staff Medical Center/ Betriebsärztlicher Dienst
Equity* Uni Beratung
E-Mail: beratung[at]
E-Mail: sjardtankred.seibert[at]
Decentralised Equal Opportunities Officers
Contact persons in the institutions and faculties
University Equal Opportunities Officer
E-Mail: doris.hayn[at]
Incoming Office - Göttingen International
E-Mail: julie.harris[at]
Jugend- und Auszubildendenvertretung (JAV)
E-Mail: jay[at]
Ombuds Office for Good Research Practice
E-Mail: katharina.beier[at]
E-Mail: persrat[at]
Psychosocial Counselling (PSB)
E-Mail: psb[at]
Psychotherapeutic Outpatient Clinic for Students of the University of Göttingen
E-Mail: pas[at]
Psychotherapeutic Consultation Hours for Employees
E-Mail: psm[at]
Social department of the general student council of the University of Göttingen (AStA)
E-Mail: soziales[at]
Counselling on Social Issues of the Studierendenwerk Göttingen
E-Mail: sozialdienst[at]
E-Mail: sbv[at]
Compatibility of studies and family
E-Mail: katrin.hansmann[at]
Compatibility of science/occupation and family
E-Mail: familienservice[at]
Information on studying for refugees
E-Mail: gefluechtetenarbeit[at]
Central Student Advisory Service
E-Mail: infoline-studium[at]
Central Conflict Management
E-Mail: konfliktmanagement[at]
You can also contact external bodies:
External bodies
Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency
The Violence against women support Hotline
Tel. 08000 116 016 (available 24/7)
Frauen-Notruf Göttingen e.V.
Tel. 0551 44684
Integrationsfachdienst (IFD) und IFD Hörgeschädigte (HG) (in German)
Tel. 0551 500 91 50
Intgration Council Göttingen (in German) (c/o Geschäftsstelle der Beiräte für Menschen mit Behinderungen, Senioren und Integration)
Tel. 0551 400 3543
International Helplines
Migrationszentrum für Stadt und Landkreis Göttingen (in German)
Tel. 0551 389 05 150
Nightline Göttingen e.V. (partly in German)
Tel. 0551 39 35991
Telefonseelsorge/International Helplines
Tel. 0800 / 111 0 111 oder 0800 / 111 0 222 oder 116 123
Trans*Counseling Göttingen
Tel. 01577 9878397
Weiteres: Soziales Göttingen - Wegweiser Beratungsangebote (in German)
In emergencies, e.g. in the event of an acute threat, you should always contact the police directly: Tel. 110
The Violence against women support Hotline
Tel. 08000 116 016 (available 24/7)
Frauen-Notruf Göttingen e.V.
Tel. 0551 44684
Integrationsfachdienst (IFD) und IFD Hörgeschädigte (HG) (in German)
Tel. 0551 500 91 50
Intgration Council Göttingen (in German) (c/o Geschäftsstelle der Beiräte für Menschen mit Behinderungen, Senioren und Integration)
Tel. 0551 400 3543
International Helplines
Migrationszentrum für Stadt und Landkreis Göttingen (in German)
Tel. 0551 389 05 150
Nightline Göttingen e.V. (partly in German)
Tel. 0551 39 35991
Telefonseelsorge/International Helplines
Tel. 0800 / 111 0 111 oder 0800 / 111 0 222 oder 116 123
Trans*Counseling Göttingen
Tel. 01577 9878397
Weiteres: Soziales Göttingen - Wegweiser Beratungsangebote (in German)
In emergencies, e.g. in the event of an acute threat, you should always contact the police directly: Tel. 110