Thesis supervision
Actual topics
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Bachelor theses
Monitoring of the dynamics of standing deadwood from UAV orthophotos --assigned
Species mapping of successional vegetation on disturbed spruce areas after full and partial clearing. --assigned
Visualizing thermal differences of disturbed forest plots with R-Shiny. --finished
UAV-based monitoring of a rewetted peatland with thermal imagery and ground reference measurements. --finished
Assessment of the reforestation potential in standing deadwood using a Wireless Sensor Network to measure the Fraction of actual Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR). --finished
Detection of thermal anomalies in thermal UAV images by analysis and interpretation with Python. --finished
Assessing spatio-temporal consistency of Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 FAPAR (fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation) products and validation with DHP (digital hemispherical photography) - a case study in the southern Harz mountains. --finished
NDVI comparison of Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2-data based on land use classes in the Harz region --finished
Characterization of microclimatic differences using high-resolution UAV data on forest disturbance plots in the Southern Harz mountains --finished
UAV-based mapping of succession on forest calamity areas in the southern Harz --finished
GIS-based risk assessment of site-specific water budget under extreme rainfall events – a case study in Mosbach, Thuringian Forest (cooperation with P. Koal, FFK Gotha/ThüringenForst) --finished
Master theses
Modelling of microclimatic differences on partially cleared fault areas from UAV-LiDAR data. --assigned
Small-scale variations of soil moisture and temperature patterns across alpine meadows combining UAV and in-situ measurements - A case study in the Italian Maritime Alps. -- assigned
Monitoring the re-greening of former spruce forest plots in Central Germany using satellite images and reference surveys of biophysical variables. --finished
Remote sensing analysis of spatial variability in European beech vitality in the Harz mountains during drought conditions in 2018 - 2022. --finished
Monitoring forest disturbance plots in the Southern Harz mountains – a comparison of Sentinel-2 and UAV-derived FCOVER. --finished
Quantitative vegetation analysis of biophysical variables with high-resolution remote sensing on forest disturbance plots in the Southern Harz Mountains. --finished
Monitoring of forest disturbance plots within different forest management regimes using Sentinel-2-derived biophysical variables (LAI, FAPAR) and in situ data in Southern Harz, Germany. --finished
Assessment of post-fire standing deadwood dynamics in the Harz National Park with UAV lidar and digital hemispherical photography. --finished
Towards an automated workflow for assessing effets of forest disturbance on land surface temperature in low mountain ranges of Central Germany using GEE and the Landsat archive. --finished
Assessing accuracy of Sentinel-2 derived LAI time series with direct LAI measurements and hemispherical photography in a beech forest stand in the context of actual drought phenomena --finished
Monitoring of multitemporal changes in Land Surface Temperature on degrading forest stands in the Southern Harz region based on Landsat8 satellite imagery --finished
Comparison of biophysical products of Sentinel-2 for the detection of changes in the spruce and beech stands in the southern Harz --finished
GIS based change detection analysis in beech and fir forest stands - impact assessment of environmental and location factors using forest stands in Northern Thuringia (Germany) as an example --finished
Vitality monitoring of beech-dominated forest stands with varying forest management intensity from Sentinel-2 images and laser scanning --finished
Spatiotemporal patterns of forest change from Sentinel-2 imagery in Thuringia between 2017 and 2021 and their relationchips to forest site factors (cooperation with Dr. A. Tischer, Geography/FSU Jena) --finished
Machine learning based mapping of forest types based on scikit-learn by using random forest and gradient boosting - a comparative study --finished