Forms for the Doctoral Programme
Doctoral Regulations since 2011
Registration for the doctoral examination
- Proof of completion of doctoral obligations in economic sciences (PDF)
- Application for the doctoral examination (PDF)
- Declaration for admission to the doctoral examination (PDF)
The following documents are to be submitted by e-mail as PDF file to "" in the Dean of Studies Office
- Form "Application for the doctoral examination"
- Original copy of the dissertation as PDF. If the supervisor or the third examiner require a printed copy of the dissertation, you must send it to them personally.
- Confirmation according to §12 PStO (included in the dissertation, signed by hand and scanned or digitally signed)
- In case of a cumulative dissertation: A meaningful declaration of the own contribution made to the thesis (integrated into the dissertation, signed by hand and scanned or signed digitally)
- Certificate of enrolment since admission to the doctoral studies ("Studienzeitbescheinigung")
- Either the completed proof of achievements according to the PStO, signed by the supervisory committee ("Betreuungsausschuss"), or: proof of successful participation in a Research Training Group (according to Annex 4 PStO), both together with certificates of attendance of the attended courses in one PDF file. The proof of performance must be signed by the supervisory committee (not by the examination committee/ "Prüfungsausschuss"). The supervisory committee is appointed upon admission to the doctoral programme, while the examination committee may have other members upon registration for the doctoral examination. These must be applied for by the doctoral candidate with the registration for the doctoral examination in the Dean of Studies Office and must be approved by the Dean of Studies.
- If applicable, proof of fulfilment of admission requirements.
- Proposal for the composition of the examination committee, if this differs from your original supervisory committee.
With the confirmation according to §12 PStO, the following must be declared and signed
- The dissertation was produced independently without assistance from external parties, and not contrary to high scientific standards and integrity.
- That you have adhered to the examination regulations, including upholding a high degree of scientific integrity, which includes the strict and proper use of citations so that the inclusion of other ideas in the dissertation are clearly distinguished.
- That in process of completing the doctoral thesis, no intermediaries were compensated to assist neither with the admissions of preparation processes, and in this process
- No renumeration of equivalent compensation were provided.
- No services were engaged that may contradict the purpose of producing a doctoral thesis.
- That the dissertation or parts of it have not been submitted elsewhere.
- That false claims (and the discovery of those false claims now, and in the future) with regards to the declaration for admission to the doctoral examination can lead to invalidation or revoking of the doctoral degree.
Faculty of Business and Economics
Office of the Dean of Studies