Prof. Dr. Holger Militz
Research interests
- Wood decay
- Wood protection
- Wood modification
- Wood drying
- Impregnation of poplar - Structural Characterization of the Variable Uptake and Distribution of Impregnation Fluids in Fast-Growing Poplar Hybrids
- 2TW - Second Generation of ThermoWood
- Innobond - Development of material-adapted adhesive systems for use in finger-jointed and surface-bonded solid wood products manufactured from both untreated and modified native hardwoods for non-structural components
- InnoBuche - Innovative modified beech wood products - Improved material properties in light of increasing beech wood production and high consumer demands to ensure sustainability
- WoodExter - Behaviour of wood used outdoors, above-ground
- WinFur - Suitability of furfurylated wood for high quality window frame production
- RWE - Investigation into the durability of wooden transmission pylons
- HiFreTech - High-frequency impregnation of wood
- Nachwuchsgruppe - Novel markets, applications, and technologies for native hardwood species
- PlanaWood 2 - Functionalisation of wood and wood-based materials
- PlanaWood 1 - Functionalisation of wood and wood-based materials
- Holzschutz-CT - Characterization of penetration and distribution of protection systems in wood by X-ray based Micro Computed Tomography
- Dauerbuche - Durable LVL from modified beech wood
- SysSchwelle - Development and market launch of an innovative F-system sleeper
- Silan - Treatment of solid wood with silane compounds
- Silicon - Improvement of wood product properties through increased hydrophobicity obtained by treatment with silicon compounds
- Basidio - Characterization of the degradation patterns of chemically modified wood by wood-destructive basidiomycetes
- Buche-Küstentanne - Use and wood product oriented studies of the tree species Abies grandis from sustainably managed mixed beech stands
- BioT - Process for the treatment of wood and wood-based materials - Creation of new sales markets and fields of application for teak wood substitutes
- DFG Schöningen Spears - Documentation and investigation of the oldest wooden weapons of mankind from Schöningen (found location 13 II, excavation H. Thieme)
- KiefernStolz - Joint project: Sustainable utilisation potentials for pine heartwood Subprojects 5 and 6: Identification and development of products
- NuKaFi – Material recycling options for vertically stored calamity wood of the tree species spruce depending on the damage progress and wood quality
- ZitroWood - Bio-based and environmentally friendly modification of wood based on sorbitol and citric acid
- Head of Department
- Responsible for Master’s programme; Wood Biology and Wood Technology Wood Biology and Wood Technology
- Responsible for PhD programme; Wood Biology and Wood Technology Wood Biology and Wood Technology
Committee Work
- Member and co-founder of the "Kompetenznetz Holz in Niedersachsen NHN"
- Member of IAWA (International Association of Wood Anatomists)
- Member of IAWS Inter. Academy of Wood Scientists; 2013-2017 chairman of Academy Board
- Member of International Research Group on Wood Protection; 2013-2016: Excecutive committee
- Member of the editorial board of the international wood journal "Holzforschung"
- Member of the editorial board of the international wood science journal "Wood Research"
- Member of the editorial board of the German-speaking wood science magazine "Holztechnologie"
- Chairman of the ECWM (Wood Modification Europe)
- Former German and Dutch representative in European Research Organisation COST in the area of forest products, wood technology and wood protection in the years 1995-2014 (COST Actions E 2, E22, E13, E34, E37, FP 0802, FP 1006, FP 601, FP 904, FP 1303, FP1407)
- Member of the Board of Trustees of the Fraunhofer Institute for Wood Research WKI
- Member of Advisory Board of the iVTH International Association for Technical Wood Issues
Scientific Awards
- Ternryd prize university Växjö/ Schweden (2016)
- Josef-Umdasch Forschungspreis Wien (2012)
- Innovation prize of the administrative district Göttingen (2012)
- Innovation prize of the administrative district Göttingen (2009)
- Schweighofer-Prize for the development of an innovative new material (2007)
- Analytical methods for wood and wood-based materials
- Guidance for independent scientific work
- Introduction to forestry
- Introduction to Materials Science I Part B
- Environmentally friendly production of wood
- Main Research Internship Materials Science
- Basic knowledge of indigenous and foreign timber
- Timber and paper industry
- Wood Biology II
- Wood biology and wood technology
- Laboratory practical course in wood biology and technology
- Wood physics and wood mechanics
- Wood Protection
- Wood technology research internship
- Innovative technologies in the wood industry
- Institute Seminar: Wood Biology and Wood Technology
- New trends in wood technology
- Project 1: Wood technology and wood products / Wood-based materials
- Project 2: Molecular wood biotechnology
- Seminar on wood science and technology
- Exercises in wood biology and wood application
- Wood biology
- Wood laboratory course
- Wood products
- Wood science and technology
Supervision of student theses (for data protection reasons, the authors names are withheld)
PhD- Utilization of Lignin Cleavage Products from Vacuum Low-Temperature Microwave-Assisted Pyrolysis for the Substitution of Phenol in Phenol-Formaldehyde Resins for the Modification of Wood by Impregnation
- Wood modification based on in-situ esterification of Pinus sylvestris with citric acid and sorbitol
- Gmelina as new Material for the Design and Construction of Timber Structures
- Applikation naturnaher Bindemittel zur Herstellung von Holzfaserdämmstoffen mittels Heißluft-/Heißdampf-Verfahren
- Wood Modification with Cyclic N-Methylol and N-Methyl Compounds – Studies on the Mode of Action
- Impregnation of railway sleepers – Process optimisation by using an oily wood preservative and a mechanical pre-treatment
- Hierarchical Mechanical Properties of Wood Cell Wall in Microscale and Nanoscale
- Advanced Organic Coatings for the Hydrophobization of Solid Wood Materials
- Les facteurs biotique et abiotique interagissent-ils pendant le vieillissement du bois utilisé en classe d’ emploi 3?
- Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Treatment of Wood and Wood-based Products-Treatment by Dielectric Barrier Discharge for Adhesion Improvement and Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Spraying for Coating Application
- Influence of intra- and interspecific competition on timber quality of European beech
- Atmosphärisches Pulver Plasma-Spritzen – Ein Schichtsystem auf Basis von Polyester und Bismutoxid als Holzschutz
- Beziehung zwischen Struktur und Bruchzähigkeit von Holzzellwänden
- The influence of melamine treatment in combination with thermal modification on the properties and performance of native hardwoods
- Performance of Wood-Polypropylene Composites made of Alternative Wood Sources
- Anwendung der µCT-Technik zur strukturellen Charakterisierung von Holz
- Dimensionsstabile und pilzresistente Furnierwerkstoffe durch Zellwandmodifizierung mit niedermolekularem Phenol-Formaldehyd
- Effects of ammonium or nitrate on wood formation of Populus sp. and Arabidopsis thaliana
- Färbung und Farbstabilisierung von Massivholz mit niedrigmolekularen Melamin- und Phenol-Kondensationsharzen
- Process optimization of thermal modification of Chilean Eucalyptus nitens plantation wood
- Vergleich dielektrisch behinderter Entladungen bezüglich der physikalischen Eigenschaften und der Wirkung auf Holz und Holzwerkstoffe
- Development of innovative Bio-Based Treatments for Wood Modification with Bio-Polyesters
- Strength grading and selected strength properties of European hardwoods
- Influence of plasma treatment under atmospheric pressure on surface characteristics and adhesion of wood-polymer composites (WPC)
- Technische Lignine als biobasiertes Ausgangsmaterial zur Substitution von erdölbasiertem Phenol in Phenol-Formaldehyd-Harzen
- Protective Particle Coatings applied by Cold Plasma Spraying
- Kleben von modifiziertem Vollholz – Gestaltung des Grenzbereichs zur Steuerung von Verklebungsmechanismen
- Untersuchungen zur Dauerhaftigkeit von Kunstharz-modifiziertem Holz bei Verwendung in Meerwasserkontakt
- Properties of Bamboo-Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Composites
- Impact of process conditions in open and closed reactor systems on the properties of thermally modified wood
- Treatment of wood with siloxanes and metal micro-particle deposition using plasma technology
- Evaluation of particle and fibre degradation during processing of wood plastic composites (WPC) using dynamic image analysis
- Bondability of modified wood
- Physical modeling of moisture content and fungal resistance properties of thermally modified timber
- Influence of impregnation, chemical and thermal wood modification on properties related to sorption, tensile strength and resistance to Fenton’s reagent
- Formaldehyd in Holz und Holzwerkstoffen
- Surface Analytics of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Treated Wood and Wood-based Materials
- Zur Reduzierung der Biozidkonzentration auf Holzoberflächen durch Photokatalyse am Beispiel cypermethrinhaltiger Holzschutzmittel
- Entwicklung eines nicht tragenden Bodenbelags für den Schiffsbau auf Basis ausgewählter Verfahren der Holzmodifizierung
- Technological improvement of Portuguese pinewood by chemical modification
- Wood modification with titania and silica based precursors: A novel approach to prepare multifunctional sol-gel derived TiO2/SiO2 wood-inorganic composites
- Treatment of solid wood with silanes, polydimethylsiloxanes and silica sols
- Influence of Wood Modification on the Properties of Polyvinyl chloride based Wood-Polymer Composites
- Properties of Wood Modified with Glutaraldehyde
- Entwicklung leichter, dreischichtiger Spanplatten aus einer Kombination der nachwachsenden Rohstoffe Mais und Holz
- Modifizierte anorganische Polymere als Klebstoffe und Brandschutzmittel für Holzwerkstoffe
- Behandlung von Vollholz und Spänen mit Silanen
- Wachsveredlung von Massivholz
- Permeability improvement of Norway spruce wood with the white rot fungus Physisporinus vitreus
- Promoting Utilization Potential of Bombax ceiba Linn and Bombax insigne Wall through Enhancement of Wood Quality and Technological Properties by Modification with Melamine Resin
- Biologische und technologische Eigenschaften von Buchenholz nach einer Modifizierung mit 1,3-dimethylol-4,5-dihydroxyleneurea (DMDHEU)
- Improvement of selected properties of Wood-Polymer Composites (WPC) - Silane Modification of Wood Particles
- Effects of water glass, silane and DMDHEU treatment on the colonisation of wood by sapstaining fungi
- Laccases and other ligninolytic enzymes of the basidiomycetes
- Cyclic anhydrides and alkyl ketene dimer for the modification of particleboard chips
- Chemical treatment of veneers for the production of plywood
- Wood modification with functionalized polydimethylsiloxanes
- Bacterial wood degradation - A study of chemical changes in wood and growth conditions of bacteria
- Wood/water relations in wood modified with 1,3-dimethylol-4,5-dihydroxy ethylene urea (DMDHEU)
- Wood Modification with Hydrophobation Textile Finishing Agents
- Plasma Treatment of Wood and Wood-based Materials by Dielectric Barrier Discharge at Atmospheric Pressure
- Diversität der Ektomykorrhizen in verschieden artenreichen Laubbaumbeständen im Nationalpark Hainich (Thüringen)
- A two-stage thermal modification method of wood
- Physikalisch-chemische Untersuchungen an plasmabehandelten Holzoberflächen
- Untersuchung der natürlichen Dauerhaftigkeit wirtschaftlich bedeutender Holzarten bei verschiedener Beanspruchung im Außenbereich
- Holzmodifizierung mit N-Methylolvernetzern
- The use of chitosan as a wood protecting agent
- Thermische Modifizierung von Spanmaterial und Holzwerstoffplatten zur Verbesserung ausgewählter Eigenschaften
- Development and optimisation of a combined wood preservation process by means of water repellents
- Wood modification with different types of silicon compounds
- Entwicklung eines Modifizierungsverfahrens für Buchenfurniere (Fagus sylvatica L.) auf Basis von zyklischen N-Methylol-Verbindungen
- Wood Quality, Carbon and Nitrogen Partitioning, and Gene Expression Profiling in Populus Exposed to Free Air CO2, Enrichment (FACE) and N-fertilisation
- Surface Properties of Wood Modified with Cyclic N-methylol Compounds
- Treatment of wood with silanes
- Biological attack of acetylated wood
- Diagnose fakultativer Farbkerne an stehender Rotbuche (Fagus sylvatica L.) mittels „Elektrischer Widerstandstomographie“
- Sekundäre Trockenwälder in Nordmadagaskar – eine Fallstudie über ihre Strukturen, Potentiale und Nutzungsformen
- Recycling von Holzwerkstoffen durch das Verfahren der Thermohydrolytischen Spaltung
- Investigation of key properties and bonding behaviour of densified and thermally modified birch wood for the development of flooring applications
- Untersuchung zum Zusammen-hang zwischen äußerem Er-scheinungsbild und ausgewählten Standortfaktoren borkenkäferbebefallener Fichtenbestände unter Einbezug des Absterbezeitraumes im Revier Oderhaus des National-parks Harz
- Fixation of TPC by Joint treatment with curing resin SorCA
- Trocknungsverhalten von Fichtenholz mit erhöhtem Anteil an Kalamitätsholz
- Verklebungseigenschaften von modifizierten Laub- und Nadelhölzern
- Sortierung von Kiefernstarkholz, Qualitätseigenschaften des Schnittholzes und die Möglichkeit der Herstellung von Reinsortimenten
- Auswahl und Verarbeitung von Buchendurchforstungsholz als alternativer Rohstoff für eine Profil-zerspaneranlage zur Herstellung von Schnittholzprodukten
- Untersuchungen zur Lagerstabilität und Wiederverwendbarkeit wasserlöslicher Imprägnierharze
- Selbsthemmung keilgezinkter Laub- und Nadelhölzer unter besonderer Betrachtung der Rohdichte
- Einfluss der Oberflächenrauheit und Oberflächenbenetzung auf die Längszugscherfestigkeit keilgezinkter Laub- und Nadelvollhölzer
- Holzmodifizierung mit Zitronensäure und Zuckeralkoholen
- Valorisation of MDF residues by polyesterification
- Nachweisbarkeit von Holzschutzmittel- und Modifizierungssystemen mittels Rasterelektronenmikroskopie (REM) in Kombination mit energiedispersiver Röntgenspektroskopie (EDS)
- Untersuchung des Klima- und Holzfeuchteeinflusses auf die Verklebungsqualität der Buchen-Keilzinkenverklebung mittels Delaminierungsprüfung
- Untersuchung zum Einfluss der Temperatur von Böden auf die Abbaurate von Buchenholz
- Hygrische Eigenschaften sowie Dimensionsstabilität und Rissverhalten unter künstlicher Bewitterung von mit Phenolformaldehyd behandeltem Thermoholz der Fichte und Kiefer
- Holzmodifizierung mit Zitronen-säure und Zuckeralkoholen – Prozesssteuerung und Qualitätskontrolle
- Mikroskopische Untersuchungen zur variablen Verteilung von Imprägniermitteln in ausgewählten Pappelhybriden (Populus spp.)
- Eigenschaftsvergleich von Buchen- und Fichten-LVL aus mit Phenol- Formaldehyd modifizierten Furnieren
- Mechanische Eigenschaften und Rückquellung von verdichtetem und PF-imprägniertem Kiriholz
- Die Neukonzipierung der Ausstel-lung „Der Wald – mehr als lauter Bäume“ unter Betrachtung der Einflussfaktoren von Öffentlich-keitsarbeit und Waldpädagogik im Fagus-Werk in Alfeld
- Die Neukonzipierung der Ausstel-lung „Der Wald – mehr als lauter Bäume“ unter Berücksichtigung der Einflussfaktoren von Öffent lichkeitsarbeit und Waldpädagogik
- Wood modification of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sapwood with one-component and two-component flame retardant system from textile application
- Exploitation of European oak (Quercus spp.) deadwood by means of thermal modification and characterization of physical, mechanical and chemical properties
- Staining of solid wood with phenol-iron complexes
- Resistance to peeling and fixation improvement of layers in veneer plywood flooring through simulated deformation decreases
- Durability of Eucalyptus globulus - Studies by fungal tests and extractant analyses
- Investigations into the application of isocyanate catalyzed with ammonium salts as an adhesive for medium density fibreboard (MDF)
- Honey bread structure
- The fire behaviour of furfurylated wood and applicability of phosphate-based fire retardant on furfurylation
- Evaluation of forensic lighting methods for use in damage analysis of wood and wood-based materials
- Comparisons of chemical modification of pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) with DMDEU and modified DMDHEU variants
- Process optimization of phenol and melamine formaldehyde modification of birch veneers using atmospheric pressure plasma
- Characterization and analysis of impregnating resins based on phenol-formaldehyde
- Performance of selected type 1 adhesive systems for the bonding of untreated and modified hardwoods
- Influence of relevant parameters on the bonding properties of untreated and modified hardwoods for load-bearing constructions
- Optimization of the penetration ability of decorative papers in the impregnation process, taking into account various influencing factors
- Influence of selected modification systems on elasto-mechanical properties of wood
- Comparative investigations into mechanical determination of fiber course of hardwood lamellas
- Improvement of the optical properties and the dimensional stability of beech and pine wood by modification with phenol-formaldehyde resin and colouring additives
- Examination of phenol-formaldehyde resin-isocyanate-modified beech wood
- Modification of native woods with the aim of substituting ebony
- Thermal modification of spruce (Picea abies KARST.) under the influence of increased vapour pressure
- Investigations into variables influencing the bonding of modified wood using standardized test methods
- Basics of lignin use and production of cell wall lignin fragments from sulfate-lignin
- Use of acoustic measurements to predict the properties of spruce wood (Picea abies (L.) Karst.)
- Optimization of wood appearance through changes in impregnation processes
- Increasing the durability and dimensional stability of birch plywood by modifying the veneers with phenol-formaldehyde resin
- Effect of size on tensile, compression and bending strengths of six European hardwood species
- Investigation into thermal modification and impregnation processes of beech wood with sasol wax
- Production and property determination of medium density fibreboard (MDF) from phenol-formaldehyde modified softwood fibres in various processes
- Modification of softwood fibres with acetic anhydride in various concentrations for the production of medium density wood fibre board (MDF)
- Investigation of process factors on fibre quality by means of online fibre inspection (Fibreview)
- Development of a laboratory-scale wood modification process - Comparison between DMDHEU and melamine leaching, and properties of melamine-modified pine wood
- Improvement of veneer wood impregnability through atmospheric pressure plasma treatment
- Effect of Moisture on Wood Polymer Composites
- Thermal pretreatment of wood particles for use in WPC with polyamide
- Investigation into wood surface protection by modification under different climatic conditions
- Potential material savings in the production of wood-based materials through the use of high-resolution scales
- Improvement of veneer wood impregnability through atmospheric pressure plasma treatment
- Surface fungi on wood under the influence of a pulsed electric field
- Thermal wood modification through high pressure autoclave
- Market overview of thermowood production
- Potential material savings in the production of wood-based materials through the use of high-resolution scales
- Investigation of the bondability of furfurylated wood for window frame production
- Impregnability of beech-LVL
- Development of methods to determine the properties of thermally modified wood
- Immunohistochemical investigations of the pit membrane of Pinus strobus L. using confocal and 4Pi microscopy
- Investigations into the moisture behaviour of thermally modified wood
- Comparative studies of commercially produced thermowood
- The effect of atmospheric pressure plasma on various veneers
- Wood-Plastic-Composites in Germany with special consideration of the influence of wood properties on finished products
- Improving the thermal resistance of solid, wooden, exterior doors
- Effect of mineral additives on particleboard properties
- Investigation and optimization of various adhesion promoters and chemically modified wood particles for use in wood polymer composites (WPC)
- Investigation into incorrect gluing of veneer laminated wood
- Influence of the extrusion process on the distribution and mechanical and thermal degradation of wood in Wood-Polymer Composites (WPC)
- Evaluation of the infestation under GK3 conditions in the block test
- Investigation and optimization of wood particles for the production of Wood Polymer Composites (WPC)
- Hydrophobization of chipboards by various wax emulsions
- Influence of hot water extraction on selected particle board properties
- Dyeing of wood particles for the production of coloured wood plastic composites (WPC) based on polypropylene
- Influence of different types of wood, particle sizes and production processes on the biological durability of Wood Plastic Composites (WPC)
- Effect of chain length on the properties of amino-silicone modified wood
- Comparison between different wood decay assessment methods
- Production of polyethyleneimine containing wood fibre insulating panels and testing for resistance to mould fungus
- Development of a modification method for beech veneers (Fagus sylvatica L.) containing gluteradehyde
- Evaluation of basic physical and anatomical properties of cocowood with regard to processing purposes
- Development of a composite material based on wood particles and silicone elastomers
- Production of carbon nanotubes from vegetable materials
- Material property evaluation of mineral-filled cap layer on co-extruded Wood-plastic composites
- Influence of different types of wood, particle sizes and manufacturing processes on selected physical properties of Wood-Plastic Composites (WPC)
- Investigations into the applicability of alkyl ketene dimeres (AKD) as a surface modification agent in the production of UF-bonded particleboard
- Investigation and analysis of novel adhesive systems based on phenolic resole and furan resin
- Optimization of a hot steam drying process for cross-linking beech wood
- Ultrasound-induced thermography of wood bonds - development of a non-destructive test method
- Investigation into wood chip quality parameters from bundling technology for different wood assortments
- Investigation into thermos-wood properties with regard to fungal resistance and surface coatings
- Modification (hydrophobization) of wood chips for the production of wood-plastic composites (WPC)
- The influence of a catalyst on the altered mechanical properties of cross-linked beech wood veneers
- Durability of wood modified by heat and/or vegetable oils
- Biomimetic Approach to the Surface Protection of Wood
- Treatment of solid wood with oligomeric silane systems to improve durability and weathering stability
- Properties of particleboards made from DMDHEU-modified wood chips
- The precision of software-supported navigation in NRW's state forest
- Comparative investigation into the physical and mechanical properties of red heartwood and non-red heartwood beech wood (Fagus sylvatica L.)
- Protective effect of selected beech wood tar fractions against basidiomycetes and soft rot
- Investigation on the yield and sawn timber qualtiy of Abies grandis (Dougl. ex D. Don) Lindley with different growth dynamics
- Impregnability and wood modification of selected secondary tree species
- Analysis with TEM-EDAX and effects on impregnation of silicon products in Scots Pine
- Comparison of selected material properties of different modified woods for window construction
- Studies on the leaching of a copper-based wood preservative from pine wood oil-treated in the Royal process
- Investigations into the durability of beech and pine wood treated with textile chemicals against basidiomycetes and soft rot
- Protective effect of selected beech wood tar fractions against basidiomycetes and soft rot
- Comparison of accident statistics between selected industries and the forestry industry
- Influence of red heartwood and dampening on the gluability of beech sawn timber
- Bonding properties of modified wood
- Investigation into the change of the elasto-mechanical properties of beech wood after impregnation with different textile chemicals
- Gluing relevant properties of acetylated spruce and beech peeled veneer as plywood
- On the gluability of beech logs stored in foil under oxygen-free conditions
- Investigations into UV light resistance of red heartwood beech sawn timber with and without surface treatment
- Analysis of application areas of native Douglas fir service logs - with emphasis on the experiences in sawmill, timber construction and veneer operations
- Impregnation Depths of Phenol-Formaldehyde Resin and Bio-Oil Phenol-Formaldehyde Resin in Pine Wood
- Holzmodifizierung mit Sorbitol und Zitronensäure
- Untersuchungen des Feuchtever-haltens sowie der Dauerhaftigkeit von Brandschutzbehandlungen in modifizierten LVL
- Holzmodifikation durch Imprägnie-rung mit Phenol-Formaldehyd-Harz kombiniert mit dem Flammschutz-mittel Triphenylphosphat (TPP)
- Verwitterungsresistenz von mit Phenolformaldehydharz und Phenol-Bio-Öl-Formaldehydharz modifizierten Mikrofurnieren der Baumarten Pinus sylvestris und Betula pendula
- Untersuchung ausgewählter Eigenschaften von modifiziertem Schnittholz der Holzart Kiefer (Pinus sylvestris L.)
- Untersuchung der Modifizierungs- und Trocknungsqualität von Schnittholz der Holzart Kiefer (Pinus sylvestris L.) nach unterschiedlichen chemischen Modifizierungen
- Untersuchung ausgewählter Materialeigenschaften von modifiziertem Kiefernfurnierschicht-holz (LVL)
- Vergleich der Tüpfelanzahl in Zug- und Normalholz von Populus x canadensis
- Risikoanalyse zur Stehendlagerung von Fichten Dürrständern
- Laubholzmodifizierung mit Sorbitol und Zitronensäure
- Untersuchung einer Deacetylierung von acetyliertem Buchenfurnier während einer Heißpressung
- Prüfung der Zugfestigkeit von Birkenkeilzinkenverklebungen mit einer neuen Keilzinkengeometrie
- Holzmodifizierung mit Gips – Veränderung der Holzeigenschaften durch in-situ Synthese von Gips mit Holzzellen
- Verbesserte Fixierung von Bor in Holz durch Kombination mit Sorbit/Glycerin und Zitronensäure
- Vergleich der Auswirkungen verschiedener Trocknungsprozesse auf Eindringverhalten in Pappel
- Untersuchungen des Splint- und Kernholzanteils an Kiefernstarkholzstämmen der Submission Oerrel der Jahre 2022 und 2023
- Verbesserung der Tränkbarkeit einheimischer Laub- und Nadelholzarten
- Untersuchung der Materialfeuchte von acetyliertem Buchenfurnier und acetyliertem Buchen-LVL
- Valorisation of MDF residues by polyesterification
- Herstellung von dimensionsstabilen Furnierwerkstoffen mit dauerhaftem Brandschutz
- Über die Veränderung der mechanischen Eigenschaften von Kiefernspintholz (Pinus sylvestris L.) bei Silikonöl-Imprägnierung
- Untersuchung ausgewählter Eigenschaften von Fensterkanteln aus Kiefernkern- und Splintholz
- Regeln des kurativen Holzschutz im europäischen Vergleich
- Substitution von Phenol in Phenol-Formaldehydharzen durch Lignin Pyrolysespaltprodukte - Einfluss von verringertem Formaldehydanteil im Harz
- Substitution von Phenol in Phenol-Formaldehyd-Harzen durch Lignin-Spaltprodukte - Modifizierung verschiedener Holzarten
- Einfluss der Holzfeuchte auf die Selbsthemmung von keilgezinktem Buchen-Vollholz
- Untersuchung von mit Sorbitol-Zitronensäure modifizierten Sperrhölzern aus Pappelschälfurnier zur Anwendung im nicht tragenden Außenbereich
- Literaturarbeit zu holzzerstörenden Pilzen in Dachflächenfenstern
- Vergleich der Auswirkung verschie- dener Trocknungsprozesse auf das Eindringverhalten von Flüssigkeiten in das Holz des Pappel-Klons Robusta
- TPC als Penetrationsverstärker in Fichtenholz
- Einfluss der Holzfeuchte auf die Selbsthemmung von keilgezinktem Buchenvollholz
- Holzmodifizierung mit verschiedenen Polycarbonsäuren und Polyolen/ Wood modification with various polycarboxylic acids and polyols
- Bewertung der Korrosionsbe-ständigkeit in flüssigen Lösungen und Massivholz: Prüfmethoden und numerische Ergebnisse
- Untersuchung des Klima- und Holzfeuchteeinflusses auf die Verklebungsqualität der Buchen-Keilzinkenverklebung mittels Delaminierungsprüfung
- Materialkennwerte von Buchen- und Birkenholz-Bauprodukten – Eine Literaturstudie
- Werkzeugstiele auf Basis von Furnierwerkstoffen (LVL) als Alternative zu Eschenholz
- Untersuchung der Holzmodifizierung mit Zitronensäure für Sperrholz im Außenbereich für nicht tragende Bauteile
- Regeln für den bekämpfenden Holz- schutz im europäischen Vergleich
- Holzzerstörende Pilze in Dachfenstern
- Brandschutz von Holz – Normen und deren regulatorische Umsetzung
- Konzeptionierung einer interaktiven Datenbank zu den aktuell in Keilzinkenanlagen eingesetzten Werkzeugen, deren Parameter und anwendungsspezifische Konfigurationen
- Makroskopische Untersuchungen zur variablen Tränkbarkeit von ausgewählten Pappelhybriden
- Hygrische Eigenschaften sowie Dimensionsstabilität und Rissverhal- ten unter künstlicher Bewitterung von mit Phenolformaldehyd behandeltem Thermoholz der Fichte und Kiefer
- Einfluss der Prozessparameter auf die physikalischen und mechani- schen Eigenschaften von formge- pressten Holzkunststoffverbund- werkstoffen, engl. Wood-Polymer-Composites (WPC)
- Kristallinität von Cellulose in Holz
- Langzeit-Performance von mit Kombinationen aus Melaminharz (MF-Harz) und Metall-Komplex-Farbstoffen behandelten (modifizierten) Laubhölzern
- Ergebnisse einer Unternehmensbe-fragung im Hinblick auf Absolventen-chancen sowie Lehrinhalte des Masterschwerpunktes „Holzbiologie und Holztechnologie der Georg-August-Universität“
- Optimierung phenolharzgetränkter, verdichteter Sperrhölzer der Rotbuche (Fagus sylvatica)
- Vergütung von Pappelholz durch Imprägnierungsverfahren
- Literaturstudie zur Anwendung der röntgenstrahlbasierten Computer-tomographie in der Holzforschung
- The potential of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. from Europe for the production of veneer materials for outdoor use
- Influence of a compounding process through high energy impact milling (HEM) on the properties of Wood-Polymer-Composites (WPC)
- Influence of pressure and temperature during thermal modification on the composition of hemicelluloses in Eucalyptus nitens
- Specific sorting of beech and pine sapwood specimens according to criteria for testing elasto-mechanical properties
- Results of the Graduate Survey in the Master's Program Wood Biology and Wood Technology, Georg-August University
- Natural durability of selected and potentially suitable wood species for LVL production
- Influence of the loading mode on the strength of glued tensile shear specimens
- Hot-and cold-setting impregnation method
- Fire retardant for solid wood
- Potentials and Restrictions of Wood-Polymer Composites (WPC)
- Thermoplastic wood-biopolymer composite materials
- Evaluation of modified veneer plywood after seven years of outdoor weathering
- Market overview of thermowood production
- Investigation into wood treated with low molecular weight phenol-formaldehyde compounds
- Influence of a combination of acetylation with a polysiloxane on the properties of modified wood
- Evaluation of possible soil treatments to minimise the infestation pressure on wooden overhead line pylons
- Influence of particle size and wood species on the physical properties of WPC
- Effects of DMDHEU and glutaraldehyde on the swelling and shrinkage behaviour ofPinus sylvestris
- Assessment of infestation under GK3 conditions in the lap joint test
- Comparative investigations of facades consisting of thermally modified and unmodified wood
- Use of Biopolymers in the Plastics Industry and Wood Polymer Composites (WPC) - Definition, Overview and Markets
- Alternative Holzarten für den Spielplatzbau
- Use of dyes and pigments for colouring plastics and Wood-Polymer Composites (WPC) - overview and definition
- The wood-based panel industry in Germany: development, potentials, risks
- Investigation into the bondability of thermally modified wood (TMT) for window construction
- Production of peeled birchwood veneer
- Anti-fungal effectiveness of some new environmentally friendly wood protection agents versus traditional agents – a screening test
- Fungal attack on urban trees - introduction to relevant pests and their influence on stability and breakage
- Jobs in the wood industry for former graduates from Göttingen - a whereabouts analysis
- Influencing selected strength properties of wax-impregnated woods
- Spruce and pine heartwood treatment by means of microwave radiation
- Wood in contact with seawater on the German North Sea and Baltic Sea coast
- Legal and technical requirements for windows made of modified wood in Germany
- The current state of development of the Thermowood product in the European market
- Timber transport on Europe's roads - an initial overview
- Medical Experiments and Models for Straining the Spine through the Manipulation of Loads - An Overview of the Past 20 Years
- Processors in German Forestry Work
- Density variability of Abies grandis (DOUGLAS) LINDLEY trees
- Method of provision for the production of forest wood chips
- Single-grip-harvester machines in highly mechanised wood harvesting
- Use and recycling of bark
- Historical techniques of tractor-assisted logging from 1950 to 1980
- State of development and range of use of combination load-rope return haulers
- Calculation of biomass taken from thinned stands for bioenergy production using the example of NFA Reinhausen
- Requirements for wooden floors - wood species, assortments, standards, properties
- Timber transport in Germany
- Importance and financial support of the use of horses in selected German state forestry administrations
- Use-relevant wood properties and application areas of the large coastal fir - Abies grandis (Douglas) Lindley
- Analysis of the German timber market
- Calculation of accident rates in selected state forestry administrations
- Market structure for large forestry machines in Germany/Europe
- Hydrodynamic drive components in forestry tractors and current alternatives
- Analysis of the German timber market structure
- The development of early tractor technology (1945 to 1965) in the German forestry industry
- Timber transport at the Teutoburger Wald-Eisenbahn-AG
- Relationship between tensile angle and tensile force for horse-drawn equipment
- Foundations of "Precision Farming" and its transferability to forestry issues
- The use of swap flats for timber transport in the German forestry and wood industry
- The RSI syndrome: description, causes and individual disposition of a disease also diagnosed among forest workers
- Use of pine heartwood quantification for core and sapwood partitioning
- Importance of rejuvenation measures in selected state forestry administrations