Advice & Counseling
PhD candidates on the Göttingen Campus have access to a wide range of advice and counseling services in every phase of their doctoral study.
Follow the links for more information on these topics:
Critical Situations during PhD
Mental Health
For questions regarding administrative, organizational or qualification-related matters, you may contact the GAUSS Office, your student representatives, the coordinator of your doctoral program, or the student advisory service of the according faculty (see below for the respective webpages and contact information).
Further advice and counseling services are listed below as for example IT support, statistical consulting, and student representative contacts.
- Dr. Dirk Kamin (Scientific Coordinator)
Phone: +49 551 39-24094 - Dr. Steffen Burkhardt (Managing Director)
Phone: +49 551 39-26685 - Prof. Dr. Ina Kersten (Person of Trust for Doctoral Students)
Phone +49 551 39-7750
GAUSS Student Representatives
All GAUSS programs have their own student program speakers (see here for a full list) who are annually electing the representative and his/her deputy of all GAUSS doctoral candidates.
Doctoral Program Contacts
Please follow this link for the program list including the contacts of all programs.
Student Advisory Services Provided by the Faculties
- Faculty of Biology and Psychology
- Faculty of Chemistry
- Faculty of Geoscience and Geography
- Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science (services provided by Mathematics and Computer Science)
- Faculty of Physics
Statistical Consulting for Doctoral Students
Since October 2017 the Center of Statistics of the University of Göttingen is offering courses and consulting services in statistical questions for doctoral candidates including advice on data collection, statistical modelling and statistical inference. For further information and registration please follow this link.
IT Support
If you have any IT or media issues, please contact the GWDG. For further information on their support as well as guidelines and instructions on different topics, please go to