Dr. Friederike Riesch - Postdoc
"Die Wiederbesiedlung der Kulturlandschaft durch den Wolf – Lebensraumnutzung, Auswirkungen auf Beutetiervorkommen und mögliche Folgen für die regionale Land- und Forstwirtschaft"
"GreenGrass - Innovative Nutzung des Grünlands für eine nachhaltige Intensivierung der Landwirtschaft im Landschaftsmaßstab"
"Conservation of open landscapes by targeted habitat and wildlife management - Integration of autochthonous red deer populations in the management of open landscapes" project website
Subproject "Vegetation Ecology"
Duration 2015 - 2019
The Project has been awarded with the prize of the UN decade of biological diversity
UN decade biological diversity
Research interests:
- Biodiversity and nature conservation
- Maintenance of open habitat types
- Wildlife management and grazing
- Interactions of soil chemical parameters and plant species communities
Grinnell, N.A., Hamidi, D., Komainda, M., Riesch, F., Horn, J., Traulsen, I., Palme, R., Isselstein, J., 2025. Supporting rotational grazing systems with virtual fencing: Paddock transitions, beef heifer performance, and stress response. Animal - The international journal of animal biosciences. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.animal.2024.101416
Riesch F., Signer J., Balkenhohl N., Isselstein J., 2024. Soil nutrient concentrations reveal nutrient transfer by wild red deer from grassland to forest. Grassland Science in Europe 29, 293-284.
Riesch F., Möck M., Feindt P.H., Zetsche M., Gerber N., van Beeck Calkoen S.T.S., Bojarska K., Herzog S., Balkenhohl N., Isselstein J., 2024. Understanding drivers of farmers' intention to implement livestock protection measures against wolves in Bavaria, Germany. Grassland Science in Europe 29, 877-879.
Thielecke D., Riesch F., Fracchetti L., Isselstein J., Peratoner G., 2024. European expert opinions on implementation, viability and relevance of innovative grazing practices. Grassland Science in Europe 29, 348-350.
Beckmann, J., Zetsche, M., Riesch, F., Bojarska, K., Herzog, S., Jarmer, E., Herzog, I., Meißner, M. Klamm, A., Ohrndorf, L. 2024. Touching Bambi: experiences from the field for spotting, capturing, handling and tagging free-ranging juvenile red deer (Cervus elaphus). IUCN Deer Specialist Group Newsletter 35: 19-33.
Bojarska, K., Gerber, N., Herzog, S., Isselstein, J., Meiβner, M., Riesch, F., Signer, J., van Beeck Calkoen, S., Zetsche, M., Balkenhol, N., 2024. Red deer responses to drive hunts are related to habitat and landscape characteristics. Journal of Wildlife Management, e22583, https://doi.org/10.1002/jwmg.22583
Gerber, N., Riesch, F., Bojarska, K., Zetsche, M., Rohwer, N.-K., Signer, J., Isselstein, J., Herzog, S., Okarma, H., Kuijper, D.P.J., Balkenhol, N., 2024. Do recolonising wolves trigger non-consumptive effects in European ecosystems? A review of evidence. Wildlife Biology, e01229, https://doi.org/10.1002/wlb3.01229
Wilms, L., Komainda, M., Hamidi, D., Riesch, F., Horn, J., Isselstein, J., 2024. How do grazing cattle respond to virtual fences? A review. Journal of Animal Science https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skae108
Hamidi, D., Grinnell, N., Komainda, M., Wilms, L., Riesch, F., Horn, J., Hamidi, M., Traulsen, I., Isselstein, J., 2024. Training cattle for virtual fencing – different approaches to determine learning success. Resubmitted after minor revision to Applied Animal Behaviour Science https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2024.106220
Hamidi, D., Hütt, C., Komainda, M., Grinnell, N.A., Horn, J., Riesch F., Hamidi, M., Traulsen, I., Isselstein, J., 2023. Grid grazing: A case study on the potential of combining virtual fencing and remote sensing for innovative grazing management on a grid base. Livestock Science 278 105373. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2023.105373
Hamidi, D., Komainda, M., Grinnell, N. A., Riesch F., Horn, J., Hamidi, M., Traulsen, I., Isselstein, J., 2023. More than a fencing system? Testing the validity of virtual fencing collars for cattle monitoring on pasture. 25. International Grassland Congress, May 14-19 in Kentucky, USA, (2023)
Hamidi, D., Komainda, M., Grinnell, N. A., Wilms, L., Riesch F., Horn, J., Hamidi, M., Traulsen I., Isselstein J., 2023. Virtual fencing predictable for cattle? 25. International Grassland Congress, May 14-19 in Kentucky, USA, (2023)
Raab, C., Riesch F., Tonn, B., Meißner, M., Balkenhol, N., Isselstein J., 2023. Tracking the regrowth of shrubs using satellite remote sensing data to support conservation monitoring. 52. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Ökologie (GfÖ), Leipzig,12.–16. September 2023.
Riesch F., Möck, M., Feindt, P.H., Zetsche, M., Gerber, N., Herzog, S., Balkenhol, N., Isselstein J., 2023. Protecting grazing livestock against wolves: What drives farmers’ intention to implement measures? 52. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Ökologie (GfÖ), Leipzig,12.-16.09.2023.
Riesch F.., Raab, C., Tonn, B., Gerber, N., Zetsche, M., Signer, J., Meißner, M., Herzog, S., Balkenhol, N., Isselstein J. 2023. Red deer browsing decelerates shrub regrowth despite increasing wolf presence. XXV International Grassland Congress 2023, Kentucky, USA (14.-19.05.2023)
Hamidi, D., Grinnell, N.A., Komainda, M., Riesch, F., Horn, J., Ammer, S., Traulsen, I., Palme, R., Hamidi, M., Isselstein, J. 2022. Heifers don't care: no evidence of negative impact on animal welfare growing heifers when using virtual fences compared to physical fences for grazing. ANIMAL. The international journal of animal biosciences, 100614 .https://doi.org/10.1016/j.animal.2022.100614
Riesch F., Wichelhaus A., Tonn B., Meißner M., Rosenthal G., Isselstein J. 2022. Grazing by wild red deer can mitigate nutrient enrichment in protected semi-natural open habitats. Oecologia, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00442-022-05182-z
Riesch F., Komainda, M., Horn, J., Isselstein, J. 2021. Real-world applications for virtual fences – what are potential benefits for conservation? International Grassland Congress 2021, Nairobi, Kenya, Accepted abstract.
Fischer C., Riesch F., Tscharntke T., & Batáry P. (2020). Large carabids enhance weed seed removal in organic fields and in large-scale, but not small-scale agriculture. Landscape Ecology, 1-12, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10980-020-01157-8
Fischer C., Riesch F., Tscharntke T., & Batáry P. (2020). Large carabids enhance weed seed removal in organic fields and in large-scale, but not small-scale agriculture. Landscape Ecology, 1-12, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10980-020-01157-8
Meißner, M., Riesch F.., Richter, L., Herzog, S., 2020. Steuerung der Lebensraumnutzung von Rothirschen. BfN-Skripten 557, 85-93.
Raab, C., Riesch F., Tonn, B., Barrett, B., Meißner, M., Balkenhol, N., & Isselstein, J., 2020. Target-oriented habitat and wildlife management: Estimating forage quantity and quality of semi-natural grasslands with Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation. https://doi.org/10.1002/rse2.149
Riesch F., Komainda, M., Horn, J., Isselstein J., 2020. Pastures of the future: prospects for virtual fencing to promote grazing in European dairy farming. Grassland Science in Europe 25, 700-702.
Riesch F., Komainda, M., Horn, J., Isselstein J., 2020. Grüne Aussichten: mehr Weidegang für Milchkühe durch virtuelle Zäune? Beiträge zur 64. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Grünland und Futterbau (AGGF). https://www.lfl.bayern.de/mam/cms07/ipz/dateien/aggf_2020_riesch_et_al.pdf
Riesch F., Tonn B., Stroh H.G., Meißner M., Balkenhol N., Isselstein J. (2020) Grazing by wild red deer maintains characteristic vegetation of semi-natural open habitats: Evidence from a 3-year exclusion experiment. Applied Vegetation Science DOI: 10.1111/avsc.12505
Riesch F., Tonn B., Meißner M., Balkenhol N., Isselstein J. (2019) Grazing by wild red deer: Management options for the conservation of semi-natural open habitats. Journal of Applied Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.13396.
Happe, A. K., Riesch, F., Rösch, V., Gallé, R., Tscharntke, T., & Batáry, P. (2018). Small-scale agricultural landscapes and organic management support wild bee communities of cereal field boundaries. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 254, 92–98.
Fischer, C., Gayer, C., Kurucz, K., Riesch, F., Tscharntke, T., & Batáry, P. (2018). Ecosystem services and disservices provided by small rodents in arable fields: Effects of local and landscape management. Journal of Applied Ecology 55(2), 548–558.
Riesch, F., Stroh, H.G., Tonn, B., Isselstein, J., 2018. Soil pH and phosphorus drive species composition and richness in semi-natural heathlands and grasslands unaffected by twentieth-century agricultural intensification. Plant Ecology & Diversity 11, 239-253. https://doi.org/10.1080/17550874.2018.1471627.
Batáry, P., Gallé, R., Riesch, F., Fischer, C., Dormann, C.F., Mußhoff, O., Császár, P., Fusaro, S., Gayer, C., Happe, A.-K., Kurucz, K., Molnár, D., Rösch, V., Wietzke, A. & Tscharntke, T. (2017). The former Iron Curtain still drives biodiversity–profit trade-offs in German agriculture. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1, 1279–1284.
Meißner, M., Maushake, U., Balkenhol, N., Herzog, S., Isselstein, J., Raab, C., Reinecke, H., Richter, L., Riesch, F., Signer, J., Stroh, H.-G., Tonn, B. (2017). Erhalt von Offenlandschaften – wildlebende Rothirsche als Landschaftspfleger. In: Kinser & Münchhausen (Eds.): Der Hirsch als Naturschützer - Konsequenzen für den Umgang mit Huftieren in Großschutzgebieten. Tagungsband zum 8. Rotwildsymposium der Deutschen Wildtier Stiftung vom 07. bis 09. Juli 2016 in Baden-Baden, 48–59.
Riesch, F., Tonn, B., Meißner, M., Isselstein, J. (2017). Erhalt von Offenlandschaften – wildlebende Rothirsche als landschafts-Pfleger: Vegetationsökologie. In: Kinser & Münchhausen (Eds.): Der Hirsch als Naturschützer - Konsequenzen für den Umgang mit Huftieren in Großschutzgebieten. Tagungsband zum 8. Rotwildsymposium der Deutschen Wildtier Stiftung vom 07. bis 09. Juli 2016 in Baden-Baden, 178–183.
Riesch, F., Stroh, H. G., Tonn, B., Isselstein, J., (2016). Phytodiversity in nutrient-poor heathlands and grasslands: How important are soil chemical factors? Grassland Science in Europe 21, 669–671.