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Social Sciences (B.A.)


The Bachelor's degree program in Social Sciences provides you with an individual, wide-ranging interdisciplinary education. The program includes numerous offers for the practical acquisition of competencies in the form of excursions, stays abroad, internships, student research projects and a wide range of events for the acquisition of key qualifications. The first semester is used for orientation and for organizing and planning your studies. It is not until the second semester that you choose two concentrations from the social science disciplines of education, anthropology, gender studies, interdisciplinary Indian studies, political science, sociology, and sports science. In addition, you will sharpen your individual profile by adding another social science subject, a focus on law and/or economics, or an ethnological or educational science specialization (and thus study one of the two subjects more intensively).

Social Sciences
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Full-time studies or Part-time studies
Teaching language:
Standard period of studies:
6 semesters
Start of studies:
Winter semester only
open admission (enrolment without previous application)
Orientation events:
Orientation events are offered

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Social sciences are a fascinating field of study that deals with human actions, social structures and social processes. In this multifaceted course of study, phenomena in our society are studied and analyzed to gain insights into human interactions, social problems, cultural diversity, and political developments - to name just a few particularly prominent examples.

Despite the name social sciences, our course of study is clearly different from courses such as social work or social pedagogy and also does not prepare students for therapeutic or psychological fields of work. The adjective "social" is used much more broadly in the social sciences than in everyday language and refers to human coexistence in general. Our focus is rather on a well-founded social science analysis of social phenomena and enables preparation for a variety of fields of activity outside of social work.

Discover the diversity of social sciences in Göttingen! After the first orientation semester, a unique selection of subjects is open to you. Choose from nine exciting subjects and design your individual subject combination according to your interests and career goals:

Sociology is the science of society. It asks about the social structures that shape people's actions and enable them to live together in modern societies. Students learn a variety of empirical methods and deal with the interplay of economic, political and cultural orders as well as with modern forms of social inequality and the conflicts that accompany it.

Political Science:
The study of political science offers an insight into fundamental issues, methods, and application areas of the subject. Politics is understood as the attempt to solve or at least mitigate various social problems by making collectively binding decisions, which is why politics is sometimes also referred to as the "art of the possible". In this context, political science examines the course and results of political processes, their institutional framework and the actors involved.

Educational science researches educational processes, education, teaching, and educational systems with the aim of developing a comprehensive understanding of learning, educational institutions, and the equitable distribution of educational opportunities, and of designing sustainable educational policies and practices.

Ethnology deals with the different ways of life of people in their cultural and social forms of expression, worldwide and at all times. In the effort to understand even "foreign" seeming realities of life from the inner perspective of people, at the same time what we take for granted is put into perspective. And beyond all cultural differences, we also discover what we have in common. With this cultural understanding of concrete everyday worlds beyond our European plate edge, ethnology can contribute to a better coping with the global challenges of our time.

Gender Studies:
The study of gender studies deals with the social category of gender from an interdisciplinary perspective. This determines human systems of thought and knowledge as well as social and cultural forms of organization. From the perspective of different subjects and disciplines, basic knowledge of the cultural construction of gender is taught. In addition, various dimensions of gender relations - equality, difference and hierarchy - in history and the present are examined. The historical, social and biographical effects of the respective constructions of gender are dealt with in order to critically reflect on the understanding of man, society and nature.

Sports Science:
Sport sciences deal with questions in the context of sport, movement and body in the broadest sense. The focus is on the reflection of sport- and movement-related phenomena in theory and practice. This is done in Göttingen from different perspectives: the pedagogical, the didactical, the sociological, the medical, the training and the movement science perspective. In addition, there is an examination of sports or fields of movement in selected practical contexts such as health promotion, personality development and performance development.

Interdisciplinary Indian Studies:
Sport sciences deal with questions in the context of sport, movement and body in the broadest sense. The focus is on the reflection of sport- and movement-related phenomena in theory and practice. This is done in Göttingen from different perspectives: the pedagogical, the didactical, the sociological, the medical, the training and the movement science perspective. In addition, there is an examination of sports or fields of movement in selected practical contexts such as health promotion, personality development and performance development.

In addition, law and/or economics may be chosen to be combined with two of the above subjects.

The program is characterized by three particular strengths: Practical relevance, career orientation and diversity. You will receive practical training through internships, study abroad opportunities and teaching research projects. An annual excursion to Berlin allows you to gain insights into potential employers. In addition, you can choose your individual combination of subjects from seven, which you do not have to decide until the end of the first semester.

Social scientists with a Bachelor's degree acquire important competencies such as analytical thinking, communication, problem-solving and teamwork skills as well as methodological and specialist knowledge. Depending on your focus, you will qualify for a variety of professional fields such as market and opinion research, public relations, human resources, administration, tourism, museum work, development cooperation, political parties and (international) organizations, consulting, diversity management and journalism. The job opportunities are wide-ranging and offer a variety of professional activities and positions with different employers*. The career prospects are promising; on average, graduates enter the workforce within three months of graduation, one third of them directly after graduation. Integrated internships and the excursion give students an initial orientation to various practical and professional fields during their studies.

In addition, the program qualifies students for a further master's degree for more in-depth study of the subject.

Related and consecutive/graduate programmes



Orientation Methods



Final studies

Bachelor thesis Key Competencies

Regulations and module directory


Winter semester
1st subject semester:
open admission (enrolment without previous application)
2nd to 6th subject semester:
open admission (enrolment without previous application)

Citizen from an EU country (including Germany and EEA) or holding a German university entrance qualification

Non-German citizens without a German educational qualification

Citizen from a non-EU country (or stateless person)


Study Social Sciences in Göttingen

In the bachelor's degree program in social sciences, you will receive a comprehensive interdisciplinary specialist education. This education opens up a wide range of career opportunities and positions with various employers*. The program includes numerous opportunities to acquire practical skills such as excursions, stays abroad, internships, student research projects and a variety of events to teach key qualifications.

Study-accompanying offers


Academic advising

Dr. Klaas Kunst

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3
Oeconomicum, Room No. 1.107
37073 Göttingen

Phone: +49 551 39 26557
Fax: +49 551 39 7692

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