Faculty and Staff
Faculty and Staff

Prof. Dr. Babette B. Tischleder
- Materiality
- Obsolescence
- Agency of the nonhuman
Office hours during the term:
Please contact Prof. Tischleder by email for an appointment Contact
Prof. Dr. Andrew S. Gross (currently on sabbatical leave)
- Travel literature and tourism
- Representations of the Holocaust
- Modernist poetry
- Cultural history of the Cold War
Office hours during the term:
Thursday 10:00-11:00 Contact

Natalia Maliuta, M.A.
Office hours during the term:
Tue-Wed-Thu 14:00-17:00

Phillip James Grider, M.A.
Wiss. Mitarbeitende
- Early American Studies
- Postcolonial Studies
- Material Studies
- More-Than-Human Studies
Office hours during the term:
Please contact Phillip James Grider by email for an appointmentt Contact

Dr. phil. Vanessa Künnemann
Wiss. Mitarbeiterin
- Ethnic Studies (esp. Asian American Studies)
- Gender Studies
- Middlebrow Studies
- Popular Culture
Office hours during the term:
Please contact Dr. Künnemann by email. Contact

Mohan Ding, M.A.
Wiss. Mitarbeiterin
Office hours during the term:
Please contact Mohan Ding by email.

Christian Anderson
Office hours during the term:
Please contact Mr. Anderson by email for an appointment

Office hours during the term:
Please contact Ellen Hinsey by email for an appointment

Office hours during the term:
Please contact Fiona Riede by email for an appointment

Stephanie Sommerfeld
- 19th and 20th Century American Literature and Culture
- Theories of the Sublime
- Medial Self-Reflexivity
- Theories of Modernity
Office hours during the term:
Please contact Stephanie Sommerfeld by email for an appointment Contact

Nasrin Babakhani
Project title:
"A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Literary Magical Realism"
Click here to read a short abstract of the project.
LinkedIn Profile

Lisa Bölinger
Project title:
"Narrating Nonhuman Lives: Animal Subjectivities in North American Literature"

Bochao Liu
Project title:
"The epistemological transformation in American literary criticism (since 1990): poetics revisited and the Voegelinian paradigm"
Prof. Dr. Barbara Buchenau
Dr. James Dowthwaite
Prof. (em.) Dr. Armin Paul Frank
Dr. Susanne Hamscha
Dr. Andreas Jahn-Sudmann
Wiebke Kartheus, M. A.
Prof. Dr. Frank Kelleter
Harald Kittel, PhD
Dr. Marleen Knipping
Dr. Kathleen Loock
Dr. Christina Meyer
Dr. Pierre-Héli Monot
Dr. Emily Petermann
Diana Rosenhagen
PD Dr. MaryAnn Snyder-Körber
PD Dr. Birgit Spengler
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Daniel Stein
PD Dr. Kirsten Twelbeck
Dr. Florian Zappe