Prof. Dr. Carsten Mai
- Chemische Behandlung der Holzkomponente in Holzwerkstoffen zur gezielten Verbesserung anwendungsrelevanter Eigenschaften, insbesondere des Verhaltens in der Außenbewitterung
- Entwicklung und Anwendung neuartiger Bindemittelsysteme für Holzwerkstoffe und deren Analytik
- Recycling von Holzwerkstoffen
- Kombination von Holzwerkstoffen mit anderen Materialien
- Wechselwirkung zwischen chemischer Zusammensetzung der Zellwand und spezifischen Holzeigenschaften
- HyLight - Energieeffiziente Herstellung komplex geformter, multifunktionaler und recyclingfähiger Leichtbauprodukte aus Holz und Biokunststoff mittels Formteilautomaten
- OptiDaemm - Anpassung der Produktionsparameter für Holzfaserdämmstoffe an eine veränderte Holzartenzusammensetzung zur Optimierung der Produkteigenschaften
- MatLeicht - Materialeffiziente Herstellung von Produkten aus leichtem Laubholz
- DFG - Graduiertenkolleg 1703 - Ressourceneffizienz in Unternehmensnetzwerken - Methoden zur betrieblichen und überbetrieblichen Planung für die Nutzung erneuerbarer Rohstoffe
- Recycle MDF - Recycling von Produktionsausschüssen aus der MDF-Platten Produktion zur Faserrückgewinnung
- RiBe - Entwicklung einer witterungsstabilen und feuerfesten Holzfaserplatte als Trägermaterial für eine Beton-Nutzschicht und Herstellung eines Holzfaser-Beton-Verbundwerkstoffs für den Außenbereich
- Ebenholz - Entwicklung von Holzmodifizierungsverfahren zum Ersatz von Ebenholz (Dispyros crassifolia) und Grenadill (Dalbergia melanoxylon) durch einheimische Holzarten im Musikinstrumentenbau (synthetisches Ebenholz)
- Gerlau - Verwertungsorientierte Untersuchungen an geringwertigen Laubholz-Sortimenten zur Herstellung innovativer Produkte
- KiriTec - Entwicklung gewichtsreduzierter Holzprodukte auf Basis von Kiri-Holz (Paulownia spp.)
- WIPANO - Entwicklung neuartiger Beschleunigungssysteme auf Isocyanatbasis für die Anwendung in der Holzwerkstoffindustrie
- SIGNO - Färbung von Holz und Holzwerkstoffen mit phenolischen Metallkomplexen
- Fibre+ - Innovative Paper Packaging Products for European SMEs Based on Functional Modification of Recovered Fibres
- IsoPoplar - Entwicklung eines schimmelgeschützten und biozidfreien Einblasdämmstoffs auf Basis von Pappelholz und Zelluloseflocken
- modDäm - Herstellung von Holzfaserdämmplatten mit erhöhter Feuchte- und Pilzresistenz aus chemisch modifizierten Fasern
- PlasmaSpan - Plasmabehandlung von Holzspänen unter Atmosphärendruck zur Entwicklung von Spanplatten mit geringem Emissionspotential
- WoodSense - Developing and implementing formaldehyde online-senor systems in wood-based panel processing
- Siloxan - Siloxane für die Holzbehandlung
- Platte - Entwicklung eines Sperrholzes mit erhöhter Pilzresistenz zur Verwendung als Bodenplatte in Niederflurbussen
- HiM - Holz im Meerwasser - Untersuchungen zur Dauerhaftigkeit von modifiziertem Holz im Wasserbau, insbesondere gegenüber Teredo navalis
- modWPC - Verbesserung der Dimensionsstabilität und weiterer Materialeigenschaften von extrudierten Wood-Plastic Composites (WPC) für die Außenanwendung durch chemische Modifizierung des Holzfüllstoffes
- modHWS - Entwicklung neuartiger Holzwerkstoffe aus chemisch modifizierten Furnieren, Fasern und Spänen
- Basidio - Charakterisierung des Abbaus von chemisch modifiziertem Holz durch holzzerstörende Basidiomyceten
- Nano+ - Kombinierte Behandlung von Holz mit Nanopartikeln
- Hydrophob - Improvement of wood product properties by increased hydrophobicity obtained by the use of silicon compounds
- Silan - Behandlung von Massivholz mit Silanverbindungen
- KiefernStolz - Verbundvorhaben: Nachhaltige Nutzungspotentiale für Kiefernstarkholz Teilvorhaben 5 und 6: Identifizierung und Entwicklung von Produkten
- Gruppenleiter Holzwerkstoffforschung
- Ansprechpartner für die chemische Analytik
- Holzbiologie und Holztechnologie
- Holzbiologie II
- Holzchemie
- Holzschutz
- Papierherstellung
- Environmentally friendly production of wood
- Forest utilisation and wood processing
- Übungen zur Holzbiologie und Holzanwendung
- Projekt 1: Holztechnologie und Holzprodukte / Holzwerkstoffe. Schwerpunkt: Holzbiologie und Holztechnologie
- Papiertechnologisches Praktikum
- Instituts-Seminar Holzbiologie und Holztechnologie
- Seminar on wood science and technology
- Holzbiologisch-technologisches Laborpraktikum
- Anleitung zu selbständigen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten
- Grundwissen einheimischer und fremdländischer Nutzhölzer
Betreuung studentischer Arbeiten (aus datenschutzrechtlichen Gründen wurden die Arbeiten anonymisiert)
Promotionen- Produktion von laccase-mediatorgebundenen Holzfaserwerkstoffen mittels eines beschleunigten Inkubationsprozesses
- Entwicklung neuartiger mit Polyurethan gebundener Holzfaserdämmstoffe geringer Rohdichte
- Technische Lignine als biobasiertes Ausgangsmaterial zur Substitution von erdölbasiertem Phenol in Phenol-Formaldehyd-Harzen
- Novel functional nanomaterials from stearoylated and undecenoated cellulose esters
- Untersuchungen zur Dauerhaftigkeit von kunstharz-modifiziertem Holz bei Verwendung im Meerwasserkontakt
- Treatment of wood with siloxanes and metal micro-particle deposition using plasma technology
- Entwicklung von leichten, dreischichtigen Sandwichverbundplatten unter Verwendung des Agrarrohstoffes Mais
- Impact of process conditions in open and closed reactor systems on the properties of thermally modified wood
- Saccharification of lignocellulosic biomass for bioethanol production with special emphasis on short rotation trees, forest hardwoods, and cascade used wood panels
- Influence of impregnation, chemical and thermal wood modification on properties related to sorption, tensile strength and resistance to Fenton’s reagent
- Formaldehyd in Holz und Holzwerkstoffen – Wirkmechanismen, Nachweis- und Vorhersagemethoden
- Entwicklung von Sandwich-Spanplatten aus geringwertigem Buchenholz (Fagus sylvatica L.) und Holzsortimenten aus Kurzumtriebsplantagen zur Entlastung des Nadelholzmarktes
- Entwicklung von emissionsarmen Spanplatten unter der Beimischung von Rindenanteilen einheimischer Baumarten
- Treatment of solid wood with silanes, polydimethylsiloxanes and silica sols
- Technological improvement of Portuguese pinewood by chemical modification
- Properties of wood modified with glutaraldehyde
- Entwicklung leichter, dreischichtiger Spanplatten aus einer Kombination der nachwachsenden Rohstoffe Mais und Holz
- Herstellung von OSB aus Paulownia (Paulownia tomentosa x fortunei)-, Kiefern (Pinus sylvestris)- und Buchen (Fagus sylvatica)- Strands unter Verwendung von PMDI
- Recovered Fibres from Melamine-Urea-Formaldehyde Bonded Fibreboards and Processing of the Fibres into Wood-Plastic-Composite
- Preparation and Application of Dialdehyde Cellulose
- Untersuchung zur Verwendung von geringwertigen Laubholzsortimenten bei der Herstellung von PMDI gebundenen Dämmstoffplatten
- Charakterisierung von Faserstoffen aus geringwertigen Laub- und Nadelhölzern zur Herstellung von Holzfaserplatten
- Färbung von Massivholz mit Phenol-Eisen-Komplexen
- Untersuchungen zur Anwendung von mit Ammoniumsalzen katalysiertem Isocyanat als Klebstoff für mitteldichte Faserplatten (MDF)
- Bestimmung der Hydrolysebeständigkeit und der Zugspannung von Melaminbeschichtungen (DPL) in Abhängigkeit vom Aushärtungsgrad
- Prozessoptimierung für die Modifizierung mit Phenol- und Melaminformaldehyd von Birkenfurnieren unter Anwendung von Atmosphärendruckplasma
- Optimierung der Penetrationsfähigkeit von Dekorpapieren im Imprägnierprozess unter Berücksichtigung verschiedener Einflussfaktoren
- Untersuchung von pyrolytischen oder Holzvergasungsreaktionen in der OSB-Trocknung der Holzwerkstoffindustrie im Hinblick auf die entstehenden Emissionen
- Inhaltsstoffe in Traubeneichenholz (Quercus petraea LIEBL.) unterschiedlicher Standorte
- Untersuchung von Phenolformaldehydharz-Isocyanat-modifiziertem Buchenholz
- Verbesserung der optischen Eigenschaften und der Dimensionsstabilität von Buchen- und Kiefernholz durch Modifizierung mit Phenol-Formaldehydharz und farbgebenden Additiven
- Modifikation einheimischer Hölzer mit dem Ziel der Substitution von Ebenholz
- Erstellung und Prüfung einschichtiger Spanplatten, gebunden mit Gelatine und Phenol-Formaldehyd-Harz
- Production of particleboard based on Kiri wood and pMDI adhesives
- Grundlagen der Ligninnutzung und Herstellung von zellwandgängigen Ligninbruchstücken aus Sulfat-Lignin
- Erhöhung der Dauerhaftigkeit und Dimensionsstabilität von Birkensperrholz durch Modifizierung der Furniere mit Phenolformaldehydharz
- Modifizierung von Nadelholzfasern mit Essigsäureanhydrid in verschiedenen Konzentrationen zur Herstellung mitteldichter Faserplatten (MDF)
- Herstellung und Eigenschaftsbestimmung mitteldichter Faserplatten (MDF) aus Phenol-Formaldehyd modifizierten Nadelholzfasern in verschiedenen Prozessen
- Herstellung von Spanplatten auf Basis von Kiri-Holz
- Alterungsverhalten von Harnstoff-Formaldehyd-Klebstoffen
- Verbesserung der Tränkbarkeit von Holzfurnieren durch Plasmabehandlung unter Atmosphärendruck
- Erforschung einer Methode zur quantitativen Bestimmung der Formaldehydabgabe aus Holzwerkstoffen mittels einer Kopplung von Festphasenmikroextraktion, Gaschromatographie und Ionenmobilitätsspektroskopie
- Vapothermale Carbonisierung von Gärrest
- Surgface fungi on wood under the influence of a pulsed electric field
- Physikalische und Mechanische Eigenschaften phenolharz-modifizierter Sperrhölzer
- Entwicklung eines dauerhaften Sperrholzes durch Modifizierung von Buchen- und Pappelfurnieren mit Melamin-Formaldehyd
- Einfluss von Melaminderivaten auf ausgewählte Eigenschaften von Polypropylen und Polyvinylchlorid basierten Wood-Plastic Composites
- Charakterisierung von melaminverstärkten Harnstoff-Formaldehyd-Harzen – Untersuchung mechanisch-technologischer Eigenschaften von Spanplatten
- Thema: Das Proteom in Stiel und Hut der Fruchtkörper von Coprinopsis cinerea zum Zeitpunkt der Meiose
- Entwicklung von Methoden zur Bestimmung der Eigenschaften thermisch modifizierten Holzes
- Immunhistochemische Untersuchungen der Hoftüpfelmembran von Pinus strobus L. mittels konfokaler und 4Pi Mikroskopie
- Prozess- und Materialoptimierung bei der Holzpelletherstellung am Beispiel einer Laborpelletpresse
- Comparison between different wood decay assessment methods
- Untersuchung von Fehlverleimungen an Furnierschichtholz
- Bewertung des Befalls unter GK 3-Bedingungen im Blocktest
- Chemische Modifizierung von Kiefernfasern zur Herstellung feuchtebeständiger MDF
- Hydrophobierung von Spanplatten durch unterschiedliche Wachsemulsionen
- Effect of chain length on the properties of amino-silicone modified wood
- Entwicklung eines Modifizierungsverfahrens für Buchenfurniere (Fagus sylvatica L.) auf der Basis von Glutaraldehyd
- Herstellung von Holzfaserdämmplatten unter Zusatz von Polyethylenimin und Untersuchung ihrer Schimmelpilzresistenz
- Entwicklung eines Verbundwerkstoffs auf Basis von Holzpartikeln und Silikon-Elastomeren
- Untersuchung und Analyse neuartiger Klebstoffsysteme auf Phenolresol- und Furanharzbasis
- Untersuchungen über die Anwendbarkeit von Alkylketendimeren (AKD) als Oberflächenmodifizierungsmittel bei der Herstellung von UF-gebundenen Spanplatten
- Theoretical background in the field of wood bonding and practical investigations on the gluability of Grand fir (Abies grandis)
- Charakterisierung ausgewählter Laub- und Nadel Holzfasern zur Herstellung von Holzfaserdämmplatten
- Zusammenfassung und Vergleich des derzeitigen Standes der Forschung zu Holzfaserdämmplatten aus- und mit beigemischtem Laubholz
- Methodenvergleich zur Bestimmung der Abhebefestigkeit von Lacken
- Methodenentwicklung zur Prüfung der mechanischen und physikalischen Eigenschaften von WPC-Compounds - Ein Ringversuch
- Vergleich technischer Eigenschaften von Stabsperrholzplatten mit einer Mittellage aus Paulownia spp. und Picea abies
- Einfluss von Druck und Temperatur während der Thermomodifikation auf die Zusammensetzung der Hemicellulosen in Eucalyptus nitens
- Thermohydrolytischer Aufschluss von UF-Harz und MUF-Harz gebundenen Faserplatten
- Brandschutzmittel für Vollholz
- Potentiale und Restriktionen von Holz-Polymer Verbundwerkstoffen (WPC)
- Thermoplastische Holz-Biopolymer-Verbundwerkstoffe
- Evaluierung von modifiziertem Furniersperrholz nach siebenjähriger Außenbewitterung
- Zusammenhang von Fasersättigungspunkt, Dimensionsstabilität und natürlicher Dauerhaftigkeit
- Untersuchung zur Holzbehandlung mit niedrig molekularen Phenol-Formaldehyd Verbindungen
- Einfluss einer Kombination der Holzacetylierung mit einem Polysiloxan auf die Eigenschaften des modifizierten Holzes
- Evaluierung möglicher Bodenbehandlungen zur Minimierung des Befallsdruckes an Freileitungsholzmasten
- Untersuchung von Thermo- und Duroplasten mittels DSC
- Auswirkungen vom DMDHEU und Glutaraldehyd auf das Quell- und Schwindverhalten von Pinus sylvestris
- Paper surface treatment with nanofibrillated cellulose
- Untersuchungen zur Verklebbarkeit von thermisch modifiziertem Holz (TMT) für den Fensterbau
- Anti fungal effectiveness of some new environmental friendly wood protection agents contra traditional agents – a screening test
- Struktur der Papier- und Zellstoffindustrie in Deutschland
- Holz im Meerwasserkontakt an der deutschen Nord- und Ostseeküste –Holzschädlinge, Holzschutz, Holzartenverwendung
- Zur natürlichen Dauerhaftigkeit einiger Wirtschaftsbaumarten im Hinblick auf die Verkernung und Verwendung des Holzes

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Approaching Self-Bonded Medium Density Fiberboards Made by Mixing Steam Exploded Arundo donax L. and Wood Fibers: A Comparison with pMDI-Bonded Fiberboards on the Primary Properties of the Boards.
Vitrone, F.; Brinker, S.; Ramos, D.; Ferrando, F.; Salvadó, J.; and Mai, C.
Materials, 16(12): 4343. June 2023.
@article{vitrone_approaching_2023, title = {Approaching {Self}-{Bonded} {Medium} {Density} {Fiberboards} {Made} by {Mixing} {Steam} {Exploded} {Arundo} donax {L}. and {Wood} {Fibers}: {A} {Comparison} with {pMDI}-{Bonded} {Fiberboards} on the {Primary} {Properties} of the {Boards}}, volume = {16}, issn = {1996-1944}, shorttitle = {Approaching {Self}-{Bonded} {Medium} {Density} {Fiberboards} {Made} by {Mixing} {Steam} {Exploded} {Arundo} donax {L}. and {Wood} {Fibers}}, url = {}, doi = {10.3390/ma16124343}, abstract = {This study presents an unexplored method to produce formaldehyde-free MDF. Steam exploded Arundo donax L. (STEX-AD) and untreated wood fibers (WF) were mixed at different mixing rates (0/100, 50/50, and 100/0, respectively) and two series of boards were manufactured, with 4 wt\% of pMDI, based on dry fibers, and self-bonded. The mechanical and physical performance of the boards was analyzed as a function of the adhesive content and the density. The mechanical performance and dimensional stability were determined by following European standards. The material formulation and the density of the boards had a significant effect on both mechanical and physical properties. The boards made solely of STEX-AD were comparable to those made with pMDI, while the panels made of WF without adhesive were those that performed the worst. The STEX-AD showed the ability to reduce the TS for both pMDI-bonded and self-bonded boards, although leading to a high WA and a higher short-term absorption for the latter. The results presented show the feasibility of using STEX-AD in the manufacturing of self-bonded MDF and the improvement of dimensional stability. Nonetheless, further studies are needed especially to address the enhancement of the internal bond (IB).}, language = {en}, number = {12}, urldate = {2023-07-05}, journal = {Materials}, author = {Vitrone, Federica and Brinker, Sascha and Ramos, Diego and Ferrando, Francesc and Salvadó, Joan and Mai, Carsten}, month = jun, year = {2023}, pages = {4343}, file = {Volltext:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\5K25YZNG\\Vitrone et al. - 2023 - Approaching Self-Bonded Medium Density Fiberboards.pdf:application/pdf}, }
This study presents an unexplored method to produce formaldehyde-free MDF. Steam exploded Arundo donax L. (STEX-AD) and untreated wood fibers (WF) were mixed at different mixing rates (0/100, 50/50, and 100/0, respectively) and two series of boards were manufactured, with 4 wt% of pMDI, based on dry fibers, and self-bonded. The mechanical and physical performance of the boards was analyzed as a function of the adhesive content and the density. The mechanical performance and dimensional stability were determined by following European standards. The material formulation and the density of the boards had a significant effect on both mechanical and physical properties. The boards made solely of STEX-AD were comparable to those made with pMDI, while the panels made of WF without adhesive were those that performed the worst. The STEX-AD showed the ability to reduce the TS for both pMDI-bonded and self-bonded boards, although leading to a high WA and a higher short-term absorption for the latter. The results presented show the feasibility of using STEX-AD in the manufacturing of self-bonded MDF and the improvement of dimensional stability. Nonetheless, further studies are needed especially to address the enhancement of the internal bond (IB).
The durability of acetylated beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) laminated veneer lumber (LVL) against wood-destroying basidiomycetes.
Slabohm, M.; Brischke, C.; and Militz, H.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 81(4): 911–921. August 2023.
@article{slabohm_durability_2023, title = {The durability of acetylated beech ({Fagus} sylvatica {L}.) laminated veneer lumber ({LVL}) against wood-destroying basidiomycetes}, volume = {81}, issn = {0018-3768, 1436-736X}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/s00107-023-01962-3}, abstract = {The overall aim of this study was to investigate the durability of acetylated beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) laminated veneer lumber (LVL) against wood-destroying basidiomycetes. The secondary objective was to test whether the specimen size affects the mass loss and durability assessment of wood-material under test. The durability test was based on the pre-standard prEN 113-3. Six materials (acetylated beech LVL, untreated beech LVL, beech solid wood, pine sapwood (Pinus sylvestris L.), larch (Larix decidua Mill.) 3-layer slab, larch solid wood) were tested using three specimen geometry designs (50 × 25 × 15 mm3 as well as 50 × 50 × 19 mm3 with and without sealed edges) against Coniophora puteana, Rhodonia placenta, Gloeophyllum trabeum, Trametes versicolor, and Pleurotus ostreatus. The durability assessment was made using the arithmetic mean and median percentage mass loss (ML), the relative ML (x-values), and the decay susceptibility index (DSI). It was found that mass loss was affected by the test fungus, the material, and the specimen size and design, with the latter being the most essential factor in this study. In addition, the assessment parameter had a significant effect on the durability classification. Furthermore, small differences in ML resulted in different durability classes (DC) in some cases, whereas large differences in ML did not. However, acetylated beech LVL was always considerably durable (DC 1) against all tested fungi independent of the specimen design and durability assessment method.}, language = {en}, number = {4}, urldate = {2023-07-03}, journal = {European Journal of Wood and Wood Products}, author = {Slabohm, Maik and Brischke, Christian and Militz, Holger}, month = aug, year = {2023}, pages = {911--921}, file = {Slabohm et al. - 2023 - The durability of acetylated beech (Fagus sylvatic.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\BLXYN8B2\\Slabohm et al. - 2023 - The durability of acetylated beech (Fagus sylvatic.pdf:application/pdf}, }
The overall aim of this study was to investigate the durability of acetylated beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) laminated veneer lumber (LVL) against wood-destroying basidiomycetes. The secondary objective was to test whether the specimen size affects the mass loss and durability assessment of wood-material under test. The durability test was based on the pre-standard prEN 113-3. Six materials (acetylated beech LVL, untreated beech LVL, beech solid wood, pine sapwood (Pinus sylvestris L.), larch (Larix decidua Mill.) 3-layer slab, larch solid wood) were tested using three specimen geometry designs (50 × 25 × 15 mm3 as well as 50 × 50 × 19 mm3 with and without sealed edges) against Coniophora puteana, Rhodonia placenta, Gloeophyllum trabeum, Trametes versicolor, and Pleurotus ostreatus. The durability assessment was made using the arithmetic mean and median percentage mass loss (ML), the relative ML (x-values), and the decay susceptibility index (DSI). It was found that mass loss was affected by the test fungus, the material, and the specimen size and design, with the latter being the most essential factor in this study. In addition, the assessment parameter had a significant effect on the durability classification. Furthermore, small differences in ML resulted in different durability classes (DC) in some cases, whereas large differences in ML did not. However, acetylated beech LVL was always considerably durable (DC 1) against all tested fungi independent of the specimen design and durability assessment method.
Evaluation of wet tensile shear strength and surface properties of finger-jointed acetylated beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) laminated veneer lumber.
Slabohm, M.; Stolze, H.; and Militz, H.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 0(0): 9. June 2023.
@article{slabohm_evaluation_2023, title = {Evaluation of wet tensile shear strength and surface properties of finger-jointed acetylated beech ({Fagus} sylvatica {L}.) laminated veneer lumber}, volume = {0}, issn = {0018-3768, 1436-736X}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/s00107-023-01970-3}, abstract = {Abstract Experiments on finger-jointing acetylated beech ( Fagus sylvatica L.) laminated veneer lumber (LVL) have been made. The specimens were examined on its wet tensile shear strength (TSS) using three adhesives, including phenol resorcinol formaldehyde (PRF), one-component polyurethane (PUR) (without primer), and melamine urea formaldehyde (MUF). Contact angles (CA) of uncured and drop-applied MUF, PRF, and PUR adhesives on freshly cut finger-joints were evaluated. Surface roughness was measured using a laser-scanning-microscope (LSM). Results showed that PRF bonded acetylated specimens had highest wet TSS, followed by specimens with PUR bonding. MUF performed poorly, which was most likely caused by its inadequate water resistance and changes in chemical reactions due to remaining acetic acid. Acetylated finger-joints had a topography similar to untreated joints. Moreover, CA were just barely lower for MUF and PRF on acetylated wood than on untreated references.}, language = {en}, number = {0}, urldate = {2023-06-26}, journal = {European Journal of Wood and Wood Products}, author = {Slabohm, Maik and Stolze, Hannes and Militz, Holger}, month = jun, year = {2023}, pages = {9}, file = {Slabohm et al. - 2023 - Evaluation of wet tensile shear strength and surfa.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\BRR5ZSPB\\Slabohm et al. - 2023 - Evaluation of wet tensile shear strength and surfa.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Abstract Experiments on finger-jointing acetylated beech ( Fagus sylvatica L.) laminated veneer lumber (LVL) have been made. The specimens were examined on its wet tensile shear strength (TSS) using three adhesives, including phenol resorcinol formaldehyde (PRF), one-component polyurethane (PUR) (without primer), and melamine urea formaldehyde (MUF). Contact angles (CA) of uncured and drop-applied MUF, PRF, and PUR adhesives on freshly cut finger-joints were evaluated. Surface roughness was measured using a laser-scanning-microscope (LSM). Results showed that PRF bonded acetylated specimens had highest wet TSS, followed by specimens with PUR bonding. MUF performed poorly, which was most likely caused by its inadequate water resistance and changes in chemical reactions due to remaining acetic acid. Acetylated finger-joints had a topography similar to untreated joints. Moreover, CA were just barely lower for MUF and PRF on acetylated wood than on untreated references.
Resistance of phenol formaldehyde impregnated beech (Fagus sylvativa L.) LVL against biodegradation in soil contact.
Slabohm, M.; Brischke, C.; Bicke, S.; and Militz, H.
In Proceedings IRG Annual Meeting, pages 11, Cairns, Australia, June 2023.
doi link bibtex abstract
doi link bibtex abstract
@inproceedings{slabohm_resistance_2023, address = {Cairns, Australia}, title = {Resistance of phenol formaldehyde impregnated beech ({Fagus} sylvativa {L}.) {LVL} against biodegradation in soil contact}, doi = {IRG/WP 23-40965}, abstract = {Alternatives to preservative impregnation are emphasized in Germany and other European countries. Even though these treatments significantly improve wood's resistance to decay, they often do not have a beneficial impact on the dimensional stability. One alternative product, which may be used in ground contact for items like poles and railway sleepers, could be beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) laminated veneer lumber (LVL) impregnated with low-molecular phenolformaldehyde (PF). PF resins are often used for bonding and impregnation purposes. In this research, low-molecular weight PF was used, which allows a penetration and fixation within the cell wall. Various PF-resins were used to impregnate beech veneers and LVL was manufactured with a variety of process parameters. In ground durability tests started in 2015 and were evaluated based on EN 252 (2015) on the test field at the University of Goettingen; Germany as well as in Stamsmåla, Sweden. The durability classes (DC) were determined based on the decay rates. The evaluation showed that very durable products for in ground contact can be produced from beech wood, but durability clearly depended on the resin type and loading.}, language = {en}, booktitle = {Proceedings {IRG} {Annual} {Meeting}}, author = {Slabohm, Maik and Brischke, Christian and Bicke, Sascha and Militz, Holger}, month = jun, year = {2023}, pages = {11}, file = {Slabohm et al. - Resistance of phenol formaldehyde impregnated beec.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\F2BGDPSE\\Slabohm et al. - Resistance of phenol formaldehyde impregnated beec.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Alternatives to preservative impregnation are emphasized in Germany and other European countries. Even though these treatments significantly improve wood's resistance to decay, they often do not have a beneficial impact on the dimensional stability. One alternative product, which may be used in ground contact for items like poles and railway sleepers, could be beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) laminated veneer lumber (LVL) impregnated with low-molecular phenolformaldehyde (PF). PF resins are often used for bonding and impregnation purposes. In this research, low-molecular weight PF was used, which allows a penetration and fixation within the cell wall. Various PF-resins were used to impregnate beech veneers and LVL was manufactured with a variety of process parameters. In ground durability tests started in 2015 and were evaluated based on EN 252 (2015) on the test field at the University of Goettingen; Germany as well as in Stamsmåla, Sweden. The durability classes (DC) were determined based on the decay rates. The evaluation showed that very durable products for in ground contact can be produced from beech wood, but durability clearly depended on the resin type and loading.
Substituting phenol in phenol–formaldehyde resins for wood modification by phenolic cleavage products from vacuum low-temperature microwave-assisted pyrolysis of softwood kraft lignin.
Karthäuser, J.; Biziks, V.; Frauendorf, H.; Hoffmann, L.; Raskop, S.; Roggatz, D.; and Militz, H.
Cellulose, 30: 7277–7293. June 2023.
@article{karthauser_substituting_2023, title = {Substituting phenol in phenol–formaldehyde resins for wood modification by phenolic cleavage products from vacuum low-temperature microwave-assisted pyrolysis of softwood kraft lignin}, volume = {30}, issn = {0969-0239, 1572-882X}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/s10570-023-05295-5}, abstract = {Abstract Wood modification by impregnation and curing inside of the cell wall using phenol–formaldehyde resins (PF resins) is a well-known and commercialized method to improve, amongst others, the dimensional stability and the durability of wood. However, phenol is mainly obtained from non-renewable resources, and the substitution of phenol by renewable resources has been a topic of research interest for years. Due to the high availability of technical lignins, lignin-derived cleavage products are promising candidates. In this study, organic cleavage products obtained from vacuum low-temperature microwave-assisted pyrolysis of softwood kraft lignin were used to substitute up to 45\% of phenol in PF resins. The curing behavior and the free formaldehyde content of the resins was studied. Pine sapwood was treated with these resins by a vacuum pressure treatment, and the weight percent gain, leaching, and dimensional stability of the species were examined. Selected samples were analyzed with bright-field microscopy. The results indicate that up to 30\% substitution of phenol by lignin-based organic products does not lead to significantly inferior quality of wood modification. Additionally, the amount of formaldehyde added to the resin can be reduced. The method described in this study could be a way to improve the environmental footprint of wood modification by PF resins.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2023-06-12}, journal = {Cellulose}, author = {Karthäuser, Johannes and Biziks, Vladimirs and Frauendorf, Holm and Hoffmann, Lisa and Raskop, Salomé and Roggatz, Daniel and Militz, Holger}, month = jun, year = {2023}, pages = {7277--7293}, }
Abstract Wood modification by impregnation and curing inside of the cell wall using phenol–formaldehyde resins (PF resins) is a well-known and commercialized method to improve, amongst others, the dimensional stability and the durability of wood. However, phenol is mainly obtained from non-renewable resources, and the substitution of phenol by renewable resources has been a topic of research interest for years. Due to the high availability of technical lignins, lignin-derived cleavage products are promising candidates. In this study, organic cleavage products obtained from vacuum low-temperature microwave-assisted pyrolysis of softwood kraft lignin were used to substitute up to 45% of phenol in PF resins. The curing behavior and the free formaldehyde content of the resins was studied. Pine sapwood was treated with these resins by a vacuum pressure treatment, and the weight percent gain, leaching, and dimensional stability of the species were examined. Selected samples were analyzed with bright-field microscopy. The results indicate that up to 30% substitution of phenol by lignin-based organic products does not lead to significantly inferior quality of wood modification. Additionally, the amount of formaldehyde added to the resin can be reduced. The method described in this study could be a way to improve the environmental footprint of wood modification by PF resins.
Production and characterisation of self-blowing lignin-based foams.
Fagbemigun, T. K.; and Mai, C.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 81(3): 579–590. June 2023.
@article{fagbemigun_production_2023, title = {Production and characterisation of self-blowing lignin-based foams}, volume = {81}, issn = {1436-736X}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/s00107-022-01908-1}, abstract = {Self-blowing lignin-furanic foams were produced using formulations comprising Kraft lignin and furfuryl alcohol as the major components. Diethyl ether, Tween 85 and sulphuric acid were used as blowing agent, surfactant and catalyst. The influence of the components and the ratio of furfuryl alcohol to lignin was investigated with regard to the foam density, mechanical properties, water absorption, thermal properties, and fire behaviour. Depending on the formulation, the density of lignin-furanic foams ranged between 60 and 320 kg m−3. Increasing the furfuryl alcohol content increased the density of the foams. Low-density foams were obtained with a higher proportion of diethyl ether. The compression strength and modulus of elasticity (MoE) of lignin-furanic foams also increased with foam density. All lignin-furanic foams showed good thermal stability and residual masses by thermogravimetric analysis. Cone calorimetric analysis showed that lignin-furanic foams have poor flammability and self-extinguish within few seconds.}, language = {en}, number = {3}, urldate = {2023-04-11}, journal = {European Journal of Wood and Wood Products}, author = {Fagbemigun, Taiwo K. and Mai, Carsten}, month = jun, year = {2023}, pages = {579--590}, file = {Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\JILB4TRP\\Fagbemigun und Mai - 2023 - Production and characterisation of self-blowing li.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Self-blowing lignin-furanic foams were produced using formulations comprising Kraft lignin and furfuryl alcohol as the major components. Diethyl ether, Tween 85 and sulphuric acid were used as blowing agent, surfactant and catalyst. The influence of the components and the ratio of furfuryl alcohol to lignin was investigated with regard to the foam density, mechanical properties, water absorption, thermal properties, and fire behaviour. Depending on the formulation, the density of lignin-furanic foams ranged between 60 and 320 kg m−3. Increasing the furfuryl alcohol content increased the density of the foams. Low-density foams were obtained with a higher proportion of diethyl ether. The compression strength and modulus of elasticity (MoE) of lignin-furanic foams also increased with foam density. All lignin-furanic foams showed good thermal stability and residual masses by thermogravimetric analysis. Cone calorimetric analysis showed that lignin-furanic foams have poor flammability and self-extinguish within few seconds.
Fire Properties and Performance.
Östman, B.; Mai, C.; and Niemz, P.
In Niemz, P.; Teischinger, A.; and Sandberg, D., editor(s), Springer Handbook of Wood Science and Technology, pages 911–941. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2023.
Series Title: Springer Handbooks
@incollection{niemz_fire_2023, address = {Cham}, title = {Fire {Properties} and {Performance}}, isbn = {978-3-030-81314-7 978-3-030-81315-4}, url = {}, language = {en}, urldate = {2023-04-11}, booktitle = {Springer {Handbook} of {Wood} {Science} and {Technology}}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, author = {Östman, Birgit and Mai, Carsten and Niemz, Peter}, editor = {Niemz, Peter and Teischinger, Alfred and Sandberg, Dick}, year = {2023}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-81315-4_17}, note = {Series Title: Springer Handbooks}, pages = {911--941}, }
Wood Modification.
Mai, C.; and Militz, H.
In Niemz, P.; Teischinger, A.; and Sandberg, D., editor(s), Springer Handbook of Wood Science and Technology, pages 873–910. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2023.
Series Title: Springer Handbooks
@incollection{niemz_wood_2023, address = {Cham}, title = {Wood {Modification}}, isbn = {978-3-030-81314-7 978-3-030-81315-4}, url = {}, language = {en}, urldate = {2023-04-11}, booktitle = {Springer {Handbook} of {Wood} {Science} and {Technology}}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, author = {Mai, Carsten and Militz, Holger}, editor = {Niemz, Peter and Teischinger, Alfred and Sandberg, Dick}, year = {2023}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-81315-4_16}, note = {Series Title: Springer Handbooks}, pages = {873--910}, }
Wood Chemistry.
Mai, C.; and Zhang, K.
In Niemz, P.; Teischinger, A.; and Sandberg, D., editor(s), Springer Handbook of Wood Science and Technology, pages 179–279. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2023.
Series Title: Springer Handbooks
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@incollection{niemz_wood_2023-1, address = {Cham}, title = {Wood {Chemistry}}, isbn = {978-3-030-81314-7 978-3-030-81315-4}, url = {}, language = {en}, urldate = {2023-04-11}, booktitle = {Springer {Handbook} of {Wood} {Science} and {Technology}}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, author = {Mai, Carsten and Zhang, Kai}, editor = {Niemz, Peter and Teischinger, Alfred and Sandberg, Dick}, year = {2023}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-81315-4_5}, note = {Series Title: Springer Handbooks}, pages = {179--279}, }
Use of dry mixing-spraying process for the production of geopolymer-bonded wood and seagrass fibreboards.
Kuqo, A.; Koddenberg, T.; and Mai, C.
Composites Part B: Engineering, 248: 110387. January 2023.
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@article{kuqo_use_2023, title = {Use of dry mixing-spraying process for the production of geopolymer-bonded wood and seagrass fibreboards}, volume = {248}, issn = {1359-8368}, url = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.compositesb.2022.110387}, abstract = {Mixing lignocellulosic fibres with a mineral binder to produce fibreboards is a challenging process due to their large volume per unit mass and their susceptibility to agglomeration (balling effect). The main objective in the dry mixing-spraying process presented in our study is the uniform distribution of the geopolymer binder in the lignocellulosic material. In this work, we compare the properties of two types of composites processed by implementing the abovementioned technique. Geopolymer-bonded fibreboards were produced using up to 50 wt\% seagrass or wood fibres. Microscopy and X-ray micro-tomography investigations of the geopolymer composites indicated that their mechanical and physical properties depend on the size of incorporated fibres. Large seagrass fibres were appropriately mixed with the mineral binder matrix forming solid fibreboards that were able to reach the standard requirements for cement boards. More specifically, seagrass-based fibreboards exhibit up to 42\% higher bending strength (up to 9.4 MPa) compared to fibreboards composed of wood fibres. In addition, their low thickness swelling and low mean heat release rate in a cone calorimeter (varying from 21.5 to 26.6 kW m−2) indicated a high resistance to water and fire. Considering the resulting properties of the produced fibreboards, the dry-mixing spraying process can be an appropriate technique for producing geopolymer composites containing large amounts of relatively long fibres.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2022-11-09}, journal = {Composites Part B: Engineering}, author = {Kuqo, Aldi and Koddenberg, Tim and Mai, Carsten}, month = jan, year = {2023}, keywords = {Geopolymer composites, Mechanical testing, Seagrass fibres, Wood fibres, X-ray microtomography}, pages = {110387}, file = {Kuqo et al. - 2023 - Use of dry mixing-spraying process for the product.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\WZAXT4XX\\Kuqo et al. - 2023 - Use of dry mixing-spraying process for the product.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Mixing lignocellulosic fibres with a mineral binder to produce fibreboards is a challenging process due to their large volume per unit mass and their susceptibility to agglomeration (balling effect). The main objective in the dry mixing-spraying process presented in our study is the uniform distribution of the geopolymer binder in the lignocellulosic material. In this work, we compare the properties of two types of composites processed by implementing the abovementioned technique. Geopolymer-bonded fibreboards were produced using up to 50 wt% seagrass or wood fibres. Microscopy and X-ray micro-tomography investigations of the geopolymer composites indicated that their mechanical and physical properties depend on the size of incorporated fibres. Large seagrass fibres were appropriately mixed with the mineral binder matrix forming solid fibreboards that were able to reach the standard requirements for cement boards. More specifically, seagrass-based fibreboards exhibit up to 42% higher bending strength (up to 9.4 MPa) compared to fibreboards composed of wood fibres. In addition, their low thickness swelling and low mean heat release rate in a cone calorimeter (varying from 21.5 to 26.6 kW m−2) indicated a high resistance to water and fire. Considering the resulting properties of the produced fibreboards, the dry-mixing spraying process can be an appropriate technique for producing geopolymer composites containing large amounts of relatively long fibres.
Introduction to Wood Science.
Niemz, P.; Mai, C.; and Schmitt, U.
In Niemz, P.; Teischinger, A.; and Sandberg, D., editor(s), Springer Handbook of Wood Science and Technology, pages 25–40. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2023.
Series Title: Springer Handbooks
@incollection{niemz_introduction_2023, address = {Cham}, title = {Introduction to {Wood} {Science}}, isbn = {978-3-030-81314-7 978-3-030-81315-4}, url = {}, language = {en}, urldate = {2023-04-11}, booktitle = {Springer {Handbook} of {Wood} {Science} and {Technology}}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, author = {Niemz, Peter and Mai, Carsten and Schmitt, Uwe}, editor = {Niemz, Peter and Teischinger, Alfred and Sandberg, Dick}, year = {2023}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-81315-4_2}, note = {Series Title: Springer Handbooks}, pages = {25--40}, }
Bonding performance of hot-bonded acetylated beech ( Fagus sylvatica L.) laminated veneer lumber (LVL).
Slabohm, M.; and Militz, H.
Wood Material Science & Engineering, 18(1): 76–81. January 2023.
@article{slabohm_bonding_2023, title = {Bonding performance of hot-bonded acetylated beech ( \textit{{Fagus} sylvatica} {L}.) laminated veneer lumber ({LVL})}, volume = {18}, issn = {1748-0272, 1748-0280}, url = {}, doi = {10.1080/17480272.2022.2124544}, language = {en}, number = {1}, urldate = {2023-03-23}, journal = {Wood Material Science \& Engineering}, author = {Slabohm, Maik and Militz, Holger}, month = jan, year = {2023}, pages = {76--81}, file = {Slabohm und Militz - 2022 - Bonding performance of hot-bonded acetylated beech.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\TBU8XGE8\\Slabohm und Militz - 2022 - Bonding performance of hot-bonded acetylated beech.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Flexible Insulation Mats from Zostera marina Seagrass.
Kuqo, A.; and Mai, C.
Journal of Natural Fibers, 20(1): 2154303. December 2023.
@article{kuqo_flexible_2023, title = {Flexible {Insulation} {Mats} from \textit{{Zostera} marina} {Seagrass}}, volume = {20}, issn = {1544-0478, 1544-046X}, url = {}, doi = {10.1080/15440478.2022.2154303}, abstract = {The dead seagrass leaves accumulated on the seashores, also known as beach (seagrass) wracks, can be considered a sustainable and ecologically beneficial source for application in the construction sector. An innovative thermal insulation material composed of Zostera marina seagrass leaves was developed using bicomponent fibers as a binding agent. The bicom ponent fibers consisted of polypropylene in the core and polyethylene in the sheath. This work aimed to investigate the effect of mat density on mechanical properties (compression and internal bond strength), thermal conductivity and fire properties. The seagrass-based (SG) mats were com pared to reference mats consisting of wood fibers (WF). The digital and scanning electron microscopy investigation revealed the differences in the bonding mechanism between the two types of mats. Although slightly higher than WF mats, the thermal conductivity of SG mats still varied from 0.039 to 0.051 W m−1 K−1 and is comparable to those of other natural fiber-based boards with the same density range. The low peak heat release of SG mats (up to 63\% lower than wood fiber-based mats) indicates their high resistance to fire. SG mats provide novel possibilities for using new environmentally friendly materials intended for ceiling and partition applications.}, language = {en}, number = {1}, urldate = {2023-03-13}, journal = {Journal of Natural Fibers}, author = {Kuqo, Aldi and Mai, Carsten}, month = dec, year = {2023}, pages = {2154303}, file = {Kuqo und Mai - 2023 - Flexible Insulation Mats from Zostera marinai.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\NDH89H63\\Kuqo und Mai - 2023 - Flexible Insulation Mats from Zostera marinai.pdf:application/pdf}, }
The dead seagrass leaves accumulated on the seashores, also known as beach (seagrass) wracks, can be considered a sustainable and ecologically beneficial source for application in the construction sector. An innovative thermal insulation material composed of Zostera marina seagrass leaves was developed using bicomponent fibers as a binding agent. The bicom ponent fibers consisted of polypropylene in the core and polyethylene in the sheath. This work aimed to investigate the effect of mat density on mechanical properties (compression and internal bond strength), thermal conductivity and fire properties. The seagrass-based (SG) mats were com pared to reference mats consisting of wood fibers (WF). The digital and scanning electron microscopy investigation revealed the differences in the bonding mechanism between the two types of mats. Although slightly higher than WF mats, the thermal conductivity of SG mats still varied from 0.039 to 0.051 W m−1 K−1 and is comparable to those of other natural fiber-based boards with the same density range. The low peak heat release of SG mats (up to 63% lower than wood fiber-based mats) indicates their high resistance to fire. SG mats provide novel possibilities for using new environmentally friendly materials intended for ceiling and partition applications.
Enhancement of physico-mechanical properties of geopolymer particleboards through the use of seagrass fibers.
Kuqo, A.; Mayer, A. K.; Amiandamhen, S. O.; Adamopoulos, S.; and Mai, C.
Construction and Building Materials, 374: 130889. April 2023.
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@article{kuqo_enhancement_2023, title = {Enhancement of physico-mechanical properties of geopolymer particleboards through the use of seagrass fibers}, volume = {374}, issn = {09500618}, url = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.130889}, language = {en}, urldate = {2023-03-13}, journal = {Construction and Building Materials}, author = {Kuqo, Aldi and Mayer, Aaron Kilian and Amiandamhen, Stephen O. and Adamopoulos, Stergios and Mai, Carsten}, month = apr, year = {2023}, pages = {130889}, file = {Kuqo et al. - 2023 - Enhancement of physico-mechanical properties of ge.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\RKUJJRN2\\Kuqo et al. - 2023 - Enhancement of physico-mechanical properties of ge.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Determination of the Bonding Strength of Finger Joints Using a New Test Specimen Geometry.
Stolze, H.; Gurnik, M.; Kegel, S.; Bollmus, S.; and Militz, H.
Processes, 11(2): 445. February 2023.
@article{stolze_determination_2023, title = {Determination of the {Bonding} {Strength} of {Finger} {Joints} {Using} a {New} {Test} {Specimen} {Geometry}}, volume = {11}, issn = {2227-9717}, url = {}, doi = {10.3390/pr11020445}, abstract = {In this study, a specimen geometry for testing finger joints was developed using finite element simulation and proofed by experimental testing. Six different wood species and three adhesives were used for finger-jointing specimens. With the test specimen geometry, the bonding strength of the finger joints was determined without the usual self-locking of the joint. Under load, the test specimen geometry introduces maximum stress at the beginning of the bond line (adhesive zone). However, the test specimen geometry does not generate a symmetric stress state. The main difficulty here is the flank angle of the finger joint geometry. The wood species and adhesives significantly influenced the performance of the finger joints.}, language = {en}, number = {2}, urldate = {2023-02-03}, journal = {Processes}, author = {Stolze, Hannes and Gurnik, Michael and Kegel, Sebastian and Bollmus, Susanne and Militz, Holger}, month = feb, year = {2023}, pages = {445}, file = {Stolze et al. - 2023 - Determination of the Bonding Strength of Finger Jo.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\HISDKZQN\\Stolze et al. - 2023 - Determination of the Bonding Strength of Finger Jo.pdf:application/pdf}, }
In this study, a specimen geometry for testing finger joints was developed using finite element simulation and proofed by experimental testing. Six different wood species and three adhesives were used for finger-jointing specimens. With the test specimen geometry, the bonding strength of the finger joints was determined without the usual self-locking of the joint. Under load, the test specimen geometry introduces maximum stress at the beginning of the bond line (adhesive zone). However, the test specimen geometry does not generate a symmetric stress state. The main difficulty here is the flank angle of the finger joint geometry. The wood species and adhesives significantly influenced the performance of the finger joints.
Determination of the Bonding Strength of Finger Joints Using a New Test Specimen Geometry.
Stolze, H.; Gurnik, M.; Kegel, S.; Bollmus, S.; and Militz, H.
Process, 0(0). 2023.
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@article{stolze_determination_2023-1, title = {Determination of the {Bonding} {Strength} of {Finger} {Joints} {Using} a {New} {Test} {Specimen} {Geometry}}, volume = {0}, abstract = {In this study, a specimen geometry for testing finger joints was developed using finite element simulation and proofed by experimental testing. Six different wood species and three adhesives were used for finger-jointing specimens. With the test specimen geometry, the bonding strength of the finger joints was determined without the usual self-locking of the joint. Under load, the test specimen geometry introduces maximum stress at the beginning of the bond line (adhesive zone). However, the test specimen geometry does not generate a symmetric stress state. The main difficulty here is the flank angle of the finger joint geometry. The wood species and adhesives significantly influenced the performance of the finger joints.}, language = {en}, number = {0}, journal = {Process}, author = {Stolze, Hannes and Gurnik, Michael and Kegel, Sebastian and Bollmus, Susanne and Militz, Holger}, year = {2023}, file = {Stolze et al. - 2023 - Determination of the Bonding Strength of Finger Jo.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\SRKKQCZA\\Stolze et al. - 2023 - Determination of the Bonding Strength of Finger Jo.pdf:application/pdf}, }
In this study, a specimen geometry for testing finger joints was developed using finite element simulation and proofed by experimental testing. Six different wood species and three adhesives were used for finger-jointing specimens. With the test specimen geometry, the bonding strength of the finger joints was determined without the usual self-locking of the joint. Under load, the test specimen geometry introduces maximum stress at the beginning of the bond line (adhesive zone). However, the test specimen geometry does not generate a symmetric stress state. The main difficulty here is the flank angle of the finger joint geometry. The wood species and adhesives significantly influenced the performance of the finger joints.
Low-carbon magnesium potassium phosphate cement (MKPC) binder comprising caustic calcined magnesia and potassium hydroxide activated biochar from softwood technical lignin.
Opara, E. U.; Karthäuser, J.; Köhler, R.; Kowald, T.; Koddenberg, T.; and Mai, C.
Construction and Building Materials, 398: 132475. September 2023.
@article{opara_low-carbon_2023, title = {Low-carbon magnesium potassium phosphate cement ({MKPC}) binder comprising caustic calcined magnesia and potassium hydroxide activated biochar from softwood technical lignin}, volume = {398}, issn = {0950-0618}, url = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.132475}, abstract = {Biochar augmentation in cementitious materials is attractive for enhancing the products' mechanical properties and improving sustainability. Softwood technical lignin biochar (5 wt-\%) was used to augment MKPC as a replacement material, with increased surface area through KOH activation. Hard-burned (1000 °C) MgO was used as precursor. XRD and SEM-EDX analyses showed “struvite-K” as the primary component of the MKPC materials. MKPC materials including the 2-hour KOH-activated biochar showed the lowest porosity, highest strength and stiffness. Replacing MKPC with KOH-activated biochar can increase strength properties and reduce MKPC binder usage, providing a sustainable approach for precast applications.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2023-07-19}, journal = {Construction and Building Materials}, author = {Opara, Emmanuel Uchechukwu and Karthäuser, Johannes and Köhler, Robert and Kowald, Torsten and Koddenberg, Tim and Mai, Carsten}, month = sep, year = {2023}, keywords = {Biochar Augmented Cement, Caustic Calcined Magnesia, Low-carbon cement, Magnesium Potassium Phosphate Cement, Sustainable Construction}, pages = {132475}, file = {Opara et al. - 2023 - Low-carbon magnesium potassium phosphate cement (M.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\A9YWI9GE\\Opara et al. - 2023 - Low-carbon magnesium potassium phosphate cement (M.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Biochar augmentation in cementitious materials is attractive for enhancing the products' mechanical properties and improving sustainability. Softwood technical lignin biochar (5 wt-%) was used to augment MKPC as a replacement material, with increased surface area through KOH activation. Hard-burned (1000 °C) MgO was used as precursor. XRD and SEM-EDX analyses showed “struvite-K” as the primary component of the MKPC materials. MKPC materials including the 2-hour KOH-activated biochar showed the lowest porosity, highest strength and stiffness. Replacing MKPC with KOH-activated biochar can increase strength properties and reduce MKPC binder usage, providing a sustainable approach for precast applications.
Review of Wood Modification and Wood Functionalization Technologies.
Zelinka, S. L.; Altgen, M.; Emmerich, L.; Guigo, N.; Keplinger, T.; Kymäläinen, M.; Thybring, E. E.; and Thygesen, L. G.
Forests, 13(7): 1004. June 2022.
@article{zelinka_review_2022, title = {Review of {Wood} {Modification} and {Wood} {Functionalization} {Technologies}}, volume = {13}, issn = {1999-4907}, url = {}, doi = {10.3390/f13071004}, abstract = {Wood modifications are becoming popular as a way to enhance the performance of wood, either to make it more durable, improve the performance of wood, or give it new functionality as a multifunctional or smart material. While wood modifications have been examined since the early 1900s, the topic has become a dominant area of study in wood science over the past decade. This review summarizes recent advances and provides future perspective on a selection of wood modifications, i.e., the methods that are currently commercialized (acetylation, furfurylation, and thermal modification), a rediscovered ancient practice (charring), a family of polymerization modifications that have so far made it to the pilot scale, and examples of novel wood-based functional materials explored at laboratory scale.}, language = {en}, number = {7}, urldate = {2022-06-29}, journal = {Forests}, author = {Zelinka, Samuel L. and Altgen, Michael and Emmerich, Lukas and Guigo, Nathanael and Keplinger, Tobias and Kymäläinen, Maija and Thybring, Emil E. and Thygesen, Lisbeth G.}, month = jun, year = {2022}, pages = {1004}, file = {Zelinka et al. - 2022 - Review of Wood Modification and Wood Functionaliza.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\WZHCUAI7\\Zelinka et al. - 2022 - Review of Wood Modification and Wood Functionaliza.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Wood modifications are becoming popular as a way to enhance the performance of wood, either to make it more durable, improve the performance of wood, or give it new functionality as a multifunctional or smart material. While wood modifications have been examined since the early 1900s, the topic has become a dominant area of study in wood science over the past decade. This review summarizes recent advances and provides future perspective on a selection of wood modifications, i.e., the methods that are currently commercialized (acetylation, furfurylation, and thermal modification), a rediscovered ancient practice (charring), a family of polymerization modifications that have so far made it to the pilot scale, and examples of novel wood-based functional materials explored at laboratory scale.
Bonding Acetylated Veneer for Engineered Wood Products—A Review.
Slabohm, M.; Mai, C.; and Militz, H.
Materials, 15(10): 3665. May 2022.
Number: 10 Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
@article{slabohm_bonding_2022, title = {Bonding {Acetylated} {Veneer} for {Engineered} {Wood} {Products}—{A} {Review}}, volume = {15}, copyright = {}, issn = {1996-1944}, url = {}, doi = {10.3390/ma15103665}, abstract = {The purpose of this review is to put previous research findings on acetylated wood and the fabrication of veneer-based products in a common context. The first research on wood acetylation was already conducted in the 1920s using wood meal, whereas relevant research on veneer acetylation was published nearly two decades later, during the 1940s. In the years that followed, a great deal of research has been done on both solid wood and composite acetylation. Developments in the 1990s and early 2000s resulted in the creation of commercial products. Nowadays, wood is becoming increasingly popular in construction. Therefore, high-performance materials with high dimensional stability and durability are required. Veneers are thereby of particular relevance because of their propensity to absorb chemicals into even tough-to-treat wood species. However, acetylation alters the bonding properties of wood, which is important for the manufacture of engineered veneer products, especially in load-bearing construction. A large amount of research is now being conducted on the acetylation of veneer, and acetylated veneer products are anticipated in the near future. This study covers the fundamentals of bonding but focuses specifically on veneer acetylation and its fabrication to engineered veneer-based products. The influencing factors of acetylation on bonding are also discussed.}, language = {en}, number = {10}, urldate = {2022-05-23}, journal = {Materials}, author = {Slabohm, Maik and Mai, Carsten and Militz, Holger}, month = may, year = {2022}, note = {Number: 10 Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute}, keywords = {wood modification, plywood, acetylation, laminated veneer lumber, rotary cut veneer}, pages = {3665}, file = {Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\C75YXPUX\\Slabohm et al. - 2022 - Bonding Acetylated Veneer for Engineered Wood Prod.pdf:application/pdf}, }
The purpose of this review is to put previous research findings on acetylated wood and the fabrication of veneer-based products in a common context. The first research on wood acetylation was already conducted in the 1920s using wood meal, whereas relevant research on veneer acetylation was published nearly two decades later, during the 1940s. In the years that followed, a great deal of research has been done on both solid wood and composite acetylation. Developments in the 1990s and early 2000s resulted in the creation of commercial products. Nowadays, wood is becoming increasingly popular in construction. Therefore, high-performance materials with high dimensional stability and durability are required. Veneers are thereby of particular relevance because of their propensity to absorb chemicals into even tough-to-treat wood species. However, acetylation alters the bonding properties of wood, which is important for the manufacture of engineered veneer products, especially in load-bearing construction. A large amount of research is now being conducted on the acetylation of veneer, and acetylated veneer products are anticipated in the near future. This study covers the fundamentals of bonding but focuses specifically on veneer acetylation and its fabrication to engineered veneer-based products. The influencing factors of acetylation on bonding are also discussed.
Evaluation of the Effect of a Combined Chemical and Thermal Modification of Wood though the Use of Bicine and Tricine.
Jones, D.; Kržišnik, D.; Hočevar, M.; Zagar, A.; Humar, M.; Popescu, C.; Popescu, M.; Brischke, C.; Nunes, L.; Curling, S. F; Ormondroyd, G.; and Sandberg, D.
Forests, 13: 834. 2022.
doi link bibtex abstract
doi link bibtex abstract
@article{jones_evaluation_2022, title = {Evaluation of the {Effect} of a {Combined} {Chemical} and {Thermal} {Modification} of {Wood} though the {Use} of {Bicine} and {Tricine}}, volume = {13}, doi = {10.3390/f13060834}, abstract = {The effects of thermal modification of wood have been well established, particularly in terms of reductions in mechanical performance. In recent years, there has been an increase in studies related to the Maillard reaction. More commonly associated with food chemistry, it involves the reaction of amines and reducing sugars during cooking procedures. This study has attempted to combine the use of amines and thermal modification, with subsequent properties investigated for the treatment of spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst) and beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). In this initial study, the combined effects of chemical treatments by tricine and bicine were investigated with thermal modification. Along with some preliminary data on mechanical properties, the modifications which appeared in the wood structure were evaluated by infrared spectroscopy and biological studies according to EN113 and EN117 methodologies. The hierarchal study interpretation of FTIR suggested interactions between the bicine or tricine and the wood, which was partly supported by the analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOC), though other tests were not as conclusive. The potential of the method warrants further consideration, which will be described.}, language = {en}, journal = {Forests}, author = {Jones, Dennis and Kržišnik, Davor and Hočevar, Miha and Zagar, Andreja and Humar, Miha and Popescu, Carmen-Mihaela and Popescu, Maria-Cristina and Brischke, Christian and Nunes, Lina and Curling, Simon F and Ormondroyd, Graham and Sandberg, Dick}, year = {2022}, pages = {834}, file = {Jones et al. - 2022 - Evaluation of the Effect of a Combined Chemical an.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\ZIIL7MMN\\Jones et al. - 2022 - Evaluation of the Effect of a Combined Chemical an.pdf:application/pdf}, }
The effects of thermal modification of wood have been well established, particularly in terms of reductions in mechanical performance. In recent years, there has been an increase in studies related to the Maillard reaction. More commonly associated with food chemistry, it involves the reaction of amines and reducing sugars during cooking procedures. This study has attempted to combine the use of amines and thermal modification, with subsequent properties investigated for the treatment of spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst) and beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). In this initial study, the combined effects of chemical treatments by tricine and bicine were investigated with thermal modification. Along with some preliminary data on mechanical properties, the modifications which appeared in the wood structure were evaluated by infrared spectroscopy and biological studies according to EN113 and EN117 methodologies. The hierarchal study interpretation of FTIR suggested interactions between the bicine or tricine and the wood, which was partly supported by the analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOC), though other tests were not as conclusive. The potential of the method warrants further consideration, which will be described.
Wood technology: a Glossary and Code for analysis of archaeological wood from stone tool cultures.
Milks, A. G.; Lehmann, J.; Böhner, U.; Leder, D.; Koddenberg, T.; Sietz, M.; Vogel, M.; and Terberger, T.
Technical Report Open Science Framework, 2022.
@techreport{milks_wood_2022, type = {preprint}, title = {Wood technology: a {Glossary} and {Code} for analysis of archaeological wood from stone tool cultures}, shorttitle = {Wood technology}, url = {}, abstract = {The analysis of wood technologies created by stone tool-using cultures remains underdeveloped relative to the study of lithic and bone technologies. In recent years archaeologists have begun to approach wood assemblages systematically, developing macro- and micro-analyses of natural and anthropogenic traces often with the assistance of experimental reference samples. The present a lack of established nomenclature hinders intra-site comparisons. Creating this glossary helps will help advance understanding of the use of wood for technological purposes in different times and places. Clear definitions of terms are useful to avoid confusion in ongoing and future evaluations of the biography of wood artefacts. This glossary and associated code is a first step towards a synthesis and standardisation of analytical terms for early wood technologies, focusing on archaeological assemblages from cultures that used stone tools. References and further reading support the selection of terms, and also provide a bibliography of the field of wood technology. This glossary is organised within a chaîne opératoire framework, and is complemented by a developing appendix of images. As a referenced synthesis, it relies on the collective expertise of the authors alongside that of the many cited researchers who have published in the fields of wood science and prehistoric archaeological wood artefacts.}, language = {EN}, urldate = {2022-05-16}, institution = {Open Science Framework}, author = {Milks, Annemieke Giselle and Lehmann, Jens and Böhner, Utz and Leder, Dirk and Koddenberg, Tim and Sietz, Michael and Vogel, Matthias and Terberger, Thomas}, year = {2022}, doi = {10.31219/}, pages = {62}, file = {Eingereichte Version:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\NTM6VIYL\\Milks et al. - 2021 - Wood technology a Glossary and Code for analysis .pdf:application/pdf}, }
The analysis of wood technologies created by stone tool-using cultures remains underdeveloped relative to the study of lithic and bone technologies. In recent years archaeologists have begun to approach wood assemblages systematically, developing macro- and micro-analyses of natural and anthropogenic traces often with the assistance of experimental reference samples. The present a lack of established nomenclature hinders intra-site comparisons. Creating this glossary helps will help advance understanding of the use of wood for technological purposes in different times and places. Clear definitions of terms are useful to avoid confusion in ongoing and future evaluations of the biography of wood artefacts. This glossary and associated code is a first step towards a synthesis and standardisation of analytical terms for early wood technologies, focusing on archaeological assemblages from cultures that used stone tools. References and further reading support the selection of terms, and also provide a bibliography of the field of wood technology. This glossary is organised within a chaîne opératoire framework, and is complemented by a developing appendix of images. As a referenced synthesis, it relies on the collective expertise of the authors alongside that of the many cited researchers who have published in the fields of wood science and prehistoric archaeological wood artefacts.
A brief overview on the development of wood research.
Mai, C.; Schmitt, U.; and Niemz, P.
Holzforschung, 76(2): 102–119. February 2022.
Publisher: De Gruyter
@article{mai_brief_2022, title = {A brief overview on the development of wood research}, volume = {76}, issn = {1437-434X}, url = {}, doi = {10.1515/hf-2021-0155}, abstract = {Wood science covers in particular the areas of the formation and composition as well as the chemical, biological and physical-mechanical properties of wood. First comprehensive studies have already been published in the last century. Detailed knowledge of wood is required for the processing of wood, the production of wood-based materials, and the utilization of wood and wood-based materials as buildings and various other products such as furniture. This review gives a brief overview on the progress in wood chemistry, wood biology (including photosynthesis and biodeterioration), and physical-mechanical properties of wood and wood-based materials. These fundamentals are also essential for understanding technological processes and product development.}, language = {en}, number = {2}, urldate = {2022-03-07}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Mai, Carsten and Schmitt, Uwe and Niemz, Peter}, month = feb, year = {2022}, note = {Publisher: De Gruyter}, keywords = {wood chemistry, historical development, institutions, wood biology, wood physics, wood science}, pages = {102--119}, file = {Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\HTYNP4I3\\Mai et al. - 2022 - A brief overview on the development of wood resear.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Wood science covers in particular the areas of the formation and composition as well as the chemical, biological and physical-mechanical properties of wood. First comprehensive studies have already been published in the last century. Detailed knowledge of wood is required for the processing of wood, the production of wood-based materials, and the utilization of wood and wood-based materials as buildings and various other products such as furniture. This review gives a brief overview on the progress in wood chemistry, wood biology (including photosynthesis and biodeterioration), and physical-mechanical properties of wood and wood-based materials. These fundamentals are also essential for understanding technological processes and product development.
Biomimetic confined self-assembly of chitin nanocrystals.
Liu, P.; Wang, J.; Qi, H.; Koddenberg, T.; Xu, D.; Liu, S.; and Zhang, K.
Nano Today, 43: 101420. April 2022.
@article{liu_biomimetic_2022, title = {Biomimetic confined self-assembly of chitin nanocrystals}, volume = {43}, issn = {17480132}, url = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.nantod.2022.101420}, abstract = {It is a longstanding challenge to aptly describe the natural assembly process of chitin Bouligand organi zation as well as biomimetic construct these position-dependent structures with the isolated chitin na nodomains. Here, we report a fixed-boundary evaporation-induced self-assembly (FB-EISA) modality using chitin nanocrystals (ChNCs) in the capillaries, where the generation of continuous and ordered anisotropic phase relies on the growth of phase boundary towards the opposite direction of water evaporation. Distinct from the previous EISA modalities with the moving evaporation interface, the pinned air-liquid interface at the end of capillaries in a confined environment acts as the evaporation interface and initial deposition site of ChNCs simultaneously. During the whole self-assembly process via successive evaporation, the genera tion of droplets-like ChNCs clusters known as tactoids is suppressed. Therefore, continuous birefringent multi-layers as nested multiple paraboloid structures of ChNCs with a density gradient are gradually generated, before cylindrical tubes are formed finally. The FB-EISA process can be accelerated by heat and maintains stable regardless of vibration or different capillary opening directions relative to gravity direc tion. This FB-EISA modality in confined geometry allows rapid formation of ChNCs-based photonics-quality structure of larger length scales and enables us to deepen our understanding of the natural self-assembly process in diverse biological species.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2022-02-02}, journal = {Nano Today}, author = {Liu, Peiwen and Wang, Jiaxiu and Qi, Houjuan and Koddenberg, Tim and Xu, Dan and Liu, Siyuan and Zhang, Kai}, month = apr, year = {2022}, pages = {101420}, file = {Liu et al. - 2022 - Biomimetic confined self-assembly of chitin nanocr.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\VRXG2QVP\\Liu et al. - 2022 - Biomimetic confined self-assembly of chitin nanocr.pdf:application/pdf}, }
It is a longstanding challenge to aptly describe the natural assembly process of chitin Bouligand organi zation as well as biomimetic construct these position-dependent structures with the isolated chitin na nodomains. Here, we report a fixed-boundary evaporation-induced self-assembly (FB-EISA) modality using chitin nanocrystals (ChNCs) in the capillaries, where the generation of continuous and ordered anisotropic phase relies on the growth of phase boundary towards the opposite direction of water evaporation. Distinct from the previous EISA modalities with the moving evaporation interface, the pinned air-liquid interface at the end of capillaries in a confined environment acts as the evaporation interface and initial deposition site of ChNCs simultaneously. During the whole self-assembly process via successive evaporation, the genera tion of droplets-like ChNCs clusters known as tactoids is suppressed. Therefore, continuous birefringent multi-layers as nested multiple paraboloid structures of ChNCs with a density gradient are gradually generated, before cylindrical tubes are formed finally. The FB-EISA process can be accelerated by heat and maintains stable regardless of vibration or different capillary opening directions relative to gravity direc tion. This FB-EISA modality in confined geometry allows rapid formation of ChNCs-based photonics-quality structure of larger length scales and enables us to deepen our understanding of the natural self-assembly process in diverse biological species.
Production and characterisation of wood-fibre insulation boards (WFIB) from hardwood fibres and fibre blends.
Imken, A. A. P.; Kraft, R.; and Mai, C.
Wood Material Science & Engineering, 17(6): 802–808. November 2022.
@article{imken_production_2022, title = {Production and characterisation of wood-fibre insulation boards ({WFIB}) from hardwood fibres and fibre blends}, volume = {17}, issn = {1748-0272, 1748-0280}, url = {}, doi = {10.1080/17480272.2021.1958919}, abstract = {Due to the rapid decline in coniferous (softwood) stands in Europe, the wood-based panel industry will be forced to adapt its products to the wood market supply. The production of wood fibre insulation boards (WFIB), which are usually made with softwood fibres, must therefore be converted to the use of hardwood fibres. The objective of this study was to investigate the properties of WFIB made from hardwood fibres and blends of softwood and hardwood fibres produced in a refiner by thermo-mechanical pulping (TMP). WFIB with a raw density of 100 kg m−3 were produced in a dry process with hot-air and hot-steam. The binder used was polymeric diphenylmethane diisocyanate (pMDI, 5 wt\% related to the weight of dry fibre material) for stiff boards or 7 wt\% bi-component (Bico) fibres for flexible mats. Mechanical strength results for pure hardwood fibres were significantly lower than for softwood fibres and for fibre blends, while water absorption was significantly higher. However, the thermal conductivity for pure hardwood fibres was higher than for softwood fibres and for fibre blends. The results showed that it is possible to produce WFIB from hardwood fibres with satisfactory properties. WFIB made from hardwood fibre blends with at least 20\% softwood fibre content showed comparable results to those made from pure softwood fibres.}, language = {en}, number = {6}, urldate = {2022-12-13}, journal = {Wood Material Science \& Engineering}, author = {Imken, Arne A. P. and Kraft, Redelf and Mai, Carsten}, month = nov, year = {2022}, pages = {802--808}, file = {Imken et al. - 2022 - Production and characterisation of wood-fibre insu.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\E3W5BIAC\\Imken et al. - 2022 - Production and characterisation of wood-fibre insu.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Due to the rapid decline in coniferous (softwood) stands in Europe, the wood-based panel industry will be forced to adapt its products to the wood market supply. The production of wood fibre insulation boards (WFIB), which are usually made with softwood fibres, must therefore be converted to the use of hardwood fibres. The objective of this study was to investigate the properties of WFIB made from hardwood fibres and blends of softwood and hardwood fibres produced in a refiner by thermo-mechanical pulping (TMP). WFIB with a raw density of 100 kg m−3 were produced in a dry process with hot-air and hot-steam. The binder used was polymeric diphenylmethane diisocyanate (pMDI, 5 wt% related to the weight of dry fibre material) for stiff boards or 7 wt% bi-component (Bico) fibres for flexible mats. Mechanical strength results for pure hardwood fibres were significantly lower than for softwood fibres and for fibre blends, while water absorption was significantly higher. However, the thermal conductivity for pure hardwood fibres was higher than for softwood fibres and for fibre blends. The results showed that it is possible to produce WFIB from hardwood fibres with satisfactory properties. WFIB made from hardwood fibre blends with at least 20% softwood fibre content showed comparable results to those made from pure softwood fibres.
Seagrass Leaves: An Alternative Resource for the Production of Insulation Materials.
Kuqo, A.; and Mai, C.
Materials, 15(19): 6933. January 2022.
Number: 19 Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
@article{kuqo_seagrass_2022, title = {Seagrass {Leaves}: {An} {Alternative} {Resource} for the {Production} of {Insulation} {Materials}}, volume = {15}, copyright = {}, issn = {1996-1944}, shorttitle = {Seagrass {Leaves}}, url = {}, doi = {10.3390/ma15196933}, abstract = {Seagrass wracks, the remains of dead leaves accumulated on seashores, are important ecosystems and beneficial for the marine environment. Their presence on the touristic beaches, however, is a problem for the tourism industry due to the lack of aesthetics and safety reasons. At the present time, seagrass leaves are landfilled, although this is not considered an ecological waste management practice. Among other proposed practices for more sustainable and environmentally friendly management, such as composting and biogas or energy generation, in this study we aim to use seagrass leaves for the production of insulation materials. Insulation boards from two types of seagrass leaves (Posidonia oceanica and Zostera marina) at densities varying from 80 to 200 kg m−3 were prepared and their physical and mechanical properties were examined and compared to those of wood fiber insulation boards. The thermal conductivity of seagrass-based insulation boards varied from 0.042 to 0.050 W m−1 K−1, which was up to 12\% lower compared to the latter. The cone calorimetry analysis revealed that seagrass-based insulation boards are more fire resistant than those from wood fibers, as they release very low amounts of heat during combustion and do not ignite when exposed to a single flame (Bunsen burner). A simplified cost analysis showed that insulation boards made from seagrass leaves can be up to 30\% cheaper compared to those made from wood fibers. After their end of life, seagrass leaves can again be considered a valuable resource and be further utilized by adopting other management strategies.}, language = {en}, number = {19}, urldate = {2022-11-09}, journal = {Materials}, author = {Kuqo, Aldi and Mai, Carsten}, month = jan, year = {2022}, note = {Number: 19 Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute}, keywords = {\textit{Posidonia oceanica}, \textit{Zostera marina}, fire properties, seagrass wracks, thermal insulation, waste valorization}, pages = {6933}, file = {Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\8AH7FZLL\\Kuqo und Mai - 2022 - Seagrass Leaves An Alternative Resource for the P.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Seagrass wracks, the remains of dead leaves accumulated on seashores, are important ecosystems and beneficial for the marine environment. Their presence on the touristic beaches, however, is a problem for the tourism industry due to the lack of aesthetics and safety reasons. At the present time, seagrass leaves are landfilled, although this is not considered an ecological waste management practice. Among other proposed practices for more sustainable and environmentally friendly management, such as composting and biogas or energy generation, in this study we aim to use seagrass leaves for the production of insulation materials. Insulation boards from two types of seagrass leaves (Posidonia oceanica and Zostera marina) at densities varying from 80 to 200 kg m−3 were prepared and their physical and mechanical properties were examined and compared to those of wood fiber insulation boards. The thermal conductivity of seagrass-based insulation boards varied from 0.042 to 0.050 W m−1 K−1, which was up to 12% lower compared to the latter. The cone calorimetry analysis revealed that seagrass-based insulation boards are more fire resistant than those from wood fibers, as they release very low amounts of heat during combustion and do not ignite when exposed to a single flame (Bunsen burner). A simplified cost analysis showed that insulation boards made from seagrass leaves can be up to 30% cheaper compared to those made from wood fibers. After their end of life, seagrass leaves can again be considered a valuable resource and be further utilized by adopting other management strategies.
Loofah Sandwich Panels: The Effect of Adhesive Content on Mechanical and Physical Properties.
Köhler, R.; Jurisch, M.; Mayer, A. K.; Mai, C.; and Viöl, W.
Materials, 15(20): 7129. January 2022.
Number: 20 Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
@article{kohler_loofah_2022, title = {Loofah {Sandwich} {Panels}: {The} {Effect} of {Adhesive} {Content} on {Mechanical} and {Physical} {Properties}}, volume = {15}, copyright = {}, issn = {1996-1944}, shorttitle = {Loofah {Sandwich} {Panels}}, url = {}, doi = {10.3390/ma15207129}, abstract = {In the development of new materials, the focus nowadays is increasingly on their relevance with regard to lightweight construction or environmental compatibility. The idea of a lightweight sandwich panel was inspired by an increasing number of cosmetic accessories that use the fibers of the loofah plant, a rapidly renewable, light, fibrous raw material. The aim of the study was to develop a fiber composite panel based on the fibers of the loofah plant (Luffa cylindrica) as core material and wooden veneer as the skin layer to be used in areas of lead construction. Three different panel variations were produced for the tests, with a fiber–adhesive ratio between 1:1.05, 1:0.8, and 1:0.5. The mechanical strength (flexural strength and internal bond) and the physical properties (density and thickness swelling) were determined as a function of the fiber–adhesive composition. The results show that the flexural strength increased by approx. 400\% and the thickness swelling was reduced by 10\% with increasing adhesive quantity.}, language = {en}, number = {20}, urldate = {2022-11-04}, journal = {Materials}, author = {Köhler, Robert and Jurisch, Marvin and Mayer, Aaron Kilian and Mai, Carsten and Viöl, Wolfgang}, month = jan, year = {2022}, note = {Number: 20 Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute}, keywords = {composite panel, \textit{Luffa cylindrica}, adhesive content, loofah, polyester polyurethane elastomer, sandwich panel}, pages = {7129}, file = {Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\N9G4Z5ME\\Köhler et al. - 2022 - Loofah Sandwich Panels The Effect of Adhesive Con.pdf:application/pdf}, }
In the development of new materials, the focus nowadays is increasingly on their relevance with regard to lightweight construction or environmental compatibility. The idea of a lightweight sandwich panel was inspired by an increasing number of cosmetic accessories that use the fibers of the loofah plant, a rapidly renewable, light, fibrous raw material. The aim of the study was to develop a fiber composite panel based on the fibers of the loofah plant (Luffa cylindrica) as core material and wooden veneer as the skin layer to be used in areas of lead construction. Three different panel variations were produced for the tests, with a fiber–adhesive ratio between 1:1.05, 1:0.8, and 1:0.5. The mechanical strength (flexural strength and internal bond) and the physical properties (density and thickness swelling) were determined as a function of the fiber–adhesive composition. The results show that the flexural strength increased by approx. 400% and the thickness swelling was reduced by 10% with increasing adhesive quantity.
Investigation of Poplar-Plywood impregnated with a mixture of sorbitol and citric acid (SorCA).
Slabohm, M.; Kurkowiak, K.; Rabke, J.; Debuisson, R.; and Militz, H.
In Hardwood Conference Proceedings, pages 228–235, Sopron, Hungary, 2022. University of Sopron Press
link bibtex
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@inproceedings{slabohm_investigation_2022, address = {Sopron, Hungary}, title = {Investigation of {Poplar}-{Plywood} impregnated with a mixture of sorbitol and citric acid ({SorCA})}, isbn = {978-963-334-446-0}, language = {EN}, booktitle = {Hardwood {Conference} {Proceedings}}, publisher = {University of Sopron Press}, author = {Slabohm, Maik and Kurkowiak, Katarzyna and Rabke, Joshua and Debuisson, Robin and Militz, Holger}, year = {2022}, pages = {228--235}, }
Acetylated Beech LVL: Anti-swelling-efficiency, leaching, and set recovery.
Slabohm, M.; and Militz, H.
In Hardwood Conference Proceedings, pages 222–227, Sopron, Hungary, 2022. University of Sopron Press
link bibtex
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@inproceedings{slabohm_acetylated_2022, address = {Sopron, Hungary}, title = {Acetylated {Beech} {LVL}: {Anti}-swelling-efficiency, leaching, and set recovery}, isbn = {978-963-334-446-0}, language = {EN}, booktitle = {Hardwood {Conference} {Proceedings}}, publisher = {University of Sopron Press}, author = {Slabohm, Maik and Militz, Holger}, year = {2022}, pages = {222--227}, }
Vacuum Low-Temperature Microwave-Assisted Pyrolysis of Technical Lignins.
Karthäuser, J.; Biziks, V.; Frauendorf, H.; Mai, C.; and Militz, H.
Polymers, 14(16): 3383. August 2022.
1 download
@article{karthauser_vacuum_2022, title = {Vacuum {Low}-{Temperature} {Microwave}-{Assisted} {Pyrolysis} of {Technical} {Lignins}}, volume = {14}, issn = {2073-4360}, url = {}, doi = {10.3390/polym14163383}, abstract = {Cleavage by microwave-assisted pyrolysis is a way to obtain higher-value organic chemicals from technical lignins. In this report, pine kraft lignin (PKL), spruce and beech organosolv lignin (SOSL and BOSL), and calcium lignosulfonates from spruce wood (LS) were pyrolyzed at temperatures between 30 and 280 ◦C using vacuum low-temperature, microwave-assisted pyrolysis. The mass balance, energy consumption, condensation rate, and pressure changes of the products during the pyrolysis process were recorded. Phenolic condensates obtained at different temperatures during pyrolysis were collected, and their chemical composition was determined by GC-MS and GC-FID. The origin of the technical lignin had a significant influence on the pyrolysis products. Phenolic condensates were obtained in yields of approximately 15\% (PKL and SOSL) as well as in lower yields of 4.5\% (BOSL) or even 1.7\% (LS). The main production of the phenolic condensates for the PKL and SOSL occurred at temperatures of approximately 140 and 180 ◦C, respectively. The main components of the phenolic fraction of the three softwood lignins were guaiacol, 4-methylguaiacol, 4-ethylguaiacol, and other guaiacol derivatives; however, the quantity varied significantly depending on the lignin source. Due to the low cleavage temperature vacuum, low-temperature, microwave-assisted pyrolysis could be an interesting approach to lignin conversion.}, language = {en}, number = {16}, urldate = {2022-08-24}, journal = {Polymers}, author = {Karthäuser, Johannes and Biziks, Vladimirs and Frauendorf, Holm and Mai, Carsten and Militz, Holger}, month = aug, year = {2022}, pages = {3383}, file = {Karthäuser et al. - 2022 - Vacuum Low-Temperature Microwave-Assisted Pyrolysi.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\SKUKYR79\\Karthäuser et al. - 2022 - Vacuum Low-Temperature Microwave-Assisted Pyrolysi.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Cleavage by microwave-assisted pyrolysis is a way to obtain higher-value organic chemicals from technical lignins. In this report, pine kraft lignin (PKL), spruce and beech organosolv lignin (SOSL and BOSL), and calcium lignosulfonates from spruce wood (LS) were pyrolyzed at temperatures between 30 and 280 ◦C using vacuum low-temperature, microwave-assisted pyrolysis. The mass balance, energy consumption, condensation rate, and pressure changes of the products during the pyrolysis process were recorded. Phenolic condensates obtained at different temperatures during pyrolysis were collected, and their chemical composition was determined by GC-MS and GC-FID. The origin of the technical lignin had a significant influence on the pyrolysis products. Phenolic condensates were obtained in yields of approximately 15% (PKL and SOSL) as well as in lower yields of 4.5% (BOSL) or even 1.7% (LS). The main production of the phenolic condensates for the PKL and SOSL occurred at temperatures of approximately 140 and 180 ◦C, respectively. The main components of the phenolic fraction of the three softwood lignins were guaiacol, 4-methylguaiacol, 4-ethylguaiacol, and other guaiacol derivatives; however, the quantity varied significantly depending on the lignin source. Due to the low cleavage temperature vacuum, low-temperature, microwave-assisted pyrolysis could be an interesting approach to lignin conversion.
Seagrass- and wood-based cement boards: A comparative study in terms of physico-mechanical and structural properties.
Mayer, A.; Kuqo, A.; Koddenberg, T.; and Mai, C.
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 156: 106864. February 2022.
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@article{mayer_seagrass-_2022, title = {Seagrass- and wood-based cement boards: {A} comparative study in terms of physico-mechanical and structural properties}, volume = {156}, issn = {1359835X}, shorttitle = {Seagrass- and wood-based cement boards}, url = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.compositesa.2022.106864}, abstract = {The inclusion and management of local, natural resources in the construction sector are on the rise as a result of the undisputed essentiality of sustainability. This study aims to assess and compare cement-bonded boards containing seagrass fibers (Posidonia oceanica) and pine wood particles (Pinus sylvestris) in terms of their compatibility with cement, their physico-mechanical properties, and their microstructure using X-ray microcomputed tomography and 3D-reflected light microscopy. Seagrass-based cement boards comply with the DIN EN 634 surpassing the stated MOR value of 9 N mm− 2. The thickness swelling of all seagrass-based cement boards was between 0.2 and 1.2\%, indicating a possible outdoor application. The structural characterization and the study of the degree of compatibility showed that the size, geometry, and chemical composition of the lignocellulosic precursors mostly influenced the final properties of the board. Seagrass-based cement boards provide novel possibilities to use new environmentally friendly materials for construction applications.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2022-02-11}, journal = {Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing}, author = {Mayer, Aaron and Kuqo, Aldi and Koddenberg, Tim and Mai, Carsten}, month = feb, year = {2022}, pages = {106864}, file = {Kilian Mayer et al. - 2022 - Seagrass- and wood-based cement boards A comparat.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\TNYLXTEZ\\Kilian Mayer et al. - 2022 - Seagrass- and wood-based cement boards A comparat.pdf:application/pdf}, }
The inclusion and management of local, natural resources in the construction sector are on the rise as a result of the undisputed essentiality of sustainability. This study aims to assess and compare cement-bonded boards containing seagrass fibers (Posidonia oceanica) and pine wood particles (Pinus sylvestris) in terms of their compatibility with cement, their physico-mechanical properties, and their microstructure using X-ray microcomputed tomography and 3D-reflected light microscopy. Seagrass-based cement boards comply with the DIN EN 634 surpassing the stated MOR value of 9 N mm− 2. The thickness swelling of all seagrass-based cement boards was between 0.2 and 1.2%, indicating a possible outdoor application. The structural characterization and the study of the degree of compatibility showed that the size, geometry, and chemical composition of the lignocellulosic precursors mostly influenced the final properties of the board. Seagrass-based cement boards provide novel possibilities to use new environmentally friendly materials for construction applications.
Compression of Acetylated Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL).
Slabohm, M.; Mayer, A. K.; and Militz, H.
Forests, 13(7): 1122. July 2022.
Number: 7 Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
@article{slabohm_compression_2022, title = {Compression of {Acetylated} {Beech} ({Fagus} sylvatica {L}.) {Laminated} {Veneer} {Lumber} ({LVL})}, volume = {13}, copyright = {}, issn = {1999-4907}, url = {}, doi = {10.3390/f13071122}, abstract = {Acetylation with acetic anhydride is well known to improve the dimensional stability and durability of wood. Veneer is appealing for acetylation because of its thin thickness, which supports a complete and even impregnation of difficult-to-treat wood species, such as beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). Unlike resin-based veneer impregnation, acetylated veneer does not require any additional curing. As a result, veneer properties are already altered prior to bonding. The compression thickness reduction in acetylated beech veneer during the manufacturing of laminated veneer lumber (LVL) utilizing 1, 3, and 6 MPa at 150 °C for 30 min is investigated in this study. The results show that acetylated beech veneer is considerably less compressible than the references. Moreover, the density of acetylated LVL at low pressure (1 MPa) is similar to the one of references, even though the compressibility is much lower. This is due to the added acetyl groups after acetylation. The reduction in compressibility is most likely caused due to a decrease in moisture content (MC) and its accompanied mechanisms.}, language = {en}, number = {7}, urldate = {2022-07-28}, journal = {Forests}, author = {Slabohm, Maik and Mayer, Aaron Kilian and Militz, Holger}, month = jul, year = {2022}, note = {Number: 7 Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute}, keywords = {wood modification, acetylation, laminated veneer lumber (LVL), compression, densification}, pages = {1122}, file = {Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\AJVULWFJ\\Slabohm et al. - 2022 - Compression of Acetylated Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Acetylation with acetic anhydride is well known to improve the dimensional stability and durability of wood. Veneer is appealing for acetylation because of its thin thickness, which supports a complete and even impregnation of difficult-to-treat wood species, such as beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). Unlike resin-based veneer impregnation, acetylated veneer does not require any additional curing. As a result, veneer properties are already altered prior to bonding. The compression thickness reduction in acetylated beech veneer during the manufacturing of laminated veneer lumber (LVL) utilizing 1, 3, and 6 MPa at 150 °C for 30 min is investigated in this study. The results show that acetylated beech veneer is considerably less compressible than the references. Moreover, the density of acetylated LVL at low pressure (1 MPa) is similar to the one of references, even though the compressibility is much lower. This is due to the added acetyl groups after acetylation. The reduction in compressibility is most likely caused due to a decrease in moisture content (MC) and its accompanied mechanisms.
The effect of weathering on the surface moisture conditions of Norway spruce under outdoor exposure.
Niklewski, J.; van Niekerk, P. B.; and Marais, B. N.
Wood Material Science & Engineering, 0(0): 1–11. December 2022.
Publisher: Taylor & Francis _eprint:
@article{niklewski_effect_2022, title = {The effect of weathering on the surface moisture conditions of {Norway} spruce under outdoor exposure}, volume = {0}, issn = {1748-0272}, url = {}, doi = {10.1080/17480272.2022.2144444}, abstract = {Understanding wood surface moisture variations is fundamental to the modelling of moisture content. Exposure to sunlight, fluctuating temperature and rain leads to superficial deterioration and reduced surface hydrophobicity. Here, the effect of weathering was studied through monitoring the surface and global moisture content of axially matched pre-weathered and planed sets of specimens exposed outdoors over 18 months. The difference in surface conditions was characterised by analysing the rain-induced peaks. The results suggest that, following precipitation, weathered surfaces remain wet over a longer time period. No effect was observed through the global moisture content. After one year of exposure, the difference between pre-weathered and planed surfaces was small to insignificant. In service life modelling, it is therefore unnecessary to consider the unweathered state and simulations should target the behaviour of weathered wood. Numerical simulations were able to capture the general behaviour of the surface and global moisture content, but discrepancies over individual peaks were observed. Finally, the study demonstrates how peak analysis and signal analysis can be used for isolating subtle differences between time-series of surface moisture content. The same techniques can be used in future studies to characterise other factors influencing surface conditions, such as wood species and detailing.}, number = {0}, urldate = {2022-12-14}, journal = {Wood Material Science \& Engineering}, author = {Niklewski, Jonas and van Niekerk, Philip Bester and Marais, Brendan Nicholas}, month = dec, year = {2022}, note = {Publisher: Taylor \& Francis \_eprint:}, keywords = {weathering, moisture content, Wood, measurements, surface conditions}, pages = {1--11}, file = {Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\HYF4Q2FB\\Niklewski et al. - 2022 - The effect of weathering on the surface moisture c.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Understanding wood surface moisture variations is fundamental to the modelling of moisture content. Exposure to sunlight, fluctuating temperature and rain leads to superficial deterioration and reduced surface hydrophobicity. Here, the effect of weathering was studied through monitoring the surface and global moisture content of axially matched pre-weathered and planed sets of specimens exposed outdoors over 18 months. The difference in surface conditions was characterised by analysing the rain-induced peaks. The results suggest that, following precipitation, weathered surfaces remain wet over a longer time period. No effect was observed through the global moisture content. After one year of exposure, the difference between pre-weathered and planed surfaces was small to insignificant. In service life modelling, it is therefore unnecessary to consider the unweathered state and simulations should target the behaviour of weathered wood. Numerical simulations were able to capture the general behaviour of the surface and global moisture content, but discrepancies over individual peaks were observed. Finally, the study demonstrates how peak analysis and signal analysis can be used for isolating subtle differences between time-series of surface moisture content. The same techniques can be used in future studies to characterise other factors influencing surface conditions, such as wood species and detailing.
Evaluation of Moisture and Decay Models for a New Design Framework for Decay Prediction of Wood.
Niklewski, J.; van Niekerk, P. B.; Brischke, C.; and Hansson, E. F.
Forests, 0(0): 17. 2021.
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@article{niklewski_evaluation_2021, title = {Evaluation of {Moisture} and {Decay} {Models} for a {New} {Design} {Framework} for {Decay} {Prediction} of {Wood}}, volume = {0}, abstract = {Performance-based, service-life design of wood has been the focus of much research in recent decades. Previous works have been synthesized in various factorized design frameworks presented in the form of technical reports. Factorization does not consider the non-linear dependency between decay-influencing effects, such as between detail design and climate variables. The CLICKdesign project is a joint European effort targeting digital, performance-based specification for service-life design (SLD) of wood. This study evaluates the feasibility of using a semi-empirical moisture model (SMM) as a basis for a digital SLD framework. The performance of the SMM is assessed by comparison against a finite element model (FEM). In addition, two different wood decay models (a logistic, LM, and simplified logistic model (SLM)) are compared. While discrepancies between the SMM and FEM were detected particularly at high wood moisture content, the overall performance of the SMM was deemed sufficient for the application. The main source of uncertainty instead stems from the choice of wood decay model. Based on the results, a new method based on pre-calculated time series, empirical equations, and interpolation is proposed for predicting the service life of wood. The method is fast and simple yet able to deal with non-linear effects between weather variables and the design of details. As such, it can easily be implemented as part of a digital design guideline to provide decision support for architects and engineers, with less uncertainty than existing factorized guidelines.}, language = {en}, number = {0}, journal = {Forests}, author = {Niklewski, Jonas and van Niekerk, Philip Bester and Brischke, Christian and Hansson, Eva Frühwald}, year = {2021}, pages = {17}, file = {Niklewski et al. - 2021 - Evaluation of Moisture and Decay Models for a New .pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\6ZSHKNGX\\Niklewski et al. - 2021 - Evaluation of Moisture and Decay Models for a New .pdf:application/pdf}, }
Performance-based, service-life design of wood has been the focus of much research in recent decades. Previous works have been synthesized in various factorized design frameworks presented in the form of technical reports. Factorization does not consider the non-linear dependency between decay-influencing effects, such as between detail design and climate variables. The CLICKdesign project is a joint European effort targeting digital, performance-based specification for service-life design (SLD) of wood. This study evaluates the feasibility of using a semi-empirical moisture model (SMM) as a basis for a digital SLD framework. The performance of the SMM is assessed by comparison against a finite element model (FEM). In addition, two different wood decay models (a logistic, LM, and simplified logistic model (SLM)) are compared. While discrepancies between the SMM and FEM were detected particularly at high wood moisture content, the overall performance of the SMM was deemed sufficient for the application. The main source of uncertainty instead stems from the choice of wood decay model. Based on the results, a new method based on pre-calculated time series, empirical equations, and interpolation is proposed for predicting the service life of wood. The method is fast and simple yet able to deal with non-linear effects between weather variables and the design of details. As such, it can easily be implemented as part of a digital design guideline to provide decision support for architects and engineers, with less uncertainty than existing factorized guidelines.
Modelling the Material Resistance of Wood—Part 1: Utilizing Durability Test Data Based on Different Reference Wood Species.
Alfredsen, G.; Brischke, C.; Marais, B. N.; Stein, R. F. A.; Zimmer, K.; and Humar, M.
Forests, 12(5): 558. April 2021.
@article{alfredsen_modelling_2021, title = {Modelling the {Material} {Resistance} of {Wood}—{Part} 1: {Utilizing} {Durability} {Test} {Data} {Based} on {Different} {Reference} {Wood} {Species}}, volume = {12}, issn = {1999-4907}, shorttitle = {Modelling the {Material} {Resistance} of {Wood}—{Part} 1}, url = {}, doi = {10.3390/f12050558}, abstract = {To evaluate the performance of new wood-based products, reference wood species with known performances are included in laboratory and field trials. However, different wood species vary in their durability performance, and there will also be a within-species variation. The primary aim of this paper was to compare the material resistance against decay fungi and moisture performance of three European reference wood species, i.e., Scots pine sapwood (Pinus sylvestris), Norway spruce (Picea abies), and European beech (Fagus sylvatica). Wood material was collected from 43 locations all over Europe and exposed to brown rot (Rhodonia placenta), white rot (Trametes versicolor) or soft rot fungi. In addition, five different moisture performance characteristics were analyzed. The main results were the two factors accounting for the wetting ability (kwa) and the inherent protective properties of wood (kinh), factors for conversion between Norway spruce vs. Scots pine sapwood or European beech for the three decay types and four moisture tests, and material resistance dose (DRd) per wood species. The data illustrate that the differences between the three European reference wood species were minor, both with regard to decay and moisture performance. The results also highlight the importance of defined boundaries for density and annual ring width when comparing materials within and between experiments. It was concluded that with the factors obtained, existing, and future test data, where only one or two of the mentioned reference species were used, can be transferred to models and prediction tools that use another of the reference species.}, language = {en}, number = {5}, urldate = {2021-05-18}, journal = {Forests}, author = {Alfredsen, Gry and Brischke, Christian and Marais, Brendan N. and Stein, Robert F. A. and Zimmer, Katrin and Humar, Miha}, month = apr, year = {2021}, pages = {558}, file = {Alfredsen et al. - 2021 - Modelling the Material Resistance of Wood—Part 1 .pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\MATGEGAE\\Alfredsen et al. - 2021 - Modelling the Material Resistance of Wood—Part 1 .pdf:application/pdf}, }
To evaluate the performance of new wood-based products, reference wood species with known performances are included in laboratory and field trials. However, different wood species vary in their durability performance, and there will also be a within-species variation. The primary aim of this paper was to compare the material resistance against decay fungi and moisture performance of three European reference wood species, i.e., Scots pine sapwood (Pinus sylvestris), Norway spruce (Picea abies), and European beech (Fagus sylvatica). Wood material was collected from 43 locations all over Europe and exposed to brown rot (Rhodonia placenta), white rot (Trametes versicolor) or soft rot fungi. In addition, five different moisture performance characteristics were analyzed. The main results were the two factors accounting for the wetting ability (kwa) and the inherent protective properties of wood (kinh), factors for conversion between Norway spruce vs. Scots pine sapwood or European beech for the three decay types and four moisture tests, and material resistance dose (DRd) per wood species. The data illustrate that the differences between the three European reference wood species were minor, both with regard to decay and moisture performance. The results also highlight the importance of defined boundaries for density and annual ring width when comparing materials within and between experiments. It was concluded that with the factors obtained, existing, and future test data, where only one or two of the mentioned reference species were used, can be transferred to models and prediction tools that use another of the reference species.
Estimating the Service Life of Timber Structures Concerning Risk and Influence of Fungal Decay—A Review of Existing Theory and Modelling Approaches.
van Niekerk, P. B.; Brischke, C.; and Niklewski, J.
Forests, 12(5): 588. May 2021.
Number: 5 Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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@article{van_niekerk_estimating_2021, title = {Estimating the {Service} {Life} of {Timber} {Structures} {Concerning} {Risk} and {Influence} of {Fungal} {Decay}—{A} {Review} of {Existing} {Theory} and {Modelling} {Approaches}}, volume = {12}, copyright = {}, url = {}, doi = {10.3390/f12050588}, abstract = {Wood is a renewable resource and a promising construction material for the growing bio-based economy. Efficiently utilising wood in the built environment requires a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics regarding its usability. Durability is an essential property to consider, as various types of exposure create conditions for the deterioration of wood through biotic and abiotic agents. Biodegradable materials introduce increased complexity to construction and design processes, as material decomposition during a structure’s lifetime presents a physical risk to human health and safety and costs related to repairs and maintenance. Construction professionals are thus tasked with utilising wooden elements to accentuate the material’s beneficial properties while reducing the risk of in-service decomposition. In this paper, only the cause and effect of fungal induced decay on the service life of wooden buildings and other wood-based construction assets are reviewed. The service life of wood components can thus be extended if suitable growing conditions are controlled. Multiple existing modelling approaches are described throughout the text, with special attention given to the two most comprehensive ones; TimberLife and the WoodExter. In choosing an appropriate model for a specific application, the authors recommend evaluating the model’s regional specificity, complexity, practicality, longevity and adaptability.}, language = {en}, number = {5}, urldate = {2021-05-12}, journal = {Forests}, author = {van Niekerk, Philip Bester and Brischke, Christian and Niklewski, Jonas}, month = may, year = {2021}, note = {Number: 5 Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute}, keywords = {fungi, wood, decay, modelling, service life planning}, pages = {588}, file = {Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\PKVJTEAJ\\van Niekerk et al. - 2021 - Estimating the Service Life of Timber Structures C.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\UXKGC87D\\588.html:text/html}, }
Wood is a renewable resource and a promising construction material for the growing bio-based economy. Efficiently utilising wood in the built environment requires a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics regarding its usability. Durability is an essential property to consider, as various types of exposure create conditions for the deterioration of wood through biotic and abiotic agents. Biodegradable materials introduce increased complexity to construction and design processes, as material decomposition during a structure’s lifetime presents a physical risk to human health and safety and costs related to repairs and maintenance. Construction professionals are thus tasked with utilising wooden elements to accentuate the material’s beneficial properties while reducing the risk of in-service decomposition. In this paper, only the cause and effect of fungal induced decay on the service life of wooden buildings and other wood-based construction assets are reviewed. The service life of wood components can thus be extended if suitable growing conditions are controlled. Multiple existing modelling approaches are described throughout the text, with special attention given to the two most comprehensive ones; TimberLife and the WoodExter. In choosing an appropriate model for a specific application, the authors recommend evaluating the model’s regional specificity, complexity, practicality, longevity and adaptability.
Non-Conventional Mineral Binder-Bonded Lignocellulosic Composite Materials: A Review.
Emmanuel, O. U.; Kuqo, A.; and Mai, C.
BioResources, 16(2): 4606–4648. April 2021.
Number: 2
@article{emmanuel_non-conventional_2021, title = {Non-{Conventional} {Mineral} {Binder}-{Bonded} {Lignocellulosic} {Composite} {Materials}: {A} {Review}}, volume = {16}, copyright = {Copyright (c) 2021}, issn = {1930-2126}, shorttitle = {Non-{Conventional} {Mineral} {Binder}-{Bonded} {Lignocellulosic} {Composite} {Materials}}, url = {}, abstract = {The construction industry suffers from unsustainability and contributes more than any other industrial sector to carbon emissions that lead to global warming. Increasing economic and environmental concerns related to conventional energy- and CO2-intensive building materials have propelled the rapid and sustained expansion of research in the area of plant-based inorganic mineral binder-bonded materials for the construction industry. The resulting composites can be qualified as eco-responsible, sustainable, and efficient multifunctional building materials. So far, most of these research efforts have not received as much attention as materials based on ordinary Portland cement (OPC). To address this gap, this review focuses on mineral binder-based lignocellulosic composites made from non-conventional inorganic mineral binders/ cements with low embodied energy and low carbon footprint, namely hydrated lime-based binders, magnesium-based cement, alkali-activated cement, and geopolymers, as sustainable alternatives to OPC-bonded lignocellulosic composites (state-of-the-art). The emphasis here is on the application potentials, the influence of production parameters on the material properties/ performance, and recent advancement in this field. Finally, a prediction is provided of future trends for these non-conventional mineral binder-bonded lignocellulosic composites.}, language = {en}, number = {2}, urldate = {2021-05-03}, journal = {BioResources}, author = {Emmanuel, Opara Uchechukwu and Kuqo, Aldi and Mai, Carsten}, month = apr, year = {2021}, note = {Number: 2}, keywords = {Bio-based materials, Inorganic bonded composites, Natural fibers, Non-conventional mineral binders, Sustainable construction}, pages = {4606--4648}, file = {Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\4VP9LZTH\\Emmanuel et al. - 2021 - Non-Conventional Mineral Binder-Bonded Lignocellul.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\UF6DNLXT\\BioRes_16_2_Review_Emmanuel_Mineral_Binder_Lignocellulosic_Composite.html:text/html}, }
The construction industry suffers from unsustainability and contributes more than any other industrial sector to carbon emissions that lead to global warming. Increasing economic and environmental concerns related to conventional energy- and CO2-intensive building materials have propelled the rapid and sustained expansion of research in the area of plant-based inorganic mineral binder-bonded materials for the construction industry. The resulting composites can be qualified as eco-responsible, sustainable, and efficient multifunctional building materials. So far, most of these research efforts have not received as much attention as materials based on ordinary Portland cement (OPC). To address this gap, this review focuses on mineral binder-based lignocellulosic composites made from non-conventional inorganic mineral binders/ cements with low embodied energy and low carbon footprint, namely hydrated lime-based binders, magnesium-based cement, alkali-activated cement, and geopolymers, as sustainable alternatives to OPC-bonded lignocellulosic composites (state-of-the-art). The emphasis here is on the application potentials, the influence of production parameters on the material properties/ performance, and recent advancement in this field. Finally, a prediction is provided of future trends for these non-conventional mineral binder-bonded lignocellulosic composites.
Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Treatment of Wood and Wood-based Products - Treatment by Dielectric Barrier Discharge for Adhesion Improvement and Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Spraying for Coating Application.
Sauerbier, P.
Ph.D. Thesis, Univeristy of Goettingen, Göttingen, Germany, April 2021.
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@phdthesis{sauerbier_atmospheric_2021, address = {Göttingen, Germany}, type = {Dissertation}, title = {Atmospheric {Pressure} {Plasma} {Treatment} of {Wood} and {Wood}-based {Products} - {Treatment} by {Dielectric} {Barrier} {Discharge} for {Adhesion} {Improvement} and {Atmospheric} {Pressure} {Plasma} {Spraying} for {Coating} {Application}}, abstract = {In this work the application of atmospheric pressure plasma on wood and wood-based materials is investigated. It aims to improve the adhesion of coatings on wood-plastic composites (WPC) and deposit protective layers on wood and wood-based materials by plasma spraying. It is attempted to contribute to the increased use of sustainable resources through acquired fundamental knowledge and practically oriented experiments. Polypropylene (PP)-based WPCs were treated by dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma with different working gases. Laser scanning microscopy showed that argon as a carrier gas made a significant contribution to the increase in surface roughness. Chemical analysis and calculation of the surface free energy from contact angle measurements were used to analyze the functionalization of the surface, showing, among other, that predominantly carbonyl groups are formed. The combination of increased roughness and functionalization significantly improved the adhesion of an acrylic dispersion coating. Nitrogen-containing groups (e.g., amines) could not be sustainably generated on the PP-WPC surfaces, which is most likely due to a rapid rearrangement of these intermediately generated groups towards carbonyls. The WPC relevant for 3D printing application with polylactide (PLA) as a polymer matrix was also treated with a DBD plasma. It was shown that the surface, despite already having functional groups, can be further significantly functionalized. Likewise, the roughness was increased, both of which in turn led to increased coating adhesion. The application for large-scale 3D printing in boat building was investigated in practical experiments together with other PP-, PLA-, and styrene maleic anhydride (SMA)-based WPCs. It was found that PLA-based WPC can be a promising material for this application. Compared to other surface treatment methods, plasma treatment was found to be the method that could achieve the best coating adhesion in standardized pull-off tests. A polyester based on iso- and terephthalic acid was deposited on beech (Fagus sylvatica), Grand fir (Abies grandis), and medium-density fiberboard by plasma spraying, demonstrating the feasibility of a solvent-free coating process independent of the conductivity of the substrate. In a second, consecutive step, it was possible to embed photocatalytically active bismuth (III) oxide into the polyester layer. The band gap, which must be present for photoactivity, remained present in the ultraviolet light range and was shifted by only 0.4 eV. The results obtained not only enable the coating with the tested materials, but also allow a variety of possible}, language = {EN}, school = {Univeristy of Goettingen}, author = {Sauerbier, Philipp}, month = apr, year = {2021}, file = {Dissertation_Sauerbier.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\LK7YXUQ4\\Dissertation_Sauerbier.pdf:application/pdf}, }
In this work the application of atmospheric pressure plasma on wood and wood-based materials is investigated. It aims to improve the adhesion of coatings on wood-plastic composites (WPC) and deposit protective layers on wood and wood-based materials by plasma spraying. It is attempted to contribute to the increased use of sustainable resources through acquired fundamental knowledge and practically oriented experiments. Polypropylene (PP)-based WPCs were treated by dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma with different working gases. Laser scanning microscopy showed that argon as a carrier gas made a significant contribution to the increase in surface roughness. Chemical analysis and calculation of the surface free energy from contact angle measurements were used to analyze the functionalization of the surface, showing, among other, that predominantly carbonyl groups are formed. The combination of increased roughness and functionalization significantly improved the adhesion of an acrylic dispersion coating. Nitrogen-containing groups (e.g., amines) could not be sustainably generated on the PP-WPC surfaces, which is most likely due to a rapid rearrangement of these intermediately generated groups towards carbonyls. The WPC relevant for 3D printing application with polylactide (PLA) as a polymer matrix was also treated with a DBD plasma. It was shown that the surface, despite already having functional groups, can be further significantly functionalized. Likewise, the roughness was increased, both of which in turn led to increased coating adhesion. The application for large-scale 3D printing in boat building was investigated in practical experiments together with other PP-, PLA-, and styrene maleic anhydride (SMA)-based WPCs. It was found that PLA-based WPC can be a promising material for this application. Compared to other surface treatment methods, plasma treatment was found to be the method that could achieve the best coating adhesion in standardized pull-off tests. A polyester based on iso- and terephthalic acid was deposited on beech (Fagus sylvatica), Grand fir (Abies grandis), and medium-density fiberboard by plasma spraying, demonstrating the feasibility of a solvent-free coating process independent of the conductivity of the substrate. In a second, consecutive step, it was possible to embed photocatalytically active bismuth (III) oxide into the polyester layer. The band gap, which must be present for photoactivity, remained present in the ultraviolet light range and was shifted by only 0.4 eV. The results obtained not only enable the coating with the tested materials, but also allow a variety of possible
Mechanical properties of lightweight gypsum composites comprised of seagrass Posidonia oceanica and pine (Pinus sylvestris) wood fibers.
Kuqo, A.; and Mai, C.
Construction and Building Materials, 282: 122714. May 2021.
@article{kuqo_mechanical_2021, title = {Mechanical properties of lightweight gypsum composites comprised of seagrass {Posidonia} oceanica and pine ({Pinus} sylvestris) wood fibers}, volume = {282}, issn = {09500618}, url = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.122714}, abstract = {Considering the current environmental awareness and the increasing interest in advanced and sustainable materials, the use of natural fibers has become a common practice owing to their appealing characteristics. This study assesses the mechanical properties with respect to bending and compression, impact bending resistance as well as the hardness of gypsum plaster composed with the Mediterranean seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) and pine wood (Pinus sylvestris) fibers. The addition of fibers from 1 to 6 wt\% led to a reduction of density from 5\% to 30\%, respectively. In terms of mechanical properties, composites containing up to 2\% wood fiber develop enhanced flexural and compression strength by 28\% and 4\% respectively; however, a further addition worsened these properties. Composites comprised of seagrass yielded a decrease in strength; yet, the fracture energy absorbed by the material before it completely lost its load-bearing capacity increased. Correspondingly, the impact resistance of the seagrass composites was 57\% higher than that of unreinforced plaster. Surface hardness tests indicated that the smaller wood fibers are more effective in transferring the load on a small scale and therefore can improve localized strength compared to larger seagrass fibers. The addition of seagrass and wood fibers presents a sustainable and ecological way to improve the major properties of gypsum products.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2021-03-09}, journal = {Construction and Building Materials}, author = {Kuqo, Aldi and Mai, Carsten}, month = may, year = {2021}, pages = {122714}, file = {Kuqo und Mai - 2021 - Mechanical properties of lightweight gypsum compos.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\Y2D9Q2GQ\\Kuqo und Mai - 2021 - Mechanical properties of lightweight gypsum compos.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Considering the current environmental awareness and the increasing interest in advanced and sustainable materials, the use of natural fibers has become a common practice owing to their appealing characteristics. This study assesses the mechanical properties with respect to bending and compression, impact bending resistance as well as the hardness of gypsum plaster composed with the Mediterranean seagrass (Posidonia oceanica) and pine wood (Pinus sylvestris) fibers. The addition of fibers from 1 to 6 wt% led to a reduction of density from 5% to 30%, respectively. In terms of mechanical properties, composites containing up to 2% wood fiber develop enhanced flexural and compression strength by 28% and 4% respectively; however, a further addition worsened these properties. Composites comprised of seagrass yielded a decrease in strength; yet, the fracture energy absorbed by the material before it completely lost its load-bearing capacity increased. Correspondingly, the impact resistance of the seagrass composites was 57% higher than that of unreinforced plaster. Surface hardness tests indicated that the smaller wood fibers are more effective in transferring the load on a small scale and therefore can improve localized strength compared to larger seagrass fibers. The addition of seagrass and wood fibers presents a sustainable and ecological way to improve the major properties of gypsum products.
Effects of low and high molecular weight of phenol-formaldehyde (PF) on the properties of strand boards from kiri wood (Paulownia tomentosa).
Pham, V. T.; Biziks, V.; and Mai, C.
Wood Material Science & Engineering,1–8. 2021.
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
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@article{pham_effects_2021, title = {Effects of low and high molecular weight of phenol-formaldehyde ({PF}) on the properties of strand boards from kiri wood ({Paulownia} tomentosa)}, journal = {Wood Material Science \& Engineering}, author = {Pham, Van Tien and Biziks, Vladimir and Mai, Carsten}, year = {2021}, note = {Publisher: Taylor \& Francis}, pages = {1--8}, file = {Snapshot:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\2FD2T9ZC\\17480272.2020.html:text/html}, }
Improving fire retardancy of unheated and heat-treated fir wood by nano-sepiolite.
Taghiyari, H. R.; Tajvidi, M.; Soltani, A.; Esmailpour, A.; Khodadoosti, G.; Jafarzadeh, H.; Militz, H.; and Papadopoulos, A. N.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. March 2021.
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@article{taghiyari_improving_2021, title = {Improving fire retardancy of unheated and heat-treated fir wood by nano-sepiolite}, issn = {0018-3768, 1436-736X}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/s00107-021-01679-1}, abstract = {The effects of nano-sepiolite (NS) on fire properties of unheated and heat-treated fir wood were studied using a newly developed apparatus. Separate sets of specimens were prepared to be painted with plain acrylic-latex paint and NS-treated paint as well. Heat treatment of specimens was carried out in a laboratory oven at 185 ºC and under atmospheric air pressure. Six fire properties were measured including times to onset of ignition and glowing, as well as back-darkening and back-holing times. Two properties of mass loss and burnt area were measured once the fire was extinguished and the test on each specimen terminated. Results demonstrated significant improvement in fire properties of NS. The improvement was partially attributed to the mineral nature of sepiolite with low chemical reactivity, acting as an insulating layer towards the penetration of fire to the wood substrate. The improvement in fire properties was also partially attributed to the high thermal conductivity coefficient of sepiolite, delaying the accumulation of heat at the point nearest to the piloted fire to reach ignition point. Heat treatment did not significantly affect fire properties in unpainted specimens. However, fire properties in the painted heat-treated specimens (with both plain paint, and NS-treated paint) tended to decrease, though the values were still significantly higher than those of unpainted heat-treated specimens. FTIR spectra illustrated significant alteration in intensities at wave numbers 3100 cm−1 and 1,00 cm−1, related to the hydroxyl groups of cell-wall polymers (mostly hemicelluloses). These alterations had a negative effect on the adhesion of the water-based paint used in this study. It was concluded that nano-sepiolite has a promising future as a fire retardant. However, as cost is of vital importance for paint manufacturers, further studies on the effects of sepiolite at micron-scale available at a lower price should also be carried out.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2021-03-23}, journal = {European Journal of Wood and Wood Products}, author = {Taghiyari, Hamid R. and Tajvidi, Mehdi and Soltani, Abolfazl and Esmailpour, Ayoub and Khodadoosti, Goodarz and Jafarzadeh, Hossein and Militz, Holger and Papadopoulos, Antonios N.}, month = mar, year = {2021}, file = {Springer Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\3K2B5P6L\\Taghiyari et al. - 2021 - Improving fire retardancy of unheated and heat-tre.pdf:application/pdf;Taghiyari et al. - 2021 - Improving fire retardancy of unheated and heat-tre.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\ATBYKG5A\\Taghiyari et al. - 2021 - Improving fire retardancy of unheated and heat-tre.pdf:application/pdf}, }
The effects of nano-sepiolite (NS) on fire properties of unheated and heat-treated fir wood were studied using a newly developed apparatus. Separate sets of specimens were prepared to be painted with plain acrylic-latex paint and NS-treated paint as well. Heat treatment of specimens was carried out in a laboratory oven at 185 ºC and under atmospheric air pressure. Six fire properties were measured including times to onset of ignition and glowing, as well as back-darkening and back-holing times. Two properties of mass loss and burnt area were measured once the fire was extinguished and the test on each specimen terminated. Results demonstrated significant improvement in fire properties of NS. The improvement was partially attributed to the mineral nature of sepiolite with low chemical reactivity, acting as an insulating layer towards the penetration of fire to the wood substrate. The improvement in fire properties was also partially attributed to the high thermal conductivity coefficient of sepiolite, delaying the accumulation of heat at the point nearest to the piloted fire to reach ignition point. Heat treatment did not significantly affect fire properties in unpainted specimens. However, fire properties in the painted heat-treated specimens (with both plain paint, and NS-treated paint) tended to decrease, though the values were still significantly higher than those of unpainted heat-treated specimens. FTIR spectra illustrated significant alteration in intensities at wave numbers 3100 cm−1 and 1,00 cm−1, related to the hydroxyl groups of cell-wall polymers (mostly hemicelluloses). These alterations had a negative effect on the adhesion of the water-based paint used in this study. It was concluded that nano-sepiolite has a promising future as a fire retardant. However, as cost is of vital importance for paint manufacturers, further studies on the effects of sepiolite at micron-scale available at a lower price should also be carried out.
Growth behavior of wood-destroying fungi in chemically modified wood: wood degradation and translocation of nitrogen compounds.
Emmerich, L.; Bleckmann, M.; Strohbusch, S.; Brischke, C.; Bollmus, S.; and Militz, H.
Holzforschung, 0(0): 000010151520200252. February 2021.
@article{emmerich_growth_2021, title = {Growth behavior of wood-destroying fungi in chemically modified wood: wood degradation and translocation of nitrogen compounds}, volume = {0}, issn = {1437-434X, 0018-3830}, shorttitle = {Growth behavior of wood-destroying fungi in chemically modified wood}, url = {}, doi = {10.1515/hf-2020-0252}, abstract = {Abstract Chemical wood modification has been used to modify wood and improve its decay resistance. However, the mode of protective action is still not fully understood. Occasionally, outdoor products made from chemically modified timber (CMT) show internal decay while their outer shell remains intact. Hence, it was hypothesized that wood decay fungi may grow through CMT without losing their capability to degrade non-modified wood. This study aimed at developing a laboratory test set-up to investigate (1) whether decay fungi grow through CMT and (2) retain their ability to degrade non-modified wood. Acetylated and 1,3-dimethylol-4,5-dihydroxyethyleneurea (DMDHEU) treated wood were used in decay tests with modified ‘mantle specimens’ and untreated ‘core dowels’. It became evident that white rot ( Trametes versicolor ), brown rot ( Coniophora puteana ) and soft rot fungi can grow through CMT without losing their ability to degrade untreated wood. Consequently, full volume impregnation of wood with the modifying agent is required to achieve complete protection of wooden products. In decay tests with DMDHEU treated specimens, significant amounts of apparently non-fixated DMDHEU were translocated from modified mantle specimens to untreated wood cores. A diffusion-driven transport of nitrogen and DMDHEU seemed to be responsible for mass translocation during decay testing.}, language = {en}, number = {0}, urldate = {2021-02-16}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Emmerich, Lukas and Bleckmann, Maja and Strohbusch, Sarah and Brischke, Christian and Bollmus, Susanne and Militz, Holger}, month = feb, year = {2021}, keywords = {DMDHEU, acetylation, chemical wood modification, durability, fungal growth, nitrogen analysis}, pages = {000010151520200252}, file = {Emmerich et al. - 2021 - Growth behavior of wood-destroying fungi in chemic.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\HAESN92C\\Emmerich et al. - 2021 - Growth behavior of wood-destroying fungi in chemic.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Abstract Chemical wood modification has been used to modify wood and improve its decay resistance. However, the mode of protective action is still not fully understood. Occasionally, outdoor products made from chemically modified timber (CMT) show internal decay while their outer shell remains intact. Hence, it was hypothesized that wood decay fungi may grow through CMT without losing their capability to degrade non-modified wood. This study aimed at developing a laboratory test set-up to investigate (1) whether decay fungi grow through CMT and (2) retain their ability to degrade non-modified wood. Acetylated and 1,3-dimethylol-4,5-dihydroxyethyleneurea (DMDHEU) treated wood were used in decay tests with modified ‘mantle specimens’ and untreated ‘core dowels’. It became evident that white rot ( Trametes versicolor ), brown rot ( Coniophora puteana ) and soft rot fungi can grow through CMT without losing their ability to degrade untreated wood. Consequently, full volume impregnation of wood with the modifying agent is required to achieve complete protection of wooden products. In decay tests with DMDHEU treated specimens, significant amounts of apparently non-fixated DMDHEU were translocated from modified mantle specimens to untreated wood cores. A diffusion-driven transport of nitrogen and DMDHEU seemed to be responsible for mass translocation during decay testing.
Repeated thermo-hydrolytic disintegration of medium density fibreboards (MDF) for the production of new MDF.
Bütün Buschalsky, F. Y.; and Mai, C.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 79(6): 1451–1459. November 2021.
@article{butun_buschalsky_repeated_2021, title = {Repeated thermo-hydrolytic disintegration of medium density fibreboards ({MDF}) for the production of new {MDF}}, volume = {79}, issn = {1436-736X}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/s00107-021-01739-6}, abstract = {Medium density fibreboards (MDF) are currently not recycled after service life, but various publications report on recycling by the disintegration of MDF using various techniques and the properties of obtained recovered fibres (RF). In this study, the main aim was to put back RF into the MDF manufacturing process as closed-loop recycling using repeated thermo-hydrolytic disintegration. Compared to previous studies, the focus was on the recycling of MDF with a relatively low F:U molar ratio (1.11). Urea–formaldehyde-bonded MDF with a target density of 700 kg m−3 was subjected to thermo-hydrolytic disintegration in an autoclave using only water at 95 °C for 20–30 min. Afterwards, the properties of RF and virgin fibres (VF), of MDF produced thereof and the composition of the disintegration water (DW) were determined. The nitrogen content (NC) revealed that RF contained about 30\% of the initially applied UF. The pH of the DW hardly changed during recycling and it contained considerable amounts of reducing sugars. Using RF did not result in higher formaldehyde emissions than VF. Compared to earlier studies using a higher formaldehyde content (higher F:U ratio), MDF bonded with modern UF resins can be disintegrated under clearly milder disintegration conditions with respect to temperature and time. The properties of recycled MDF were similar to those of reference MDF; up to 100\% RF could be used without severely deteriorating the strength and increasing formaldehyde emissions from these panels.}, language = {en}, number = {6}, urldate = {2021-10-20}, journal = {European Journal of Wood and Wood Products}, author = {Bütün Buschalsky, Fahriye Yağmur and Mai, Carsten}, month = nov, year = {2021}, pages = {1451--1459}, file = {Springer Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\QEIPVBNQ\\Bütün Buschalsky und Mai - 2021 - Repeated thermo-hydrolytic disintegration of mediu.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Medium density fibreboards (MDF) are currently not recycled after service life, but various publications report on recycling by the disintegration of MDF using various techniques and the properties of obtained recovered fibres (RF). In this study, the main aim was to put back RF into the MDF manufacturing process as closed-loop recycling using repeated thermo-hydrolytic disintegration. Compared to previous studies, the focus was on the recycling of MDF with a relatively low F:U molar ratio (1.11). Urea–formaldehyde-bonded MDF with a target density of 700 kg m−3 was subjected to thermo-hydrolytic disintegration in an autoclave using only water at 95 °C for 20–30 min. Afterwards, the properties of RF and virgin fibres (VF), of MDF produced thereof and the composition of the disintegration water (DW) were determined. The nitrogen content (NC) revealed that RF contained about 30% of the initially applied UF. The pH of the DW hardly changed during recycling and it contained considerable amounts of reducing sugars. Using RF did not result in higher formaldehyde emissions than VF. Compared to earlier studies using a higher formaldehyde content (higher F:U ratio), MDF bonded with modern UF resins can be disintegrated under clearly milder disintegration conditions with respect to temperature and time. The properties of recycled MDF were similar to those of reference MDF; up to 100% RF could be used without severely deteriorating the strength and increasing formaldehyde emissions from these panels.
Lignin and Lignin-Derived Compounds for Wood Applications—A Review.
Karthäuser, J.; Biziks, V.; Mai, C.; and Militz, H.
Molecules, 26(9): 2533. January 2021.
Number: 9 Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
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@article{karthauser_lignin_2021, title = {Lignin and {Lignin}-{Derived} {Compounds} for {Wood} {Applications}—{A} {Review}}, volume = {26}, copyright = {}, url = {}, doi = {10.3390/molecules26092533}, abstract = {Improving the environmental performance of resins in wood treatment by using renewable chemicals has been a topic of interest for a long time. At the same time, lignin, the second most abundant biomass on earth, is produced in large scale as a side product and mainly used energetically. The use of lignin in wood adhesives or for wood modification has received a lot of scientific attention. Despite this, there are only few lignin-derived wood products commercially available. This review provides a summary of the research on lignin application in wood adhesives, as well as for wood modification. The research on the use of uncleaved lignin and of cleavage products of lignin is reviewed. Finally, the current state of the art of commercialization of lignin-derived wood products is presented.}, language = {en}, number = {9}, urldate = {2021-04-27}, journal = {Molecules}, author = {Karthäuser, Johannes and Biziks, Vladimirs and Mai, Carsten and Militz, Holger}, month = jan, year = {2021}, note = {Number: 9 Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute}, keywords = {wood modification, lignin, adhesive, LPF resins}, pages = {2533}, file = {Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\Z9TG4K8W\\Karthäuser et al. - 2021 - Lignin and Lignin-Derived Compounds for Wood Appli.pdf:application/pdf;Karthäuser et al. - 2021 - Lignin and Lignin-Derived Compounds for Wood Appli.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\7SNVIQBY\\Karthäuser et al. - 2021 - Lignin and Lignin-Derived Compounds for Wood Appli.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\MQ33G472\\2533.html:text/html}, }
Improving the environmental performance of resins in wood treatment by using renewable chemicals has been a topic of interest for a long time. At the same time, lignin, the second most abundant biomass on earth, is produced in large scale as a side product and mainly used energetically. The use of lignin in wood adhesives or for wood modification has received a lot of scientific attention. Despite this, there are only few lignin-derived wood products commercially available. This review provides a summary of the research on lignin application in wood adhesives, as well as for wood modification. The research on the use of uncleaved lignin and of cleavage products of lignin is reviewed. Finally, the current state of the art of commercialization of lignin-derived wood products is presented.
Composition and antioxidant properties of extracts from Douglas fir bark.
Miranda, I.; Ferreira, J.; Cardoso, S.; and Pereira, H.
Holzforschung, 75(7): 677–687. July 2021.
Publisher: De Gruyter Section: Holzforschung
@article{miranda_composition_2021, title = {Composition and antioxidant properties of extracts from {Douglas} fir bark}, volume = {75}, issn = {1437-434X}, url = {}, doi = {10.1515/hf-2020-0097}, abstract = {This study aimed to investigate the antioxidant ability and the chemical composition of apolar and polar extractives from Douglas-fir bark, cork and phloem, establishing a possible correlation with the structural variation along the tree stem and geographic location. Douglas-fir bark extractives’ composition were analyzed at three stem heights in trees from two locations. Cork and phloem extracts’ composition were analyzed in samples collected at stem base. Extractives content in Douglas-fir bark varied between 14 and 31\% and polar extractives (11–29\%) were dominant over non-polar. Lipophilic extracts were mainly composed of terpenoids, representing 27–77\% of all compounds, highlighted by callitrisic acid (11–34\%). Sterols were also abundant (6–45\%), with β-sitosterol representing 7–33\% of all compounds. Alkanoic acids were present in smaller amounts. Ethanol–water extracts showed high phenolic (562–762 mg GAE/g extract), flavonoid and condensed tannins contents (399–683 mg CE/g extract and 120–262 mg CE/g of extract), high scavenging (IC 50 2.8 µg extract/mL) and reducing (12 mM Fe 2+ /g extract) abilities. Cork had high phenolic (819 mg GAE/g extract) and flavonoid contents (524 mg CE/g extract) and high antioxidant capacity (1080 mg TEAC/g extract). Detailed knowledge of Douglas-fir extracts demonstrates their potential as a source of fine chemicals towards different applications.}, language = {en}, number = {7}, urldate = {2021-07-05}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Miranda, Isabel and Ferreira, Joana and Cardoso, Sofia and Pereira, Helena}, month = jul, year = {2021}, note = {Publisher: De Gruyter Section: Holzforschung}, pages = {677--687}, file = {Snapshot:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\J7YISRTA\\html.html:text/html}, }
This study aimed to investigate the antioxidant ability and the chemical composition of apolar and polar extractives from Douglas-fir bark, cork and phloem, establishing a possible correlation with the structural variation along the tree stem and geographic location. Douglas-fir bark extractives’ composition were analyzed at three stem heights in trees from two locations. Cork and phloem extracts’ composition were analyzed in samples collected at stem base. Extractives content in Douglas-fir bark varied between 14 and 31% and polar extractives (11–29%) were dominant over non-polar. Lipophilic extracts were mainly composed of terpenoids, representing 27–77% of all compounds, highlighted by callitrisic acid (11–34%). Sterols were also abundant (6–45%), with β-sitosterol representing 7–33% of all compounds. Alkanoic acids were present in smaller amounts. Ethanol–water extracts showed high phenolic (562–762 mg GAE/g extract), flavonoid and condensed tannins contents (399–683 mg CE/g extract and 120–262 mg CE/g of extract), high scavenging (IC 50 2.8 µg extract/mL) and reducing (12 mM Fe 2+ /g extract) abilities. Cork had high phenolic (819 mg GAE/g extract) and flavonoid contents (524 mg CE/g extract) and high antioxidant capacity (1080 mg TEAC/g extract). Detailed knowledge of Douglas-fir extracts demonstrates their potential as a source of fine chemicals towards different applications.
Characterisation of hardwood fibres used for wood fibre insulation boards (WFIB).
Imken, A. A. P.; Plinke, B.; and Mai, C.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 79(4): 915–924. July 2021.
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@article{imken_characterisation_2021, title = {Characterisation of hardwood fibres used for wood fibre insulation boards ({WFIB})}, volume = {79}, issn = {1436-736X}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/s00107-021-01698-y}, abstract = {Wood fibre insulation boards (WFIB) are typically made from softwood fibres. However, due to the rapid decrease in softwood stands in Germany, the industry will be forced to adapt to the wood market. Therefore, alternative approaches for the substitution of softwood with hardwood will be needed in the fibre industry. The objective of this paper is to address the characterisation of hardwood fibres regarding their availability for the WFIB industry. The physico-mechanical properties of WFIB are significantly determined by the length of the fibres. Longer softwood fibres usually generate higher strength properties and a lower thermal conductivity than shorter hardwood fibres. In this paper, the potential application of hardwood fibres (up to 20,500 μm long) produced in a refiner by thermo-mechanical pulping (TMP) to WFIB production was examined. The scanner-based system FibreShape was used for the automatic optical analysis of the geodesic length distribution of fibres. The analysed hardwood fibres contained significantly more dust and were shorter than respectively produced softwood fibres, limiting their applicability for WFIB production. Thus, two analytical approaches were chosen to receive longer fibres and less dust: (1) blending hardwood fibres with supporting softwood fibres (20\%, 50 and 80\% proportion of softwood), and (2) mathematical fractionation of hardwood fibres based on the fibre length to remove all particles smaller than 500 μm. It was concluded that the practical fractionation seems to be economically and ecologically challenging and that blending hardwood fibres with at least 50\% softwood fibres offers a promising approach, which should be further studied.}, language = {en}, number = {4}, urldate = {2021-07-01}, journal = {European Journal of Wood and Wood Products}, author = {Imken, Arne A. P. and Plinke, Burkhard and Mai, Carsten}, month = jul, year = {2021}, pages = {915--924}, file = {Springer Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\EJVV68NW\\Imken et al. - 2021 - Characterisation of hardwood fibres used for wood .pdf:application/pdf}, }
Wood fibre insulation boards (WFIB) are typically made from softwood fibres. However, due to the rapid decrease in softwood stands in Germany, the industry will be forced to adapt to the wood market. Therefore, alternative approaches for the substitution of softwood with hardwood will be needed in the fibre industry. The objective of this paper is to address the characterisation of hardwood fibres regarding their availability for the WFIB industry. The physico-mechanical properties of WFIB are significantly determined by the length of the fibres. Longer softwood fibres usually generate higher strength properties and a lower thermal conductivity than shorter hardwood fibres. In this paper, the potential application of hardwood fibres (up to 20,500 μm long) produced in a refiner by thermo-mechanical pulping (TMP) to WFIB production was examined. The scanner-based system FibreShape was used for the automatic optical analysis of the geodesic length distribution of fibres. The analysed hardwood fibres contained significantly more dust and were shorter than respectively produced softwood fibres, limiting their applicability for WFIB production. Thus, two analytical approaches were chosen to receive longer fibres and less dust: (1) blending hardwood fibres with supporting softwood fibres (20%, 50 and 80% proportion of softwood), and (2) mathematical fractionation of hardwood fibres based on the fibre length to remove all particles smaller than 500 μm. It was concluded that the practical fractionation seems to be economically and ecologically challenging and that blending hardwood fibres with at least 50% softwood fibres offers a promising approach, which should be further studied.
Three-Dimensional Exploration of Soft-Rot Decayed Conifer and Angiosperm Wood by X-Ray Micro-Computed Tomography.
Koddenberg, T.; Zauner, M.; and Militz, H.
Micron, 134: 102875. July 2020.
@article{koddenberg_three-dimensional_2020, title = {Three-{Dimensional} {Exploration} of {Soft}-{Rot} {Decayed} {Conifer} and {Angiosperm} {Wood} by {X}-{Ray} {Micro}-{Computed} {Tomography}}, volume = {134}, issn = {0968-4328}, url = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.micron.2020.102875}, abstract = {X-ray micro-computed tomography (XμCT) was used to explore the decomposed structure of conifer and angiosperm wood after colonization by soft-rot fungi. The visualization of degradation features of soft-rot decay was challenging to achieve through XμCT. Difficulties in visualization emerged due to a decreased grayscale contrast (i.e. X-ray density) of the degraded wood. Nevertheless, we were able to image fungal-induced cell deformations in earlywood and cavities in the thick wall of latewood cells in three-dimensions (3D). Unlike the organic wood material, the higher X-ray density of inorganic deposits, identified as mainly calcium-based particles by energy-dispersive spectroscopy, allowed a facilitated 3D survey. The visualization of inorganic particles in 3D revealed a localized distribution in certain cells in conifer and angiosperm found mostly in earlywood.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2020-04-29}, journal = {Micron}, author = {Koddenberg, Tim and Zauner, Michaela and Militz, Holger}, month = jul, year = {2020}, keywords = {Three-dimensional imaging, X-ray micro-computed tomography, XµCT, image analysis, Scanning electron microscopy, Inorganic particles, Soft-rot decay, Wood}, pages = {102875}, file = {Koddenberg et al. - 2020 - Three-Dimensional Exploration of Soft-Rot Decayed .pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\QUCBDPL7\\Koddenberg et al. - 2020 - Three-Dimensional Exploration of Soft-Rot Decayed .pdf:application/pdf}, }
X-ray micro-computed tomography (XμCT) was used to explore the decomposed structure of conifer and angiosperm wood after colonization by soft-rot fungi. The visualization of degradation features of soft-rot decay was challenging to achieve through XμCT. Difficulties in visualization emerged due to a decreased grayscale contrast (i.e. X-ray density) of the degraded wood. Nevertheless, we were able to image fungal-induced cell deformations in earlywood and cavities in the thick wall of latewood cells in three-dimensions (3D). Unlike the organic wood material, the higher X-ray density of inorganic deposits, identified as mainly calcium-based particles by energy-dispersive spectroscopy, allowed a facilitated 3D survey. The visualization of inorganic particles in 3D revealed a localized distribution in certain cells in conifer and angiosperm found mostly in earlywood.
Use of basalt scrim to enhance mechanical properties of particleboards.
Kramár, S.; Mayer, A. K.; Schöpper, C.; and Mai, C.
Construction and Building Materials, 238: 117769. March 2020.
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@article{kramar_use_2020, title = {Use of basalt scrim to enhance mechanical properties of particleboards}, volume = {238}, issn = {09500618}, url = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.117769}, abstract = {The particleboard (PB) industry faces a high demand for light, low-cost panels of specific mechanical properties. This may be hard to fulfil because the density and strength of wood are linearly correlated. Use of proper materials and composition, however, may result in panels of a high strength-to-weightratio. This allows saving raw wood and energy as the strengthened PB is useful for high-load-bearing application. A promising reinforcing material are basalt fibres. In this study, basalt fibres in the form of a scrim provided reinforcement inside the PB panel. The scrim used had an area weight of 360 gÁmÀ2. Four compositions of 18 mm thick PBs and 640 kgÁmÀ3 target density were produced using melamineurea-formaldehyde (MUF) resin as the binder. Basalt scrims were positioned in the core, between the core and surface and in between both surface layers. The scrim used was either dry or additionally impregnated with MUF resin. The best variant proved to be the impregnated scrim placed in the middle of both surface layers. Its modulus of rupture (MOR) and modulus of elasticity (MOE) increased by 119 and 85\% compared to the control panels, respectively. The setup also improved internal bond strength, screw withdrawal resistance and thickness swelling. Thus, basalt scrims at the outer positions significantly enhance the strength-to-weight-ratio of PBs.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2019-12-19}, journal = {Construction and Building Materials}, author = {Kramár, Samuel and Mayer, Aaron Kilian and Schöpper, Christian and Mai, Carsten}, month = mar, year = {2020}, pages = {117769}, file = {Kramár et al. - 2020 - Use of basalt scrim to enhance mechanical properti.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\ZKNU3QCC\\Kramár et al. - 2020 - Use of basalt scrim to enhance mechanical properti.pdf:application/pdf}, }
The particleboard (PB) industry faces a high demand for light, low-cost panels of specific mechanical properties. This may be hard to fulfil because the density and strength of wood are linearly correlated. Use of proper materials and composition, however, may result in panels of a high strength-to-weightratio. This allows saving raw wood and energy as the strengthened PB is useful for high-load-bearing application. A promising reinforcing material are basalt fibres. In this study, basalt fibres in the form of a scrim provided reinforcement inside the PB panel. The scrim used had an area weight of 360 gÁmÀ2. Four compositions of 18 mm thick PBs and 640 kgÁmÀ3 target density were produced using melamineurea-formaldehyde (MUF) resin as the binder. Basalt scrims were positioned in the core, between the core and surface and in between both surface layers. The scrim used was either dry or additionally impregnated with MUF resin. The best variant proved to be the impregnated scrim placed in the middle of both surface layers. Its modulus of rupture (MOR) and modulus of elasticity (MOE) increased by 119 and 85% compared to the control panels, respectively. The setup also improved internal bond strength, screw withdrawal resistance and thickness swelling. Thus, basalt scrims at the outer positions significantly enhance the strength-to-weight-ratio of PBs.
Suitability of a lignin-derived mono-phenol mimic to replace phenol in phenol-formaldehyde resin for use in wood treatment.
Biziks, V.; Fleckenstein, M.; Mai, C.; and Militz, H.
Holzforschung, 74(4): 344–350. January 2020.
@article{biziks_suitability_2020, title = {Suitability of a lignin-derived mono-phenol mimic to replace phenol in phenol-formaldehyde resin for use in wood treatment}, volume = {74}, issn = {1437-434X, 0018-3830}, url = {}, doi = {10.1515/hf-2019-0061}, abstract = {The goal of this study was to assess the suitability of a single mono-aromatic for substitution of petroleum-based phenol for phenol-formaldehyde (PF) resin synthesis and the usage of a new resin for wood treatment. After proper thermal decomposition of woodbased lignin, pyrolysis oil can be obtained. Due to the heterogeneity of the lignin macromolecule, oil contains large variety of organic-based compounds, mainly monoaromatics, which are proposed to be used for replacement of phenol during PF resin synthesis. Therefore, for this purpose, nine of the most abundant mono-aromatic compounds in bio-oil were selected: ortho-, meta-, paracresol, guaiacol, catechol, 4-methylcatechol, resorcinol, syringol, 4-ethylphenol and resol-type resin from each mono-aromatic were synthesized. Relevant features of the resin such as pH, viscosity, average molecular weight and curing behavior of resins using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were analyzed. Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sapwood samples were used to evaluate the suitability of resin for wood treatment in terms of dimensional stability and were compared with the PF resin-treated wood. From all tested resins, those made of guaiacol or ortho-, or meta-, or para-cresol and/or 4-ethylphenol proved to be suitable for wood treatment, whereas resins made of catechol or 4-methylguaiacol and syringol did not. Suitability of mono-aromatics for synthesis of resol-type resin depends on chemical structure, where the reactivity of the mono-aromatic (derivative of hydroxybenzene) is defined by the type, location and number of substituents.}, language = {en}, number = {4}, urldate = {2020-01-16}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Biziks, Vladimirs and Fleckenstein, Marco and Mai, Carsten and Militz, Holger}, month = jan, year = {2020}, keywords = {mono-aromatics, replacement of phenol, resol-type resin, wood treatment}, pages = {344--350}, }
The goal of this study was to assess the suitability of a single mono-aromatic for substitution of petroleum-based phenol for phenol-formaldehyde (PF) resin synthesis and the usage of a new resin for wood treatment. After proper thermal decomposition of woodbased lignin, pyrolysis oil can be obtained. Due to the heterogeneity of the lignin macromolecule, oil contains large variety of organic-based compounds, mainly monoaromatics, which are proposed to be used for replacement of phenol during PF resin synthesis. Therefore, for this purpose, nine of the most abundant mono-aromatic compounds in bio-oil were selected: ortho-, meta-, paracresol, guaiacol, catechol, 4-methylcatechol, resorcinol, syringol, 4-ethylphenol and resol-type resin from each mono-aromatic were synthesized. Relevant features of the resin such as pH, viscosity, average molecular weight and curing behavior of resins using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were analyzed. Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sapwood samples were used to evaluate the suitability of resin for wood treatment in terms of dimensional stability and were compared with the PF resin-treated wood. From all tested resins, those made of guaiacol or ortho-, or meta-, or para-cresol and/or 4-ethylphenol proved to be suitable for wood treatment, whereas resins made of catechol or 4-methylguaiacol and syringol did not. Suitability of mono-aromatics for synthesis of resol-type resin depends on chemical structure, where the reactivity of the mono-aromatic (derivative of hydroxybenzene) is defined by the type, location and number of substituents.
Predicting the Outdoor Moisture Performance of Wood Based on Laboratory Indicators.
Emmerich, L.; Brischke, C.; Sievert, M.; Schulz, M. S.; Jaeger, A.; Beulshausen, A.; and Humar, M.
Forests, 11(9): 1001. September 2020.
@article{emmerich_predicting_2020, title = {Predicting the {Outdoor} {Moisture} {Performance} of {Wood} {Based} on {Laboratory} {Indicators}}, volume = {11}, issn = {1999-4907}, url = {}, doi = {10.3390/f11091001}, abstract = {The service life of wood in outdoor use under humid conditions is mainly determined by its material resistance and the exposure situation. Different standards such as EN 350 (2016) point on the relevance of wood’s resistance against moisture for its expected service life. Recently, different standardized but also numerous nonstandardized methods were suggested to test the water permeability of wooden materials. In the context of this study, different European-grown softand hardwoods, tropical hardwoods, modified wood and wood treated with water- and oil-borne preservatives were subjected to floating and submersion tests according to CEN/TS 16818 (2018) and different short-term water uptake and release tests. Moisture performance data from field tests with the same materials were analyzed and used to assess the predictive power of different laboratory moisture indicators. The moisture characteristics suggested by CEN/TS 16818 (2018)—rm168 (residual moisture content after water uptake and release processes) and res312 (residue as a percentage of the absorbed moisture)—showed the little potential to predict the outdoor moisture performance of the tested materials. In contrast, the mean moisture content during absorption and desorption (MCmean) predicted well the outdoor moisture performance of the materials under test. Short-term water uptake and release of small specimens also showed high predictive power.}, language = {en}, number = {9}, urldate = {2020-09-21}, journal = {Forests}, author = {Emmerich, Lukas and Brischke, Christian and Sievert, Marten and Schulz, Manuel S. and Jaeger, Anne-Cathrin and Beulshausen, Arne and Humar, Miha}, month = sep, year = {2020}, pages = {1001}, }
The service life of wood in outdoor use under humid conditions is mainly determined by its material resistance and the exposure situation. Different standards such as EN 350 (2016) point on the relevance of wood’s resistance against moisture for its expected service life. Recently, different standardized but also numerous nonstandardized methods were suggested to test the water permeability of wooden materials. In the context of this study, different European-grown softand hardwoods, tropical hardwoods, modified wood and wood treated with water- and oil-borne preservatives were subjected to floating and submersion tests according to CEN/TS 16818 (2018) and different short-term water uptake and release tests. Moisture performance data from field tests with the same materials were analyzed and used to assess the predictive power of different laboratory moisture indicators. The moisture characteristics suggested by CEN/TS 16818 (2018)—rm168 (residual moisture content after water uptake and release processes) and res312 (residue as a percentage of the absorbed moisture)—showed the little potential to predict the outdoor moisture performance of the tested materials. In contrast, the mean moisture content during absorption and desorption (MCmean) predicted well the outdoor moisture performance of the materials under test. Short-term water uptake and release of small specimens also showed high predictive power.
Beech wood modification based on in situ esterification with sorbitol and citric acid.
Mubarok, M.; Militz, H.; Dumarçay, S.; and Gérardin, P.
Wood Science and Technology, 54(3): 479–502. May 2020.
@article{mubarok_beech_2020, title = {Beech wood modification based on in situ esterification with sorbitol and citric acid}, volume = {54}, issn = {1432-5225}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/s00226-020-01172-7}, abstract = {In this study, modification of European beech wood (Fagus sylvatica) through in situ esterification of sorbitol and citric acid (SorCA) was investigated at two curing temperatures, 140 and 160 °C. In order to determine the optimum condition for modification, an aqueous solution of SorCA at varying concentrations was evaluated (10, 20, 30, and 55\% w/w). Physical, mechanical, chemical, and durability properties of the modified wood were examined. Results have disclosed that among different SorCA concentrations, treatment with SorCA at 30\% w/w was considered as the optimum concentration independent of the curing temperature. Under these conditions, anti-swelling efficiency increased to approx. 55\% and modulus of elasticity increased slightly with approx. 9\% in comparison with untreated wood. Decay resistance against white-rot (Trametes versicolor), brown-rot (Coniphora puteana), and soft-rotting microfungi classified the SorCA-30\%-modified wood as very durable. In addition, thermogravimetric study evidenced that SorCA 30\%-modified wood has a lower thermal decomposition temperature in comparison with untreated wood/wood control by 20 °C difference, indicating that the SorCA-modified wood possibly has fire-retardant properties. However, due to the acidic properties of the SorCA solution, modulus of rupture (MOR) and mainly work to maximum load in bending decreased considerably.}, language = {en}, number = {3}, urldate = {2020-05-26}, journal = {Wood Science and Technology}, author = {Mubarok, Mahdi and Militz, Holger and Dumarçay, Stéphane and Gérardin, Philippe}, month = may, year = {2020}, pages = {479--502}, file = {Springer Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\UHDIVY4S\\Mubarok et al. - 2020 - Beech wood modification based on in situ esterific.pdf:application/pdf;Springer Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\DYKDJN89\\Mubarok et al. - 2020 - Beech wood modification based on in situ esterific.pdf:application/pdf}, }
In this study, modification of European beech wood (Fagus sylvatica) through in situ esterification of sorbitol and citric acid (SorCA) was investigated at two curing temperatures, 140 and 160 °C. In order to determine the optimum condition for modification, an aqueous solution of SorCA at varying concentrations was evaluated (10, 20, 30, and 55% w/w). Physical, mechanical, chemical, and durability properties of the modified wood were examined. Results have disclosed that among different SorCA concentrations, treatment with SorCA at 30% w/w was considered as the optimum concentration independent of the curing temperature. Under these conditions, anti-swelling efficiency increased to approx. 55% and modulus of elasticity increased slightly with approx. 9% in comparison with untreated wood. Decay resistance against white-rot (Trametes versicolor), brown-rot (Coniphora puteana), and soft-rotting microfungi classified the SorCA-30%-modified wood as very durable. In addition, thermogravimetric study evidenced that SorCA 30%-modified wood has a lower thermal decomposition temperature in comparison with untreated wood/wood control by 20 °C difference, indicating that the SorCA-modified wood possibly has fire-retardant properties. However, due to the acidic properties of the SorCA solution, modulus of rupture (MOR) and mainly work to maximum load in bending decreased considerably.
Potential Use of Wollastonite as a Filler in UF Resin Based Medium-Density Fiberboard (MDF).
Taghiyari, H. R.; Esmailpour, A.; Majidi, R.; Morrell, J. J.; Mallaki, M.; Militz, H.; and Papadopoulos, A. N.
Polymers, 12(7): 1435. July 2020.
Number: 7 Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
@article{taghiyari_potential_2020, title = {Potential {Use} of {Wollastonite} as a {Filler} in {UF} {Resin} {Based} {Medium}-{Density} {Fiberboard} ({MDF})}, volume = {12}, copyright = {}, url = {}, doi = {10.3390/polym12071435}, abstract = {Urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins are primary petroleum-based, increasing their potential environmental footprint. Identifying additives to reduce the total amount of resin needed without adversely affecting the panel properties could reduce these impacts. Wollastonite is a mineral containing calcium and silica that has been used as an additive in a variety of materials and may be useful as a resin extender. Nanoscale wollastonite has been shown to enhance the panel properties but is costly. Micron-scale wollastonite may be a less costly alternative. Medium-density fiberboards were produced by blending a hardwood furnish with UF alone, micron-sized wollastonite alone, or a 9:1 ratio of UF to wollastonite. Panels containing of only wollastonite had poor properties, but the properties of panels with 9:1 UF/wollastonite were similar to the UF-alone panels, except for the internal bond strength. The results suggest that small amounts of micron-sized wollastonite could serve as a resin extender. Further studies are suggested to determine if the micron-sized material has similar positive effects on the resin curing rate.}, language = {en}, number = {7}, urldate = {2020-09-03}, journal = {Polymers}, author = {Taghiyari, Hamid R. and Esmailpour, Ayoub and Majidi, Roya and Morrell, Jeffrey J. and Mallaki, Mohammad and Militz, Holger and Papadopoulos, Antonios N.}, month = jul, year = {2020}, note = {Number: 7 Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute}, keywords = {wood-based composites, wollastonite, cell-wall polymers, engineered materials}, pages = {1435}, file = {Taghiyari et al. - 2020 - Potential Use of Wollastonite as a Filler in UF Re.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\CND47SP7\\Taghiyari et al. - 2020 - Potential Use of Wollastonite as a Filler in UF Re.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Urea-formaldehyde (UF) resins are primary petroleum-based, increasing their potential environmental footprint. Identifying additives to reduce the total amount of resin needed without adversely affecting the panel properties could reduce these impacts. Wollastonite is a mineral containing calcium and silica that has been used as an additive in a variety of materials and may be useful as a resin extender. Nanoscale wollastonite has been shown to enhance the panel properties but is costly. Micron-scale wollastonite may be a less costly alternative. Medium-density fiberboards were produced by blending a hardwood furnish with UF alone, micron-sized wollastonite alone, or a 9:1 ratio of UF to wollastonite. Panels containing of only wollastonite had poor properties, but the properties of panels with 9:1 UF/wollastonite were similar to the UF-alone panels, except for the internal bond strength. The results suggest that small amounts of micron-sized wollastonite could serve as a resin extender. Further studies are suggested to determine if the micron-sized material has similar positive effects on the resin curing rate.
Fire Retardant Treatment of Wood – State of the Art and Future Perspectives.
Sauerbier, P.; Mayer, A. K.; Emmerich, L.; and Militz, H.
In Makovicka Osvaldova, L.; Markert, F.; and Zelinka, S. L., editor(s), Wood & Fire Safety, pages 97–102. Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, 2020.
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@incollection{sauerbier_fire_2020, address = {Cham, Switzerland}, title = {Fire {Retardant} {Treatment} of {Wood} – {State} of the {Art} and {Future} {Perspectives}}, isbn = {978-3-030-41235-7}, abstract = {Outdoor and indoor exposed wooden structures are prone to the hazard of fire. Thisr is often inevitable and hardly avoidable by factors such as the design. However, wood is widely used as a structural element in buildings, it is present all-over public places and the main source for indoor furniture. Thus, and due to recent incidents, the demand for an effective and leaching-resistant fire protection is rising. In addition, fire protection technologies are desired, which survive mechanical processing. Considering the latter, protective surface coatings show a high fire protection, while on opposite they are very sensitive to mechanical damages. Therefore, various approaches based on a full impregnation of timber with fire retardants have been studied. In the past aluminum, boron, halogens (e.g. bromine) and more recently phosphorus and nitrogen, were shown to be effective fire retardants in wood. Nowadays, most conventional fire retardant systems are halogen-free, while boron is still used. However, boron shows a low resistance to leaching and is classified as a SVHC candidate, which brings up health and environmental issues. The same is true for formaldehyde. Concerning environmental issues, nitrogen and phosphorus were found to be promising alternatives and highly effective fire retardants. Leaching in service was slightly reduced compared to boron but a decrease in strength properties was detected after treatment of wood with those compounds. In general, an increased hygroscopicity of wood was found after any of the listed treatments, together with a leaching of the flame-retardant chemical which was still too high to guarantee a long-term fire protection in wood exposed outside. The overall aim of this study is to (1) give an overview about the past developments and most established fire retardant chemicals and (2) review recent findings and developments in terms of permanent fire retardant treatments of wood.}, language = {en}, booktitle = {Wood \& {Fire} {Safety}}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, author = {Sauerbier, Philipp and Mayer, Aaron Kilian and Emmerich, Lukas and Militz, Holger}, editor = {Makovicka Osvaldova, Linda and Markert, Frank and Zelinka, Samuel L.}, year = {2020}, keywords = {Chemical wood modification, Fire retardant, Impregnation, Review}, pages = {97--102}, file = {Sauerbier et al. - 2020 - Fire Retardant Treatment of Wood – State of the Ar.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\IXQACCBJ\\Sauerbier et al. - 2020 - Fire Retardant Treatment of Wood – State of the Ar.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Outdoor and indoor exposed wooden structures are prone to the hazard of fire. Thisr is often inevitable and hardly avoidable by factors such as the design. However, wood is widely used as a structural element in buildings, it is present all-over public places and the main source for indoor furniture. Thus, and due to recent incidents, the demand for an effective and leaching-resistant fire protection is rising. In addition, fire protection technologies are desired, which survive mechanical processing. Considering the latter, protective surface coatings show a high fire protection, while on opposite they are very sensitive to mechanical damages. Therefore, various approaches based on a full impregnation of timber with fire retardants have been studied. In the past aluminum, boron, halogens (e.g. bromine) and more recently phosphorus and nitrogen, were shown to be effective fire retardants in wood. Nowadays, most conventional fire retardant systems are halogen-free, while boron is still used. However, boron shows a low resistance to leaching and is classified as a SVHC candidate, which brings up health and environmental issues. The same is true for formaldehyde. Concerning environmental issues, nitrogen and phosphorus were found to be promising alternatives and highly effective fire retardants. Leaching in service was slightly reduced compared to boron but a decrease in strength properties was detected after treatment of wood with those compounds. In general, an increased hygroscopicity of wood was found after any of the listed treatments, together with a leaching of the flame-retardant chemical which was still too high to guarantee a long-term fire protection in wood exposed outside. The overall aim of this study is to (1) give an overview about the past developments and most established fire retardant chemicals and (2) review recent findings and developments in terms of permanent fire retardant treatments of wood.
The Structural Origins of Wood Cell Wall Toughness.
Maaß, M.; Saleh, S.; Militz, H.; and Volkert, C. A.
Advanced Materials, 32(16): 1907693. 2020.
@article{maas_structural_2020, title = {The {Structural} {Origins} of {Wood} {Cell} {Wall} {Toughness}}, volume = {32}, copyright = {© 2020 The Authors. Published by WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH \& Co. KGaA, Weinheim}, issn = {1521-4095}, url = {}, doi = {10.1002/adma.201907693}, abstract = {The remarkable mechanical stability of wood is primarily attributed to the hierarchical fibrous arrangement of the polymeric components. While the mechanisms by which fibrous cell structure and cellulose microfibril arrangements lend stiffness and strength to wood have been intensively studied, the structural origins of the relatively high splitting fracture toughness remain unclear. This study relates cellulose microfibril arrangements to splitting fracture toughness in pine wood cell walls using in situ electron microscopy and reveals a previously unknown toughening mechanism: the specific arrangement of cellulose microfibrils in the cell wall deflects cracks from the S2 layer to the S1/S2 interface, and, once there, causes the crack to be repetitively arrested and shunted along the interface in a zig-zag path. It is suggested that this natural adaptation of wood to achieve tough interfaces and then deflect and trap cracks at them can be generalized to provide design guidelines to improve toughness of high-performance and renewable engineering materials.}, language = {en}, number = {16}, urldate = {2020-08-27}, journal = {Advanced Materials}, author = {Maaß, Mona-Christin and Saleh, Salimeh and Militz, Holger and Volkert, Cynthia A.}, year = {2020}, note = {\_eprint:}, keywords = {wood, fracture, microfibril angle, wood cell wall toughness}, pages = {1907693}, file = {Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\7Q5LP5LP\\Maaß et al. - 2020 - The Structural Origins of Wood Cell Wall Toughness.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\K5Z79C8A\\adma.html:text/html}, }
The remarkable mechanical stability of wood is primarily attributed to the hierarchical fibrous arrangement of the polymeric components. While the mechanisms by which fibrous cell structure and cellulose microfibril arrangements lend stiffness and strength to wood have been intensively studied, the structural origins of the relatively high splitting fracture toughness remain unclear. This study relates cellulose microfibril arrangements to splitting fracture toughness in pine wood cell walls using in situ electron microscopy and reveals a previously unknown toughening mechanism: the specific arrangement of cellulose microfibrils in the cell wall deflects cracks from the S2 layer to the S1/S2 interface, and, once there, causes the crack to be repetitively arrested and shunted along the interface in a zig-zag path. It is suggested that this natural adaptation of wood to achieve tough interfaces and then deflect and trap cracks at them can be generalized to provide design guidelines to improve toughness of high-performance and renewable engineering materials.
Critical discussion of perpendicular to grain tension testing of structural timber – case study on the European hardwoods ash, beech and maple.
Schlotzhauer, P.; Ehrmann, A.; Bollmus, S.; and Militz, H.
Wood Material Science & Engineering, 15(5): 278–288. September 2020.
Publisher: Taylor & Francis _eprint:
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@article{schlotzhauer_critical_2020, title = {Critical discussion of perpendicular to grain tension testing of structural timber – case study on the {European} hardwoods ash, beech and maple}, volume = {15}, issn = {1748-0272}, url = {}, doi = {10.1080/17480272.2019.1596157}, abstract = {Knowledge about perpendicular to grain tension behavior of wood is essential, since in construction tension stresses perpendicular to grain cannot be avoided completely. Especially for hardwoods, the data basis is scarce. EN 338 design values are with 0.6 N/mm² characteristic strength set very low. The US-American National Design Specifications even set this value to zero and make local reinforcements mandatory. This paper compares strength and stiffness values attained with newly-designed, little, prismatic specimens and EN 408 structural timber specimens to evaluate the current European design values. Little specimen’s characteristic strength values range from 7.2 to 10.6 N/mm² and are assumed to be real material properties. EN 408 specimen values are with approximately 4.0 N/mm² lower. These lower values are mainly due to stress peaks introduced by the force introduction. Strength values attained for the medium-dense European hardwoods beech, ash and maple exceed EN 338 design values by a factor of six to seven. Adaptation of the EN 338 design value is not recommended, though. The abundance of influencing factors makes clear that the design value and the ensuing design code have to be synchronized carefully by tedious testing in order to make use of the perpendicular to grain tension strength potential of the selected hardwoods.}, number = {5}, urldate = {2020-08-24}, journal = {Wood Material Science \& Engineering}, author = {Schlotzhauer, Philipp and Ehrmann, Alexander and Bollmus, Susanne and Militz, Holger}, month = sep, year = {2020}, note = {Publisher: Taylor \& Francis \_eprint:}, keywords = {strength, stiffness, design value, EN 338, Hardwoods, perpendicular to grain, tension, test set-up}, pages = {278--288}, file = {Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\H385PSKF\\Schlotzhauer et al. - 2020 - Critical discussion of perpendicular to grain tens.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\2A9W9FZD\\17480272.2019.html:text/html}, }
Knowledge about perpendicular to grain tension behavior of wood is essential, since in construction tension stresses perpendicular to grain cannot be avoided completely. Especially for hardwoods, the data basis is scarce. EN 338 design values are with 0.6 N/mm² characteristic strength set very low. The US-American National Design Specifications even set this value to zero and make local reinforcements mandatory. This paper compares strength and stiffness values attained with newly-designed, little, prismatic specimens and EN 408 structural timber specimens to evaluate the current European design values. Little specimen’s characteristic strength values range from 7.2 to 10.6 N/mm² and are assumed to be real material properties. EN 408 specimen values are with approximately 4.0 N/mm² lower. These lower values are mainly due to stress peaks introduced by the force introduction. Strength values attained for the medium-dense European hardwoods beech, ash and maple exceed EN 338 design values by a factor of six to seven. Adaptation of the EN 338 design value is not recommended, though. The abundance of influencing factors makes clear that the design value and the ensuing design code have to be synchronized carefully by tedious testing in order to make use of the perpendicular to grain tension strength potential of the selected hardwoods.
Resistance of different wood-based materials against mould fungi: a comparison of methods.
Imken, A. A.; Brischke, C.; Kögel, S.; Krause, K. C.; and Mai, C.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 78(4): 661–671. July 2020.
@article{imken_resistance_2020, title = {Resistance of different wood-based materials against mould fungi: a comparison of methods}, volume = {78}, issn = {1436-736X}, shorttitle = {Resistance of different wood-based materials against mould fungi}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/s00107-020-01554-5}, abstract = {Wood-based materials are generally prone to colonization by mould fungi and other discoloring microorganisms, but their resistance to fungal discoloration varies. Different standardized test methods for determining the susceptibility to mould fungi have been used to evaluate various wood-based materials, but the obtained results suggest that mould resistance depends on the method applied. Therefore, this study aimed at a comparative evaluation of two commonly used methods for determining the mould resistance of wood-based materials, i.e. the chamber method according to BS 3900—Part G6 and the malt agar plate method according to ISO 16869. Solid wood, wood fiber insulation boards and wood polymer composites were inoculated, incubated for different time intervals, and assessed with regard to superficial mould growth. Mould growth ratings obtained with the two methods did not correlate well, neither within one type of material nor across different materials, which can be attributed to higher moisture contents and additional nutrients available for the specimens in the agar plate test compared to those in the chamber test. It was concluded, that the experimental set up could have an overriding effect on the results of mould resistance tests.}, language = {en}, number = {4}, urldate = {2020-07-12}, journal = {European Journal of Wood and Wood Products}, author = {Imken, Arne A.P. and Brischke, Christian and Kögel, Sebastian and Krause, Kim C. and Mai, Carsten}, month = jul, year = {2020}, pages = {661--671}, file = {Springer Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\7MM2CVDT\\Imken et al. - 2020 - Resistance of different wood-based materials again.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Wood-based materials are generally prone to colonization by mould fungi and other discoloring microorganisms, but their resistance to fungal discoloration varies. Different standardized test methods for determining the susceptibility to mould fungi have been used to evaluate various wood-based materials, but the obtained results suggest that mould resistance depends on the method applied. Therefore, this study aimed at a comparative evaluation of two commonly used methods for determining the mould resistance of wood-based materials, i.e. the chamber method according to BS 3900—Part G6 and the malt agar plate method according to ISO 16869. Solid wood, wood fiber insulation boards and wood polymer composites were inoculated, incubated for different time intervals, and assessed with regard to superficial mould growth. Mould growth ratings obtained with the two methods did not correlate well, neither within one type of material nor across different materials, which can be attributed to higher moisture contents and additional nutrients available for the specimens in the agar plate test compared to those in the chamber test. It was concluded, that the experimental set up could have an overriding effect on the results of mould resistance tests.
Wood protection with cement – Part 1: Coating matters and durability of cement coated wood.
Hirschmüller, S.; Marais, B.; Brischke, C.; Krey, A.; and Bösing, J.
In Proceedings IRG Annual Meeting, pages 25, online, webinar, June 2020.
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doi link bibtex abstract 1 download
@inproceedings{hirschmuller_wood_2020, address = {online, webinar}, title = {Wood protection with cement – {Part} 1: {Coating} matters and durability of cement coated wood}, doi = {IRG/WP 20-40911}, abstract = {The use of wood in geotechnical applications has seen renewed interest. However, concerns related to the durability and service life of wood in ground contact applications remain. Wood has the potential to substitute commonly used steel and concrete in the geotechnical engineering sector, but solutions to extending the service life and maintenance intervals require long-lasting wood protection systems capable of inhibiting fungal and bacterial decay. Cement, one of the constituents of concrete was identified as a potential coating material for wood used in soil stabilisation works. Spruce and beech wood rest rolls from commercial veneer peeling has been identified as a potential source for cement-coated geotechnical wood products. Norway spruce and European beech wood was subsequently used in this study.}, language = {en}, booktitle = {Proceedings {IRG} {Annual} {Meeting}}, author = {Hirschmüller, Sebastian and Marais, Brendan and Brischke, Christian and Krey, Adrian and Bösing, Janine}, month = jun, year = {2020}, pages = {25}, file = {Hirschmüller et al. - Wood protection with cement – Part 1 Coating matt.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\Z22GT947\\Hirschmüller et al. - Wood protection with cement – Part 1 Coating matt.pdf:application/pdf}, }
The use of wood in geotechnical applications has seen renewed interest. However, concerns related to the durability and service life of wood in ground contact applications remain. Wood has the potential to substitute commonly used steel and concrete in the geotechnical engineering sector, but solutions to extending the service life and maintenance intervals require long-lasting wood protection systems capable of inhibiting fungal and bacterial decay. Cement, one of the constituents of concrete was identified as a potential coating material for wood used in soil stabilisation works. Spruce and beech wood rest rolls from commercial veneer peeling has been identified as a potential source for cement-coated geotechnical wood products. Norway spruce and European beech wood was subsequently used in this study.
Biological durability of sapling wood.
Brischke, C.; Emmerich, L.; Nienaber, D. G B; and Bollmus, S.
In Proceedings IRG Annual Meeting, pages 11, The International Research Group on Wood Protection, June 2020. online, webinar
doi link bibtex abstract
doi link bibtex abstract
@inproceedings{brischke_biological_2020, address = {The International Research Group on Wood Protection}, title = {Biological durability of sapling wood}, doi = {IRG/WP 20-10967}, abstract = {Sapling-wood products from different wood species such as willow (Salix spp.) and Common hazel (Corylus avellana) are frequently used for gardening and outdoor decoration purposes. Remaining bark is suggested to provide additional biological durability. Even for temporary outdoor use it seemed questionable that durability of juvenile sapwood can provide acceptably long service lives of horticultural products. Therefore, sapling-wood from in total seven Europeangrown wood species was submitted to laboratory and field durability tests. In field tests, specimens with and without bark were tested in comparison and submitted to differently severe exposure situations, i.e. in ground contact, and above ground situations with and without water trapping. All materials under test were classified ‘not durable’ independently from any potential protective effect of remaining bark, which contradicted their suitability for outdoor applications if multiannual use is desired.}, language = {en}, booktitle = {Proceedings {IRG} {Annual} {Meeting}}, publisher = {online, webinar}, author = {Brischke, Christian and Emmerich, Lukas and Nienaber, Dirk G B and Bollmus, Susanne}, month = jun, year = {2020}, pages = {11}, file = {Brischke et al. - Biological durability of sapling wood.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\LCR9RQAE\\Brischke et al. - Biological durability of sapling wood.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Sapling-wood products from different wood species such as willow (Salix spp.) and Common hazel (Corylus avellana) are frequently used for gardening and outdoor decoration purposes. Remaining bark is suggested to provide additional biological durability. Even for temporary outdoor use it seemed questionable that durability of juvenile sapwood can provide acceptably long service lives of horticultural products. Therefore, sapling-wood from in total seven Europeangrown wood species was submitted to laboratory and field durability tests. In field tests, specimens with and without bark were tested in comparison and submitted to differently severe exposure situations, i.e. in ground contact, and above ground situations with and without water trapping. All materials under test were classified ‘not durable’ independently from any potential protective effect of remaining bark, which contradicted their suitability for outdoor applications if multiannual use is desired.
Modification of Scots Pine with Activated Glucose and Citric Acid: Physical and Mechanical Properties.
Guo, W.; Xiao, Z.; Wentzel, M.; Emmerich, L.; Xie, Y.; and Militz, H.
BioResources, 14(2): 3445–3458. March 2019.
Number: 2
@article{guo_modification_2019, title = {Modification of {Scots} {Pine} with {Activated} {Glucose} and {Citric} {Acid}: {Physical} and {Mechanical} {Properties}}, volume = {14}, copyright = {Copyright (c)}, issn = {1930-2126}, shorttitle = {Modification of {Scots} {Pine} with {Activated} {Glucose} and {Citric} {Acid}}, url = {}, abstract = {An eco-friendly agent mainly consisting of activated glucose (AG) and citric acid (CA) was investigated for its potential wood modification applications. Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sapwood was treated with AG and CA both individually and in combination. The treatments with the combined agent resulted in an increase in the weight percent gain and decrease in the leaching ratio, which suggested a synergy between the two components for their fixation in wood. The dynamic vapor sorption behavior indicated an increased sorption at a higher AG concentration. Compared with the AG treatment, the CA treatment more effectively improved the dimensional stability of the wood. The modulus of elasticity was not influenced by the treatments, and the modulus of rupture was slightly reduced. Incorporation of AG in the CA inhibited the decrease in impact strength of wood compared to treatment with CA alone, which was a result of reduced crosslinking from the CA within the wood matrix. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy revealed an enhanced absorbance, indicating development of ester bonds due to the treatment.}, language = {en}, number = {2}, urldate = {2020-02-21}, journal = {BioResources}, author = {Guo, Wenjun and Xiao, Zefang and Wentzel, Maximilian and Emmerich, Lukas and Xie, Yanjun and Militz, Holger}, month = mar, year = {2019}, note = {Number: 2}, keywords = {Citric acid, FTIR, Wood modification, Activated glucose, Physical and mechanical properties}, pages = {3445--3458}, file = {Guo et al. - 2019 - Modification of Scots Pine with Activated Glucose .pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\CMW473UM\\Guo et al. - 2019 - Modification of Scots Pine with Activated Glucose .pdf:application/pdf}, }
An eco-friendly agent mainly consisting of activated glucose (AG) and citric acid (CA) was investigated for its potential wood modification applications. Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sapwood was treated with AG and CA both individually and in combination. The treatments with the combined agent resulted in an increase in the weight percent gain and decrease in the leaching ratio, which suggested a synergy between the two components for their fixation in wood. The dynamic vapor sorption behavior indicated an increased sorption at a higher AG concentration. Compared with the AG treatment, the CA treatment more effectively improved the dimensional stability of the wood. The modulus of elasticity was not influenced by the treatments, and the modulus of rupture was slightly reduced. Incorporation of AG in the CA inhibited the decrease in impact strength of wood compared to treatment with CA alone, which was a result of reduced crosslinking from the CA within the wood matrix. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy revealed an enhanced absorbance, indicating development of ester bonds due to the treatment.
Protecting Sustainable Wood Infrastructure - Improving the Performance of Poles, Piles, Ties & Timbers with Dual Treatments.
Lloyd, J.; Taylor, A.; Brischke, C.; Irby, N.; and Manning, M.
In Proceedings IRG Annual Meeting, pages 16, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, May 2019.
doi link bibtex abstract
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@inproceedings{lloyd_protecting_2019, address = {Quebec City, Quebec, Canada}, title = {Protecting {Sustainable} {Wood} {Infrastructure} - {Improving} the {Performance} of {Poles}, {Piles}, {Ties} \& {Timbers} with {Dual} {Treatments}}, doi = {IRG/WP 19-30735}, abstract = {Wood is by far the best structural material in terms of environmental impact, as shown by a number of LCA studies. This environmental impact superiority can be improved if the longevity of the commodity is extended. The main durability concern in large cross-section treated materials is the susceptibility of the heartwood to decay, as it is not typically treatable using traditional methods. This can lead to premature failure, for example of Douglas-fir, pine and spruce poles, oak and hickory crossties (sleepers) and pine bridge ties. Traditionally these issues have been managed by high cost remedial treatments, or simply by accepting the short service life and the required product replacement costs.}, language = {en}, booktitle = {Proceedings {IRG} {Annual} {Meeting}}, author = {Lloyd, Jeff and Taylor, Adam and Brischke, Christian and Irby, Nathan and Manning, Mark}, month = may, year = {2019}, pages = {16}, file = {Lloyd et al. - 2019 - Protecting Sustainable Wood Infrastructure - Impro.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\8FF5UNRW\\Lloyd et al. - 2019 - Protecting Sustainable Wood Infrastructure - Impro.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Wood is by far the best structural material in terms of environmental impact, as shown by a number of LCA studies. This environmental impact superiority can be improved if the longevity of the commodity is extended. The main durability concern in large cross-section treated materials is the susceptibility of the heartwood to decay, as it is not typically treatable using traditional methods. This can lead to premature failure, for example of Douglas-fir, pine and spruce poles, oak and hickory crossties (sleepers) and pine bridge ties. Traditionally these issues have been managed by high cost remedial treatments, or simply by accepting the short service life and the required product replacement costs.
The InnovaWood Module Bank: Building an international e-learning platform for shared MSc courses in wood science and technology.
Irle, M.; Kies, U.; Militz, H.; Sauerbier, P.; Vieux, M.; Prosic, A.; Wolfsberger, B.; Pichelin, F.; and Mayer, I.
In Proceedings IRG Annual Meeting, pages 11, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, May 2019.
doi link bibtex abstract 2 downloads
doi link bibtex abstract 2 downloads
@inproceedings{irle_innovawood_2019, address = {Quebec City, Quebec, Canada}, title = {The {InnovaWood} {Module} {Bank}: {Building} an international e-learning platform for shared {MSc} courses in wood science and technology}, doi = {IRG/WP 19-50355}, abstract = {The InnovaWood Module Bank is a shared e-Learning platform for standalone science, technology and education modules in wood science. A group of members of InnovaWood have committed to jointly develop this platform. The institutes benefit in that they can widen the range of courses they offer and use their teaching capacities more efficiently. Students obtain the possibility to take online courses at another university without the need of costly exchange programmes. New eLearning tools and teaching methods give them more choice and more flexibility to pursue their own individual preferences during their studies. To participate in the Module Bank, organisations must commit to providing at least one module of 3 ECTS at the MSc level. In return they obtain access to the whole series of modules that are offered collectively. The main benefits are that an institution obtains access to high quality lectures of experienced teachers in specific thematic fields and the opportunity to complement their core study programmes with additional online modules. Among others, these contain a module on ‘Wood degradation and wood protection’ by the University of Göttingen, which is relevant for IRG. The Module Bank contributes to new internationalisation experiences and a diversification of teaching contents and formats.}, language = {en}, booktitle = {Proceedings {IRG} {Annual} {Meeting}}, author = {Irle, Mark and Kies, Uwe and Militz, Holger and Sauerbier, Philipp and Vieux, Malvina and Prosic, Almin and Wolfsberger, Benjamin and Pichelin, Frédéric and Mayer, Ingo}, month = may, year = {2019}, pages = {11}, file = {Irle et al. - 2019 - The InnovaWood Module Bank Building an internatio.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\EF5PJ98R\\Irle et al. - 2019 - The InnovaWood Module Bank Building an internatio.pdf:application/pdf}, }
The InnovaWood Module Bank is a shared e-Learning platform for standalone science, technology and education modules in wood science. A group of members of InnovaWood have committed to jointly develop this platform. The institutes benefit in that they can widen the range of courses they offer and use their teaching capacities more efficiently. Students obtain the possibility to take online courses at another university without the need of costly exchange programmes. New eLearning tools and teaching methods give them more choice and more flexibility to pursue their own individual preferences during their studies. To participate in the Module Bank, organisations must commit to providing at least one module of 3 ECTS at the MSc level. In return they obtain access to the whole series of modules that are offered collectively. The main benefits are that an institution obtains access to high quality lectures of experienced teachers in specific thematic fields and the opportunity to complement their core study programmes with additional online modules. Among others, these contain a module on ‘Wood degradation and wood protection’ by the University of Göttingen, which is relevant for IRG. The Module Bank contributes to new internationalisation experiences and a diversification of teaching contents and formats.
Study on the ability of wood-destroying fungi to grow through chemically modified wood.
Emmerich, L.; Strohbusch, S.; Brischke, C.; Bollmus, S.; and Militz, H.
In Proceedings IRG Annual Meeting, pages 18, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, May 2019.
doi link bibtex abstract
doi link bibtex abstract
@inproceedings{emmerich_study_2019, address = {Quebec City, Quebec, Canada}, title = {Study on the ability of wood-destroying fungi to grow through chemically modified wood}, doi = {IRG/WP 19-40858}, abstract = {Over the last decades, chemical wood modification technologies were developed to increase the resistance against attack by wood-destroying organisms without using biocides. Most of those technologies are based on an impregnation step initially. In most treated wood products, mainly by using solid wood in thicker dimensions as in posts, poles, sleepers, deckings etc. it is known that wood impregnation fluids are not distributed throughout the whole wood cross diameter, but just form a protected zone (‘shell-treatment’) of some millimetres or centimetres. The depth of the protected zone depends on wood species and treatment process. While ‘shell-treatments’ might be adequate to achieve a sufficient protection against fungal decay by treatment with biocides, the effect on how wood treated by chemical wood modification systems performs with regard to the resistance against wood-destroying organisms, is not yet known.}, language = {en}, booktitle = {Proceedings {IRG} {Annual} {Meeting}}, author = {Emmerich, Lukas and Strohbusch, Sarah and Brischke, Christian and Bollmus, Susanne and Militz, Holger}, month = may, year = {2019}, pages = {18}, }
Over the last decades, chemical wood modification technologies were developed to increase the resistance against attack by wood-destroying organisms without using biocides. Most of those technologies are based on an impregnation step initially. In most treated wood products, mainly by using solid wood in thicker dimensions as in posts, poles, sleepers, deckings etc. it is known that wood impregnation fluids are not distributed throughout the whole wood cross diameter, but just form a protected zone (‘shell-treatment’) of some millimetres or centimetres. The depth of the protected zone depends on wood species and treatment process. While ‘shell-treatments’ might be adequate to achieve a sufficient protection against fungal decay by treatment with biocides, the effect on how wood treated by chemical wood modification systems performs with regard to the resistance against wood-destroying organisms, is not yet known.
Physico-mechanical properties of thermally modified Eucalyptus nitens wood for decking applications.
Wentzel, M.; González-Prieto, Ó.; Brischke, C.; and Militz, H.
Drvna industrija, 70(3): 235–245. September 2019.
@article{wentzel_physico-mechanical_2019, title = {Physico-mechanical properties of thermally modified \textit{{Eucalyptus} nitens} wood for decking applications}, volume = {70}, issn = {18471153, 00126772}, url = {}, doi = {10.5552/drvind.2019.1838}, abstract = {Eucalyptus nitens is a fast growing plantation species that has a good acclimation in Spain and Chile. At the moment it is mainly used for pulp and paper production, but there is a growing market for solid wood products made from this species. Thermal modification offers a good alternative to produce high quality material to manufacture products with high added value. This study used unmodified and thermally modified E. nitens wood from Spanish and Chilean plantations to elaborate external decking and examine if it complies with the necessary properties to be a competitive product. A process similar to ThermoWood® was applied at the following temperatures: 185 °C, 200 °C and 215 °C. For each modification and for an unmodified specimen mass loss, volumetric swelling, anti-swelling efficiency (ASE) and equilibrium moisture content (EMC) were determined. Brinell hardness, dynamic hardness, screw and nail withdrawal resistance, and abrasion resistance according to the Shaker method and the Taber Abraser method were also determined. According to this study, thermally modified E. nitens from both countries showed high potential to be used as decking material, particularly when modified at 200 °C.}, language = {en}, number = {3}, urldate = {2019-12-13}, journal = {Drvna industrija}, author = {Wentzel, Maximilian and González-Prieto, Óscar and Brischke, Christian and Militz, Holger}, month = sep, year = {2019}, pages = {235--245}, file = {Wentzel et al. - 2019 - Physico-mechanical properties of thermally modifie.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\IM6U4MRU\\Wentzel et al. - 2019 - Physico-mechanical properties of thermally modifie.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Eucalyptus nitens is a fast growing plantation species that has a good acclimation in Spain and Chile. At the moment it is mainly used for pulp and paper production, but there is a growing market for solid wood products made from this species. Thermal modification offers a good alternative to produce high quality material to manufacture products with high added value. This study used unmodified and thermally modified E. nitens wood from Spanish and Chilean plantations to elaborate external decking and examine if it complies with the necessary properties to be a competitive product. A process similar to ThermoWood® was applied at the following temperatures: 185 °C, 200 °C and 215 °C. For each modification and for an unmodified specimen mass loss, volumetric swelling, anti-swelling efficiency (ASE) and equilibrium moisture content (EMC) were determined. Brinell hardness, dynamic hardness, screw and nail withdrawal resistance, and abrasion resistance according to the Shaker method and the Taber Abraser method were also determined. According to this study, thermally modified E. nitens from both countries showed high potential to be used as decking material, particularly when modified at 200 °C.
Coating performance on glutaraldehyde-modified wood.
Xiao, Z.; Chen, H.; Mai, C.; Militz, H.; and Xie, Y.
Journal of Forestry Research, 30(1): 353–361. February 2019.
@article{xiao_coating_2019, title = {Coating performance on glutaraldehyde-modified wood}, volume = {30}, issn = {1993-0607}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/s11676-018-0620-y}, abstract = {Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) panels were modified with glutaraldehyde (GA) to various weight percent gains and subsequently coated with several commercial coatings. The drying rate and adhesion of the coatings on the modified wood were measured; the coated/modified woods were exposed outdoors to analyze how the wood modifications influence the coating deterioration. The results showed that GA modification caused an increase in the drying rate of the waterborne coatings, but had no influence on drying of tested solvent-borne coatings. GA-modification did not change the dry adhesion but reduced the wood strength in a pull-off test. Wet adhesion of waterborne coatings was improved, while that of the solvent-borne coatings tended to be somewhat reduced. During 22 months of outdoor weathering, the coated/modified samples exhibited lower moisture content than the coated/unmodified samples, but GA modification didn’t contribute a substantially synergistic effect with surface coatings on resistance to weathering.}, language = {en}, number = {1}, urldate = {2019-11-18}, journal = {Journal of Forestry Research}, author = {Xiao, Zefang and Chen, Haiou and Mai, Carsten and Militz, Holger and Xie, Yanjun}, month = feb, year = {2019}, keywords = {Adhesion, Chemical modification, Coating, Glutaraldehyde, Weathering}, pages = {353--361}, file = {Springer Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\HV2UM8CI\\Xiao et al. - 2019 - Coating performance on glutaraldehyde-modified woo.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) panels were modified with glutaraldehyde (GA) to various weight percent gains and subsequently coated with several commercial coatings. The drying rate and adhesion of the coatings on the modified wood were measured; the coated/modified woods were exposed outdoors to analyze how the wood modifications influence the coating deterioration. The results showed that GA modification caused an increase in the drying rate of the waterborne coatings, but had no influence on drying of tested solvent-borne coatings. GA-modification did not change the dry adhesion but reduced the wood strength in a pull-off test. Wet adhesion of waterborne coatings was improved, while that of the solvent-borne coatings tended to be somewhat reduced. During 22 months of outdoor weathering, the coated/modified samples exhibited lower moisture content than the coated/unmodified samples, but GA modification didn’t contribute a substantially synergistic effect with surface coatings on resistance to weathering.
Robust Automatic Identification of Microplastics in Environmental Samples Using FTIR Microscopy.
Renner, G.; Sauerbier, P.; Schmidt, T. C.; and Schram, J.
Analytical Chemistry, 91(15): 9656–9664. August 2019.
@article{renner_robust_2019, title = {Robust {Automatic} {Identification} of {Microplastics} in {Environmental} {Samples} {Using} {FTIR} {Microscopy}}, volume = {91}, issn = {0003-2700, 1520-6882}, url = {}, doi = {10.1021/acs.analchem.9b01095}, abstract = {The analysis of microplastics is mainly performed using Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy/microscopy (FTIR/ μFTIR). However, in contrast to most aspects of the analysis process, for example, sampling, sample preparation, and measurement, there is less known about data evaluation. This particularly critical step becomes more and more important if a large number of samples has to be handled. In this context, it is concerning that the commonly used library searching is not suitable to identify microplastics from real environmental samples automatically. Therefore, many spectra have to be rechecked by the operator manually, which is very time-consuming. In this study, a new fully automated robust microplastics identification method is presented that assigns over 98\% of microplastics correctly. The main concept of this new method is to detect and numerically describe the individual vibrational bands within an FTIR absorbance spectrum by curve fitting, which leads to a very compact and highly characteristic peak list. This list allows very accurate and robust library searching. The developed approach is based on the already published microplastics identification algorithm (μIDENT) and extends and improves the field of application to μFTIR data with a special focus on relevant broad, overlapped, or complex vibrational bands.}, language = {en}, number = {15}, urldate = {2019-08-20}, journal = {Analytical Chemistry}, author = {Renner, Gerrit and Sauerbier, Philipp and Schmidt, Torsten C. and Schram, Jürgen}, month = aug, year = {2019}, pages = {9656--9664}, file = {Renner et al. - 2019 - Robust Automatic Identification of Microplastics i.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\G9X5Z8BW\\Renner et al. - 2019 - Robust Automatic Identification of Microplastics i.pdf:application/pdf}, }
The analysis of microplastics is mainly performed using Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy/microscopy (FTIR/ μFTIR). However, in contrast to most aspects of the analysis process, for example, sampling, sample preparation, and measurement, there is less known about data evaluation. This particularly critical step becomes more and more important if a large number of samples has to be handled. In this context, it is concerning that the commonly used library searching is not suitable to identify microplastics from real environmental samples automatically. Therefore, many spectra have to be rechecked by the operator manually, which is very time-consuming. In this study, a new fully automated robust microplastics identification method is presented that assigns over 98% of microplastics correctly. The main concept of this new method is to detect and numerically describe the individual vibrational bands within an FTIR absorbance spectrum by curve fitting, which leads to a very compact and highly characteristic peak list. This list allows very accurate and robust library searching. The developed approach is based on the already published microplastics identification algorithm (μIDENT) and extends and improves the field of application to μFTIR data with a special focus on relevant broad, overlapped, or complex vibrational bands.
Improved strength properties of three-layered particleboards with different core and surface layers based on kiri wood (Paulownia spp.).
Nelis, P. A.; and Mai, C.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 77(5): 761–769. September 2019.
@article{nelis_improved_2019, title = {Improved strength properties of three-layered particleboards with different core and surface layers based on kiri wood ({Paulownia} spp.)}, volume = {77}, issn = {1436-736X}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/s00107-019-01442-7}, abstract = {The kiri tree produces low-density wood, which serves as an excellent material for particleboards (PB) due to the correspondingly low bulk density of the particles and better glue utilization. In this study, kiri particles (KPs) are used in surface and core layers to explicitly improve certain strength properties of three-layered PBs. Six variants of three-layered PBs were produced from KPs and industrial particles (IPs) with a target density of 500 kg m−3. The composition of the PBs was 100\% KPs, 100\% IPs, KPs in the surface layer with IPs in the core layer and vice versa, and KPs and IPs, respectively, in the surface layer with a 50/50\% mixture of KPs and IPs. KPs in the surface layer improved bending strength and bending MOE for all different core layers. The internal bond strength increased accordingly with the amount of KPs in the core layer. Thickness swelling was lower with KPs in the surface layer for panels with all different core layers. Water absorption was lower with KPs in the surface layer for most of the panels. Density profiles reveal that the variants with lowest density in the core layer do not necessarily show the lowest IB results, which indicates that IB is more dependent on the compression of the particles and resulting enhanced adhesion than on density alone. Screw withdrawal resistance was not affected by the surface layer, but it increased with the overall amount of KPs in the PB.}, language = {en}, number = {5}, urldate = {2019-08-19}, journal = {European Journal of Wood and Wood Products}, author = {Nelis, Philipp A. and Mai, Carsten}, month = sep, year = {2019}, pages = {761--769}, file = {Springer Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\GCJT3DV2\\Nelis und Mai - 2019 - Improved strength properties of three-layered part.pdf:application/pdf}, }
The kiri tree produces low-density wood, which serves as an excellent material for particleboards (PB) due to the correspondingly low bulk density of the particles and better glue utilization. In this study, kiri particles (KPs) are used in surface and core layers to explicitly improve certain strength properties of three-layered PBs. Six variants of three-layered PBs were produced from KPs and industrial particles (IPs) with a target density of 500 kg m−3. The composition of the PBs was 100% KPs, 100% IPs, KPs in the surface layer with IPs in the core layer and vice versa, and KPs and IPs, respectively, in the surface layer with a 50/50% mixture of KPs and IPs. KPs in the surface layer improved bending strength and bending MOE for all different core layers. The internal bond strength increased accordingly with the amount of KPs in the core layer. Thickness swelling was lower with KPs in the surface layer for panels with all different core layers. Water absorption was lower with KPs in the surface layer for most of the panels. Density profiles reveal that the variants with lowest density in the core layer do not necessarily show the lowest IB results, which indicates that IB is more dependent on the compression of the particles and resulting enhanced adhesion than on density alone. Screw withdrawal resistance was not affected by the surface layer, but it increased with the overall amount of KPs in the PB.
Activation of glucose with Fenton’s reagent: chemical structures of activated products and their reaction efficacy toward cellulosic material.
Guo, W.; Xiao, Z.; Tang, L.; Zhang, Z.; Wang, Y.; Lv, J.; Militz, H.; and Xie, Y.
Holzforschung, 73(6): 579–587. 2019.
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@article{guo_activation_2019, title = {Activation of glucose with {Fenton}’s reagent: chemical structures of activated products and their reaction efficacy toward cellulosic material}, volume = {73}, issn = {1437-434X}, shorttitle = {Activation of glucose with {Fenton}’s reagent}, url = {}, doi = {10.1515/hf-2018-0153}, abstract = {The release of harmful volatiles, such as formaldehyde, is a major issue of the chemical modification of wood that limits the utilization of the modified wood in indoor environment. In this study, glucose (Glc) was activated with Fenton’s reagent under various conditions and the chemical structure of the activated Glc was characterized. Also, the reactivity of the activated Glc toward filter paper as a wood model was evaluated. The results show that the H2O2 concentration controlled the activation ratio of Glc. Additionally, the Fe(II) concentration and activation temperature determined mainly the oxidation reaction rate. The Fenton reaction in an acidic solution resulted in higher activation efficacy of Glc and better fixation in the filter paper, compared to the reaction in an alkaline solution. The Glc cannot be fixed in the filter paper, but the activated Glc exhibited a fixation ratio of up to 48.2\% due to the formation of carboxyl and aldehyde groups, as evidenced by Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). It was demonstrated that activation of Glc with the Fenton’s reagent is a feasible and eco-friendly approach and the activated products have a high potential for wood modification.}, number = {6}, urldate = {2019-06-03}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Guo, Wenjun and Xiao, Zefang and Tang, Lian and Zhang, Zhijun and Wang, Yonggui and Lv, Jianxiong and Militz, Holger and Xie, Yanjun}, year = {2019}, keywords = {wood modification, Fenton’s reagent, activation, chemical structure, glucose (Glc), hydroxyl radical, oxidative reactivity, weight percent gain}, pages = {579--587}, }
The release of harmful volatiles, such as formaldehyde, is a major issue of the chemical modification of wood that limits the utilization of the modified wood in indoor environment. In this study, glucose (Glc) was activated with Fenton’s reagent under various conditions and the chemical structure of the activated Glc was characterized. Also, the reactivity of the activated Glc toward filter paper as a wood model was evaluated. The results show that the H2O2 concentration controlled the activation ratio of Glc. Additionally, the Fe(II) concentration and activation temperature determined mainly the oxidation reaction rate. The Fenton reaction in an acidic solution resulted in higher activation efficacy of Glc and better fixation in the filter paper, compared to the reaction in an alkaline solution. The Glc cannot be fixed in the filter paper, but the activated Glc exhibited a fixation ratio of up to 48.2% due to the formation of carboxyl and aldehyde groups, as evidenced by Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). It was demonstrated that activation of Glc with the Fenton’s reagent is a feasible and eco-friendly approach and the activated products have a high potential for wood modification.
Properties of medium-density fibreboards bonded with dextrin-based wood adhesive.
Hosseinpourpia, R.; Adamopoulos, S.; Mai, C.; and Taghiyari, H. R.
Wood Research, 64(2): 185–194. 2019.
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@article{hosseinpourpia_properties_2019, title = {Properties of medium-density fibreboards bonded with dextrin-based wood adhesive}, volume = {64}, abstract = {This study focuses on manufacturing of medium density fibreboard (MDF) panels bonded with dextrin-based wood adhesive and crosslinked in situ with various weight ratios of synthetic (e.g., polymeric-methane diphenyl-diisocyanate, pMDI) or bio-based (e.g., glyoxal) crosslinkers. The physical and mechanical properties of the panels were evaluated and compared with those from panels without crosslinker (control). Modulus of rupture (MOR) and internal bond (IB) strength of the MDF panels were considerably increased by increasing the crosslinkers’ content. While, slight improvements were observed in modulus of elasticity (MOE) of the panels as a function of crosslinker type and content. Addition of crosslinkers clearly reduced the thickness swelling (TS) and water absorption (WA) of the panels, whereas, the panels with pMDI showed superior performances than the control and glyoxal added ones within 4 h and 24 h immersion in water. The results indicate the potential of dextrin as wood panel adhesive along with the use of appropriate crosslinkers.}, language = {en}, number = {2}, journal = {Wood Research}, author = {Hosseinpourpia, Reza and Adamopoulos, Stergios and Mai, Carsten and Taghiyari, Hamid Reza}, year = {2019}, pages = {185--194}, file = {Hosseinpourpia et al. - 2019 - Properties of medium-density fibreboards bonded wi.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\2XQYI4ZX\\Hosseinpourpia et al. - 2019 - Properties of medium-density fibreboards bonded wi.pdf:application/pdf}, }
This study focuses on manufacturing of medium density fibreboard (MDF) panels bonded with dextrin-based wood adhesive and crosslinked in situ with various weight ratios of synthetic (e.g., polymeric-methane diphenyl-diisocyanate, pMDI) or bio-based (e.g., glyoxal) crosslinkers. The physical and mechanical properties of the panels were evaluated and compared with those from panels without crosslinker (control). Modulus of rupture (MOR) and internal bond (IB) strength of the MDF panels were considerably increased by increasing the crosslinkers’ content. While, slight improvements were observed in modulus of elasticity (MOE) of the panels as a function of crosslinker type and content. Addition of crosslinkers clearly reduced the thickness swelling (TS) and water absorption (WA) of the panels, whereas, the panels with pMDI showed superior performances than the control and glyoxal added ones within 4 h and 24 h immersion in water. The results indicate the potential of dextrin as wood panel adhesive along with the use of appropriate crosslinkers.
Comparison of blockboards with core layers made of kiri (Paulownia spp.) and of spruce (Picea abies) regarding mechanical properties.
Nelis, P. A.; Henke, O.; and Mai, C.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. February 2019.
@article{nelis_comparison_2019, title = {Comparison of blockboards with core layers made of kiri ({Paulownia} spp.) and of spruce ({Picea} abies) regarding mechanical properties}, issn = {0018-3768, 1436-736X}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/s00107-019-01381-3}, language = {en}, urldate = {2019-02-04}, journal = {European Journal of Wood and Wood Products}, author = {Nelis, Philipp A. and Henke, Olaf and Mai, Carsten}, month = feb, year = {2019}, file = {Nelis et al. - 2019 - Comparison of blockboards with core layers made of.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\BU97Q69H\\Nelis et al. - 2019 - Comparison of blockboards with core layers made of.pdf:application/pdf}, }
The effect of fibreboard (MDF) disintegration technique on wood polymer composites (WPC) produced with recovered wood particles.
Bütün, F. Y.; Sauerbier, P.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 118: 312–316. March 2019.
@article{butun_effect_2019, title = {The effect of fibreboard ({MDF}) disintegration technique on wood polymer composites ({WPC}) produced with recovered wood particles}, volume = {118}, issn = {1359835X}, url = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.compositesa.2019.01.006}, language = {en}, urldate = {2019-01-18}, journal = {Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing}, author = {Bütün, Fahriye Yağmur and Sauerbier, Philipp and Militz, Holger and Mai, Carsten}, month = mar, year = {2019}, pages = {312--316}, file = {Bütün et al. - 2019 - The effect of fibreboard (MDF) disintegration tech.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\KZX75NUA\\Bütün et al. - 2019 - The effect of fibreboard (MDF) disintegration tech.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Biological Durability of Sapling-Wood Products Used for Gardening and Outdoor Decoration.
Brischke, C.; Emmerich, L.; Nienaber, D. G.; and Bollmus, S.
Forests, 10(12): 1152. December 2019.
@article{brischke_biological_2019, title = {Biological {Durability} of {Sapling}-{Wood} {Products} {Used} for {Gardening} and {Outdoor} {Decoration}}, volume = {10}, issn = {1999-4907}, url = {}, doi = {10.3390/f10121152}, abstract = {Sapling-wood products from different wood species such as willow (Salix spp. L.) and Common hazel (Corylus avellana L.) are frequently used for gardening and outdoor decoration purposes. Remaining bark is suggested to provide additional biological durability. Even for temporary outdoor use it seemed questionable that durability of juvenile sapwood can provide acceptably long service lives of horticultural products. Therefore, sapling-wood from seven European-grown wood species was submitted to laboratory and field durability tests. In field tests, specimens with and without bark were tested in comparison and submitted to differently severe exposure situations, i.e., in-ground contact, and above-ground situations with and without water trapping. All materials under test were classified ‘not durable’ independently from any potential protective effect of remaining bark, which contradicted their suitability for outdoor applications if multi-annual use is desired.}, language = {en}, number = {12}, urldate = {2020-06-02}, journal = {Forests}, author = {Brischke, Christian and Emmerich, Lukas and Nienaber, Dirk G.B. and Bollmus, Susanne}, month = dec, year = {2019}, keywords = {fungal decay, basidiomycetes, resistance, sapwood, juvenile wood, horticulture}, pages = {1152}, file = {Brischke et al. - 2019 - Biological Durability of Sapling-Wood Products Use.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\B75DUAGD\\Brischke et al. - 2019 - Biological Durability of Sapling-Wood Products Use.pdf:application/pdf;Brischke et al. - 2019 - Biological Durability of Sapling-Wood Products Use.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\DSANIDGK\\Brischke et al. - 2019 - Biological Durability of Sapling-Wood Products Use.pdf:application/pdf;Volltext:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\CFB7ASKF\\Brischke et al. - 2019 - Biological Durability of Sapling-Wood Products Use.pdf:application/pdf;Volltext:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\X3QSLSLI\\Brischke et al. - 2019 - Biological Durability of Sapling-Wood Products Use.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Sapling-wood products from different wood species such as willow (Salix spp. L.) and Common hazel (Corylus avellana L.) are frequently used for gardening and outdoor decoration purposes. Remaining bark is suggested to provide additional biological durability. Even for temporary outdoor use it seemed questionable that durability of juvenile sapwood can provide acceptably long service lives of horticultural products. Therefore, sapling-wood from seven European-grown wood species was submitted to laboratory and field durability tests. In field tests, specimens with and without bark were tested in comparison and submitted to differently severe exposure situations, i.e., in-ground contact, and above-ground situations with and without water trapping. All materials under test were classified ‘not durable’ independently from any potential protective effect of remaining bark, which contradicted their suitability for outdoor applications if multi-annual use is desired.
Effect of wood and panel density on the properties of lightweight strand boards.
Pham, V. T.; Schöpper, C.; Klüppel, A.; and Mai, C.
Wood Material Science & Engineering, 0(0): 1–9. December 2019.
Publisher: Taylor & Francis _eprint:
@article{pham_effect_2019, title = {Effect of wood and panel density on the properties of lightweight strand boards}, volume = {0}, issn = {1748-0272}, url = {}, doi = {10.1080/17480272.2019.1705906}, abstract = {The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of wood and panel density on the properties of lightweight strand boards (SB). For this purpose, we compared lightweight SBs made of low-density kiri wood (Paulownia tomentosa), medium-density pine wood (Pinus sylvestris) and high-density beech wood (Fagus sylvatica). Single-layer non-oriented SBs were manufactured with target densities of 300 and 400 kg m−3. Cohesion of beech boards was insufficient for further testing. The larger compaction ratio of kiri boards resulted in a steep density profile and mechanical properties, namely modulus of rupture (MOR), modulus of elasticity (MOE) and internal bond (IB), superior to those of pine boards. However, Kiri panels exhibited a higher thickness swelling (TS). MOR of kiri boards was 2.6 and 1.6 times higher than that of pine boards at 300 and 400 kg m−3, respectively, while these ratios were only 1.8 and 1.2 for MOE. We conclude that the effect of wood density on bending properties reduces as panel density increases and that the compaction ratio affects MOR more than MOE, which is mainly determined by panel density. Hence, utilization of low-density kiri wood allows reduction of board density with MOE being the limiting factor.}, number = {0}, urldate = {2020-03-09}, journal = {Wood Material Science \& Engineering}, author = {Pham, Van Tien and Schöpper, Christian and Klüppel, André and Mai, Carsten}, month = dec, year = {2019}, note = {Publisher: Taylor \& Francis \_eprint:}, keywords = {strand board, Bulk density, compaction ratio, kiri wood, Paulownia tomentosa}, pages = {1--9}, file = {Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\6FYAEWJV\\Van et al. - 2019 - Effect of wood and panel density on the properties.pdf:application/pdf;Snapshot:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\DP6HXVTD\\17480272.2019.html:text/html}, }
The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of wood and panel density on the properties of lightweight strand boards (SB). For this purpose, we compared lightweight SBs made of low-density kiri wood (Paulownia tomentosa), medium-density pine wood (Pinus sylvestris) and high-density beech wood (Fagus sylvatica). Single-layer non-oriented SBs were manufactured with target densities of 300 and 400 kg m−3. Cohesion of beech boards was insufficient for further testing. The larger compaction ratio of kiri boards resulted in a steep density profile and mechanical properties, namely modulus of rupture (MOR), modulus of elasticity (MOE) and internal bond (IB), superior to those of pine boards. However, Kiri panels exhibited a higher thickness swelling (TS). MOR of kiri boards was 2.6 and 1.6 times higher than that of pine boards at 300 and 400 kg m−3, respectively, while these ratios were only 1.8 and 1.2 for MOE. We conclude that the effect of wood density on bending properties reduces as panel density increases and that the compaction ratio affects MOR more than MOE, which is mainly determined by panel density. Hence, utilization of low-density kiri wood allows reduction of board density with MOE being the limiting factor.
Effects of Acid Pre-Treatments on the Swelling and Vapor Sorption of Thermally Modified Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) Wood.
Hosseinpourpia, R.; Adamopoulos, S.; and Mai, C
BioResources, 13(1): 331–345. 2018.
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@article{hosseinpourpia_effects_2018, title = {Effects of {Acid} {Pre}-{Treatments} on the {Swelling} and {Vapor} {Sorption} of {Thermally} {Modified} {Scots} {Pine} ({Pinus} sylvestris {L}.) {Wood}}, volume = {13}, abstract = {Scots pine sapwood samples were pre-treated with a Lewis acid (AlCl3) and a combination of Lewis and protonic acids (AlCl3 and H2SO4), and were subsequently exposed to respective temperatures of 180 °C and 120 °C for establishing a comparable mass loss with those impregnated with demineralized water and solely thermally modified at 220 °C. Water impregnated samples dried at 120 °C also served as controls. The swelling behavior of all wood samples was examined with respect to maximum swelling in water, anti-swelling efficiency (ASE), shrinkage, and dynamic water vapor sorption at relative humidity ranges of 0\% to 95\%. The thermal modification at 220 °C diminished swelling and moisture adsorption, and also reduced moisture increment and decrement compared with the unmodified control. However, it was less obvious than both acid pre-treated samples. Excess surface work and Hailwood-Horrobin results calculated from water vapor sorption studies demonstrated that, at comparable mass loss, the available sorption sites were reduced to a greater extent by Lewis acid and combination of Lewis and protonic acids pre-treatment than the sole thermal treatment. This was attributed to more pronounced degradation of polysaccharides, mainly hemicelluloses and amorphous parts of cellulose, and to cross-linking of cell wall polymers due to the acid pre-treatments.}, number = {1}, journal = {BioResources}, author = {Hosseinpourpia, Reza and Adamopoulos, Stergios and Mai, C}, year = {2018}, pages = {331--345}, file = {Hosseinpourpia et al. - 2018 - Effects of Acid Pre-Treatments on the Swelling and.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\6Q94SSII\\Hosseinpourpia et al. - 2018 - Effects of Acid Pre-Treatments on the Swelling and.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Scots pine sapwood samples were pre-treated with a Lewis acid (AlCl3) and a combination of Lewis and protonic acids (AlCl3 and H2SO4), and were subsequently exposed to respective temperatures of 180 °C and 120 °C for establishing a comparable mass loss with those impregnated with demineralized water and solely thermally modified at 220 °C. Water impregnated samples dried at 120 °C also served as controls. The swelling behavior of all wood samples was examined with respect to maximum swelling in water, anti-swelling efficiency (ASE), shrinkage, and dynamic water vapor sorption at relative humidity ranges of 0% to 95%. The thermal modification at 220 °C diminished swelling and moisture adsorption, and also reduced moisture increment and decrement compared with the unmodified control. However, it was less obvious than both acid pre-treated samples. Excess surface work and Hailwood-Horrobin results calculated from water vapor sorption studies demonstrated that, at comparable mass loss, the available sorption sites were reduced to a greater extent by Lewis acid and combination of Lewis and protonic acids pre-treatment than the sole thermal treatment. This was attributed to more pronounced degradation of polysaccharides, mainly hemicelluloses and amorphous parts of cellulose, and to cross-linking of cell wall polymers due to the acid pre-treatments.
Kiri wood (Paulownia tomentosa): can it improve the performance of particleboards?.
Nelis, P. A.; Michaelis, F.; Krause, K. C.; and Mai, C.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 76(2): 445–453. March 2018.
@article{nelis_kiri_2018, title = {Kiri wood ({Paulownia} tomentosa): can it improve the performance of particleboards?}, volume = {76}, issn = {0018-3768, 1436-736X}, shorttitle = {Kiri wood ({Paulownia} tomentosa)}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/s00107-017-1222-7}, language = {en}, number = {2}, urldate = {2018-02-05}, journal = {European Journal of Wood and Wood Products}, author = {Nelis, P. A. and Michaelis, F. and Krause, K. C. and Mai, C.}, month = mar, year = {2018}, pages = {445--453}, file = {10.1007s00107-017-1222-7.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\RV8DYVMG\\10.1007s00107-017-1222-7.pdf:application/pdf;Nelis et al. - 2018 - Kiri wood (Paulownia tomentosa) can it improve th.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\BNDZB8XD\\Nelis et al. - 2018 - Kiri wood (Paulownia tomentosa) can it improve th.pdf:application/pdf;s00107-017-1222-7.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\XR34S97J\\s00107-017-1222-7.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Modification of wood with formulations of phenolic resin and iron-tannin-complexes to improve material properties and expand colour variety.
Kielmann, B.; Butter, K.; and Mai, C.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 76(1): 259–267. 2018.
@article{kielmann_modification_2018, title = {Modification of wood with formulations of phenolic resin and iron-tannin-complexes to improve material properties and expand colour variety}, volume = {76}, issn = {0018-3768, 1436-736X}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/s00107-017-1180-0}, language = {en}, number = {1}, urldate = {2018-01-10}, journal = {European Journal of Wood and Wood Products}, author = {Kielmann, B.C. and Butter, K. and Mai, C.}, year = {2018}, pages = {259--267}, file = {Kielmann (2016) Modification of wood with formulations of phenolic resin and iron-tannin-complexes to improve material properties and expand colour variety.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\ZTNMX427\\Kielmann (2016) Modification of wood with formulations of phenolic resin and iron-tannin-complexes to improve material properties and expand colou.pdf:application/pdf;Kielmann (2018) Modification of wood with formulations of phenolic resin and iron-tannin-complexes to improve material properties and expand colour variety.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\CFYA2IJM\\Kielmann (2018) Modification of wood with formulations of phenolic resin and iron-tannin-complexes to improve material properties and expand colou.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Effect of seawater wetting on the weathering of wood.
Klüppel, A.; and Mai, C.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 76(3): 1029–1035. May 2018.
@article{kluppel_effect_2018, title = {Effect of seawater wetting on the weathering of wood}, volume = {76}, issn = {0018-3768, 1436-736X}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/s00107-017-1268-6}, language = {en}, number = {3}, urldate = {2018-06-13}, journal = {European Journal of Wood and Wood Products}, author = {Klüppel, A. and Mai, C.}, month = may, year = {2018}, pages = {1029--1035}, file = {Klüppel (2017) Effect of seawater wetting on the weathering of wood.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\S7CWRTAM\\Klüppel (2017) Effect of seawater wetting on the weathering of wood.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Recovering fibres from fibreboards for wood polymer composites production.
Bütün, F. Y.; Mayer, A. K.; Ostendorf, K.; Gröne, O. E.; Krause, K. C.; Schöpper, C.; Mertens, O.; Krause, A.; and Mai, C.
International Wood Products Journal,1–8. April 2018.
@article{butun_recovering_2018, title = {Recovering fibres from fibreboards for wood polymer composites production}, issn = {2042-6445, 2042-6453}, url = {}, doi = {10.1080/20426445.2018.1462965}, language = {en}, urldate = {2018-04-23}, journal = {International Wood Products Journal}, author = {Bütün, F. Y. and Mayer, A. K. and Ostendorf, K. and Gröne, O. E. and Krause, K. C. and Schöpper, C. and Mertens, O. and Krause, A. and Mai, C.}, month = apr, year = {2018}, pages = {1--8}, file = {Bütün et al. - 2018 - Recovering fibres from fibreboards for wood polyme.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\L8Z5A46F\\Bütün et al. - 2018 - Recovering fibres from fibreboards for wood polyme.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Suitability of Lignin-Derived Monophenols to Replace Phenol in Phenol-Formaldehyde Resin for the Use in Wood Treatment.
Biziks, V.; Fleckenstein, M.; Mai, C.; and Militz, H.
In Proceedings of 9th European Conference on Wood Modification, pages 1–8, Arnhem, Netherlands, 2018.
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@inproceedings{biziks_suitability_2018, address = {Arnhem, Netherlands}, title = {Suitability of {Lignin}-{Derived} {Monophenols} to {Replace} {Phenol} in {Phenol}-{Formaldehyde} {Resin} for the {Use} in {Wood} {Treatment}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 9th {European} {Conference} on {Wood} {Modification}}, author = {Biziks, V. and Fleckenstein, M. and Mai, C. and Militz, H.}, year = {2018}, pages = {1--8}, file = {Biziks et al. - 2018 - Suitability of Lignin-Derived Monophenols to Repla.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\IPXDNQGP\\Biziks et al. - 2018 - Suitability of Lignin-Derived Monophenols to Repla.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Accessibility of hydroxyl groups in anhydride modified wood as measured by deuterium exchange and saponification.
Beck, G.; Strohbusch, S.; Larnøy, E.; Militz, H.; and Hill, C.
Holzforschung, 72(1): 17–23. 2018.
@article{beck_accessibility_2018, title = {Accessibility of hydroxyl groups in anhydride modified wood as measured by deuterium exchange and saponification}, volume = {72}, issn = {0018-3830}, url = {}, doi = {10.1515/hf-2017-0059}, abstract = {Acetylated wood (WAc) shows improved properties largely due to the reduced amount of water in its cell wall, but the exact mechanism of water reduction remains unclear. Acetylation reduces hydroxyl (OH) content by acetyl (Ac) substitution but may also limit water access to unmodified OH groups by steric hindrance. In the present work, the accessibility of OH groups in acetylated or propionylated Radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) wood (WAc and WPr) was investigated by deuterium exchange, saponification in sodium hydroxide followed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis and weight percentage gain determination of the modified samples. Acetylation reduced OH accessibility (OHA) to a greater extent than would be predicted, if OH substitution were the only responsible mechanism for accessibility reduction. The combination of deuterium exchange and saponification results provides strong evidence that steric hindrance plays a key role in reduction of water accessibility to unmodified OH groups in WAc. The supramolecular architecture of WPr samples seems to be modified by the propionylation reaction, which leads to increased OHA at low levels of substitution. This suggests that molecular restructuring within the cell wall exposes new OH groups after propionylation. At higher levels of substitution, however, the WPr exhibited less OHA than expected indicating steric hindrance from the propionyl groups.}, number = {1}, urldate = {2019-11-19}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Beck, Greeley and Strohbusch, Sarah and Larnøy, Erik and Militz, Holger and Hill, Callum}, year = {2018}, keywords = {acetylation, wood, chemical modification, Pinus radiata, bound acetyl, deuterium exchange, hydroxyl accessibility, saponification}, pages = {17--23}, file = {Beck (2017) Accessibility of hydroxyl groups in anhydride modified wood as measured by deuterium exchange and saponification.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\839UIKI9\\Beck (2017) Accessibility of hydroxyl groups in anhydride modified wood as measured by deuterium exchange and saponification.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Acetylated wood (WAc) shows improved properties largely due to the reduced amount of water in its cell wall, but the exact mechanism of water reduction remains unclear. Acetylation reduces hydroxyl (OH) content by acetyl (Ac) substitution but may also limit water access to unmodified OH groups by steric hindrance. In the present work, the accessibility of OH groups in acetylated or propionylated Radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) wood (WAc and WPr) was investigated by deuterium exchange, saponification in sodium hydroxide followed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis and weight percentage gain determination of the modified samples. Acetylation reduced OH accessibility (OHA) to a greater extent than would be predicted, if OH substitution were the only responsible mechanism for accessibility reduction. The combination of deuterium exchange and saponification results provides strong evidence that steric hindrance plays a key role in reduction of water accessibility to unmodified OH groups in WAc. The supramolecular architecture of WPr samples seems to be modified by the propionylation reaction, which leads to increased OHA at low levels of substitution. This suggests that molecular restructuring within the cell wall exposes new OH groups after propionylation. At higher levels of substitution, however, the WPr exhibited less OHA than expected indicating steric hindrance from the propionyl groups.
Modification of beech veneers with lignin phenol formaldehyde resins in the production of laminated veneer lumber (LVL).
Fleckenstein, M.; Biziks, V.; Mai, C.; and Militz, H.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 76(3): 843–851. May 2018.
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@article{fleckenstein_modification_2018, title = {Modification of beech veneers with lignin phenol formaldehyde resins in the production of laminated veneer lumber ({LVL})}, volume = {76}, issn = {1436-736X}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/s00107-017-1275-7}, abstract = {Rotary cut beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) veneers were treated with four different lignin phenol formaldehyde (LPF) solutions using dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as a solvent. Four of these veneers were bonded with PF adhesive to produce four-layer laminated veneer lumber (LVL). To synthesize the LPF solutions, a commercial phenol formaldehyde resin (PF resin) was individually mixed with three different technical lignins (Indulin AT, BioChoice lignin, organosolv lignin) and lignin cleavage products (LCP) at a ratio of 3:2 (60\%:40\%). Differential scanning calorimetry showed an increased curing temperature for the LPF resins in comparison to the PF resin. The mechanical and water-related properties of the LPF-modified LVL were shown to be similar or slightly improved compared to PF-modified LVL. Fungal degradation experiments with white-rot fungus (Trametes versicolor) and brown-rot fungus (Coniophora puteana) exhibited no significant differences in the mass loss of the LPF-modified and PF-modified samples except in one case: LVL made from veneers treated with Indulin AT exposed to the white-rot fungus. The resistance to weathering of LVL samples made from veneers treated with technical lignins was low; however, specimens treated with LCP and the reference PF resin displayed a higher resistance to weathering. It is concluded that technical lignins or LCP can, to a certain extent, be used as a substitute for crude-oil based PF resin.}, language = {en}, number = {3}, urldate = {2020-01-17}, journal = {European Journal of Wood and Wood Products}, author = {Fleckenstein, Marco and Biziks, Vladimirs and Mai, Carsten and Militz, Holger}, month = may, year = {2018}, pages = {843--851}, file = {Fleckenstein (2017) Modification of beech veneers with lignin phenol formaldehyde resins in the production of laminated veneer lumber (LVL).pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\GXNGVI3Q\\Fleckenstein (2017) Modification of beech veneers with lignin phenol formaldehyde resins in the production of laminated veneer lumber (LVL).pdf:application/pdf}, }
Rotary cut beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) veneers were treated with four different lignin phenol formaldehyde (LPF) solutions using dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as a solvent. Four of these veneers were bonded with PF adhesive to produce four-layer laminated veneer lumber (LVL). To synthesize the LPF solutions, a commercial phenol formaldehyde resin (PF resin) was individually mixed with three different technical lignins (Indulin AT, BioChoice lignin, organosolv lignin) and lignin cleavage products (LCP) at a ratio of 3:2 (60%:40%). Differential scanning calorimetry showed an increased curing temperature for the LPF resins in comparison to the PF resin. The mechanical and water-related properties of the LPF-modified LVL were shown to be similar or slightly improved compared to PF-modified LVL. Fungal degradation experiments with white-rot fungus (Trametes versicolor) and brown-rot fungus (Coniophora puteana) exhibited no significant differences in the mass loss of the LPF-modified and PF-modified samples except in one case: LVL made from veneers treated with Indulin AT exposed to the white-rot fungus. The resistance to weathering of LVL samples made from veneers treated with technical lignins was low; however, specimens treated with LCP and the reference PF resin displayed a higher resistance to weathering. It is concluded that technical lignins or LCP can, to a certain extent, be used as a substitute for crude-oil based PF resin.
Siloxane-treated and copper-plasma-coated wood: Resistance to the blue stain fungus Aureobasidium pullulans and the termite Reticulitermes flavipes.
Gascón-Garrido, P.; Thévenon, M.; Mainusch, N.; Militz, H.; Viöl, W.; and Mai, C.
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 120: 84–90. May 2017.
@article{gascon-garrido_siloxane-treated_2017, title = {Siloxane-treated and copper-plasma-coated wood: {Resistance} to the blue stain fungus {Aureobasidium} pullulans and the termite {Reticulitermes} flavipes}, volume = {120}, issn = {09648305}, shorttitle = {Siloxane-treated and copper-plasma-coated wood}, url = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.ibiod.2017.01.033}, language = {en}, urldate = {2017-05-09}, journal = {International Biodeterioration \& Biodegradation}, author = {Gascón-Garrido, P. and Thévenon, M.F. and Mainusch, N. and Militz, H. and Viöl, W. and Mai, C.}, month = may, year = {2017}, pages = {84--90}, file = {Gascón-Garrido (2017b) Siloxane-treated and copper-plasma-coated wood - Resistance to the blue stain fungus Aureobasidium pullulans and the termite Reticulitermes flavipes.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\PRHKRP3R\\Gascón-Garrido (2017b) Siloxane-treated and copper-plasma-coated wood - Resistance to the blue stain fungus Aureobasidium pullulans and the termite .pdf:application/pdf}, }
Recovering fibers from fibreboards for wood polymer composites (WPC) production.
Bütün, F.; Schöpper, C.; and Mai, C
In pages 126, 2017.
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@inproceedings{butun_recovering_2017, title = {Recovering fibers from fibreboards for wood polymer composites ({WPC}) production.}, author = {Bütün, FY and Schöpper, C. and Mai, C}, year = {2017}, pages = {126}, file = {Bütün et al. - 2017 - Recovering fibers from fibreboards for wood polyme.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\V572R4IL\\Bütün et al. - 2017 - Recovering fibers from fibreboards for wood polyme.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Copper and aluminium deposition by cold-plasma spray on wood surfaces: effects on natural weathering behaviour.
Gascón-Garrido, P.; Mainusch, N.; Militz, H.; Viöl, W.; and Mai, C.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 75(3): 315–324. 2017.
@article{gascon-garrido_copper_2017, title = {Copper and aluminium deposition by cold-plasma spray on wood surfaces: effects on natural weathering behaviour}, volume = {75}, issn = {0018-3768, 1436-736X}, shorttitle = {Copper and aluminium deposition by cold-plasma spray on wood surfaces}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/s00107-016-1121-3}, language = {en}, number = {3}, urldate = {2017-05-09}, journal = {European Journal of Wood and Wood Products}, author = {Gascón-Garrido, P. and Mainusch, N. and Militz, H. and Viöl, W. and Mai, C.}, year = {2017}, pages = {315--324}, file = {Gascón-Garrido (2017) Copper and aluminium deposition by cold-plasma spray on wood surfaces - effects on natural weathering behaviour.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\4UPFST9F\\Gascón-Garrido (2017) Copper and aluminium deposition by cold-plasma spray on wood surfaces - effects on natural weathering behaviour.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Comparison of the saturated salt and dynamic vapor sorption methods in obtaining the sorption properties of Pinus pinea L.
Simón, C.; García Fernández, F.; García Esteban, L.; de Palacios, P.; Hosseinpourpia, R.; and Mai, C.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 75(6): 919–926. 2017.
@article{simon_comparison_2017, title = {Comparison of the saturated salt and dynamic vapor sorption methods in obtaining the sorption properties of {Pinus} pinea {L}.}, volume = {75}, issn = {0018-3768, 1436-736X}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/s00107-016-1155-6}, language = {en}, number = {6}, urldate = {2017-11-02}, journal = {European Journal of Wood and Wood Products}, author = {Simón, C. and García Fernández, F. and García Esteban, L. and de Palacios, P. and Hosseinpourpia, R. and Mai, C.}, year = {2017}, pages = {919--926}, file = {Simón (2017) Comparison of the saturated salt and dynamic vapor sorption methods in obtaining the sorption properties of Pinus pinea L..pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\VIPDA8UG\\Simón (2017) Comparison of the saturated salt and dynamic vapor sorption methods in obtaining the sorption properties of Pinus pinea L..pdf:application/pdf}, }
Light medium-density fibreboards (MDFs): does acetylation improve the physico-mechanical properties?.
Mai, C.; Direske, M.; Varel, D.; and Weber, A.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 75(5): 739–745. 2017.
@article{mai_light_2017, title = {Light medium-density fibreboards ({MDFs}): does acetylation improve the physico-mechanical properties?}, volume = {75}, issn = {0018-3768, 1436-736X}, shorttitle = {Light medium-density fibreboards ({MDFs})}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/s00107-016-1147-6}, language = {en}, number = {5}, urldate = {2017-08-17}, journal = {European Journal of Wood and Wood Products}, author = {Mai, C. and Direske, M. and Varel, D. and Weber, A.}, year = {2017}, pages = {739--745}, file = {Mai (2017) Light medium-density fibreboards (MDFs) - does acetylation improve the physico-mechanical properties.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\WN3UDDPK\\Mai (2017) Light medium-density fibreboards (MDFs) - does acetylation improve the physico-mechanical properties.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Formation of Uniform Multi-Stimuli-Responsive and Multiblock Hydrogels from Dialdehyde Cellulose.
Liu, P.; Mai, C.; and Zhang, K.
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 5(6): 5313–5319. June 2017.
@article{liu_formation_2017, title = {Formation of {Uniform} {Multi}-{Stimuli}-{Responsive} and {Multiblock} {Hydrogels} from {Dialdehyde} {Cellulose}}, volume = {5}, issn = {2168-0485, 2168-0485}, url = {}, doi = {10.1021/acssuschemeng.7b00646}, language = {en}, number = {6}, urldate = {2017-09-13}, journal = {ACS Sustainable Chemistry \& Engineering}, author = {Liu, P. and Mai, C. and Zhang, K.}, month = jun, year = {2017}, pages = {5313--5319}, file = {Liu (2017) Formation of Uniform Multi-Stimuli-Responsive and Multiblock Hydrogels from Dialdehyde Cellulose.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\BTHW32RC\\Liu (2017) Formation of Uniform Multi-Stimuli-Responsive and Multiblock Hydrogels from Dialdehyde Cellulose.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Performance of the bio-based materials - Protection by design maintenance.
Brischke, C.; Humar, M.; and Lorenzo, D.
In Jones, D; and Brischke, C., editor(s), Performance of bio-based materials, pages 228–240. Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, 2017.
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@incollection{brischke_performance_2017, address = {Cambridge}, title = {Performance of the bio-based materials - {Protection} by design maintenance}, booktitle = {Performance of bio-based materials}, publisher = {Woodhead Publishing}, author = {Brischke, C. and Humar, M. and Lorenzo, D.}, editor = {Jones, D and Brischke, C.}, year = {2017}, pages = {228--240}, }
Comparison of silicon and OH-modified AFM tips for adhesion force analysis on functionalised surfaces and natural polymers.
Colson, J.; Andorfer, L.; Nypelö, T. E.; Lütkemeier, B.; Stöckel, F.; and Konnerth, J.
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 529: 363–372. September 2017.
@article{colson_comparison_2017, title = {Comparison of silicon and {OH}-modified {AFM} tips for adhesion force analysis on functionalised surfaces and natural polymers}, volume = {529}, issn = {0927-7757}, url = {}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2017.06.017}, abstract = {In this paper, the position resolved adhesion behaviour of AFM cantilevers with standard silicon tips, rounded silicon tips and OH-modified tips was compared. Surfaces of a flat functionalised microscopy glass slide (hydrophilic background with hydrophobic spots) and of a comparably rough wood/wax sample were scanned in gaseous atmosphere. These two samples were chosen because both of them contain polar and non-polar regions within an area small enough to be scanned at once by the AFM without relevant quality loss due high scan speeds. Moreover, OH and CH3 modified cantilever chips providing very flat functionalised surfaces were scanned. Except for the wood/wax sample, measurements were performed at different humidity levels – with only very little influence on the measured adhesion. Both silicon and OH modified tips showed a higher adhesion on the polar regions of each sample than on the non-polar ones. The difference between the adhesion values on the polar and non-polar surfaces was however systematically higher when standard silicon tips were used. This was also true on the wood/wax sample. As silicon tips are relatively cheap, robust and have a much smaller radius than typical functionalised tips, they allow simple high resolution differentiation of polar and non-polar domains even when the sample surface is relatively rough, as it is the case for natural wood-based polymers.}, language = {en}, urldate = {2017-06-13}, journal = {Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects}, author = {Colson, Jérôme and Andorfer, Laurin and Nypelö, Tiina Elina and Lütkemeier, Bernd and Stöckel, Frank and Konnerth, Johannes}, month = sep, year = {2017}, keywords = {Wood, Atomic force microscopy, functionalised tip, model surface, polarity, silicon tip}, pages = {363--372}, file = {Colson et al. - 2017 - Comparison of silicon and OH-modified AFM tips for.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\XSEFB6RK\\Colson et al. - 2017 - Comparison of silicon and OH-modified AFM tips for.pdf:application/pdf;ScienceDirect Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\ENPVJFZA\\Colson et al. - Comparison of silicon and OH-modified AFM tips for.pdf:application/pdf}, }
In this paper, the position resolved adhesion behaviour of AFM cantilevers with standard silicon tips, rounded silicon tips and OH-modified tips was compared. Surfaces of a flat functionalised microscopy glass slide (hydrophilic background with hydrophobic spots) and of a comparably rough wood/wax sample were scanned in gaseous atmosphere. These two samples were chosen because both of them contain polar and non-polar regions within an area small enough to be scanned at once by the AFM without relevant quality loss due high scan speeds. Moreover, OH and CH3 modified cantilever chips providing very flat functionalised surfaces were scanned. Except for the wood/wax sample, measurements were performed at different humidity levels – with only very little influence on the measured adhesion. Both silicon and OH modified tips showed a higher adhesion on the polar regions of each sample than on the non-polar ones. The difference between the adhesion values on the polar and non-polar surfaces was however systematically higher when standard silicon tips were used. This was also true on the wood/wax sample. As silicon tips are relatively cheap, robust and have a much smaller radius than typical functionalised tips, they allow simple high resolution differentiation of polar and non-polar domains even when the sample surface is relatively rough, as it is the case for natural wood-based polymers.
Utilizing Malaysian bamboo for use in thermoplastic composites.
Bahari, S. A.; and Krause, A.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 110: 16 – 24. 2016.
@article{bahari_utilizing_2016, title = {Utilizing {Malaysian} bamboo for use in thermoplastic composites}, volume = {110}, issn = {0959-6526}, url = {//}, doi = {}, abstract = {Abstract Bamboo is one of the potential lignocelluloses materials which can be used in thermoplastic composites in order to reduce the use of fossil fuel-based materials. Bamboo exhibits such potential due to its availability, good material properties and high yield resources. The utilization of bamboo for thermoplastic composites will reduce the demand for plastics and the environmental impact associated with their production and disposal. Several studies showed that bamboo has a very good prospect for reinforcement of thermoplastic composites and is a promising substitute for wood-polymer composites (WPC) products. The aim of this study is to investigate the potential production and performance properties of polyvinyl chloride (PVC)-based composites with Malaysian bamboo species (Bambusa vulgaris and Schizostachyum brachycladum) as particulate filler. Different bamboo particle sizes (75 μm and 1 mm) at different bamboo particle loading (25 and 50\% w/w) were used and processed. The \{PVC\} matrix and bamboo particles were mixed together with additives using a standard processing procedure for wood-PVC composites production. Pure \{PVC\} (without bamboo particles) composites and wood flour-PVC composites were also prepared under the same processing conditions of this system for comparison purposes. The composite samples were tested for performance properties, viz. flexural strength, impact bending and water uptake. As a result, bamboo-PVC composites were successfully produced using this standard processing procedure. Regardless of bamboo species, the performance properties of the composites mainly depended upon particles loading with minor effect of particle sizes. No significant difference in the properties of composites, between bamboo species, was recorded. The presence of bamboo particles has tremendously increased the flexural modulus of elasticity (MOE) of composites from 0\% (pure \{PVC\} composites without bamboo particles) to 50\% loading (almost two times increase), although there were slight decreases of flexural modulus of rupture (MOR), and some defective results of impact bending and water uptake. Water uptake, MOE, and \{MOR\} of all groups of bamboo-PVC composites was superior to their wood-PVC composites counterpart, with some other results such as impact bending (in the case of 25\% particles loading) being better than those of wood-PVC composites. These results show that the use of bamboo will not only serve as an alternative for WPCs, but also expand the commercial utilization of bamboo and development of greener, cleaner products.}, journal = {Journal of Cleaner Production}, author = {Bahari, Shahril Anuar and Krause, Andreas}, year = {2016}, keywords = {Natural filler}, pages = {16 -- 24}, file = {Bahari (2014) Utilizing Malaysian bamboo for use in thermoplastic composites.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\P3D8SDTP\\Bahari (2014) Utilizing Malaysian bamboo for use in thermoplastic composites.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Abstract Bamboo is one of the potential lignocelluloses materials which can be used in thermoplastic composites in order to reduce the use of fossil fuel-based materials. Bamboo exhibits such potential due to its availability, good material properties and high yield resources. The utilization of bamboo for thermoplastic composites will reduce the demand for plastics and the environmental impact associated with their production and disposal. Several studies showed that bamboo has a very good prospect for reinforcement of thermoplastic composites and is a promising substitute for wood-polymer composites (WPC) products. The aim of this study is to investigate the potential production and performance properties of polyvinyl chloride (PVC)-based composites with Malaysian bamboo species (Bambusa vulgaris and Schizostachyum brachycladum) as particulate filler. Different bamboo particle sizes (75 μm and 1 mm) at different bamboo particle loading (25 and 50% w/w) were used and processed. The \PVC\ matrix and bamboo particles were mixed together with additives using a standard processing procedure for wood-PVC composites production. Pure \PVC\ (without bamboo particles) composites and wood flour-PVC composites were also prepared under the same processing conditions of this system for comparison purposes. The composite samples were tested for performance properties, viz. flexural strength, impact bending and water uptake. As a result, bamboo-PVC composites were successfully produced using this standard processing procedure. Regardless of bamboo species, the performance properties of the composites mainly depended upon particles loading with minor effect of particle sizes. No significant difference in the properties of composites, between bamboo species, was recorded. The presence of bamboo particles has tremendously increased the flexural modulus of elasticity (MOE) of composites from 0% (pure \PVC\ composites without bamboo particles) to 50% loading (almost two times increase), although there were slight decreases of flexural modulus of rupture (MOR), and some defective results of impact bending and water uptake. Water uptake, MOE, and \MOR\ of all groups of bamboo-PVC composites was superior to their wood-PVC composites counterpart, with some other results such as impact bending (in the case of 25% particles loading) being better than those of wood-PVC composites. These results show that the use of bamboo will not only serve as an alternative for WPCs, but also expand the commercial utilization of bamboo and development of greener, cleaner products.
Effects of copper-plasma deposition on weathering properties of wood surfaces.
Gascón-Garrido, P.; Mainusch, N.; Militz, H.; Viöl, W.; and Mai, C.
Applied Surface Science, 366: 112–119. March 2016.
@article{gascon-garrido_effects_2016, title = {Effects of copper-plasma deposition on weathering properties of wood surfaces}, volume = {366}, issn = {01694332}, url = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.apsusc.2016.01.060}, language = {en}, urldate = {2018-01-25}, journal = {Applied Surface Science}, author = {Gascón-Garrido, P. and Mainusch, N. and Militz, H. and Viöl, W. and Mai, C.}, month = mar, year = {2016}, pages = {112--119}, file = {Gascón-Garrido (2016) Effects of copper-plasma deposition on weathering properties of wood surfaces.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\BHDRKQT2\\Gascón-Garrido (2016) Effects of copper-plasma deposition on weathering properties of wood surfaces.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Thermo-oxidative decomposition and combustion behavior of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sapwood modified with phenol- and melamine-formaldehyde resins.
Xie, Y.; Xu, J.; Militz, H.; Wang, F.; Wang, Q.; Mai, C.; and Xiao, Z.
Wood Science and Technology, 50(6): 1125–1143. September 2016.
@article{xie_thermo-oxidative_2016, title = {Thermo-oxidative decomposition and combustion behavior of {Scots} pine ({Pinus} sylvestris {L}.) sapwood modified with phenol- and melamine-formaldehyde resins}, volume = {50}, issn = {0043-7719, 1432-5225}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/s00226-016-0857-6}, language = {en}, number = {6}, urldate = {2016-09-23}, journal = {Wood Science and Technology}, author = {Xie, Y. and Xu, J. and Militz, H. and Wang, F. and Wang, Q. and Mai, C. and Xiao, Z.}, month = sep, year = {2016}, pages = {1125--1143}, file = {Xie (2016) Thermo-oxidative decomposition and combustion behavior of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sapwood modified with phenol- and melamine-formaldehyde resins.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\EZHR7ICA\\Xie (2016) Thermo-oxidative decomposition and combustion behavior of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sapwood modified with phenol- and melamine-for.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Combustion behavior of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sapwood treated with a dispersion of aluminum oxychloride-modified silica.
Xiao, Z.; Xu, J.; Mai, C.; Militz, H.; Wang, Q.; and Xie, Y.
Holzforschung, 70(12). January 2016.
@article{xiao_combustion_2016, title = {Combustion behavior of {Scots} pine ({Pinus} sylvestris {L}.) sapwood treated with a dispersion of aluminum oxychloride-modified silica}, volume = {70}, issn = {1437-434X, 0018-3830}, url = {}, doi = {10.1515/hf-2016-0062}, number = {12}, urldate = {2016-11-30}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Xiao, Z. and Xu, J. and Mai, C. and Militz, H. and Wang, Q. and Xie, Y.}, month = jan, year = {2016}, file = {Xiao (2016) Combustion behavior of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sapwood treated with a dispersion of aluminum oxychloride-modified silica.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\X9XWUHZ3\\Xiao (2016) Combustion behavior of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sapwood treated with a dispersion of aluminum oxychloride-modified silica.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Natural weathering performance and the effect of light stabilizers in water-based coating formulations on resin-modified and dye-stained beech-wood.
Kielmann, B. C.; and Mai, C.
Journal of Coatings Technology and Research,1–10. September 2016.
@article{kielmann_natural_2016, title = {Natural weathering performance and the effect of light stabilizers in water-based coating formulations on resin-modified and dye-stained beech-wood}, issn = {1547-0091, 1935-3804}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/s11998-016-9818-0}, abstract = {This study assesses the performance of untreated and resin-modified beech-wood (Fagus sylvatica L.) during outdoor weathering. Boards modified with thermosetting N-methylol melamine (NMM) and phenol–f}, language = {en}, urldate = {2016-09-27}, journal = {Journal of Coatings Technology and Research}, author = {Kielmann, B. C. and Mai, C.}, month = sep, year = {2016}, pages = {1--10}, file = {Kielmann (2016) Natural weathering performance and the effect of light stabilizers in water-based coating formulations on resin-modified and dye-stained beech-wood.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\ZPKKQGN7\\Kielmann (2016) Natural weathering performance and the effect of light stabilizers in water-based coating formulations on resin-modified and dye-sta.pdf:application/pdf}, }
This study assesses the performance of untreated and resin-modified beech-wood (Fagus sylvatica L.) during outdoor weathering. Boards modified with thermosetting N-methylol melamine (NMM) and phenol–f
Application and artificial weathering performance of translucent coatings on resin-treated and dye-stained beech-wood.
Kielmann, B. C.; and Mai, C.
Progress in Organic Coatings, 95: 54–63. June 2016.
@article{kielmann_application_2016, title = {Application and artificial weathering performance of translucent coatings on resin-treated and dye-stained beech-wood}, volume = {95}, issn = {03009440}, url = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.porgcoat.2016.02.019}, language = {en}, urldate = {2018-04-19}, journal = {Progress in Organic Coatings}, author = {Kielmann, B. C. and Mai, C.}, month = jun, year = {2016}, pages = {54--63}, file = {Kielmann und Mai - 2016 - Application and artificial weathering performance .pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\VSWIMDBP\\Kielmann und Mai - 2016 - Application and artificial weathering performance .pdf:application/pdf}, }
Mode of action of brown rot decay resistance of acetylated wood: resistance to Fenton’s reagent.
Hosseinpourpia, R.; and Mai, C.
Wood Science and Technology, 50(2): 413–426. March 2016.
@article{hosseinpourpia_mode_2016, title = {Mode of action of brown rot decay resistance of acetylated wood: resistance to {Fenton}’s reagent}, volume = {50}, issn = {0043-7719, 1432-5225}, shorttitle = {Mode of action of brown rot decay resistance of acetylated wood}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/s00226-015-0790-0}, language = {en}, number = {2}, urldate = {2018-06-13}, journal = {Wood Science and Technology}, author = {Hosseinpourpia, R. and Mai, C.}, month = mar, year = {2016}, pages = {413--426}, file = {Hosseinpourpia und Mai - 2016 - Mode of action of brown rot decay resistance of ac.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\759J9TE7\\Hosseinpourpia und Mai - 2016 - Mode of action of brown rot decay resistance of ac.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Mode of action of brown rot decay resistance in phenol-formaldehyde-modified wood: resistance to Fenton’s reagent.
Hosseinpourpia, R.; and Mai, C.
Holzforschung, 70(3). January 2016.
@article{hosseinpourpia_mode_2016-1, title = {Mode of action of brown rot decay resistance in phenol-formaldehyde-modified wood: resistance to {Fenton}’s reagent}, volume = {70}, issn = {1437-434X, 0018-3830}, shorttitle = {Mode of action of brown rot decay resistance in phenol-formaldehyde-modified wood}, url = {}, doi = {10.1515/hf-2015-0045}, number = {3}, urldate = {2018-06-13}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Hosseinpourpia, R. and Mai, C.}, month = jan, year = {2016}, file = {Hosseinpourpia und Mai - 2016 - Mode of action of brown rot decay resistance in ph.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\AUDDP8WE\\Hosseinpourpia und Mai - 2016 - Mode of action of brown rot decay resistance in ph.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Mode of action of brown rot decay resistance of thermally modified wood: resistance to Fenton’s reagent.
Hosseinpourpia, R.; and Mai, C.
Holzforschung, 70(7). January 2016.
@article{hosseinpourpia_mode_2016-2, title = {Mode of action of brown rot decay resistance of thermally modified wood: resistance to {Fenton}’s reagent}, volume = {70}, issn = {1437-434X, 0018-3830}, shorttitle = {Mode of action of brown rot decay resistance of thermally modified wood}, url = {}, doi = {10.1515/hf-2015-0141}, number = {7}, urldate = {2018-06-13}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Hosseinpourpia, R. and Mai, C.}, month = jan, year = {2016}, file = {Hosseinpourpia und Mai - 2016 - Mode of action of brown rot decay resistance of th.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\LE4R2WHV\\Hosseinpourpia und Mai - 2016 - Mode of action of brown rot decay resistance of th.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Water vapour sorption of wood modified by acetylation and formalisation – analysed by a sorption kinetics model and thermodynamic considerations.
Himmel, S.; and Mai, C.
Holzforschung, 70(3). January 2016.
@article{himmel_water_2016, title = {Water vapour sorption of wood modified by acetylation and formalisation – analysed by a sorption kinetics model and thermodynamic considerations}, volume = {70}, issn = {1437-434X, 0018-3830}, url = {}, doi = {10.1515/hf-2015-0015}, number = {3}, urldate = {2018-06-13}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Himmel, S. and Mai, C.}, month = jan, year = {2016}, file = {Himmel und Mai - 2016 - Water vapour sorption of wood modified by acetylat.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\8MZU3FZ2\\Himmel und Mai - 2016 - Water vapour sorption of wood modified by acetylat.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Silane nanofilm formation by sol-gel processes for promoting adhesion of waterborne and solvent-borne coatings to wood surface.
Gholamiyan, H.; Tarmian, A.; Ranjbar, Z.; Abdulkhani, A.; Azadfallah, M.; and Mai, C.
Holzforschung, 70(5). January 2016.
@article{gholamiyan_silane_2016, title = {Silane nanofilm formation by sol-gel processes for promoting adhesion of waterborne and solvent-borne coatings to wood surface}, volume = {70}, issn = {1437-434X, 0018-3830}, url = {}, doi = {10.1515/hf-2015-0072}, number = {5}, urldate = {2018-10-04}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Gholamiyan, H. and Tarmian, A. and Ranjbar, Z. and Abdulkhani, A. and Azadfallah, M. and Mai, C.}, month = jan, year = {2016}, file = {Gholamiyan et al. - 2016 - Silane nanofilm formation by sol-gel processes for.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\TX9E8DPG\\Gholamiyan et al. - 2016 - Silane nanofilm formation by sol-gel processes for.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Chemische Modifizierung von Holzfaserdämmstoffplatten mit niedermolekularem Phenol-Formaldehyd-Harz.
Direske, M.; Varel, D.; Weber, A.; and Mai, C.
Holztechnologie, 57(4): 16–25. 2016.
@article{direske_chemische_2016, title = {Chemische {Modifizierung} von {Holzfaserdämmstoffplatten} mit niedermolekularem {Phenol}-{Formaldehyd}-{Harz}}, volume = {57}, url = {}, abstract = {Die Imprägnierung mit niedermolekularen Phenol-Formaldehyd-Harzen (PF-Harzen) ist eine Möglichkeit, die Dimensionsstabilität und Dauerhaftigkeit des Holzes zu verbessern. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden unterschiedliche Behandlungsverfahren zur chemischen Modifikation von Holzfasern mit PF-Harz für die Herstellung von Dämmstoffplatten diskutiert: Zum einen die Modifizierung durch Vorbehandlung der Hackschnitzel bzw. die Nachbehandlung der Fasern; zum anderen die Modifizierung während bzw. direkt im Anschluss an den hydro-thermischen Aufschluss. Der Vergütungsprozess übt einen nachweisbaren Einfluss auf die Imprägnierung und die Fasermorphologie aus. Im Ergebnis können Dämmstoffplatten hergestellt werden, deren mechanische Eigenschaften sich von denen unbehandelter Dämmstoffplatten nicht unterscheiden, deren Hygroskopizität jedoch wesentlich geringer ist.}, number = {4}, journal = {Holztechnologie}, author = {Direske, M. and Varel, D. and Weber, A. and Mai, C.}, year = {2016}, pages = {16--25}, }
Die Imprägnierung mit niedermolekularen Phenol-Formaldehyd-Harzen (PF-Harzen) ist eine Möglichkeit, die Dimensionsstabilität und Dauerhaftigkeit des Holzes zu verbessern. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden unterschiedliche Behandlungsverfahren zur chemischen Modifikation von Holzfasern mit PF-Harz für die Herstellung von Dämmstoffplatten diskutiert: Zum einen die Modifizierung durch Vorbehandlung der Hackschnitzel bzw. die Nachbehandlung der Fasern; zum anderen die Modifizierung während bzw. direkt im Anschluss an den hydro-thermischen Aufschluss. Der Vergütungsprozess übt einen nachweisbaren Einfluss auf die Imprägnierung und die Fasermorphologie aus. Im Ergebnis können Dämmstoffplatten hergestellt werden, deren mechanische Eigenschaften sich von denen unbehandelter Dämmstoffplatten nicht unterscheiden, deren Hygroskopizität jedoch wesentlich geringer ist.
Enhanced urea-formaldehyde adhesive spreading on plasma treated wood particles.
Altgen, D.; Bellmann, M.; Wascher, R.; and Mai, C.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 74(4): 617–620. July 2016.
@article{altgen_enhanced_2016, title = {Enhanced urea-formaldehyde adhesive spreading on plasma treated wood particles}, volume = {74}, issn = {0018-3768, 1436-736X}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/s00107-016-1026-1}, language = {en}, number = {4}, urldate = {2018-06-13}, journal = {European Journal of Wood and Wood Products}, author = {Altgen, D. and Bellmann, M. and Wascher, R. and Mai, C.}, month = jul, year = {2016}, pages = {617--620}, file = {Altgen et al. - 2016 - Enhanced urea-formaldehyde adhesive spreading on p.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\KZS5WDCB\\Altgen et al. - 2016 - Enhanced urea-formaldehyde adhesive spreading on p.pdf:application/pdf}, }
The effect of air plasma treatment at atmospheric pressure on thermally modified wood surfaces.
Altgen, D.; Avramidis, G.; Viöl, W.; and Mai, C.
Wood Science and Technology, 50(6): 1227–1241. November 2016.
@article{altgen_effect_2016, title = {The effect of air plasma treatment at atmospheric pressure on thermally modified wood surfaces}, volume = {50}, issn = {0043-7719, 1432-5225}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/s00226-016-0856-7}, language = {en}, number = {6}, urldate = {2018-06-13}, journal = {Wood Science and Technology}, author = {Altgen, D. and Avramidis, G. and Viöl, W. and Mai, C.}, month = nov, year = {2016}, pages = {1227--1241}, file = {Altgen et al. - 2016 - The effect of air plasma treatment at atmospheric .pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\58KAACHY\\Altgen et al. - 2016 - The effect of air plasma treatment at atmospheric .pdf:application/pdf}, }
The effect of combined melamine resin coloring agent modification on water related properties of beech wood.
Kielmann, B. C.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
Wood Research, 61(1): 1–12. 2016.
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@article{kielmann_effect_2016, title = {The effect of combined melamine resin coloring agent modification on water related properties of beech wood}, volume = {61}, number = {1}, journal = {Wood Research}, author = {Kielmann, Bodo Caspar and Militz, Holger and Mai, Carsten}, year = {2016}, pages = {1--12}, file = {Kielmann et al. - The effect of combined melamine resin coloring age.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\2JTUJFB9\\Kielmann et al. - The effect of combined melamine resin coloring age.pdf:application/pdf;Kielmann et al. (2016) The effect of combined melamine resin coloring agent modification on water related properties of beech wood.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\J9724KTH\\Kielmann et al. (2016) The effect of combined melamine resin coloring agent modification on water related properties of beech wood.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Plasma treatment of wood–polymer composites: A comparison of three different discharge types and their effect on surface properties.
Hünnekens, B.; Peters, F.; Avramidis, G.; Krause, A.; Militz, H.; and Viöl, W.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 133(18): n/a–n/a. May 2016.
@article{hunnekens_plasma_2016, title = {Plasma treatment of wood–polymer composites: {A} comparison of three different discharge types and their effect on surface properties}, volume = {133}, issn = {1097-4628}, shorttitle = {Plasma treatment of wood–polymer composites}, url = {}, doi = {10.1002/app.43376}, abstract = {Three different discharge types, based on the principle of a dielectric barrier discharge at atmospheric pressure, were investigated with regard to their influence on the adhesion properties of a series of wood–polymer composites. Wood flour (Picea abies L.) filled polypropylene and various proportions of polyethylene were manufactured either through extrusion or injection molding. The composites’ surfaces were activated by coplanar surface barrier discharge, remote plasma, and direct dielectric barrier discharge. The changes in wettability due to the pretreatment were investigated by contact angle measurement using the sessile drop method and calculation of surface free energy (SFE). It could be shown that wettability was improved by all three types of discharge, the contact angle decreased and the SFE correspondingly increased. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy revealed an increase in the O/C ratio at the material's surface. An improvement in coating adhesion was demonstrated by crosscut and pulloff tests. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2016, 133, 43376.}, language = {en}, number = {18}, urldate = {2016-05-09}, journal = {Journal of Applied Polymer Science}, author = {Hünnekens, B. and Peters, F. and Avramidis, G. and Krause, A. and Militz, H. and Viöl, W.}, month = may, year = {2016}, keywords = {cellulose and other wood products, coatings, composites, surfaces and interfaces, thermoplastics}, pages = {n/a--n/a}, file = {Full Text PDF:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\DBPQG95D\\Hünnekens et al. - 2016 - Plasma treatment of wood–polymer composites A com.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Three different discharge types, based on the principle of a dielectric barrier discharge at atmospheric pressure, were investigated with regard to their influence on the adhesion properties of a series of wood–polymer composites. Wood flour (Picea abies L.) filled polypropylene and various proportions of polyethylene were manufactured either through extrusion or injection molding. The composites’ surfaces were activated by coplanar surface barrier discharge, remote plasma, and direct dielectric barrier discharge. The changes in wettability due to the pretreatment were investigated by contact angle measurement using the sessile drop method and calculation of surface free energy (SFE). It could be shown that wettability was improved by all three types of discharge, the contact angle decreased and the SFE correspondingly increased. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy revealed an increase in the O/C ratio at the material's surface. An improvement in coating adhesion was demonstrated by crosscut and pulloff tests. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2016, 133, 43376.
Improved resource efficiency and cascading utilisation of renewable materials.
Geldermann, J.; Kolbe, L. M.; Krause, A.; Mai, C.; Militz, H.; Osburg, V. S.; Schöbel, A.; Schumann, M.; Toporowski, W.; and Westphal, S.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 110: 1–8. January 2016.
@article{geldermann_improved_2016, title = {Improved resource efficiency and cascading utilisation of renewable materials}, volume = {110}, issn = {09596526}, url = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.09.092}, language = {en}, urldate = {2018-01-25}, journal = {Journal of Cleaner Production}, author = {Geldermann, J. and Kolbe, L. M. and Krause, A. and Mai, C. and Militz, H. and Osburg, V. S. and Schöbel, A. and Schumann, M. and Toporowski, W. and Westphal, S.}, month = jan, year = {2016}, pages = {1--8}, file = {Geldermann (2016) Improved resource efficiency and cascading utilisation of renewable materials.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\KQMDM337\\Geldermann (2016) Improved resource efficiency and cascading utilisation of renewable materials.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Resistance of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) modified with short-and long-chain siloxanes to subterranean termites (Reticulitermes flavipes).
Gascón-Garrido, P.; Thévenon, M. F.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
Wood Science and Technology, 49(1): 177–187. 2015.
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@article{gascon-garrido_resistance_2015, title = {Resistance of {Scots} pine ({Pinus} sylvestris {L}.) modified with short-and long-chain siloxanes to subterranean termites ({Reticulitermes} flavipes)}, volume = {49}, issn = {0043-7719}, shorttitle = {Resistance of {Scots} pine ({Pinus} sylvestris {L}.) modified with short-and long-chain siloxanes to subterranean termites ({Reticulitermes} flavipes)}, number = {1}, journal = {Wood Science and Technology}, author = {Gascón-Garrido, P. and Thévenon, M. F. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, year = {2015}, pages = {177--187}, file = {art%3A10.1007%2Fs00226-014-0688-2:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\R8PRQUAV\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00226-014-0688-2.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Degradation of chemically modified Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) with Fenton reagent.
Xie, Y.; Xiao, Z.; and Mai, C.
Holzforschung, 69(2). January 2015.
@article{xie_degradation_2015, title = {Degradation of chemically modified {Scots} pine ({Pinus} sylvestris {L}.) with {Fenton} reagent}, volume = {69}, issn = {1437-434X, 0018-3830}, url = {}, doi = {10.1515/hf-2014-0067}, number = {2}, urldate = {2018-10-05}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Xie, Y. and Xiao, Z. and Mai, C.}, month = jan, year = {2015}, file = {Xie et al. - 2015 - Degradation of chemically modified Scots pine (Pin.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\R9NTYQLP\\Xie et al. - 2015 - Degradation of chemically modified Scots pine (Pin.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Chemical improvement of surfaces. Part 3: Covalent modification of Scots pine sapwood with substituted benzoates providing resistance to Aureobasidium pullulans staining fungi.
Namyslo, J. C.; Kaufmann, D. E.; Mai, C.; and Militz, H.
Holzforschung, 69(5). January 2015.
@article{namyslo_chemical_2015, title = {Chemical improvement of surfaces. {Part} 3: {Covalent} modification of {Scots} pine sapwood with substituted benzoates providing resistance to {Aureobasidium} pullulans staining fungi}, volume = {69}, issn = {1437-434X, 0018-3830}, shorttitle = {Chemical improvement of surfaces. {Part} 3}, url = {}, doi = {10.1515/hf-2014-0086}, number = {5}, urldate = {2018-10-05}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Namyslo, J. C. and Kaufmann, D. E. and Mai, C. and Militz, H.}, month = jan, year = {2015}, file = {Namyslo et al. - 2015 - Chemical improvement of surfaces. Part 3 Covalent.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\9GU7M7FT\\Namyslo et al. - 2015 - Chemical improvement of surfaces. Part 3 Covalent.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Resistance of modified wood to marine borers.
Klüppel, A.; Cragg, S.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 104: 8–14. October 2015.
@article{kluppel_resistance_2015, title = {Resistance of modified wood to marine borers}, volume = {104}, issn = {09648305}, url = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.ibiod.2015.05.013}, language = {en}, urldate = {2018-02-19}, journal = {International Biodeterioration \& Biodegradation}, author = {Klüppel, A. and Cragg, S. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, month = oct, year = {2015}, pages = {8--14}, file = {Klüppel (2015) Resistance of modified wood to marine borers.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\42MCT44I\\Klüppel (2015) Resistance of modified wood to marine borers.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Usability of maleic anhydride as wood modification agent for the production of medium density fibreboards (MDF).
Hundhausen, U.; Kloeser, L.; and Mai, C.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 73(3): 283–288. May 2015.
@article{hundhausen_usability_2015, title = {Usability of maleic anhydride as wood modification agent for the production of medium density fibreboards ({MDF})}, volume = {73}, issn = {0018-3768, 1436-736X}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/s00107-015-0888-y}, language = {en}, number = {3}, urldate = {2018-10-05}, journal = {European Journal of Wood and Wood Products}, author = {Hundhausen, U. and Kloeser, L. and Mai, C.}, month = may, year = {2015}, pages = {283--288}, file = {Hundhausen et al. - 2015 - Usability of maleic anhydride as wood modification.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\KM66HAZX\\Hundhausen et al. - 2015 - Usability of maleic anhydride as wood modification.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Effects of acetylation and formalization on the dynamic water vapor sorption behavior of wood.
Himmel, S.; and Mai, C.
Holzforschung, 69(5). January 2015.
@article{himmel_effects_2015, title = {Effects of acetylation and formalization on the dynamic water vapor sorption behavior of wood}, volume = {69}, issn = {1437-434X, 0018-3830}, url = {}, doi = {10.1515/hf-2014-0161}, number = {5}, urldate = {2018-10-05}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Himmel, S. and Mai, C.}, month = jan, year = {2015}, file = {Himmel und Mai - 2015 - Effects of acetylation and formalization on the dy.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\2XEVBRLX\\Himmel und Mai - 2015 - Effects of acetylation and formalization on the dy.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Enhancing mechanical properties of particleboards using plasma treated wood particles.
Altgen, D.; Bellmann, M.; Wascher, R.; Viöl, W.; and Mai, C.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 73(2): 219–223. 2015.
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@article{altgen_enhancing_2015, title = {Enhancing mechanical properties of particleboards using plasma treated wood particles}, volume = {73}, issn = {0018-3768}, number = {2}, journal = {European Journal of Wood and Wood Products}, author = {Altgen, D. and Bellmann, M. and Wascher, R. and Viöl, W. and Mai, C.}, year = {2015}, pages = {219--223}, file = {art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-015-0879-z.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\HISZWJI7\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-015-0879-z.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Tensile strength of handsheets prepared with macerated fibres from solid wood modified with cross-linking agents.
Adamopoulos, S.; Hosseinpourpia, R.; and Mai, C.
Holzforschung, 69(8): 959–966. 2015.
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@article{adamopoulos_tensile_2015, title = {Tensile strength of handsheets prepared with macerated fibres from solid wood modified with cross-linking agents}, volume = {69}, issn = {1437-434X}, number = {8}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Adamopoulos, S. and Hosseinpourpia, R. and Mai, C.}, year = {2015}, pages = {959--966}, file = {Adamopoulos et al. - 2015 - Tensile strength of handsheets prepared with macer.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\J5RMD9KI\\Adamopoulos et al. - 2015 - Tensile strength of handsheets prepared with macer.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Untersuchung zur Eignung von im Freiland isolierten Pilzen zur Bestimmung der Dauerhaftigkeit von Holz.
Maier, G.
Technical Report Leibniz Universiät Hannover, Institut für Berufswissenschaften im Bauwesen, Hannover, 2015.
Erstprüfer: Dr. rer. nat. Christian Brischke Zweitprüfer: M. Ed., B. Sc. Linda Meyer
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@techreport{maier_untersuchung_2015, address = {Hannover}, type = {Masterarbeit}, title = {Untersuchung zur {Eignung} von im {Freiland} isolierten {Pilzen} zur {Bestimmung} der {Dauerhaftigkeit} von {Holz}}, language = {de}, institution = {Leibniz Universiät Hannover, Institut für Berufswissenschaften im Bauwesen}, author = {Maier, Georg}, year = {2015}, note = {Erstprüfer: Dr. rer. nat. Christian Brischke Zweitprüfer: M. Ed., B. Sc. Linda Meyer}, file = {Maier - 2015 - Untersuchung zur Eignung von im Freiland isolierte.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\I9TKMFPC\\Maier - 2015 - Untersuchung zur Eignung von im Freiland isolierte.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Modification of three hardwoods with an N-methylol melamine compound and a metal-complex dye.
Kielmann, B. C.; Adamopoulos, S.; Militz, H.; Koch, G.; and Mai, C.
Wood science and technology, 48(1): 123–136. 2014.
@article{kielmann_modification_2014, title = {Modification of three hardwoods with an {N}-methylol melamine compound and a metal-complex dye}, volume = {48}, issn = {0043-7719}, shorttitle = {Modification of three hardwoods with an {N}-methylol melamine compound and a metal-complex dye}, url = {}, number = {1}, journal = {Wood science and technology}, author = {Kielmann, B. C. and Adamopoulos, S. and Militz, H. and Koch, G. and Mai, C.}, year = {2014}, pages = {123--136}, file = {art%3A10.1007%2Fs00226-013-0595-y:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\CRIRZ6EM\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00226-013-0595-y.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Investigation on bonding properties of modified birch veneers using ABES machine.
Bastani, A.; Militz, H.; and Rohumaa, A.
In Kutnar, A.; Humar, M.; Burnard, M.; Zlahtic, M.; and Jones, D., editor(s), pages 63–64, 2014.
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@inproceedings{kutnar_investigation_2014, title = {Investigation on bonding properties of modified birch veneers using {ABES} machine}, shorttitle = {Investigation on bonding properties of modified birch veneers using {ABES} machine}, author = {Bastani, A. and Militz, H. and Rohumaa, A.}, editor = {Kutnar, A. and Humar, M. and Burnard, M. and Zlahtic, M. and Jones, D.}, year = {2014}, pages = {63--64}, }
An amino-alkyl siloxane oligomer as hydrophobation agent for particleboards used under high humidity conditions.
Onat, S. M.; Kloeser, L.; and Mai, C.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 72(5): 643–649. 2014.
@article{onat_amino-alkyl_2014, title = {An amino-alkyl siloxane oligomer as hydrophobation agent for particleboards used under high humidity conditions}, volume = {72}, issn = {0018-3768}, shorttitle = {An amino-alkyl siloxane oligomer as hydrophobation agent for particleboards used under high humidity conditions}, url = {}, number = {5}, journal = {European Journal of Wood and Wood Products}, author = {Onat, S. M. and Kloeser, L. and Mai, C.}, year = {2014}, pages = {643--649}, file = {art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-014-0829-1:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\Q9769NSV\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-014-0829-1.pdf:application/pdf}, }
The use of lap-joints in natural durability testing: moisture content development during 36 months outside exposure trials.
Militz, H.; and Bloom, C. J.
In pages 15, May 2014. IRG Secretary Stockholm, Sweden
@inproceedings{militz_use_2014, title = {The use of lap-joints in natural durability testing: moisture content development during 36 months outside exposure trials}, url = {2000\IRG 00-20217.pdf Section}, doi = {IRG/WP 00-20217}, abstract = {Lap-joint trials (following European Standard ENV 12037) were set up with 11 different softwood and hardwood species. The main aim was to evaluate the suitability of this test standard (developed for testing wood preservative effectiveness) for natural durability testing. The moisture development has been followed during a 36 months period. In this paper, the outcomes of different moisture contents evaluations are presented. Completely painted samples without a lap-joint have the lowest moisture content with an increasing maximum in moisture content in the winter period over the years, however for most timber species (but pine sapwood) still staying around 20\%. The painted lap-joint samples have the highest moisture content with long periods above 30\%-50\% for most species. The moisture content of the lap-joints is predominantly influenced by the wood species. By applying a coating to the lap-joints, all species stay wet for longer periods (more than a year). For lap-joint trials without any coating, most of the (hardwood) species stay relatively dry for longer periods, not allowing any fungal decay. In general it can be concluded, that a lap-joint approach can contribute to natural durability testing, however the course of decay under mid-European climate is very slow for an accelerated method.}, publisher = {IRG Secretary Stockholm, Sweden}, author = {Militz, H. and Bloom, C. J.}, month = may, year = {2014}, keywords = {moisture content, Lap-joint, NATURAL DURABILITY}, pages = {15}, annote = {The NetherlandsNo notes avaliable}, file = {IRG 00-20217:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\3NF5S8XS\\IRG 00-20217.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Lap-joint trials (following European Standard ENV 12037) were set up with 11 different softwood and hardwood species. The main aim was to evaluate the suitability of this test standard (developed for testing wood preservative effectiveness) for natural durability testing. The moisture development has been followed during a 36 months period. In this paper, the outcomes of different moisture contents evaluations are presented. Completely painted samples without a lap-joint have the lowest moisture content with an increasing maximum in moisture content in the winter period over the years, however for most timber species (but pine sapwood) still staying around 20%. The painted lap-joint samples have the highest moisture content with long periods above 30%-50% for most species. The moisture content of the lap-joints is predominantly influenced by the wood species. By applying a coating to the lap-joints, all species stay wet for longer periods (more than a year). For lap-joint trials without any coating, most of the (hardwood) species stay relatively dry for longer periods, not allowing any fungal decay. In general it can be concluded, that a lap-joint approach can contribute to natural durability testing, however the course of decay under mid-European climate is very slow for an accelerated method.
Determination of formaldehyde release from wood-based panels using SPME-GC-FAIMS.
Himmel, S.; Mai, C.; Schumann, A.; Hasener, J.; Steckel, V.; and Lenth, C.
International Journal for Ion Mobility Spectrometry!/, 17(2): 55–67. 2014.
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@article{himmel_determination_2014, title = {Determination of formaldehyde release from wood-based panels using {SPME}-{GC}-{FAIMS}}, volume = {17}, shorttitle = {Determination of formaldehyde release from wood-based panels using {SPME}-{GC}-{FAIMS}}, number = {2}, journal = {International Journal for Ion Mobility Spectrometry!/}, author = {Himmel, S. and Mai, C. and Schumann, A. and Hasener, J. and Steckel, V. and Lenth, C.}, year = {2014}, pages = {55--67}, file = {art%3A10.1007%2Fs12127-014-0150-z:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\KU8BFRAG\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs12127-014-0150-z.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Reinforcement of modified wood beams at 1:15 scale.
Moreira, L.; Lopes, D.; Mai, C.; and Militz, H.
In Nunes, L.; Jones, D.; Hill, C. A. S.; and Militz, H., editor(s), March 2014.
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@inproceedings{nunes_reinforcement_2014, title = {Reinforcement of modified wood beams at 1:15 scale}, shorttitle = {Reinforcement of modified wood beams at 1:15 scale}, author = {Moreira, L. and Lopes, D. and Mai, C. and Militz, H.}, editor = {Nunes, L. and Jones, D. and Hill, C. A. S. and Militz, H.}, month = mar, year = {2014}, file = {7_24_p128_poster_barrosoetal:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\BXECCZMT\\7_24_p128_poster_barrosoetal.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Developing a new method of measuring formaldehyde emissions from wood based panels.
Lenth, C.; Schumann, A.; Hasener, J.; Steckel, V.; Himmel, S.; and Mai, C.
International Wood Products Journal, 5(3): 168–172. 2014.
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@article{lenth_developing_2014, title = {Developing a new method of measuring formaldehyde emissions from wood based panels}, volume = {5}, issn = {2042-6445}, shorttitle = {Developing a new method of measuring formaldehyde emissions from wood based panels}, number = {3}, journal = {International Wood Products Journal}, author = {Lenth, C. and Schumann, A. and Hasener, J. and Steckel, V. and Himmel, S. and Mai, C.}, year = {2014}, pages = {168--172}, file = {2042645314Y:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\I52K7BBU\\2042645314Y.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Decay resistance of ash, beech and maple wood modified with N-methylol melamine and a metal complex dye.
Kielmann, B. C.; Adamopoulos, S.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 89: 110–114. 2014.
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@article{kielmann_decay_2014, title = {Decay resistance of ash, beech and maple wood modified with {N}-methylol melamine and a metal complex dye}, volume = {89}, issn = {0964-8305}, shorttitle = {Decay resistance of ash, beech and maple wood modified with {N}-methylol melamine and a metal complex dye}, journal = {International Biodeterioration \& Biodegradation}, author = {Kielmann, B. C. and Adamopoulos, S. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, year = {2014}, pages = {110--114}, file = {2014_Kielmann_et_al:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\9B2HCQRW\\2014_Kielmann_et_al.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Effects of recovered wood on the formaldehyde release of particleboards.
Himmel, S.; Irle, M.; Legrand, G.; Perez, R.; and Mai, C.
Holzforschung, 68(6): 669–678. 2014.
@article{himmel_effects_2014, title = {Effects of recovered wood on the formaldehyde release of particleboards}, volume = {68}, issn = {0018-3830}, shorttitle = {Effects of recovered wood on the formaldehyde release of particleboards}, url = {}, number = {6}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Himmel, S. and Irle, M. and Legrand, G. and Perez, R. and Mai, C.}, year = {2014}, pages = {669--678}, file = {hf-2013-0131:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\8CQ6DKA9\\hf-2013-0131.pdf:application/pdf}, }
The influence of the presence of recovered wood on the formaldehyde release of particleboards.
Himmel, S.; Irle, M.; Legrand, G.; Perez, R.; and Mai, C.
In University, B., editor(s), 2013.
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@inproceedings{university_influence_2013, title = {The influence of the presence of recovered wood on the formaldehyde release of particleboards}, shorttitle = {The influence of the presence of recovered wood on the formaldehyde release of particleboards}, author = {Himmel, S. and Irle, M. and Legrand, G. and Perez, R. and Mai, C.}, editor = {University, Bangor}, year = {2013}, }
Modification of Pinus sylvestris L. wood with quat-and amino-silicones of different chain lengths.
Ghosh, S. C.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
Holzforschung, 67(4): 421–427. 2013.
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@article{ghosh_modification_2013, title = {Modification of {Pinus} sylvestris {L}. wood with quat-and amino-silicones of different chain lengths}, volume = {67}, issn = {1437-434X}, shorttitle = {Modification of {Pinus} sylvestris {L}. wood with quat-and amino-silicones of different chain lengths}, number = {4}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Ghosh, S. C. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, year = {2013}, pages = {421--427}, file = {hf-2012-0103:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\636UMWZQ\\hf-2012-0103.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Resistance of wood modified with different technologies against Mediterranean termites (Reticulitermes spp.).
Gascón-Garrido, P.; Oliver-Villanueva, J. V.; Ibiza-Palacios, M. S.; Militz, H.; Mai, C.; and Adamopoulos, S.
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 82: 13–16. 2013.
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@article{gascon-garrido_resistance_2013, title = {Resistance of wood modified with different technologies against {Mediterranean} termites ({Reticulitermes} spp.)}, volume = {82}, issn = {0964-8305}, shorttitle = {Resistance of wood modified with different technologies against {Mediterranean} termites ({Reticulitermes} spp.)}, journal = {International Biodeterioration \& Biodegradation}, author = {Gascón-Garrido, P. and Oliver-Villanueva, J. V. and Ibiza-Palacios, M. S. and Militz, H. and Mai, C. and Adamopoulos, S.}, year = {2013}, pages = {13--16}, file = {Resistance of wood modified with different technologies against Mediterranean termites Reticulitermes spp:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\JRQVVGNF\\Resistance of wood modified with different technologies against Mediterranean termites Reticulitermes spp.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Treatment of wood with silica sols against attack by wood-decaying fungi and blue stain.
Pries, M.; and Mai, C.
Holzforschung, 67(6): 697–705. 2013.
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@article{pries_treatment_2013, title = {Treatment of wood with silica sols against attack by wood-decaying fungi and blue stain}, volume = {67}, shorttitle = {Treatment of wood with silica sols against attack by wood-decaying fungi and blue stain}, abstract = {Pine sapwood was treated with various types of silica sols. Whereas alkaline sols were not able to penetrate deeper into wood, neutral and acidic sols showed good penetration. The weight percent gain of treated specimens amounted to 20–25\%; bulking was negligible or even slightly negative. All silica sols in the treated specimens were stable against water leaching. A water submersion test revealed hydrophobation of the wood only after treatment with a cationic silica sol; all other silica sols increased the rate of water uptake. The addition of 2\% cationic sol to a malt-agar growth medium caused growth inhibition of 40–50\% of the wood decay fungi Coniophora puteana and Trametes versicolor, whereas the other silica sols did not inhibit growth. Pine sapwood and beech wood blocks treated with the cationic sol showed a strong reduction in mass loss compared to the control samples after incubation with C. puteana (pine) and T. versicolor (beech) according to EN 113 and CEN/TS 15083-1; all other silica sols did not inhibit fungal decay. The cationic silica sol reduced blue staining by Aureobasidium pullulans compared to the untreated control but did not fully prevent it; all other silica sols did not inhibit blue staining.}, number = {6}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Pries, M. and Mai, C.}, year = {2013}, keywords = {wood modification, blue stain, WHITE ROT, cationic surface, fungal decay, silica, silica sol, water glass, brown rot}, pages = {697--705}, file = {hf-2012-0133:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\GKWXI9A5\\hf-2012-0133.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Pine sapwood was treated with various types of silica sols. Whereas alkaline sols were not able to penetrate deeper into wood, neutral and acidic sols showed good penetration. The weight percent gain of treated specimens amounted to 20–25%; bulking was negligible or even slightly negative. All silica sols in the treated specimens were stable against water leaching. A water submersion test revealed hydrophobation of the wood only after treatment with a cationic silica sol; all other silica sols increased the rate of water uptake. The addition of 2% cationic sol to a malt-agar growth medium caused growth inhibition of 40–50% of the wood decay fungi Coniophora puteana and Trametes versicolor, whereas the other silica sols did not inhibit growth. Pine sapwood and beech wood blocks treated with the cationic sol showed a strong reduction in mass loss compared to the control samples after incubation with C. puteana (pine) and T. versicolor (beech) according to EN 113 and CEN/TS 15083-1; all other silica sols did not inhibit fungal decay. The cationic silica sol reduced blue staining by Aureobasidium pullulans compared to the untreated control but did not fully prevent it; all other silica sols did not inhibit blue staining.
Effect of short-chain silicones bearing different functional groups on the resistance of pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) against decay fungi.
Pries, M.; Wagner, R.; Kaesler, K.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
Holzforschung, 67(4): 447–454. 2013.
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@article{pries_effect_2013, title = {Effect of short-chain silicones bearing different functional groups on the resistance of pine ({Pinus} sylvestris {L}.) and beech ({Fagus} sylvatica {L}.) against decay fungi}, volume = {67}, shorttitle = {Effect of short-chain silicones bearing different functional groups on the resistance of pine ({Pinus} sylvestris {L}.) and beech ({Fagus} sylvatica {L}.) against decay fungi}, abstract = {Blocks of pine sapwood and beech wood were treated with water-based emulsions containing short-chain silicones with different α-ω-bonded functional groups, such as diamino, carboxyl and carbonyl, betain, and epoxy groups. The weight percent gain upon treatment of the pine wood specimens was relatively high (10\%–20\%), but their cross-sectional bulking was low (1\%–2.5\%). Thus, the anti-shrink efficiency (ASE) due to the treatment was also low. The first water-submersion tests revealed some hydrophobation of the treated wood. A second submersion test, however, revealed successful hydrophobation only for betain-functionalised material. The carboxylated silicone even increased the speed of water uptake as compared to the controls. The samples treated with silicones bearing epoxy, diamino, and carboxy functionalities showed a distinct reduction in mass loss compared to the control samples after 16 weeks of incubation with the fungi Coniophora puteana and Trametes versicolor according to EN 113 and CEN/TS 15083-1, whereas the betain-functionalised silicone did not enhance fungal resistance. All silicones tested lowered the mass loss in a soft rot test according to ENv 807. The mode of action of the silicones is discussed.}, number = {4}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Pries, M. and Wagner, R. and Kaesler, K.-H. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, year = {2013}, keywords = {wood modification, amino silicone, carboxy silicone, epoxy silicone, short-chain silicone}, pages = {447--454}, file = {hf-2012-0065:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\KTFFHQ55\\hf-2012-0065.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Blocks of pine sapwood and beech wood were treated with water-based emulsions containing short-chain silicones with different α-ω-bonded functional groups, such as diamino, carboxyl and carbonyl, betain, and epoxy groups. The weight percent gain upon treatment of the pine wood specimens was relatively high (10%–20%), but their cross-sectional bulking was low (1%–2.5%). Thus, the anti-shrink efficiency (ASE) due to the treatment was also low. The first water-submersion tests revealed some hydrophobation of the treated wood. A second submersion test, however, revealed successful hydrophobation only for betain-functionalised material. The carboxylated silicone even increased the speed of water uptake as compared to the controls. The samples treated with silicones bearing epoxy, diamino, and carboxy functionalities showed a distinct reduction in mass loss compared to the control samples after 16 weeks of incubation with the fungi Coniophora puteana and Trametes versicolor according to EN 113 and CEN/TS 15083-1, whereas the betain-functionalised silicone did not enhance fungal resistance. All silicones tested lowered the mass loss in a soft rot test according to ENv 807. The mode of action of the silicones is discussed.
Fire resistance of wood treated with a cationic silica sol.
Pries, M.; and Mai, C.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 71(2): 237–244. 2013.
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@article{pries_fire_2013, title = {Fire resistance of wood treated with a cationic silica sol}, volume = {71}, issn = {0018-3768}, shorttitle = {Fire resistance of wood treated with a cationic silica sol}, number = {2}, journal = {European Journal of Wood and Wood Products}, author = {Pries, M. and Mai, C.}, year = {2013}, pages = {237--244}, file = {art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-013-0674-7:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\XAJ272MV\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-013-0674-7.pdf:application/pdf}, }
The influence of curing conditions on the chemical distribution in wood modified with thermosetting resins.
Klüppel, A.; and Mai, C.
Wood science and technology, 47(3): 643–658. 2013.
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@article{kluppel_influence_2013, title = {The influence of curing conditions on the chemical distribution in wood modified with thermosetting resins}, volume = {47}, issn = {0043-7719}, shorttitle = {The influence of curing conditions on the chemical distribution in wood modified with thermosetting resins}, number = {3}, journal = {Wood science and technology}, author = {Klüppel, A. and Mai, C.}, year = {2013}, pages = {643--658}, file = {art%3A10.1007%2Fs00226-013-0530-2:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\BE576JAJ\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00226-013-0530-2.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Strength changes in ash, beech and maple wood modified with a N-methylol melamine compound and a metal-complex dye.
Kielmann, B. C.; Adamopoulos, S.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
Wood Research, 58(3): 343–350. 2013.
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@article{kielmann_strength_2013, title = {Strength changes in ash, beech and maple wood modified with a {N}-methylol melamine compound and a metal-complex dye}, volume = {58}, shorttitle = {Strength changes in ash, beech and maple wood modified with a {N}-methylol melamine compound and a metal-complex dye}, number = {3}, journal = {Wood Research}, author = {Kielmann, B. C. and Adamopoulos, S. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, year = {2013}, pages = {343--350}, file = {7-42-094053_02_CarstenMai:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\I7AF9IC7\\7-42-094053_02_CarstenMai.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Thermal wood modification chemistry analysed using van Krevelen's representation.
Willems, W; Mai, C; and Militz, H
International Wood Products Journal, 4(3): 166–171. 2013.
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@article{willems_thermal_2013, title = {Thermal wood modification chemistry analysed using van {Krevelen}'s representation}, volume = {4}, issn = {2042-6453}, shorttitle = {Thermal wood modification chemistry analysed using van {Krevelen}'s representation}, number = {3}, journal = {International Wood Products Journal}, author = {Willems, W and Mai, C and Militz, H}, year = {2013}, pages = {166--171}, file = {2042645313Y:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\9AV3NQ82\\2042645313Y.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Effects of hydrophobation treatments of wood particles with an amino alkylsiloxane co-oligomer on properties of the ensuing polypropylene composites.
Xie, Y.; Krause, A.; Militz, H.; Steuernagel, L.; and Mai, C.
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 44: 32–39. January 2013.
@article{xie_effects_2013, title = {Effects of hydrophobation treatments of wood particles with an amino alkylsiloxane co-oligomer on properties of the ensuing polypropylene composites}, volume = {44}, issn = {1359835X}, url = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.compositesa.2012.08.011}, language = {en}, urldate = {2018-06-13}, journal = {Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing}, author = {Xie, Y. and Krause, A. and Militz, H. and Steuernagel, L. and Mai, C.}, month = jan, year = {2013}, pages = {32--39}, file = {Effects of hydrophobation treatments of wood particles with an amino alkylsiloxane co-oligomer on properties of the ensuing polypropylene composites:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\NIIBSA99\\Effects of hydrophobation treatments of wood particles with an amino alkylsiloxane co-oligomer on properties of the ensuing polypropylene compos.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Bending creep of Maritime pine wood (Pinus pinaster Ait.) chemically modified.
Lopes, D. B.; Mai, C.; and Militz, H.
Folia Forestalia Polonica, 55(3): 120–131. 2013.
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@article{lopes_bending_2013, title = {Bending creep of {Maritime} pine wood ({Pinus} pinaster {Ait}.) chemically modified}, volume = {55}, issn = {0071-6677}, shorttitle = {Bending creep of {Maritime} pine wood ({Pinus} pinaster {Ait}.) chemically modified}, number = {3}, journal = {Folia Forestalia Polonica}, author = {Lopes, D. B. and Mai, C. and Militz, H.}, year = {2013}, pages = {120--131}, file = {ffp-2013-00013:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\72FADBP5\\ffp-2013-00013.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Effects of chemical modification on the mechanical properties of wood.
Xie, Y.; Fu, Q.; Wang, Q.; Xiao, Z.; and Militz, H.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 71(4): en. 2013.
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@article{xie_effects_2013-1, title = {Effects of chemical modification on the mechanical properties of wood}, volume = {71}, issn = {0018-3768}, shorttitle = {Effects of chemical modification on the mechanical properties of wood}, abstract = {Chemical modification has been recognized as an efficient strategy for dimensionally stabilizing wood and protecting it from environmental damage, such as deterioration due to weathering and fungal decay during the service period. Studies reported in the literature mainly concern the establishment of workable modification techniques, testing methodologies, and assessment of the durability of modified wood. The development of wood modification techniques has recently been reviewed; limited information is however given on the effects of chemical modification on the mechanical properties of wood that are of importance to it as an engineering material. This paper reviews the effects of wood modification, typically by heat treatments and impregnation with low molecular weight resins, reactive monomers, or hot melting paraffins on the mechanical properties of wood. The modifying variables associated with mechanical properties of wood such as wood species, treating temperature and time, catalyst, type of solvent, weight percent gain, and molecular structures of the modifying agent were analysed and the results interpreted. The reasons for changes in the mechanical properties of wood are discussed.}, number = {4}, journal = {European Journal of Wood and Wood Products}, author = {Xie, Y. and Fu, Q. and Wang, Q. and Xiao, Z. and Militz, H.}, year = {2013}, keywords = {mechanical properties, chemical modification}, pages = {en}, file = {art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-013-0693-4:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\ECZWJS87\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-013-0693-4.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Chemical modification has been recognized as an efficient strategy for dimensionally stabilizing wood and protecting it from environmental damage, such as deterioration due to weathering and fungal decay during the service period. Studies reported in the literature mainly concern the establishment of workable modification techniques, testing methodologies, and assessment of the durability of modified wood. The development of wood modification techniques has recently been reviewed; limited information is however given on the effects of chemical modification on the mechanical properties of wood that are of importance to it as an engineering material. This paper reviews the effects of wood modification, typically by heat treatments and impregnation with low molecular weight resins, reactive monomers, or hot melting paraffins on the mechanical properties of wood. The modifying variables associated with mechanical properties of wood such as wood species, treating temperature and time, catalyst, type of solvent, weight percent gain, and molecular structures of the modifying agent were analysed and the results interpreted. The reasons for changes in the mechanical properties of wood are discussed.
Thermal Wood Modification Chemistry Analysed using a van Krevelen Representation.
Willems, W.; Mai, C.; and Militz, H.
In Jones, D.; Militz, H.; Petrič, M.; Pohleven, F.; Humar, M.; and Pavlič, M ., editor(s), pages 497–504, 2012.
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@inproceedings{jones_thermal_2012, title = {Thermal {Wood} {Modification} {Chemistry} {Analysed} using a van {Krevelen} {Representation}}, shorttitle = {Thermal {Wood} {Modification} {Chemistry} {Analysed} using a van {Krevelen} {Representation}}, author = {Willems, W. and Mai, C. and Militz, H.}, editor = {Jones, D. and Militz, H. and Petrič, M. and Pohleven, F. and Humar, M. and Pavlič, M .}, year = {2012}, pages = {497--504}, file = {01_ECWM6_Proceedings:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\SCI2RH2G\\01_ECWM6_Proceedings.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Modification of beech veneers with N-methylol melamine compounds for the production of plywood: natural weathering.
Trinh, H. M.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 70(1-3): 279–286. 2012.
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@article{trinh_modification_2012, title = {Modification of beech veneers with {N}-methylol melamine compounds for the production of plywood: natural weathering}, volume = {70}, issn = {0018-3768}, shorttitle = {Modification of beech veneers with {N}-methylol melamine compounds for the production of plywood: natural weathering}, number = {1-3}, journal = {European Journal of Wood and Wood Products}, author = {Trinh, H. M. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, year = {2012}, pages = {279--286}, file = {art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-011-0554-y:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\H6KDC5CI\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-011-0554-y.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Evaluation of wooden materials deteriorated by marine-wood boring organisms in the Black Sea.
Sivrikaya, H.; Hafizoglu, H.; Cragg, S. M.; Carrillo, A.; Militz, H.; Mai, C.; and Borges, L. M. S.
Maderas. Ciencia y tecnología, 14(1): 79–90. 2012.
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@article{sivrikaya_evaluation_2012, title = {Evaluation of wooden materials deteriorated by marine-wood boring organisms in the {Black} {Sea}}, volume = {14}, issn = {0718-221X}, shorttitle = {Evaluation of wooden materials deteriorated by marine-wood boring organisms in the {Black} {Sea}}, number = {1}, journal = {Maderas. Ciencia y tecnología}, author = {Sivrikaya, H. and Hafizoglu, H. and Cragg, S. M. and Carrillo, A. and Militz, H. and Mai, C. and Borges, L. M. S.}, year = {2012}, pages = {79--90}, file = {20123254661:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\36P9UAME\\20123254661.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Evaluation of bacterial wood degradation by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) measurements.
Gelbrich, J.; Mai, C.; and Militz, H.
Journal of Cultural Heritage, 13(3): S135–S138. 2012.
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@article{gelbrich_evaluation_2012, title = {Evaluation of bacterial wood degradation by {Fourier} {Transform} {Infrared} ({FTIR}) measurements}, volume = {13}, issn = {1296-2074}, shorttitle = {Evaluation of bacterial wood degradation by {Fourier} {Transform} {Infrared} ({FTIR}) measurements}, number = {3}, journal = {Journal of Cultural Heritage}, author = {Gelbrich, J. and Mai, C. and Militz, H.}, year = {2012}, pages = {S135--S138}, file = {1-s2.0-S1296207412000520-main:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\5KT7MF9R\\1-s2.0-S1296207412000520-main.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Functionalized Polyorganosil Oxanes or Silanes for the Treatment of LignocelluIosic Materials.
Delis, J. G. P.; Klaassen, E.; Hermann, J. W.; Militz, H.; Mai, C.; Pries, M.; Wagner, R.; Sockel, K. H.; Stachulla, K. H.; Käsler, K. H.; and Hoffmüller, G.
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@patent{delis_functionalized_2012, title = {Functionalized {Polyorganosil} {Oxanes} or {Silanes} for the {Treatment} of {LignocelluIosic} {Materials}}, shorttitle = {Functionalized {Polyorganosil} {Oxanes} or {Silanes} for the {Treatment} of {LignocelluIosic} {Materials}}, author = {Delis, J. G. P. and Klaassen, E. and Hermann, J. W. and Militz, H. and Mai, C. and Pries, M. and Wagner, R. and Sockel, K. H. and Stachulla, K. H. and Käsler, K. H. and Hoffmüller, G.}, year = {2012}, }
Resistance of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) wood modified with functionalized commercial silicone emulsions against subterranean termites.
Ghosh, S. C.; Peters, B. C.; Fitzgerald, C. J.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
Wood science and technology, 46(6): 1033–1041. 2012.
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@article{ghosh_resistance_2012, title = {Resistance of {Scots} pine ({Pinus} sylvestris {L}.) wood modified with functionalized commercial silicone emulsions against subterranean termites}, volume = {46}, shorttitle = {Resistance of {Scots} pine ({Pinus} sylvestris {L}.) wood modified with functionalized commercial silicone emulsions against subterranean termites}, number = {6}, journal = {Wood science and technology}, author = {Ghosh, S. C. and Peters, B. C. and Fitzgerald, C. J. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, year = {2012}, pages = {1033--1041}, file = {Resistance of Scots pine wood modified against subterranean termites:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\ZWN2D4QD\\Resistance of Scots pine wood modified against subterranean termites.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Resistance of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) wood modified with functionalized commercial silicone emulsions against subterranean termites.
Ghosh, S. C.; Peters, B. C.; Fitzgerald, C. J.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
Wood science and technology, 46(6): 1033–1041. 2012.
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@article{ghosh_resistance_2012-1, title = {Resistance of {Scots} pine ({Pinus} sylvestris {L}.) wood modified with functionalized commercial silicone emulsions against subterranean termites}, volume = {46}, issn = {0043-7719}, shorttitle = {Resistance of {Scots} pine ({Pinus} sylvestris {L}.) wood modified with functionalized commercial silicone emulsions against subterranean termites}, number = {6}, journal = {Wood science and technology}, author = {Ghosh, S. C. and Peters, B. C. and Fitzgerald, C. J. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, year = {2012}, pages = {1033--1041}, file = {art%3A10.1007%2Fs00226-012-0464-0:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\K6HUETQU\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00226-012-0464-0.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Effect of quat-and amino-silicones on fungal colonisation and decay of wood.
Ghosh, S. C.; Dyckmans, J.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
Holzforschung, 66(8): 1009–1015. 2012.
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@article{ghosh_effect_2012, title = {Effect of quat-and amino-silicones on fungal colonisation and decay of wood}, volume = {66}, issn = {1437-434X}, shorttitle = {Effect of quat-and amino-silicones on fungal colonisation and decay of wood}, number = {8}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Ghosh, S. C. and Dyckmans, J. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, year = {2012}, pages = {1009--1015}, file = {hf-2012-0024:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\IVM42DVC\\hf-2012-0024.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Modification of Beech Veneers with Low Molecular Weight Phenol Formaldehyde for the Production of Plywood: Durability and Mechanical Properties.
Bicke, S.; Mai, C.; and Militz, H.
In Jones, D.; Militz, H.; Petrič, M.; Pohleven, F.; Humar, M.; and Pavlič, M., editor(s), pages 363–366, 2012.
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@inproceedings{jones_modification_2012, title = {Modification of {Beech} {Veneers} with {Low} {Molecular} {Weight} {Phenol} {Formaldehyde} for the {Production} of {Plywood}: {Durability} and {Mechanical} {Properties}}, shorttitle = {Modification of {Beech} {Veneers} with {Low} {Molecular} {Weight} {Phenol} {Formaldehyde} for the {Production} of {Plywood}: {Durability} and {Mechanical} {Properties}}, author = {Bicke, S. and Mai, C. and Militz, H.}, editor = {Jones, D. and Militz, H. and Petrič, M. and Pohleven, F. and Humar, M. and Pavlič, M.}, year = {2012}, pages = {363--366}, file = {01_ECWM6_Proceedings:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\CKNATJA9\\01_ECWM6_Proceedings.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Weathering characteristics of wood treated with water glass, siloxane or DMDHEU.
Pfeffer, A.; Mai, C.; and Militz, H.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 70(1-3): 165–176. 2012.
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@article{pfeffer_weathering_2012, title = {Weathering characteristics of wood treated with water glass, siloxane or {DMDHEU}}, volume = {70}, issn = {0018-3768}, shorttitle = {Weathering characteristics of wood treated with water glass, siloxane or {DMDHEU}}, number = {1-3}, journal = {European Journal of Wood and Wood Products}, author = {Pfeffer, A. and Mai, C. and Militz, H.}, year = {2012}, pages = {165--176}, file = {art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-011-0520-8:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\XGKPWBAP\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-011-0520-8.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Mechanical Properties and Creep Performances of Chemical Modified Portuguese Wood.
Lopes, D. B.; Mai, C.; and Militz, H.
In Jones, D.; Militz, H.; Petrič, M.; Pohleven, F.; Humar, M.; and Pavlič, M., editor(s), pages 55–62, 2012.
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@inproceedings{jones_mechanical_2012, title = {Mechanical {Properties} and {Creep} {Performances} of {Chemical} {Modified} {Portuguese} {Wood}}, shorttitle = {Mechanical {Properties} and {Creep} {Performances} of {Chemical} {Modified} {Portuguese} {Wood}}, author = {Lopes, D. B. and Mai, C. and Militz, H.}, editor = {Jones, D. and Militz, H. and Petrič, M. and Pohleven, F. and Humar, M. and Pavlič, M.}, year = {2012}, pages = {55--62}, file = {01_ECWM6_Proceedings:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\6B6ZZHA9\\01_ECWM6_Proceedings.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Effect of Curing Conditions on Chemical Distribution and Indentation Properties of Wood Treated with Thermosetting Resins.
Klüppel, A.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
In Jones, D.; Militz, H.; Petrič, M.; Pohleven, F.; Humar, M.; and Pavlič, M., editor(s), pages 333–338, 2012.
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@inproceedings{jones_effect_2012, title = {Effect of {Curing} {Conditions} on {Chemical} {Distribution} and {Indentation} {Properties} of {Wood} {Treated} with {Thermosetting} {Resins}}, shorttitle = {Effect of {Curing} {Conditions} on {Chemical} {Distribution} and {Indentation} {Properties} of {Wood} {Treated} with {Thermosetting} {Resins}}, author = {Klüppel, A. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, editor = {Jones, D. and Militz, H. and Petrič, M. and Pohleven, F. and Humar, M. and Pavlič, M.}, year = {2012}, pages = {333--338}, file = {01_ECWM6_Proceedings:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\ZZ4DI76V\\01_ECWM6_Proceedings.pdf:application/pdf}, }
The potential of color measurements with the CIEDE2000 equation in wood science.
Hauptmann, M.; Pleschberger, H.; Mai, C.; Follrich, J.; and Hansmann, C.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 70(4): 415–420. 2012.
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@article{hauptmann_potential_2012, title = {The potential of color measurements with the {CIEDE2000} equation in wood science}, volume = {70}, issn = {0018-3768}, shorttitle = {The potential of color measurements with the {CIEDE2000} equation in wood science}, number = {4}, journal = {European Journal of Wood and Wood Products}, author = {Hauptmann, M. and Pleschberger, H. and Mai, C. and Follrich, J. and Hansmann, C.}, year = {2012}, pages = {415--420}, file = {art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-011-0575-6:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\8R932U2Z\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-011-0575-6.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Resistance of Modified Wood to the Common Shipworm (Teredo navalis) as Assessed by Marine Trial.
Klüppel, A.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
In Jones, D.; Militz, H.; Petrič, M.; Pohleven, F.; Humar, M.; and Pavlič, M., editor(s), pages 239–242, 2012.
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@inproceedings{jones_resistance_2012, title = {Resistance of {Modified} {Wood} to the {Common} {Shipworm} ({Teredo} navalis) as {Assessed} by {Marine} {Trial}}, shorttitle = {Resistance of {Modified} {Wood} to the {Common} {Shipworm} ({Teredo} navalis) as {Assessed} by {Marine} {Trial}}, author = {Klüppel, A. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, editor = {Jones, D. and Militz, H. and Petrič, M. and Pohleven, F. and Humar, M. and Pavlič, M.}, year = {2012}, pages = {239--242}, file = {01_ECWM6_Proceedings:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\D3E73MNZ\\01_ECWM6_Proceedings.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Effect of lignin and hemicelluloses on the tensile strength of micro-veneers determined at finite span and zero span.
Klüppel, A.; and Mai, C.
Holzforschung, 66(4): 493–496. 2012.
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@article{kluppel_effect_2012, title = {Effect of lignin and hemicelluloses on the tensile strength of micro-veneers determined at finite span and zero span}, volume = {66}, issn = {1437-434X}, shorttitle = {Effect of lignin and hemicelluloses on the tensile strength of micro-veneers determined at finite span and zero span}, number = {4}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Klüppel, A. and Mai, C.}, year = {2012}, pages = {493--496}, file = {hf.2011.173:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\38RB65RR\\hf.2011.173.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Effects of chemical modification with glutaraldehyde on the weathering performance of Scots pine sapwood.
Xiao, Z.; Xie, Y.; Adamopoulos, S.; and Mai, C.
Wood science and technology, 46(4): 749–767. 2012.
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@article{xiao_effects_2012, title = {Effects of chemical modification with glutaraldehyde on the weathering performance of {Scots} pine sapwood}, volume = {46}, issn = {0043-7719}, shorttitle = {Effects of chemical modification with glutaraldehyde on the weathering performance of {Scots} pine sapwood}, number = {4}, journal = {Wood science and technology}, author = {Xiao, Z. and Xie, Y. and Adamopoulos, S. and Mai, C.}, year = {2012}, pages = {749--767}, file = {art%3A10.1007%2Fs00226-011-0441-z:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\J2TIP7K8\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00226-011-0441-z.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Bonding Quality of Plywood Produced from Beech Veneers Treated with N-methylol Melamine Compounds and Alkyl Ketene Dimer.
Trinh, H. M.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
In Jones, D.; Militz, H.; Petrič, M.; Pohleven, F.; Humar, M.; and Pavlič, M ., editor(s), pages 343–348, 2012.
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@inproceedings{jones_bonding_2012, title = {Bonding {Quality} of {Plywood} {Produced} from {Beech} {Veneers} {Treated} with {N}-methylol {Melamine} {Compounds} and {Alkyl} {Ketene} {Dimer}}, shorttitle = {Bonding {Quality} of {Plywood} {Produced} from {Beech} {Veneers} {Treated} with {N}-methylol {Melamine} {Compounds} and {Alkyl} {Ketene} {Dimer}}, author = {Trinh, H. M. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, editor = {Jones, D. and Militz, H. and Petrič, M. and Pohleven, F. and Humar, M. and Pavlič, M .}, year = {2012}, pages = {343--348}, file = {01_ECWM6_Proceedings:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\75KK4XBE\\01_ECWM6_Proceedings.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Dauerhaftigkeit von modifiziertem Holz im Meerwasser.
Klüppel, A.; Cragg, S.; Liebezeit, G.; Müller, J.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
In pages 52–62, 2012. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Holzforschung (DGfH)
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@inproceedings{kluppel_dauerhaftigkeit_2012, title = {Dauerhaftigkeit von modifiziertem {Holz} im {Meerwasser}}, shorttitle = {Dauerhaftigkeit von modifiziertem {Holz} im {Meerwasser}}, abstract = {In einem Feldtest (DIN EN 275, 1992) und einem Labortest wurde die Resistenz verschiedener Materialien gegen die Meerwasserschädlinge Teredo navalis und Limnoria quadripunctata bestimmt. Der Feldtest wurde an jeweils einem Standort in der Nord- und Ostsee über einen Zeitraum von drei bzw. vier Jahren durchgeführt. An beiden Prüffeldern wurde Teredo navalis als einziger Holzzerstörer identifiziert. Bei dem Labortest handelte es um einen Fütterungsversuch, bei dem die Kotwalzenproduktionsrate der Asseln als Maß für die Resistenz des entsprechenden Materials diente. Kiefer (Pinus sylvestris) Splintholz wurde mit verschiedenen Kondensationsharzen (Phenol-Formaldehyd, PF; methyliertes Melamin-Formaldehyd, MMF; Di-methylol-di-hydroxy-ethylen-harnstoff, DMDHEU), Tetraethoxysilan (TEOS) oder einem kupferorganischen Holzschutzmittel behandelt. Zusätzlich wurden acetylierte Radiata Kiefer (Pinus radiata) und WPC (Holz Kunststoffkomposite) mit einem Holzanteil von 50 \% und 60 \% getestet. In beiden Versuchen zeigten die meisten Materialien eine hohe Resistenz. Nur mit TEOS und 10\%-igem MMF behandelte Proben wurden bereits nach kurzer Prüfdauer befallen. Von den so behandelten Hölzern wurden auch die meisten Kotwalzen produziert. Ein effektiver Schutz gegen Meerwasserschädlinge durch Holzmodifizierung scheint nur bei ausreichend hohen Beladungsgraden und Zellwandeindringung gewährleistet zu sein. Die mit dem kupferorganischen Holzschutzmittel behandelten Proben wurden im Feldtest ebenfalls stark befallen. Dies ist wahrscheinlich auf die Auswaschung des Mittels zurückzuführen. Der Labortest eignet sich nicht zur Prüfung von Materialien, die auswaschbare Substanzen enthalten, da deren Anreicherung im Wasser das Ergebnis beeinflusst.}, publisher = {Deutsche Gesellschaft für Holzforschung (DGfH)}, author = {Klüppel, A. and Cragg, S. and Liebezeit, G. and Müller, J. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, year = {2012}, pages = {52--62}, file = {Klüppel 2012 Deutsche Holzschutztagung.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\42KB54MW\\Klüppel 2012 Deutsche Holzschutztagung.pdf:application/pdf}, }
In einem Feldtest (DIN EN 275, 1992) und einem Labortest wurde die Resistenz verschiedener Materialien gegen die Meerwasserschädlinge Teredo navalis und Limnoria quadripunctata bestimmt. Der Feldtest wurde an jeweils einem Standort in der Nord- und Ostsee über einen Zeitraum von drei bzw. vier Jahren durchgeführt. An beiden Prüffeldern wurde Teredo navalis als einziger Holzzerstörer identifiziert. Bei dem Labortest handelte es um einen Fütterungsversuch, bei dem die Kotwalzenproduktionsrate der Asseln als Maß für die Resistenz des entsprechenden Materials diente. Kiefer (Pinus sylvestris) Splintholz wurde mit verschiedenen Kondensationsharzen (Phenol-Formaldehyd, PF; methyliertes Melamin-Formaldehyd, MMF; Di-methylol-di-hydroxy-ethylen-harnstoff, DMDHEU), Tetraethoxysilan (TEOS) oder einem kupferorganischen Holzschutzmittel behandelt. Zusätzlich wurden acetylierte Radiata Kiefer (Pinus radiata) und WPC (Holz Kunststoffkomposite) mit einem Holzanteil von 50 % und 60 % getestet. In beiden Versuchen zeigten die meisten Materialien eine hohe Resistenz. Nur mit TEOS und 10%-igem MMF behandelte Proben wurden bereits nach kurzer Prüfdauer befallen. Von den so behandelten Hölzern wurden auch die meisten Kotwalzen produziert. Ein effektiver Schutz gegen Meerwasserschädlinge durch Holzmodifizierung scheint nur bei ausreichend hohen Beladungsgraden und Zellwandeindringung gewährleistet zu sein. Die mit dem kupferorganischen Holzschutzmittel behandelten Proben wurden im Feldtest ebenfalls stark befallen. Dies ist wahrscheinlich auf die Auswaschung des Mittels zurückzuführen. Der Labortest eignet sich nicht zur Prüfung von Materialien, die auswaschbare Substanzen enthalten, da deren Anreicherung im Wasser das Ergebnis beeinflusst.
Modification of beech veneers with N-methylol-melamine compounds for the production of plywood.
Trinh, H. M.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 70(4): 421–432. July 2012.
@article{trinh_modification_2012-1, title = {Modification of beech veneers with {N}-methylol-melamine compounds for the production of plywood}, volume = {70}, issn = {0018-3768, 1436-736X}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/s00107-011-0569-4}, language = {en}, number = {4}, urldate = {2018-06-13}, journal = {European Journal of Wood and Wood Products}, author = {Trinh, H. M. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, month = jul, year = {2012}, pages = {421--432}, file = {Trinh et al. - 2012 - Modification of beech veneers with N-methylol-mela.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\H3CDFBAP\\Trinh et al. - 2012 - Modification of beech veneers with N-methylol-mela.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Adhesive bonding of beech wood modified with a phenol formaldehyde compound.
Adamopoulos, S.; Bastani, A.; Gascón-Garrido, P.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 70(6): 897–901. November 2012.
@article{adamopoulos_adhesive_2012, title = {Adhesive bonding of beech wood modified with a phenol formaldehyde compound}, volume = {70}, issn = {0018-3768, 1436-736X}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/s00107-012-0620-0}, language = {en}, number = {6}, urldate = {2018-06-13}, journal = {European Journal of Wood and Wood Products}, author = {Adamopoulos, S. and Bastani, A. and Gascón-Garrido, P. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, month = nov, year = {2012}, pages = {897--901}, file = {Adamopoulos (2012) Adhesive bonding of beech wood modified with a phenol formaldehyde compound.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\JXWQID4K\\Adamopoulos (2012) Adhesive bonding of beech wood modified with a phenol formaldehyde compound.pdf:application/pdf;art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-012-0620-0:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\TTCNPFP7\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-012-0620-0.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Preliminary laboratory bioassay to evaluate engineered Fibre-boards against subterranean termites C. acinaciformis (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae).
Ahmed, B. M.; Militz, H.; Ozarska, B.; Ali, I.; and Kloeser, L.
In May 2012.
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@inproceedings{ahmed_preliminary_2012, title = {Preliminary laboratory bioassay to evaluate engineered {Fibre}-boards against subterranean termites {C}. acinaciformis ({Isoptera}: {Rhinotermitidae})}, doi = {IRG/WP 12-10768}, abstract = {In Australia, laboratory bioassays with subterranean termites typically contain groups of workers and soldiers in a substrate of moist mound material. This termite substrate may affect termite consumption, and the test materials create a favorable termite condition for the test. The main purpose of this test is to examine the effect of a melamine formaldehyde treatment of wood panels to evaluate the resistance against subterranean termites compared to untreated wood panels in the test. The orphaned termite populations were exposed to treated and untreated wood panels for over eight weeks. All the different treatments of wood panels were placed into 1 lt glass jar containers half filled with moistened mound material and five grams of foraging C. acinaciformis ({\textasciitilde} 8\% soldiers). The results were very conclusive with significant mass loss of the treated and untreated wood panels. Untreated panels and water treated panels showed high mass losses (40 – 60 \%), whereas MF treated panels were barely attacked (5-7 \% mass loss).}, author = {Ahmed, B. M. and Militz, H. and Ozarska, B. and Ali, I. and Kloeser, L.}, month = may, year = {2012}, keywords = {fibre-board, laboratory and bioassay, melamine formaldehyde, Coptotermes acinaciformis, treated and untreated, microwave treatment, wood panels}, file = {IRG 12-10768:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\62DM2WXT\\IRG 12-10768.pdf:application/pdf}, }
In Australia, laboratory bioassays with subterranean termites typically contain groups of workers and soldiers in a substrate of moist mound material. This termite substrate may affect termite consumption, and the test materials create a favorable termite condition for the test. The main purpose of this test is to examine the effect of a melamine formaldehyde treatment of wood panels to evaluate the resistance against subterranean termites compared to untreated wood panels in the test. The orphaned termite populations were exposed to treated and untreated wood panels for over eight weeks. All the different treatments of wood panels were placed into 1 lt glass jar containers half filled with moistened mound material and five grams of foraging C. acinaciformis (~ 8% soldiers). The results were very conclusive with significant mass loss of the treated and untreated wood panels. Untreated panels and water treated panels showed high mass losses (40 – 60 %), whereas MF treated panels were barely attacked (5-7 % mass loss).
CreoSub – New protection technology to substitute creosote in railway sleepers, timber bridges, and utility poles.
Hundhausen, U.; Mahnert, K.; Gellerich, A.; and Militz, H.
In May 2011.
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@inproceedings{hundhausen_creosub_2011, title = {{CreoSub} – {New} protection technology to substitute creosote in railway sleepers, timber bridges, and utility poles}, doi = {IRG/WP 14-30644}, abstract = {Creosote oil is one of the oldest industrially used wood preservatives. Due to its toxic profile, the European Commission has restricted the use of creosote specific applications, but it is highly controversial within the European Commission. Its approval for use after 2018 is very questionable and may depend on derived research results until then, i.e., the viability of alternatives developed to replace creosote as a preservative of wood products in heavy-duty applications outdoors, like railway sleepers, timber bridges, utility poles, and piles in marine applications. The overall objective of the three year WoodWisdom research project CreSub is the development of a new protection technology to substitute creosote in railway sleepers, timber bridges, and utility poles. The technological objective is to develop production processes for railway sleepers, timber bridges, utility poles, and piles treated with new wood protection systems from laboratory to industrial scale and test the products under real conditions in the field. This implies to individually consider process-related, economic and environmental aspects for each of the three different product groups mentioned above. Alternative products to creosote have to be hydrophobic and biocidal effective, particularly with respect to soft rot and copper tolerant fungi. Last-mentioned are mainly responsible for that conventional impregnations with solely copper-based salts do not provide sufficient protection of products in heavy-duty applications outdoors. In addition, alternative protection technology must be economically viable. In this regard, one-step treatment processes, which preferably can be carried out in existing creosote plants, are desirable. Last but not least, new technologies should have better human toxicological as well as environmental toxicological profiles than creosote technology.}, author = {Hundhausen, U. and Mahnert, K.-C. and Gellerich, A. and Militz, H.}, month = may, year = {2011}, keywords = {alternative protection systems, bridges, creosote, Poles, research project, sleepers, Wood Wisdom}, file = {IRG 14-30644:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\2H6W46IU\\IRG 14-30644.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Creosote oil is one of the oldest industrially used wood preservatives. Due to its toxic profile, the European Commission has restricted the use of creosote specific applications, but it is highly controversial within the European Commission. Its approval for use after 2018 is very questionable and may depend on derived research results until then, i.e., the viability of alternatives developed to replace creosote as a preservative of wood products in heavy-duty applications outdoors, like railway sleepers, timber bridges, utility poles, and piles in marine applications. The overall objective of the three year WoodWisdom research project CreSub is the development of a new protection technology to substitute creosote in railway sleepers, timber bridges, and utility poles. The technological objective is to develop production processes for railway sleepers, timber bridges, utility poles, and piles treated with new wood protection systems from laboratory to industrial scale and test the products under real conditions in the field. This implies to individually consider process-related, economic and environmental aspects for each of the three different product groups mentioned above. Alternative products to creosote have to be hydrophobic and biocidal effective, particularly with respect to soft rot and copper tolerant fungi. Last-mentioned are mainly responsible for that conventional impregnations with solely copper-based salts do not provide sufficient protection of products in heavy-duty applications outdoors. In addition, alternative protection technology must be economically viable. In this regard, one-step treatment processes, which preferably can be carried out in existing creosote plants, are desirable. Last but not least, new technologies should have better human toxicological as well as environmental toxicological profiles than creosote technology.
Durabilidad de la madera de Prosopis laevigata y efecto de sus extractos en hongos que degradan la madera.
Carrillo-Parra, A.; Hapla, F.; Mai, C.; and Garza-Ocañas, F.
Madera y Bosques, 17(1): 7–21. 2011.
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@article{carrillo-parra_durabilidad_2011, title = {Durabilidad de la madera de {Prosopis} laevigata y efecto de sus extractos en hongos que degradan la madera}, volume = {17}, issn = {1405-0471}, shorttitle = {Durabilidad de la madera de {Prosopis} laevigata y efecto de sus extractos en hongos que degradan la madera}, number = {1}, journal = {Madera y Bosques}, author = {Carrillo-Parra, A. and Hapla, F. and Mai, C. and Garza-Ocañas, F.}, year = {2011}, pages = {7--21}, file = {Dialnet-DurabilidadDeLaMaderaDeProsopisLaevigataYEfectoDeS-3789641:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\7S29BEAV\\Dialnet-DurabilidadDeLaMaderaDeProsopisLaevigataYEfectoDeS-3789641.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Termite resistance of wood modified with short- and long-chain siloxanes.
Gascón-Garrido, P.; Thévenon, M.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
In May 2011.
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@inproceedings{gascon-garrido_termite_2011, title = {Termite resistance of wood modified with short- and long-chain siloxanes}, doi = {IRG/WP 14-40660}, abstract = {Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sapwood specimens modified with short- and long-chain amino-functional siloxane emulsions were exposed to subterranean termites (Reticulitermes flavipes Kollar). Laboratory choice and no-choice tests following the standard EN 117 (2013) were conducted for 8 weeks in order to evaluate the influence of these silicon-based compounds on the termite resistance of treated wood. The wood specimens were vacuum-pressure impregnated to reach 2, 5 and 8\% weight percent gain (WPG). Subsequent to the treatment, half of specimens were leached according to the standard EN 84 (1997) before the termite test. Following exposure, the wood specimens were assessed for termite damage using a visual rating system (from 0 to 4). Mass losses were also recorded. The tests were validated because the feeding pressure was sufficient according to the standard. The results revealed that in case of the no-choice test, samples treated with the different siloxanes were classified as non durable (according to the standard EN 117 (2013)), despite the fact that there was a significant reduction of mass loss. In contrast, when exposed to a choice test with wood treated with short-chain siloxane without emulsifier, the termite workers exhibited significant avoidance to the treated wood samples. In all cases, termite chose untreated wood instead wood modified with short-chain siloxane. The mass losses, even in case of leached specimens, were found to be in agreement with this finding. Therefore, the results of this study verify that treatment with short-chain siloxane without emulsifier was successfully effective against termite attack when there is a choice of feeding.}, author = {Gascón-Garrido, P. and Thévenon, M.-F. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, month = may, year = {2011}, keywords = {wood modification, Durability, long-chain siloxane, Reticulitermes flavipes, short-chain siloxane, Subterranean termites}, file = {IRG 14-40660:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\4PD2F3DF\\IRG 14-40660.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sapwood specimens modified with short- and long-chain amino-functional siloxane emulsions were exposed to subterranean termites (Reticulitermes flavipes Kollar). Laboratory choice and no-choice tests following the standard EN 117 (2013) were conducted for 8 weeks in order to evaluate the influence of these silicon-based compounds on the termite resistance of treated wood. The wood specimens were vacuum-pressure impregnated to reach 2, 5 and 8% weight percent gain (WPG). Subsequent to the treatment, half of specimens were leached according to the standard EN 84 (1997) before the termite test. Following exposure, the wood specimens were assessed for termite damage using a visual rating system (from 0 to 4). Mass losses were also recorded. The tests were validated because the feeding pressure was sufficient according to the standard. The results revealed that in case of the no-choice test, samples treated with the different siloxanes were classified as non durable (according to the standard EN 117 (2013)), despite the fact that there was a significant reduction of mass loss. In contrast, when exposed to a choice test with wood treated with short-chain siloxane without emulsifier, the termite workers exhibited significant avoidance to the treated wood samples. In all cases, termite chose untreated wood instead wood modified with short-chain siloxane. The mass losses, even in case of leached specimens, were found to be in agreement with this finding. Therefore, the results of this study verify that treatment with short-chain siloxane without emulsifier was successfully effective against termite attack when there is a choice of feeding.
Mittel zur Ausstattung von auf Cellulose und/oder Stärke basierenden Substraten mit Wasser abweisenden und gleichzeitig pilz-, bakterien-, insekten- sowie algenwidrigen Eigenschaften.
Edelmann, R.; Wassmer, C.; Jenkner, P.; Monkiewicz, J.; Militz, H.; Mai, C.; and Donath, S.
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@patent{edelmann_mittel_2011, title = {Mittel zur {Ausstattung} von auf {Cellulose} und/oder {Stärke} basierenden {Substraten} mit {Wasser} abweisenden und gleichzeitig pilz-, bakterien-, insekten- sowie algenwidrigen {Eigenschaften}}, shorttitle = {Mittel zur {Ausstattung} von auf {Cellulose} und/oder {Stärke} basierenden {Substraten} mit {Wasser} abweisenden und gleichzeitig pilz-, bakterien-, insekten- sowie algenwidrigen {Eigenschaften}}, author = {Edelmann, R. and Wassmer, C. and Jenkner, P. and Monkiewicz, J. and Militz, H. and Mai, C. and Donath, S.}, year = {2011}, file = {US020110143147A1_1:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\BJ3QPSFN\\US020110143147A1_1.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Improving dimensional stability of thermally treated wood by secondary modification – potential and limitations.
Behr, G.; Mahnert, K.; Bollmus, S.; and Militz, H.
In May 2011.
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@inproceedings{behr_improving_2011, title = {Improving dimensional stability of thermally treated wood by secondary modification – potential and limitations}, doi = {IRG/WP 14-40664}, abstract = {The potential of treating thermally modified wood with melamine resin to improve the dimensional stabilization is tested in this research. Two different boards of poplar (Populus ssp.) were cut into two halves. One half of each board was thermally modified (T1 and T2) in a commercial process, the other half was used as untreated reference material. The material was thermally modified using the vacu³ process under vacuum and maximum temperatures of 210 °C and 230 °C. Ten samples of each material were impregnated with a solution of a commercially available methyloated melamine resin and dry-cured in a laboratory oven at a maximum temperature of 120°C. The anti-swell-efficiency (ASE) based on the swell rate was tested during ten cycles of repeated drying and wetting. The melamine treatment caused a higher bulking in the references than in thermally modified wood. The ASE of T1 was improved by secondary modification, whereas the ASE of T2 remained higher than that of the secondary modified material. The melamine treatment of thermally modified poplar yielded good results for solution uptake and weight percent gain, but the bulking was lower than expected. Reasons may be found in the same mechanisms providing good dimensional stability of thermally modified wood in the first place: The cell walls are more inaccessible for melamine oligomers due to hydrophobation resulting from thermal modification.}, author = {Behr, G. and Mahnert, K.-C. and Bollmus, S. and Militz, H.}, month = may, year = {2011}, keywords = {anti-swell-efficiency, bulking, impregnation modification, melamine treatment, thermal modification}, file = {IRG 14-40664:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\PKP3US88\\IRG 14-40664.pdf:application/pdf}, }
The potential of treating thermally modified wood with melamine resin to improve the dimensional stabilization is tested in this research. Two different boards of poplar (Populus ssp.) were cut into two halves. One half of each board was thermally modified (T1 and T2) in a commercial process, the other half was used as untreated reference material. The material was thermally modified using the vacu³ process under vacuum and maximum temperatures of 210 °C and 230 °C. Ten samples of each material were impregnated with a solution of a commercially available methyloated melamine resin and dry-cured in a laboratory oven at a maximum temperature of 120°C. The anti-swell-efficiency (ASE) based on the swell rate was tested during ten cycles of repeated drying and wetting. The melamine treatment caused a higher bulking in the references than in thermally modified wood. The ASE of T1 was improved by secondary modification, whereas the ASE of T2 remained higher than that of the secondary modified material. The melamine treatment of thermally modified poplar yielded good results for solution uptake and weight percent gain, but the bulking was lower than expected. Reasons may be found in the same mechanisms providing good dimensional stability of thermally modified wood in the first place: The cell walls are more inaccessible for melamine oligomers due to hydrophobation resulting from thermal modification.
Verfahren zur Herstellung von Verbundwerkstoffen.
Militz, H.; Mai, C.; and Kloeser, L.
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@patent{militz_verfahren_2011, title = {Verfahren zur {Herstellung} von {Verbundwerkstoffen}}, shorttitle = {Verfahren zur {Herstellung} von {Verbundwerkstoffen}}, author = {Militz, H. and Mai, C. and Kloeser, L.}, year = {2011}, file = {WO002011098470A2_1:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\DIIX7AKZ\\WO002011098470A2_1.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Modification of solid wood with glutaraldehyde to improve outside weathering performance.
Mai, C.; Xiao, Z.; and Xie, Y.
In Salmen, L., editor(s), pages 49, 2011.
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@inproceedings{salmen_modification_2011, title = {Modification of solid wood with glutaraldehyde to improve outside weathering performance}, shorttitle = {Modification of solid wood with glutaraldehyde to improve outside weathering performance}, author = {Mai, C. and Xiao, Z. and Xie, Y.}, editor = {Salmen, L.}, year = {2011}, pages = {49}, }
Performance of some wood modification treatments against marine borers.
Klüppel, A.; Mai, C.; Militz, H.; and Cragg, S.
In May 2011.
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@inproceedings{kluppel_performance_2011, title = {Performance of some wood modification treatments against marine borers}, doi = {IRG/WP 14-40668}, abstract = {Since some years, new treatment technology to protect wood against wood destroying fungi is introduced. Limited knowledge on their resistance to water organisms is available. Therefore, the resistance of chemically modified wood was assessed in a field test according to the European Standard EN 275 over a period of 3 resp. 5 years at sites in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) sapwood was treated with DMDHEU (dimethylol-dihydroxy-ethylen-urea), MMF (methylated-methylol-melamine), TEOS (tetra-ethoxy-silane) and PF (Phenol-formaldehyde). In addition, acetylated and untreated Radiata pine (Pinus radiata) was tested. The content of the modification agent in the exposed samples was determined annually in order to determine the stability of the treatment during the exposure in seawater against leaching during the first three years of exposure. The chemical contents stayed stable, indicating that leaching of modification chemicals did not occur. The common shipworm (Teredo navalis) was the only wood boring organism found at the two test sites. Most controls were destroyed within one year. Modified specimens showed varying severeness of attack by T. navalis, depending on the modification method. The resistance of resin treated wood seems to depend not only on the type and concentration of resin, but also on process parameters.}, author = {Klüppel, A. and Mai, C. and Militz, H. and Cragg, S.}, month = may, year = {2011}, keywords = {acetylation, EN 275, performance, phenol treatment, resin treatment, Teredo navalis, use class 5}, file = {IRG 14-40668:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\QF4RZ9MX\\IRG 14-40668.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Since some years, new treatment technology to protect wood against wood destroying fungi is introduced. Limited knowledge on their resistance to water organisms is available. Therefore, the resistance of chemically modified wood was assessed in a field test according to the European Standard EN 275 over a period of 3 resp. 5 years at sites in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) sapwood was treated with DMDHEU (dimethylol-dihydroxy-ethylen-urea), MMF (methylated-methylol-melamine), TEOS (tetra-ethoxy-silane) and PF (Phenol-formaldehyde). In addition, acetylated and untreated Radiata pine (Pinus radiata) was tested. The content of the modification agent in the exposed samples was determined annually in order to determine the stability of the treatment during the exposure in seawater against leaching during the first three years of exposure. The chemical contents stayed stable, indicating that leaching of modification chemicals did not occur. The common shipworm (Teredo navalis) was the only wood boring organism found at the two test sites. Most controls were destroyed within one year. Modified specimens showed varying severeness of attack by T. navalis, depending on the modification method. The resistance of resin treated wood seems to depend not only on the type and concentration of resin, but also on process parameters.
Dynamic water vapour sorption properties of wood treated with glutaraldehyde.
Xie, Y.; Hill, C. A. S.; Xiao, Z.; Mai, C.; and Militz, H.
Wood Science and Technology, 45(1): 49–61. 2011.
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@article{xie_dynamic_2011, title = {Dynamic water vapour sorption properties of wood treated with glutaraldehyde}, volume = {45}, issn = {0043-7719}, shorttitle = {Dynamic water vapour sorption properties of wood treated with glutaraldehyde}, number = {1}, journal = {Wood Science and Technology}, author = {Xie, Y. and Hill, C. A. S. and Xiao, Z. and Mai, C. and Militz, H.}, year = {2011}, pages = {49--61}, file = {art%3A10.1007%2Fs00226-010-0311-0:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\KUMXQ55X\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00226-010-0311-0.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Maintenance procedures and definition of limit states for exterior wood coatings.
Grüll, G.; Truskaller, M.; Podgorski, L.; Bollmus, S.; and Tscherne, F.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 69(3): 443–450. August 2011.
@article{grull_maintenance_2011, title = {Maintenance procedures and definition of limit states for exterior wood coatings}, volume = {69}, issn = {0018-3768, 1436-736X}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/s00107-010-0469-z}, language = {en}, number = {3}, urldate = {2018-08-23}, journal = {European Journal of Wood and Wood Products}, author = {Grüll, G. and Truskaller, M. and Podgorski, L. and Bollmus, S. and Tscherne, F.}, month = aug, year = {2011}, pages = {443--450}, file = {Grüll et al. - 2011 - Maintenance procedures and definition of limit sta.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\IA8GE6WQ\\Grüll et al. - 2011 - Maintenance procedures and definition of limit sta.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Einfluss einer thermischen Vergütung auf die strukturelle Integrität heimischer Hölzer.
Maier, G.
Technical Report Leibniz Universiät Hannover, Institut für Berufswissenschaften im Bauwesen, Hannover, 2011.
Prüfer: Dr. rer. nat. Christian Brischke, Dr. rer. nat. Christian R. Welzbacher
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@techreport{maier_einfluss_2011, address = {Hannover}, type = {Bachelorarbeit}, title = {Einfluss einer thermischen {Vergütung} auf die strukturelle {Integrität} heimischer {Hölzer}}, language = {de}, institution = {Leibniz Universiät Hannover, Institut für Berufswissenschaften im Bauwesen}, author = {Maier, Georg}, year = {2011}, note = {Prüfer: Dr. rer. nat. Christian Brischke, Dr. rer. nat. Christian R. Welzbacher}, file = {Maier - 2011 - Einfluss einer thermischen Vergütung auf die struk.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\TKS2J6QI\\Maier - 2011 - Einfluss einer thermischen Vergütung auf die struk.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Hydrolysis of cellulose and wood powder treated with DMDHEU by a hydrolase enzyme complex, Fenton's reagent, and in a liquid culture of Trametes versicolor.
Verma, P.; and Mai, C.
Holzforschung, 64(1): 69–75. 2010.
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@article{verma_hydrolysis_2010, title = {Hydrolysis of cellulose and wood powder treated with {DMDHEU} by a hydrolase enzyme complex, {Fenton}'s reagent, and in a liquid culture of {Trametes} versicolor}, volume = {64}, issn = {1437-434X}, shorttitle = {Hydrolysis of cellulose and wood powder treated with {DMDHEU} by a hydrolase enzyme complex, {Fenton}'s reagent, and in a liquid culture of {Trametes} versicolor}, number = {1}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Verma, P. and Mai, C.}, year = {2010}, pages = {69--75}, file = {hf.2010.007:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\A98AKVPR\\hf.2010.007.pdf:application/pdf}, }
The calculation of EMC for the analysis of wood/water relations in Fagus sylvatica L. modified with 1, 3-dimethylol-4, 5-dihydroxyethyleneurea.
Dieste, A.; Krause, A.; Mai, C.; and Militz, H.
Wood science and technology, 44(4): 597–606. 2010.
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@article{dieste_calculation_2010, title = {The calculation of {EMC} for the analysis of wood/water relations in {Fagus} sylvatica {L}. modified with 1, 3-dimethylol-4, 5-dihydroxyethyleneurea}, volume = {44}, issn = {0043-7719}, shorttitle = {The calculation of {EMC} for the analysis of wood/water relations in {Fagus} sylvatica {L}. modified with 1, 3-dimethylol-4, 5-dihydroxyethyleneurea}, doi = {10.1007/s00226-009-0298-6}, number = {4}, journal = {Wood science and technology}, author = {Dieste, A. and Krause, A. and Mai, C. and Militz, H.}, year = {2010}, pages = {597--606}, file = {art%3A10.1007%2Fs00226-009-0298-6:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\3XKGJ59V\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00226-009-0298-6.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Use of Chemically Modified Wood for the Production of Wood Polymer Composites (WPC) with an Optimized Property Profile.
Grüneberg, T.; Krause, A.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
In Hill, C. A. S.; Militz, H.; and Andersons, B., editor(s), pages 323–330, 2010. Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry
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@inproceedings{hill_use_2010, title = {Use of {Chemically} {Modified} {Wood} for the {Production} of {Wood} {Polymer} {Composites} ({WPC}) with an {Optimized} {Property} {Profile}}, isbn = {9984-49-135-8}, shorttitle = {Use of {Chemically} {Modified} {Wood} for the {Production} of {Wood} {Polymer} {Composites} ({WPC}) with an {Optimized} {Property} {Profile}}, publisher = {Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry}, author = {Grüneberg, T. and Krause, A. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, editor = {Hill, C. A. S. and Militz, H. and Andersons, B.}, year = {2010}, pages = {323--330}, file = {ECWM5_2010_proceedings:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\XXWBKF8S\\ECWM5_2010_proceedings.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Agent for Providing Substrates Based on Cellulose and/or Starch with Water Repellent and Simultaneously Antifungal, Antibacterial, Insect-repellent and Antialgal Properties - Mittel zur Ausstattung von auf Cellulose und/oder Stärke basierenden Substraten mit Wasser abweisenden und gleichzeitig pilz-, bakterien-, insekten- sowie algenwidrigen Eigenschaften.
Edelmann, R; Wassmer, C.; Jenkner, P.; Monkiewicz, J.; Militz, H.; Mai, C.; and Donath, S.
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@patent{edelmann_agent_2010, title = {Agent for {Providing} {Substrates} {Based} on {Cellulose} and/or {Starch} with {Water} {Repellent} and {Simultaneously} {Antifungal}, {Antibacterial}, {Insect}-repellent and {Antialgal} {Properties} - {Mittel} zur {Ausstattung} von auf {Cellulose} und/oder {Stärke} basierenden {Substraten} mit {Wasser} abweisenden und gleichzeitig pilz-, bakterien-, insekten- sowie algenwidrigen {Eigenschaften}}, shorttitle = {Agent for {Providing} {Substrates} {Based} on {Cellulose} and/or {Starch} with {Water} {Repellent} and {Simultaneously} {Antifungal}, {Antibacterial}, {Insect}-repellent and {Antialgal} {Properties} - {Mittel} zur {Ausstattung} von auf {Cellulose} und/oder {Stärke} basierenden {Substraten} mit {Wasser} abweisenden und gleichzeitig pilz-, bakterien-, insekten- sowie algenwidrigen {Eigenschaften}}, author = {Edelmann, R and Wassmer, C. and Jenkner, P. and Monkiewicz, J. and Militz, H. and Mai, C. and Donath, S.}, year = {2010}, file = {CA000002574948A1_1:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\VNUK9I9S\\CA000002574948A1_1.pdf:application/pdf;CA000002574948C_1:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\EX73XIWQ\\CA000002574948C_1.pdf:application/pdf;CA000002574948C_all_pages:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\6THGFU7U\\CA000002574948C_all_pages.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Innovative Produkte aus vernetztem Buchenholz - Stand der Leitproduktherstellung.
Rademacher, P.; Bollmus, S.; Puttmann, S.; Dieste, A.; Krause, A.; and Militz, H.
In pages 101–115, April 2010. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Holzforschung (DGfH)
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@inproceedings{rademacher_innovative_2010, title = {Innovative {Produkte} aus vernetztem {Buchenholz} - {Stand} der {Leitproduktherstellung}}, shorttitle = {Innovative {Produkte} aus vernetztem {Buchenholz} - {Stand} der {Leitproduktherstellung}}, abstract = {Native Buche ist für den Einsatz im Außen- und Feuchtraum nicht geeignet, da Dauerhaftigkeit und Dimensionsstabilität gering sind. In einem vom BMBF geförderten Projekt „Modifizierte Buchenholz-produkte“ wurde ein Prozess entwickelt, durch den diese nachteiligen Eigenschaften verbessert werden (Rademacher et al. 2008). Dabei wird die Vernetzungschemikalie DMDHEU (Dimethyloldihydroxyethyleneurea) durch Vakuum-Druck-Imprägnierung in das Holz eingebracht und anschließend unter Heißdampfbedingungen ausreagiert. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass es dabei zu einer Vernetzung der Hydroxylgruppen der Zellwandzucker mit dem DMDHEU sowie zu Polykondensationsprozessen kommt (Krause et al. 2008, Bollmus 2010). Umfangreiche Laborversuche zeigten, dass sich durch die Behandlung die Dauerhaftigkeit und Di-mensionsstabilität erhöhen lassen. Beschichtung und Verleimung des Holzes sind möglich (Xie 2006; Xie et al. 2006). Mechanische Eigenschaften werden dahingehend beeinflusst, dass Druck-festigkeit und Härte erhöht werden, Biegefestigkeit und Biege-Elastizitätsmodul sich nicht signifikant verändern, Scher- und Zugfestigkeit ebenso wie die Bruchschlagarbeit reduziert werden (Bollmus et al 2009). Im Weiteren wurde ein sich in der Praxis anwendbarer Prozess entwickelt. Unter Ein-bringen des wasserlöslichen Holzvernetzers DMDHEU im Vakuum-Druck-Imprägnierverfahren und die anschließende Ausreaktion im Heißdampftrockner lassen sich die Material- und Produkteigen-schaften deutlich verbessern (Mai und Militz 2007). In Zusammenarbeit mit den Industriepartnern Fahlenkamp, Variotec und Becker wurde für erste Vollholz- und Furnierformteilanwendungen der Modifizierungsprozess soweit optimiert, dass erste Produkte mit den hierfür erforderlichen Material-eigenschaften hergestellt werden konnten (Rademacher et al. 2009). Beispiele für solche in der Zu-sammenarbeit mit den Firmen bereits im Industriemaßstab realisierte Leit- oder marktfähige Serienprodukte sind Picknickbankgarnituren, Terrassendeckings; Außentüren oder Formholzsitz-möbel für den Außenbereich (Becker 2006).}, publisher = {Deutsche Gesellschaft für Holzforschung (DGfH)}, author = {Rademacher, P. and Bollmus, S. and Puttmann, S. and Dieste, A. and Krause, A. and Militz, H.}, month = apr, year = {2010}, pages = {101--115}, file = {12_Innovative Produkte aus vernetztem Buchenholz - Stand der Leitproduktion:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\TJG76APD\\12_Innovative Produkte aus vernetztem Buchenholz - Stand der Leitproduktion.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Native Buche ist für den Einsatz im Außen- und Feuchtraum nicht geeignet, da Dauerhaftigkeit und Dimensionsstabilität gering sind. In einem vom BMBF geförderten Projekt „Modifizierte Buchenholz-produkte“ wurde ein Prozess entwickelt, durch den diese nachteiligen Eigenschaften verbessert werden (Rademacher et al. 2008). Dabei wird die Vernetzungschemikalie DMDHEU (Dimethyloldihydroxyethyleneurea) durch Vakuum-Druck-Imprägnierung in das Holz eingebracht und anschließend unter Heißdampfbedingungen ausreagiert. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass es dabei zu einer Vernetzung der Hydroxylgruppen der Zellwandzucker mit dem DMDHEU sowie zu Polykondensationsprozessen kommt (Krause et al. 2008, Bollmus 2010). Umfangreiche Laborversuche zeigten, dass sich durch die Behandlung die Dauerhaftigkeit und Di-mensionsstabilität erhöhen lassen. Beschichtung und Verleimung des Holzes sind möglich (Xie 2006; Xie et al. 2006). Mechanische Eigenschaften werden dahingehend beeinflusst, dass Druck-festigkeit und Härte erhöht werden, Biegefestigkeit und Biege-Elastizitätsmodul sich nicht signifikant verändern, Scher- und Zugfestigkeit ebenso wie die Bruchschlagarbeit reduziert werden (Bollmus et al 2009). Im Weiteren wurde ein sich in der Praxis anwendbarer Prozess entwickelt. Unter Ein-bringen des wasserlöslichen Holzvernetzers DMDHEU im Vakuum-Druck-Imprägnierverfahren und die anschließende Ausreaktion im Heißdampftrockner lassen sich die Material- und Produkteigen-schaften deutlich verbessern (Mai und Militz 2007). In Zusammenarbeit mit den Industriepartnern Fahlenkamp, Variotec und Becker wurde für erste Vollholz- und Furnierformteilanwendungen der Modifizierungsprozess soweit optimiert, dass erste Produkte mit den hierfür erforderlichen Material-eigenschaften hergestellt werden konnten (Rademacher et al. 2009). Beispiele für solche in der Zu-sammenarbeit mit den Firmen bereits im Industriemaßstab realisierte Leit- oder marktfähige Serienprodukte sind Picknickbankgarnituren, Terrassendeckings; Außentüren oder Formholzsitz-möbel für den Außenbereich (Becker 2006).
Verhalten von Beschichtungen auf chemisch modifizertem Holz.
Mai, C.; Xie, Y.; and Militz, H.
of Holzoberflächen in der FassadengestaltungTruninger Druck AG, Zürich, 2010.
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@book{sah_schweizerische_arbeitsgemeinschaft_fur_holzforschung_verhalten_2010, address = {Zürich}, series = {Holzoberflächen in der {Fassadengestaltung}}, title = {Verhalten von {Beschichtungen} auf chemisch modifizertem {Holz}}, shorttitle = {Verhalten von {Beschichtungen} auf chemisch modifizertem {Holz}}, publisher = {Truninger Druck AG}, author = {Mai, C. and Xie, Y. and Militz, H.}, editor = {SAH Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Holzforschung, Zürich}, year = {2010}, }
Prozesse der chemischen Holzmodifizierung.
Mai, C.
Holztechnologie, 51(5): 21–26. 2010.
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@article{mai_prozesse_2010, title = {Prozesse der chemischen {Holzmodifizierung}}, volume = {51}, shorttitle = {Prozesse der chemischen {Holzmodifizierung}}, number = {5}, journal = {Holztechnologie}, author = {Mai, C.}, year = {2010}, pages = {21--26}, }
Resistance of Modified Wood to Marine Borers.
Klüppel, A.; Militz, H.; Cragg, S.; and Mai, C.
In Hill, C. A. S.; Militz, H.; and Andersons, B., editor(s), pages 389–396, 2010. Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry
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@inproceedings{hill_resistance_2010, title = {Resistance of {Modified} {Wood} to {Marine} {Borers}}, isbn = {9984-49-135-8}, shorttitle = {Resistance of {Modified} {Wood} to {Marine} {Borers}}, publisher = {Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry}, author = {Klüppel, A. and Militz, H. and Cragg, S. and Mai, C.}, editor = {Hill, C. A. S. and Militz, H. and Andersons, B.}, year = {2010}, pages = {389--396}, file = {ECWM5_2010_proceedings:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\DPFEZQ3S\\ECWM5_2010_proceedings.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Chemical Modification of TMP for High Performance Fibreboards.
Kloeser, L.; Wagner, C.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
In Hill, C. A. S.; Militz, H.; and Andersons, B., editor(s), pages 191–197, 2010. Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry
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@inproceedings{hill_chemical_2010, title = {Chemical {Modification} of {TMP} for {High} {Performance} {Fibreboards}}, isbn = {9984-49-135-8}, shorttitle = {Chemical {Modification} of {TMP} for {High} {Performance} {Fibreboards}}, publisher = {Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry}, author = {Kloeser, L. and Wagner, C. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, editor = {Hill, C. A. S. and Militz, H. and Andersons, B.}, year = {2010}, pages = {191--197}, file = {ECWM5_2010_proceedings:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\2RGDJ2J3\\ECWM5_2010_proceedings.pdf:application/pdf}, }
PF-bonded particleboards from AKD-modified chips.
Hundhausen, U.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 68(2): 143–149. 2010.
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@article{hundhausen_pf-bonded_2010, title = {{PF}-bonded particleboards from {AKD}-modified chips}, volume = {68}, issn = {0018-3768}, shorttitle = {{PF}-bonded particleboards from {AKD}-modified chips}, number = {2}, journal = {European Journal of Wood and Wood Products}, author = {Hundhausen, U. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, year = {2010}, pages = {143--149}, file = {art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-009-0358-5:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\74J7VKU9\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-009-0358-5.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Pilodyn Testing of Thermally and Chemically Modified Wood.
Lopes, D. B.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
In Hill, C. A. S.; Militz, H.; and Andersons, B., editor(s), pages 255–25, 2010. Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry
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@inproceedings{hill_pilodyn_2010, title = {Pilodyn {Testing} of {Thermally} and {Chemically} {Modified} {Wood}}, isbn = {9984-49-135-8}, shorttitle = {Pilodyn {Testing} of {Thermally} and {Chemically} {Modified} {Wood}}, publisher = {Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry}, author = {Lopes, D. B. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, editor = {Hill, C. A. S. and Militz, H. and Andersons, B.}, year = {2010}, pages = {255--25}, file = {ECWM5_2010_proceedings:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\NX2N29NV\\ECWM5_2010_proceedings.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Treatment of Particleboard Chips with Alkenyl Succinic Anhydride.
Hundhausen, U.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
Wood Research, 55(2): 25–38. 2010.
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@article{hundhausen_treatment_2010, title = {Treatment of {Particleboard} {Chips} with {Alkenyl} {Succinic} {Anhydride}}, volume = {55}, shorttitle = {Treatment of {Particleboard} {Chips} with {Alkenyl} {Succinic} {Anhydride}}, number = {2}, journal = {Wood Research}, author = {Hundhausen, U. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, year = {2010}, pages = {25--38}, file = {5-16-131446_WR_2_2010 04 Hundhausen_FINAL:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\B33IFB4E\\5-16-131446_WR_2_2010 04 Hundhausen_FINAL.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Effects of chemical modification of wood particles with glutaraldehyde and 1, 3-dimethylol-4, 5-dihydroxyethyleneurea on properties of the resulting polypropylene composites.
Xie, Y.; Xiao, Z.; Grüneberg, T.; Militz, H.; Hill, C. A. S.; Steuernagel, L.; and Mai, C.
Composites Science and Technology, 70(13): 2003–2011. 2010.
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@article{xie_effects_2010, title = {Effects of chemical modification of wood particles with glutaraldehyde and 1, 3-dimethylol-4, 5-dihydroxyethyleneurea on properties of the resulting polypropylene composites}, volume = {70}, issn = {0266-3538}, shorttitle = {Effects of chemical modification of wood particles with glutaraldehyde and 1, 3-dimethylol-4, 5-dihydroxyethyleneurea on properties of the resulting polypropylene composites}, number = {13}, journal = {Composites Science and Technology}, author = {Xie, Y. and Xiao, Z. and Grüneberg, T. and Militz, H. and Hill, C. A. S. and Steuernagel, L. and Mai, C.}, year = {2010}, pages = {2003--2011}, file = {1-s2.0-S0266353810002939-main:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\7F88QKGM\\1-s2.0-S0266353810002939-main.pdf:application/pdf}, }
The Durability and Weathering Performance of Wood Treated with Glutaraldehyde.
Xiao, Z.; Xie, Y.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
In Hill, C. A. S.; Militz, H.; and Andersons, B., editor(s), pages 373–380, 2010.
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@inproceedings{hill_durability_2010, title = {The {Durability} and {Weathering} {Performance} of {Wood} {Treated} with {Glutaraldehyde}}, shorttitle = {The {Durability} and {Weathering} {Performance} of {Wood} {Treated} with {Glutaraldehyde}}, author = {Xiao, Z. and Xie, Y. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, editor = {Hill, C. A. S. and Militz, H. and Andersons, B.}, year = {2010}, pages = {373--380}, file = {ECWM5_2010_proceedings:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\BHGRTU2D\\ECWM5_2010_proceedings.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Effect of glutaraldehyde on water related properties of solid wood.
Xiao, Z.; Xie, Y.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
Holzforschung, 64(4): 483–488. 2010.
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@article{xiao_effect_2010, title = {Effect of glutaraldehyde on water related properties of solid wood}, volume = {64}, issn = {1437-434X}, shorttitle = {Effect of glutaraldehyde on water related properties of solid wood}, number = {4}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Xiao, Z. and Xie, Y. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, year = {2010}, pages = {483--488}, file = {hf.2010.087:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\PGJH4NKP\\hf.2010.087.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Degradation of wood veneers by Fenton's reagents: Effects of wood constituents and low molecular weight phenolic compounds on hydrogen peroxide decomposition and wood tensile strength loss.
Xie, Y.; Xiao, Z.; Goodell, B.; Jellison, J.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
Holzforschung, 64(3): 375–383. 2010.
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@article{xie_degradation_2010, title = {Degradation of wood veneers by {Fenton}'s reagents: {Effects} of wood constituents and low molecular weight phenolic compounds on hydrogen peroxide decomposition and wood tensile strength loss}, volume = {64}, issn = {1437-434X}, shorttitle = {Degradation of wood veneers by {Fenton}'s reagents: {Effects} of wood constituents and low molecular weight phenolic compounds on hydrogen peroxide decomposition and wood tensile strength loss}, number = {3}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Xie, Y. and Xiao, Z. and Goodell, B. and Jellison, J. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, year = {2010}, pages = {375--383}, file = {hf.2010.055:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\F9MZ3DBD\\hf.2010.055.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Effect of Glutaraldehyde Modification on the Dynamic Water Vapour Sorption Behaviour of Scots Pine Wood.
Xie, Y.; Hill, C. A. S.; Xiao, Z.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
In Hill, C. A. S.; Militz, H.; and Andersons, B., editor(s), pages 81–88, 2010.
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@inproceedings{hill_effect_2010, title = {Effect of {Glutaraldehyde} {Modification} on the {Dynamic} {Water} {Vapour} {Sorption} {Behaviour} of {Scots} {Pine} {Wood}}, shorttitle = {Effect of {Glutaraldehyde} {Modification} on the {Dynamic} {Water} {Vapour} {Sorption} {Behaviour} of {Scots} {Pine} {Wood}}, author = {Xie, Y. and Hill, C. A. S. and Xiao, Z. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, editor = {Hill, C. A. S. and Militz, H. and Andersons, B.}, year = {2010}, pages = {81--88}, file = {ECWM5_2010_proceedings:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\TDS567AI\\ECWM5_2010_proceedings.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Effects of modification with glutaraldehyde on the mechanical properties of wood.
Xiao, Z.; Xie, Y.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
Holzforschung, 64(4): 475–482. 2010.
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@article{xiao_effects_2010, title = {Effects of modification with glutaraldehyde on the mechanical properties of wood}, volume = {64}, issn = {1437-434X}, shorttitle = {Effects of modification with glutaraldehyde on the mechanical properties of wood}, number = {4}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Xiao, Z. and Xie, Y. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, year = {2010}, pages = {475--482}, file = {hf.2010.058:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\J6NDJC26\\hf.2010.058.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Untersuchungen ausewählter Eigenschaften eines Verbundwerkstoffes aus Silikon-Elastomeren gefüllt mit chmisch modifizierten Holzpartikel.
Grüneberg, T.; Brandes, J.; Mai, C.; Militz, H.; Drochelmann, M.; and Rosenplänter, A.
Holztechnologie, 51(4): 19–24. 2010.
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@article{gruneberg_untersuchungen_2010, title = {Untersuchungen ausewählter {Eigenschaften} eines {Verbundwerkstoffes} aus {Silikon}-{Elastomeren} gefüllt mit chmisch modifizierten {Holzpartikel}}, volume = {51}, shorttitle = {Untersuchungen ausewählter {Eigenschaften} eines {Verbundwerkstoffes} aus {Silikon}-{Elastomeren} gefüllt mit chmisch modifizierten {Holzpartikel}}, abstract = {Die meisten der mechanischen Eigenschaften der Holz-Elastomer-Komposite waren im Vergleich zur nicht mit Holzpartikeln gefüllten Matrix herabgesetzt. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass die Bindungen in der Grenzschicht zwischen Holzpartikeln und Matrix unzureichend sind und es somit nicht zu einer Verstärkung sondern nur zu einer Füllung kommt. Es findet keine mechanischen Verstärkung der Komposite durch eine Aufnahme und Weiterleitung der Belastung durch die Holzpartikel oder -fasern statt. Die Dichte stieg bei Einmischung der Holzpartikel an und wirkte sich auch in einer erhöhten Härte aus. Bei der Verwendung von Holzpartikeln mit ausgeprägtem Längenschlankheitsgrad (TMP-Fasern) konnte der Weiterreißwiderstand erhöht werden. Signifikant herabgesetzt werden Zugfestigkeit und Reißdehnung; die Wasseraufnahme wurde signifikant erhöht. Ein Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Substitution pyrogener Kieselsäure, welche auf Grund ihrer großen spezifischen Oberfläche eine verstärkende Wirkung auf Silikon-Compoundierungen hat. Durch das Einbringen von Holzpartikeln und -fasern als Füllstoff waren keine höheren Festigkeiten zu erzielen. Füllstoffe aus Holz sind deshalb als Ersatz für nicht verstärkende Füllstoffe wie gefällte Kieselsäure zu sehen.}, number = {4}, journal = {Holztechnologie}, author = {Grüneberg, T. and Brandes, J. and Mai, C. and Militz, H. and Drochelmann, M. and Rosenplänter, A.}, year = {2010}, pages = {19--24}, }
Die meisten der mechanischen Eigenschaften der Holz-Elastomer-Komposite waren im Vergleich zur nicht mit Holzpartikeln gefüllten Matrix herabgesetzt. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass die Bindungen in der Grenzschicht zwischen Holzpartikeln und Matrix unzureichend sind und es somit nicht zu einer Verstärkung sondern nur zu einer Füllung kommt. Es findet keine mechanischen Verstärkung der Komposite durch eine Aufnahme und Weiterleitung der Belastung durch die Holzpartikel oder -fasern statt. Die Dichte stieg bei Einmischung der Holzpartikel an und wirkte sich auch in einer erhöhten Härte aus. Bei der Verwendung von Holzpartikeln mit ausgeprägtem Längenschlankheitsgrad (TMP-Fasern) konnte der Weiterreißwiderstand erhöht werden. Signifikant herabgesetzt werden Zugfestigkeit und Reißdehnung; die Wasseraufnahme wurde signifikant erhöht. Ein Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Substitution pyrogener Kieselsäure, welche auf Grund ihrer großen spezifischen Oberfläche eine verstärkende Wirkung auf Silikon-Compoundierungen hat. Durch das Einbringen von Holzpartikeln und -fasern als Füllstoff waren keine höheren Festigkeiten zu erzielen. Füllstoffe aus Holz sind deshalb als Ersatz für nicht verstärkende Füllstoffe wie gefällte Kieselsäure zu sehen.
Silane coupling agents used for natural fiber/polymer composites: A review.
Xie, Y.; Hill, C. A. S.; Xiao, Z.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 41(7): 806–819. July 2010.
@article{xie_silane_2010, title = {Silane coupling agents used for natural fiber/polymer composites: {A} review}, volume = {41}, issn = {1359835X}, shorttitle = {Silane coupling agents used for natural fiber/polymer composites}, url = {}, doi = {10.1016/j.compositesa.2010.03.005}, language = {en}, number = {7}, urldate = {2017-09-22}, journal = {Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing}, author = {Xie, Y. and Hill, C. A. S. and Xiao, Z. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, month = jul, year = {2010}, pages = {806--819}, file = {2010 Composites A 41 806:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\KJWEST44\\2010 Composites A 41 806.pdf:application/pdf;Xie (2010) Silane coupling agents used for natural fiberpolymer composites - A review.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\XZT3XXI4\\Xie (2010) Silane coupling agents used for natural fiberpolymer composites - A review.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Bestimmung der zu erwartenden Gebrauchsdauer typischer Holzbauteile im Außenbereich auf Basis von Dosis-Wirkungs-Funktionen.
Bilstein, M.
Technical Report Leibniz Universiät Hannover, Institut für Berufswissenschaften im Bauwesen, Hannover, 2010.
Erstprüfer: Dr. Christian Brischke Zweitprüfer: Prof. Dr. Andreas O. Rapp
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@techreport{bilstein_bestimmung_2010, address = {Hannover}, type = {Masterarbeit}, title = {Bestimmung der zu erwartenden {Gebrauchsdauer} typischer {Holzbauteile} im {Außenbereich} auf {Basis} von {Dosis}-{Wirkungs}-{Funktionen}}, language = {de}, institution = {Leibniz Universiät Hannover, Institut für Berufswissenschaften im Bauwesen}, author = {Bilstein, Maik}, year = {2010}, note = {Erstprüfer: Dr. Christian Brischke Zweitprüfer: Prof. Dr. Andreas O. Rapp}, file = {Bilstein - 2010 - Bestimmung der zu erwartenden Gebrauchsdauer typis.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\BWH5CN7Z\\Bilstein - 2010 - Bestimmung der zu erwartenden Gebrauchsdauer typis.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Performance Testing of Plywood from Beech Veneers Treated with Melamine-based Compounds.
Trinh, H. M.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
In Englund, F.; Hill, C. A. S.; Militz, H.; and Segerholm, B. K., editor(s), pages 429–432, 2009.
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@inproceedings{englund_performance_2009, title = {Performance {Testing} of {Plywood} from {Beech} {Veneers} {Treated} with {Melamine}-based {Compounds}}, shorttitle = {Performance {Testing} of {Plywood} from {Beech} {Veneers} {Treated} with {Melamine}-based {Compounds}}, author = {Trinh, H. M. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, editor = {Englund, F. and Hill, C. A. S. and Militz, H. and Segerholm, B. K.}, year = {2009}, pages = {429--432}, file = {10_Trinh_et_al:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\M7SI9J5I\\10_Trinh_et_al.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Procedural influence on the properties of particleboards made from AKD modified chips.
Hundhausen, U.; Stohldreier, R.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 67(3): 303–311. 2009.
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@article{hundhausen_procedural_2009, title = {Procedural influence on the properties of particleboards made from {AKD} modified chips}, volume = {67}, issn = {0018-3768}, shorttitle = {Procedural influence on the properties of particleboards made from {AKD} modified chips}, number = {3}, journal = {European Journal of Wood and Wood Products}, author = {Hundhausen, U. and Stohldreier, R. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, year = {2009}, pages = {303--311}, file = {art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-009-0309-1:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\V8KTAX36\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-009-0309-1.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Natural Weathering of Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) Wood Modified by Functionalized Commercial Silicone Emulsions.
Ghosh, S. C.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
In Englund, F.; Hill, C. A. S.; Militz, H.; and Segerholm, B. K., editor(s), pages 253–260, 2009.
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@inproceedings{englund_natural_2009, title = {Natural {Weathering} of {Scots} {Pine} ({Pinus} sylvestris {L}.) {Wood} {Modified} by {Functionalized} {Commercial} {Silicone} {Emulsions}}, shorttitle = {Natural {Weathering} of {Scots} {Pine} ({Pinus} sylvestris {L}.) {Wood} {Modified} by {Functionalized} {Commercial} {Silicone} {Emulsions}}, author = {Ghosh, S. C. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, editor = {Englund, F. and Hill, C. A. S. and Militz, H. and Segerholm, B. K.}, year = {2009}, pages = {253--260}, file = {2_Ghosh_et_al:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\RFEHVXQC\\2_Ghosh_et_al.pdf:application/pdf}, }
The Determination of EMC and its Effect on the Analysis of Moisture Sorption in Wood Modified with DMDHEU.
Dieste, A.; Krause, A.; Mai, C.; and Militz, H.
In Englund, F.; Hill, C. A. S.; Militz, H.; and Segerholm, B. K., editor(s), pages 85–91, 2009.
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@inproceedings{englund_determination_2009, title = {The {Determination} of {EMC} and its {Effect} on the {Analysis} of {Moisture} {Sorption} in {Wood} {Modified} with {DMDHEU}}, shorttitle = {The {Determination} of {EMC} and its {Effect} on the {Analysis} of {Moisture} {Sorption} in {Wood} {Modified} with {DMDHEU}}, author = {Dieste, A. and Krause, A. and Mai, C. and Militz, H.}, editor = {Englund, F. and Hill, C. A. S. and Militz, H. and Segerholm, B. K.}, year = {2009}, pages = {85--91}, file = {6_Dieste_et_al:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\I3MABRI7\\6_Dieste_et_al.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Holz und Kunststoff - die Eigenschaften der Rohstoffe für Wood Plastic Composites (WPC). Teil 2.
Grüneberg, T.; Mai, C.; Militz, H.; Radovanovic, I.; Kretschmer, K.; and Kurda, K.
Holztechnologie, 50(3): 28–31. 2009.
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@article{gruneberg_holz_2009, title = {Holz und {Kunststoff} - die {Eigenschaften} der {Rohstoffe} für {Wood} {Plastic} {Composites} ({WPC}). {Teil} 2.}, volume = {50}, shorttitle = {Holz und {Kunststoff} - die {Eigenschaften} der {Rohstoffe} für {Wood} {Plastic} {Composites} ({WPC}). {Teil} 2.}, number = {3}, journal = {Holztechnologie}, author = {Grüneberg, T. and Mai, C. and Militz, H. and Radovanovic, I. and Kretschmer, K. and Kurda, K.}, year = {2009}, pages = {28--31}, }
Holz und Kunststoff - die Eigenschaften der Rohstoffe für Wood Plastic Composites (WPC).
Grüneberg, T.; Mai, C.; Militz, H.; Radovanovic, I.; Kretschmer, K.; and Kurda, K.
Holztechnologie, 50(2): 37–40. 2009.
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@article{gruneberg_holz_2009-1, title = {Holz und {Kunststoff} - die {Eigenschaften} der {Rohstoffe} für {Wood} {Plastic} {Composites} ({WPC})}, volume = {50}, shorttitle = {Holz und {Kunststoff} - die {Eigenschaften} der {Rohstoffe} für {Wood} {Plastic} {Composites} ({WPC})}, number = {2}, journal = {Holztechnologie}, author = {Grüneberg, T. and Mai, C. and Militz, H. and Radovanovic, I. and Kretschmer, K. and Kurda, K.}, year = {2009}, pages = {37--40}, }
Improvement of Interfacial Bonding of WPC Based on Various Maleic Acid Anhydride Pre-treatments.
Grüneberg, T.; Krause, A.; Mai, C.; and Militz, H.
In Englund, F.; Hill, C. A. S.; Militz, H.; and Segerholm, B. K., editor(s), pages 235–238, 2009.
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@inproceedings{englund_improvement_2009, title = {Improvement of {Interfacial} {Bonding} of {WPC} {Based} on {Various} {Maleic} {Acid} {Anhydride} {Pre}-treatments}, shorttitle = {Improvement of {Interfacial} {Bonding} of {WPC} {Based} on {Various} {Maleic} {Acid} {Anhydride} {Pre}-treatments}, author = {Grüneberg, T. and Krause, A. and Mai, C. and Militz, H.}, editor = {Englund, F. and Hill, C. A. S. and Militz, H. and Segerholm, B. K.}, year = {2009}, pages = {235--238}, file = {10_Grüneberg_et_al:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\JKMV6NWR\\10_Grüneberg_et_al.pdf:application/pdf}, }
The efficacy of commercial silicones against blue stain and mould fungi in wood.
Ghosh, S. C.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 67(2): 159–167. 2009.
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@article{ghosh_efficacy_2009, title = {The efficacy of commercial silicones against blue stain and mould fungi in wood}, volume = {67}, issn = {0018-3768}, shorttitle = {The efficacy of commercial silicones against blue stain and mould fungi in wood}, number = {2}, journal = {European Journal of Wood and Wood Products}, author = {Ghosh, S. C. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, year = {2009}, pages = {159--167}, file = {art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-008-0296-7:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\PUAZQPW6\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-008-0296-7.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Schutzmittel für lignocellulosisches Material auf Basis von Fettsäure- und Paraffinderivaten.
Militz, H.; Mai, C.; and Nguyen, H. M.
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@patent{militz_schutzmittel_2009, title = {Schutzmittel für lignocellulosisches {Material} auf {Basis} von {Fettsäure}- und {Paraffinderivaten}}, shorttitle = {Schutzmittel für lignocellulosisches {Material} auf {Basis} von {Fettsäure}- und {Paraffinderivaten}}, author = {Militz, H. and Mai, C. and Nguyen, H. M.}, year = {2009}, }
The Use of Micro-Tensile Testing to Assess Weathering Decay and Oxidative Degradation of Wooden Items.
Mai, C.; Xie, Y.; Xiao, Z.; Evans, P. D.; and Militz, H.
In May 2009.
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@inproceedings{mai_use_2009, title = {The {Use} of {Micro}-{Tensile} {Testing} to {Assess} {Weathering} {Decay} and {Oxidative} {Degradation} of {Wooden} {Items}}, doi = {IRG/WP 10-20433}, abstract = {This paper presents a method to study the weathering performance of wooden items and to assess the oxidative degradation of wood via the Fenton reaction. Weathering resistance and photo-stability of wood was tested using pine wood (Pinus sylvestris) veneer strips measuring approximately 60 µm in thickness. The veneer strips were treated using a reactive chemical to impart surface protection. The artificially weathered veneers were characterised regarding tensile strength loss as well as by means of infrared spectroscopy. The chemical treatment reduced the tensile strength of the veneer strips. During artificial weathering, however, the strength loss of the treated veneers was clearly lower than that of the controls. The shape of the veneers was preserved due to the treatment. In a second approach veneers strips were used to study wood degradation by the Fenton’s reagent in order to minic the long-term deterioration of archaeological wood from marine environments. Veneer strips were incubated in acetate buffer (pH 4) containing hydrogen peroxide and Fe ions (Fenton’s reagent) and tensile properties (measured in a zero-span mode) were determined. Varying the type of iron (ferrous or ferric sulphate) with H2O2 did not yield significant differences in the rates of H2O2 and tensile strength reduction. However, increasing the amount of wood material (the number of wood strips) in the reaction mixture increased Fe(III) reduction in solution indicating that wood constituents participated in this reaction. Increasing concentrations of Fe(III) in the reaction mixture resulted in a decrease in H2O2 in solution. Despite an increase in iron concentration and H2O2 decomposition under these conditions, a uniform and consistent strength loss of 30\% was observed at all Fe(III) concentrations tested. At fixed Fe(III) concentrations, increasing the H2O2 concentration linearly increased the strength loss of the veneers.}, author = {Mai, C. and Xie, Y. and Xiao, Z. and Evans, P. D. and Militz, H.}, month = may, year = {2009}, keywords = {electron microscopy, Fenton reaction, infrared spectroscopy, oxidative degradation, tensile strength, thin veneer strips, weathering}, file = {IRG 10-20433:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\B7GMUJH7\\IRG 10-20433.pdf:application/pdf}, }
This paper presents a method to study the weathering performance of wooden items and to assess the oxidative degradation of wood via the Fenton reaction. Weathering resistance and photo-stability of wood was tested using pine wood (Pinus sylvestris) veneer strips measuring approximately 60 µm in thickness. The veneer strips were treated using a reactive chemical to impart surface protection. The artificially weathered veneers were characterised regarding tensile strength loss as well as by means of infrared spectroscopy. The chemical treatment reduced the tensile strength of the veneer strips. During artificial weathering, however, the strength loss of the treated veneers was clearly lower than that of the controls. The shape of the veneers was preserved due to the treatment. In a second approach veneers strips were used to study wood degradation by the Fenton’s reagent in order to minic the long-term deterioration of archaeological wood from marine environments. Veneer strips were incubated in acetate buffer (pH 4) containing hydrogen peroxide and Fe ions (Fenton’s reagent) and tensile properties (measured in a zero-span mode) were determined. Varying the type of iron (ferrous or ferric sulphate) with H2O2 did not yield significant differences in the rates of H2O2 and tensile strength reduction. However, increasing the amount of wood material (the number of wood strips) in the reaction mixture increased Fe(III) reduction in solution indicating that wood constituents participated in this reaction. Increasing concentrations of Fe(III) in the reaction mixture resulted in a decrease in H2O2 in solution. Despite an increase in iron concentration and H2O2 decomposition under these conditions, a uniform and consistent strength loss of 30% was observed at all Fe(III) concentrations tested. At fixed Fe(III) concentrations, increasing the H2O2 concentration linearly increased the strength loss of the veneers.
Verwendung von Polymeren mit Amino- bzw. Ammoniumgruppen zur Erhöhung der Dauerhaftigkeit von Holz gegenüber holzbesiedelnden Pilzen.
Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
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@patent{militz_verwendung_2009, title = {Verwendung von {Polymeren} mit {Amino}- bzw. {Ammoniumgruppen} zur {Erhöhung} der {Dauerhaftigkeit} von {Holz} gegenüber holzbesiedelnden {Pilzen}}, shorttitle = {Verwendung von {Polymeren} mit {Amino}- bzw. {Ammoniumgruppen} zur {Erhöhung} der {Dauerhaftigkeit} von {Holz} gegenüber holzbesiedelnden {Pilzen}}, author = {Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, year = {2009}, file = {DE102008005875A1_1:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\SCKMI6N3\\DE102008005875A1_1.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Mode of Action of DMDHEU Treatment against Wood Decay by Ehite and Brown Rot Fungi.
Mai, C.; Verma, P.; Xie, Y.; Dyckmans, J.; and Militz, H.
In Englund, F.; Hill, C. A. S.; Militz, H.; and Segerholm, B. K., editor(s), pages 45–52, 2009.
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@inproceedings{englund_mode_2009, title = {Mode of {Action} of {DMDHEU} {Treatment} against {Wood} {Decay} by {Ehite} and {Brown} {Rot} {Fungi}}, shorttitle = {Mode of {Action} of {DMDHEU} {Treatment} against {Wood} {Decay} by {Ehite} and {Brown} {Rot} {Fungi}}, author = {Mai, C. and Verma, P. and Xie, Y. and Dyckmans, J. and Militz, H.}, editor = {Englund, F. and Hill, C. A. S. and Militz, H. and Segerholm, B. K.}, year = {2009}, pages = {45--52}, file = {1_Mai_et_al:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\QSRTVCH7\\1_Mai_et_al.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Chemical Modification of Veneers to produce Plywood for Outdoor Application.
Kloeser, L.; Trinh, H. M.; Hauptmann, M.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
In Hughes, M.; Kotilahti, T.; and Rohumaa, A., editor(s), pages 231–237, 2009.
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@inproceedings{hughes_chemical_2009, title = {Chemical {Modification} of {Veneers} to produce {Plywood} for {Outdoor} {Application}}, shorttitle = {Chemical {Modification} of {Veneers} to produce {Plywood} for {Outdoor} {Application}}, author = {Kloeser, L. and Trinh, H. M. and Hauptmann, M. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, editor = {Hughes, M. and Kotilahti, T. and Rohumaa, A.}, year = {2009}, pages = {231--237}, }
Modification of Wood with Glutaraldehyde.
Xiao, Z.; Xie, Y.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
In Englund, F.; Hill, C. A. S.; Militz, H.; and Segerholm, B. K., editor(s), pages 411–418, 2009.
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@inproceedings{englund_modification_2009, title = {Modification of {Wood} with {Glutaraldehyde}}, shorttitle = {Modification of {Wood} with {Glutaraldehyde}}, author = {Xiao, Z. and Xie, Y. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, editor = {Englund, F. and Hill, C. A. S. and Militz, H. and Segerholm, B. K.}, year = {2009}, pages = {411--418}, file = {06_Xiao_et_al:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\FHRAV9M5\\06_Xiao_et_al.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Verbesserung der Eigenschaften von einheimischen Holzarten für die Anwendung im Außenbereich durch kombinierte Tränk- und Oberflächenbehandlung mit nanopartikulären Kompositmaterialien.
Vetter, G.; and mai , C.
In e.V. , D. G. f. H., editor(s), pages 51–88, 2009. ift Rosenheim
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@inproceedings{e.v._verbesserung_2009, title = {Verbesserung der {Eigenschaften} von einheimischen {Holzarten} für die {Anwendung} im {Außenbereich} durch kombinierte {Tränk}- und {Oberflächenbehandlung} mit nanopartikulären {Kompositmaterialien}}, shorttitle = {Verbesserung der {Eigenschaften} von einheimischen {Holzarten} für die {Anwendung} im {Außenbereich} durch kombinierte {Tränk}- und {Oberflächenbehandlung} mit nanopartikulären {Kompositmaterialien}}, publisher = {ift Rosenheim}, author = {Vetter, G. and mai, C.}, editor = {e.V., Deutsche Gesellschaft für Holzforschung}, year = {2009}, pages = {51--88}, }
Protection mechanisms of DMDHEU treated wood against white and brown rot fungi.
Verma, P.; Junga, U.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
Holzforschung, 63(3): 371–378. 2009.
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@article{verma_protection_2009, title = {Protection mechanisms of {DMDHEU} treated wood against white and brown rot fungi}, volume = {63}, issn = {1437-434X}, shorttitle = {Protection mechanisms of {DMDHEU} treated wood against white and brown rot fungi}, number = {3}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Verma, P. and Junga, U. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, year = {2009}, pages = {371--378}, file = {hf.2009.051:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\5DW938XT\\hf.2009.051.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Protection mechanisms of modified wood against decay by white and brown rot fungi.
Mai, C.; Verma, P.; Xie, Y.; Dyckmans, J.; and Militz, H.
In May 2009.
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@inproceedings{mai_protection_2009, title = {Protection mechanisms of modified wood against decay by white and brown rot fungi}, doi = {IRG/WP 10-10713}, abstract = {The resistance of beech and pine wood blocks treated with 1,3-dimethylol-4,5-dihydroxyethylene urea (DMDHEU) against T. versicolor and C. puteana increased with increasing WPG. Full protection (mass loss below 3\%) was reached at WPGs of approximately 15\% (beech) and 10\% (pine). Metabolic activity of the fungi in the wood blocks was assessed as heat or energy production determined by isothermal micro-calorimetry. Fungal activity in the wood decreased with increasing WPG. Still, activity was detected even in wood blocks of highest WPG and showed that the treatment was not toxic to the fungi. The infiltration of untreated and DMDHEU-treated wood blocks with nutrients and thiamine prior to fungal incubation did not result in an increased mass loss caused by the fungi. This shows that the destruction or removal of nutrients and vitamins during the modification process has no influence on fungal decay. In order to study the effect of cell wall bulking and increased surface area, the cell wall integrity was partly destroyed by milling and the decay of the fine wood flour was compared to that of wood mini-blocks. The mass losses caused by the fungi, however, also decreased with increasing WPG and showed comparable patterns like in the case of mini-blocks.To study the effect of the chemical change of cell wall polymers, cellulose was treated with DMDHEU and the product was subjected to hydrolysis by a cellulase preparation. The release of sugar during the incubation was clearly reduced as compared to untreated cellulose. Pre-treatment of modified cellulose with Fenton’s reagent increased the amount of released sugar due to the cellulase activity. Pine micro-veneers were subjected to Fenton’s reagents in acetate buffer over 48h. While untreated specimens and veneers treated with low DMDHEU concentration displayed strong and steady tensile strength loss, veneers treated to a higher WPG did hardly show tensile strength loss.}, author = {Mai, C. and Verma, P- and Xie, Y. and Dyckmans, J. and Militz, H.}, month = may, year = {2009}, keywords = {Basidiomycetes, DMDHEU, cell wall bulking, cellulase, decay resistance, Fenton’s reagent, micro-calorimetry}, file = {IRG 10-10713:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\KVQFIQJA\\IRG 10-10713.pdf:application/pdf}, }
The resistance of beech and pine wood blocks treated with 1,3-dimethylol-4,5-dihydroxyethylene urea (DMDHEU) against T. versicolor and C. puteana increased with increasing WPG. Full protection (mass loss below 3%) was reached at WPGs of approximately 15% (beech) and 10% (pine). Metabolic activity of the fungi in the wood blocks was assessed as heat or energy production determined by isothermal micro-calorimetry. Fungal activity in the wood decreased with increasing WPG. Still, activity was detected even in wood blocks of highest WPG and showed that the treatment was not toxic to the fungi. The infiltration of untreated and DMDHEU-treated wood blocks with nutrients and thiamine prior to fungal incubation did not result in an increased mass loss caused by the fungi. This shows that the destruction or removal of nutrients and vitamins during the modification process has no influence on fungal decay. In order to study the effect of cell wall bulking and increased surface area, the cell wall integrity was partly destroyed by milling and the decay of the fine wood flour was compared to that of wood mini-blocks. The mass losses caused by the fungi, however, also decreased with increasing WPG and showed comparable patterns like in the case of mini-blocks.To study the effect of the chemical change of cell wall polymers, cellulose was treated with DMDHEU and the product was subjected to hydrolysis by a cellulase preparation. The release of sugar during the incubation was clearly reduced as compared to untreated cellulose. Pre-treatment of modified cellulose with Fenton’s reagent increased the amount of released sugar due to the cellulase activity. Pine micro-veneers were subjected to Fenton’s reagents in acetate buffer over 48h. While untreated specimens and veneers treated with low DMDHEU concentration displayed strong and steady tensile strength loss, veneers treated to a higher WPG did hardly show tensile strength loss.
Use of alkyl ketene dimer (AKD) for surface modification of particleboard chips.
Hundhausen, U.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 67(1): 37–45. February 2009.
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@article{hundhausen_use_2009, title = {Use of alkyl ketene dimer ({AKD}) for surface modification of particleboard chips}, volume = {67}, issn = {0018-3768, 1436-736X}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/s00107-008-0275-z}, language = {en}, number = {1}, urldate = {2018-06-13}, journal = {European Journal of Wood and Wood Products}, author = {Hundhausen, U. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, month = feb, year = {2009}, pages = {37--45}, file = {art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-008-0275-z:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\K7MXPZ7I\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-008-0275-z.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Modification of Fagus sylvatica (L.) with 1,3-dimethylol-4,5-dihydroxyethylene urea (DMDHEU). Part 2: Pore size distribution determined by differential scanning calorimetry.
Dieste, A.; Krause, A.; Mai, C.; Sèbe, G.; Grelier, S.; and Militz, H.
Holzforschung, 63(1): 89–93. 2009.
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@article{dieste_modification_2009, title = {Modification of {Fagus} sylvatica ({L}.) with 1,3-dimethylol-4,5-dihydroxyethylene urea ({DMDHEU}). {Part} 2: {Pore} size distribution determined by differential scanning calorimetry}, volume = {63}, shorttitle = {Modification of {Fagus} sylvatica ({L}.) with 1,3-dimethylol-4,5-dihydroxyethylene urea ({DMDHEU}). {Part} 2: {Pore} size distribution determined by differential scanning calorimetry}, number = {1}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Dieste, A. and Krause, A. and Mai, C. and Sèbe, G. and Grelier, S. and Militz, H.}, year = {2009}, pages = {89--93}, file = {hf.2009.023:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\9AD5M7TS\\hf.2009.023.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Nuevas alternativas a los métodos de preservación de la madera.
Dieste, A.; Mai, C.; Militz, H.; and Oliver-Villanueva, J. V.
CIM Comercio E Industria de la Madera, 6: 55–59. 2008.
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@article{dieste_nuevas_2008, title = {Nuevas alternativas a los métodos de preservación de la madera}, volume = {6}, shorttitle = {Nuevas alternativas a los métodos de preservación de la madera}, journal = {CIM Comercio E Industria de la Madera}, author = {Dieste, A. and Mai, C. and Militz, H. and Oliver-Villanueva, J. V.}, year = {2008}, pages = {55--59}, }
Chemical changes in wood degraded by bacteria.
Gelbrich, J.; Mai, C.; and Militz, H.
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 61(1): 24–32. 2008.
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@article{gelbrich_chemical_2008, title = {Chemical changes in wood degraded by bacteria}, volume = {61}, issn = {0964-8305}, shorttitle = {Chemical changes in wood degraded by bacteria}, number = {1}, journal = {International Biodeterioration \& Biodegradation}, author = {Gelbrich, J. and Mai, C. and Militz, H.}, year = {2008}, pages = {24--32}, file = {Gelbrich et al. - 2008 - Chemical changes in wood degraded by bacteria.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\LIHI2XWM\\Gelbrich et al. - 2008 - Chemical changes in wood degraded by bacteria.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Combinded effect of hydrophobation and durability improvement of wood treated with silicone emulsions.
Militz, H.; Mai, C.; and Ghosh, S. C.
Technical Report Bordeaux, 2008.
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@techreport{peek_combinded_2008, address = {Bordeaux}, title = {Combinded effect of hydrophobation and durability improvement of wood treated with silicone emulsions}, shorttitle = {Combinded effect of hydrophobation and durability improvement of wood treated with silicone emulsions}, author = {Militz, H. and Mai, C. and Ghosh, S. C.}, editor = {Peek, R.-D. and Van Acker, J.}, year = {2008}, pages = {31--39}, }
Hydroxymethylated resorcinol (HMR) priming agent for improved bondability of silicone modified wood glued with a polyvinyl acetate adhesive.
Kurt, R.; Mai, C.; Krause, A.; and Militz, H.
Holz als Roh-und Werkstoff, 66(4): 305–307. 2008.
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@article{kurt_hydroxymethylated_2008, title = {Hydroxymethylated resorcinol ({HMR}) priming agent for improved bondability of silicone modified wood glued with a polyvinyl acetate adhesive}, volume = {66}, issn = {0018-3768}, shorttitle = {Hydroxymethylated resorcinol ({HMR}) priming agent for improved bondability of silicone modified wood glued with a polyvinyl acetate adhesive}, number = {4}, journal = {Holz als Roh-und Werkstoff}, author = {Kurt, R. and Mai, C. and Krause, A. and Militz, H.}, year = {2008}, pages = {305--307}, file = {art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-008-0227-7:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\2R32UBTE\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-008-0227-7.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Sonstige Vergütungsverfahren.
Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
In Wagenführ, A.; and Scholz, F., editor(s), Taschenbuch der Holztechnik, pages 485–500. Hanser, Leipzig, 2008.
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@incollection{wagenfuhr_sonstige_2008, address = {Leipzig}, title = {Sonstige {Vergütungsverfahren}}, shorttitle = {Sonstige {Vergütungsverfahren}}, booktitle = {Taschenbuch der {Holztechnik}}, publisher = {Hanser}, author = {Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, editor = {Wagenführ, A. and Scholz, F.}, year = {2008}, pages = {485--500}, }
Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
In Wagenführ, A.; and Scholz, F., editor(s), Taschenbuch der Holztechnik, pages 457–485. Hanser, Leipzig, 2008.
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@incollection{wagenfuhr_holzschutz_2008, address = {Leipzig}, title = {Holzschutz}, shorttitle = {Holzschutz}, booktitle = {Taschenbuch der {Holztechnik}}, publisher = {Hanser}, author = {Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, editor = {Wagenführ, A. and Scholz, F.}, year = {2008}, pages = {457--485}, }
Hydroxymethylated resorcinol (HMR) priming agent for improved bondability of wax-treated wood.
Kurt, R.; Krause, A.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
Holz als Roh-und Werkstoff, 66(5): 333–338. 2008.
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@article{kurt_hydroxymethylated_2008-1, title = {Hydroxymethylated resorcinol ({HMR}) priming agent for improved bondability of wax-treated wood}, volume = {66}, issn = {0018-3768}, shorttitle = {Hydroxymethylated resorcinol ({HMR}) priming agent for improved bondability of wax-treated wood}, number = {5}, journal = {Holz als Roh-und Werkstoff}, author = {Kurt, R. and Krause, A. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, year = {2008}, pages = {333--338}, file = {art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-008-0265-1:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\KJ7I5Q3W\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-008-0265-1.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Aspekte der chemischen Modifizierung von Massivholz und von Holzwerkstoffen.
Kloeser, L.; and Mai, C.
In 2008. Hanser
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@inproceedings{kloeser_aspekte_2008, title = {Aspekte der chemischen {Modifizierung} von {Massivholz} und von {Holzwerkstoffen}}, shorttitle = {Aspekte der chemischen {Modifizierung} von {Massivholz} und von {Holzwerkstoffen}}, publisher = {Hanser}, author = {Kloeser, L. and Mai, C.}, year = {2008}, }
Weathering of uncoated and coated wood treated with methylated 1, 3-dimethylol-4, 5-dihydroxyethyleneurea (mDMDHEU).
Xie, Y.; Krause, A.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
Holz als Roh-und Werkstoff, 66(6): 455–464. 2008.
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@article{xie_weathering_2008, title = {Weathering of uncoated and coated wood treated with methylated 1, 3-dimethylol-4, 5-dihydroxyethyleneurea ({mDMDHEU})}, volume = {66}, issn = {0018-3768}, shorttitle = {Weathering of uncoated and coated wood treated with methylated 1, 3-dimethylol-4, 5-dihydroxyethyleneurea ({mDMDHEU})}, number = {6}, journal = {Holz als Roh-und Werkstoff}, author = {Xie, Y. and Krause, A. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, year = {2008}, pages = {455--464}, file = {art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-008-0270-4:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\D6RQNI8H\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-008-0270-4.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Decay resistance of wood treated with amino-silicone compounds.
Weigenand, O.; Humar, M.; Daniel, G.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
Holzforschung, 62(1): 112–118. 2008.
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@article{weigenand_decay_2008, title = {Decay resistance of wood treated with amino-silicone compounds}, volume = {62}, issn = {1437-434X}, shorttitle = {Decay resistance of wood treated with amino-silicone compounds}, number = {1}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Weigenand, O. and Humar, M. and Daniel, G. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, year = {2008}, pages = {112--118}, file = {hf.2008.016:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\MSBTU9X3\\hf.2008.016.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Determination of fungal activity in modified wood by means of micro-calorimetry and determination of total esterase activity.
Verma, P.; Dyckmans, J.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 80(1): 125–133. 2008.
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@article{verma_determination_2008, title = {Determination of fungal activity in modified wood by means of micro-calorimetry and determination of total esterase activity}, volume = {80}, issn = {0175-7598}, shorttitle = {Determination of fungal activity in modified wood by means of micro-calorimetry and determination of total esterase activity}, number = {1}, journal = {Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology}, author = {Verma, P. and Dyckmans, J. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, year = {2008}, pages = {125--133}, file = {art%3A10.1007%2Fs00253-008-1525-z:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\F7GR4P9D\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00253-008-1525-z.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Konzeption und Fertigung von typischen Holzbauteilen für den Außenbereich zur Ermittlung des feuchteinduzierten Befallsrisikos.
Bilstein, M.
Technical Report Leibniz Universiät Hannover, Institut für Berufswissenschaften im Bauwesen, Hannover, 2008.
Erstprüfer: Dr. Christian Brischke Zweitprüfer: Prof. Dr. Andreas O. Rapp
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@techreport{bilstein_konzeption_2008, address = {Hannover}, type = {Bachelorarbeit}, title = {Konzeption und {Fertigung} von typischen {Holzbauteilen} für den {Außenbereich} zur {Ermittlung} des feuchteinduzierten {Befallsrisikos}}, language = {de}, institution = {Leibniz Universiät Hannover, Institut für Berufswissenschaften im Bauwesen}, author = {Bilstein, Maik}, year = {2008}, note = {Erstprüfer: Dr. Christian Brischke Zweitprüfer: Prof. Dr. Andreas O. Rapp}, file = {Bilstein - 2008 - Konzeption und Fertigung von typischen Holzbauteil.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\GZ4QXQ8R\\Bilstein - 2008 - Konzeption und Fertigung von typischen Holzbauteil.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Chemical modification of wood particles for the production of WPCs using N-Methylol compounds and paraffin.
Schirp, A.; Stoll, B.; Mai, C.; Richter, E.; and Militz, H.
In Stark, N. M., editor(s), pages 243–252, 2007. Forest Products Society
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@inproceedings{stark_chemical_2007, title = {Chemical modification of wood particles for the production of {WPCs} using {N}-{Methylol} compounds and paraffin}, shorttitle = {Chemical modification of wood particles for the production of {WPCs} using {N}-{Methylol} compounds and paraffin}, publisher = {Forest Products Society}, author = {Schirp, A. and Stoll, B. and Mai, C. and Richter, E. and Militz, H.}, editor = {Stark, N. M.}, year = {2007}, pages = {243--252}, }
Modification of Domestic Timbers by Impregnation Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide-Preliminary Results.
Jelen, E.; Danzig, J.; Deerberg, G.; Kareth, S.; Weidner, E.; Mai, C.; Ghosh, S. C.; and Militz, H.
In Hill, C. A. S.; Jones, D.; Militz, H.; and Ormondroyed, G. A., editor(s), pages 291–294, 2007.
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@inproceedings{hill_modification_2007, title = {Modification of {Domestic} {Timbers} by {Impregnation} {Using} {Supercritical} {Carbon} {Dioxide}-{Preliminary} {Results}}, shorttitle = {Modification of {Domestic} {Timbers} by {Impregnation} {Using} {Supercritical} {Carbon} {Dioxide}-{Preliminary} {Results}}, author = {Jelen, E. and Danzig, J. and Deerberg, G. and Kareth, S. and Weidner, E. and Mai, C. and Ghosh, S. C. and Militz, H.}, editor = {Hill, C. A. S. and Jones, D. and Militz, H. and Ormondroyed, G. A.}, year = {2007}, pages = {291--294}, file = {pp291-294:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\ZRQD4TWM\\pp291-294.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Einführung in die Rezepturauswahl - Eigenschaften der Inhaltsstoffe von WPC.
Grüneber, T.; Mai, C.; and Militz, H.
In Nova-Institut, editor(s), pages 1–12, 2007.
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@inproceedings{nova-institut_einfuhrung_2007, title = {Einführung in die {Rezepturauswahl} - {Eigenschaften} der {Inhaltsstoffe} von {WPC}}, shorttitle = {Einführung in die {Rezepturauswahl} - {Eigenschaften} der {Inhaltsstoffe} von {WPC}}, author = {Grüneber, T. and Mai, C. and Militz, H.}, editor = {{Nova-Institut}}, year = {2007}, pages = {1--12}, }
Modifizierung einheimischer Hölzer durch Imprägnierung mit überkritischem Kohlendioxid als Lösungsmittel.
Danzig, J.; Jelen, E.; Deerberg, G.; Kareth, S.; Weidner, E.; Mai, C.; Ghosh, S. C.; and Militz, H.
In pages 259–260, 2007.
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@inproceedings{danzig_modifizierung_2007, title = {Modifizierung einheimischer {Hölzer} durch {Imprägnierung} mit überkritischem {Kohlendioxid} als {Lösungsmittel}}, shorttitle = {Modifizierung einheimischer {Hölzer} durch {Imprägnierung} mit überkritischem {Kohlendioxid} als {Lösungsmittel}}, author = {Danzig, J. and Jelen, E. and Deerberg, G. and Kareth, S. and Weidner, E. and Mai, C. and Ghosh, S. C. and Militz, H.}, year = {2007}, pages = {259--260}, }
Influence of the modification with different aldehydebased agents on the tensile strength of wood.
Mai, C.; Xie, Y.; Xiao, Z.; Bollmus, S.; Vetter, G.; Krause, A.; and Militz, H.
In Hill, C. A. S.; Jones, D.; Militz, H.; and Ormondroyed, G. A., editor(s), pages 49–56, 2007.
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@inproceedings{hill_influence_2007, title = {Influence of the modification with different aldehydebased agents on the tensile strength of wood}, shorttitle = {Influence of the modification with different aldehydebased agents on the tensile strength of wood}, author = {Mai, C. and Xie, Y. and Xiao, Z. and Bollmus, S. and Vetter, G. and Krause, A. and Militz, H.}, editor = {Hill, C. A. S. and Jones, D. and Militz, H. and Ormondroyed, G. A.}, year = {2007}, pages = {49--56}, file = {pp49-56:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\787G9GD4\\pp49-56.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Neuartige Systeme zur Hydrophobierung von Holz in der Außenanwendung.
Mai, C.; Nguyen, H. M.; Donath, S.; Weigenand, O.; and Militz, H.
In pages 73–85, September 2007. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Holzforschung (DGfH)
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@inproceedings{mai_neuartige_2007, title = {Neuartige {Systeme} zur {Hydrophobierung} von {Holz} in der {Außenanwendung}}, shorttitle = {Neuartige {Systeme} zur {Hydrophobierung} von {Holz} in der {Außenanwendung}}, publisher = {Deutsche Gesellschaft für Holzforschung (DGfH)}, author = {Mai, C. and Nguyen, H. M. and Donath, S. and Weigenand, O. and Militz, H.}, month = sep, year = {2007}, pages = {73--85}, file = {7_Neuartige Systeme zur Hydrophobierung von Holz in der Außenanwendung:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\B4TSBDCG\\7_Neuartige Systeme zur Hydrophobierung von Holz in der Außenanwendung.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Hydroxymethylated resorcinol (HMR) priming agent for improved bondability of silicone modified wood.Bonding of Modified Wood.
Kurt, R.; Mai, C.; Krause, A.; and Militz, H.
In COST, editor(s), pages 71–76, 2007.
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@inproceedings{cost_hydroxymethylated_2007, title = {Hydroxymethylated resorcinol ({HMR}) priming agent for improved bondability of silicone modified wood.{Bonding} of {Modified} {Wood}}, shorttitle = {Hydroxymethylated resorcinol ({HMR}) priming agent for improved bondability of silicone modified wood.{Bonding} of {Modified} {Wood}}, author = {Kurt, R. and Mai, C. and Krause, A. and Militz, H.}, editor = {{COST}}, year = {2007}, pages = {71--76}, }
Biological Wood Protection against Decay, Microbial Staining, Fungal Moulding and Insect Pests.
Kües, U.; Mai, C.; and Militz, H.
In Kües, U., editor(s), Wood Production, Wood Technology, and Biotechnological Impacts, pages 273–294. Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2007.
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@incollection{kues_biological_2007, title = {Biological {Wood} {Protection} against {Decay}, {Microbial} {Staining}, {Fungal} {Moulding} and {Insect} {Pests}}, isbn = {3-940344-11-7}, shorttitle = {Biological {Wood} {Protection} against {Decay}, {Microbial} {Staining}, {Fungal} {Moulding} and {Insect} {Pests}}, booktitle = {Wood {Production}, {Wood} {Technology}, and {Biotechnological} {Impacts}}, publisher = {Universitätsverlag Göttingen}, author = {Kües, U. and Mai, C. and Militz, H.}, editor = {Kües, U.}, year = {2007}, pages = {273--294}, }
Effects of Wood Treatment with Amino-silicone Emulsions on Different Material Properties.
Mai, C.; Weigenand, O.; Ghosh, S. C.; and Militz, H.
In Hill, C. A. S.; Jones, D.; Militz, H.; and Ormondroyed, G. A., editor(s), pages 105–113, 2007.
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@inproceedings{hill_effects_2007, title = {Effects of {Wood} {Treatment} with {Amino}-silicone {Emulsions} on {Different} {Material} {Properties}}, shorttitle = {Effects of {Wood} {Treatment} with {Amino}-silicone {Emulsions} on {Different} {Material} {Properties}}, author = {Mai, C. and Weigenand, O. and Ghosh, S. C. and Militz, H.}, editor = {Hill, C. A. S. and Jones, D. and Militz, H. and Ormondroyed, G. A.}, year = {2007}, pages = {105--113}, file = {pp105-113:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\B2W3T2DP\\pp105-113.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Chemical Wood Protection.
Mai, C.; and Militz, H.
In Kües, U., editor(s), Wood Production, Wood Technology, and Biotechnological Impacts, pages 259–271. Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2007.
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@incollection{kues_chemical_2007, title = {Chemical {Wood} {Protection}}, isbn = {3-940344-11-7}, shorttitle = {Chemical {Wood} {Protection}}, booktitle = {Wood {Production}, {Wood} {Technology}, and {Biotechnological} {Impacts}}, publisher = {Universitätsverlag Göttingen}, author = {Mai, C. and Militz, H.}, editor = {Kües, U.}, year = {2007}, pages = {259--271}, }
Weathering Properties of Wood Modified with Hydrophobation Agents.
Nguyen, H. M.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
In Hill, C. A. S.; Jones, D.; Militz, H.; and Ormondroyed, G. A., editor(s), pages 205–208, 2007.
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@inproceedings{hill_weathering_2007, title = {Weathering {Properties} of {Wood} {Modified} with {Hydrophobation} {Agents}}, shorttitle = {Weathering {Properties} of {Wood} {Modified} with {Hydrophobation} {Agents}}, author = {Nguyen, H. M. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, editor = {Hill, C. A. S. and Jones, D. and Militz, H. and Ormondroyed, G. A.}, year = {2007}, pages = {205--208}, file = {pp205-208:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\5876NVHE\\pp205-208.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Weathering and Coating Properties of Chemical Modified Wood.
Xie, Y.; Krause, A.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
In Hill, C. A. S.; Jones, D.; Militz, H.; and Ormondroyed, G. A., editor(s), pages 213–216, 2007.
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@inproceedings{hill_weathering_2007-1, title = {Weathering and {Coating} {Properties} of {Chemical} {Modified} {Wood}}, shorttitle = {Weathering and {Coating} {Properties} of {Chemical} {Modified} {Wood}}, author = {Xie, Y. and Krause, A. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, editor = {Hill, C. A. S. and Jones, D. and Militz, H. and Ormondroyed, G. A.}, year = {2007}, pages = {213--216}, file = {pp213-216:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\GKBEQB2F\\pp213-216.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Penetration of amino-silicone micro-and macro-emulsions into Scots pine sapwood and the effect on water-related properties.
Weigenand, O.; Militz, H.; Tingaut, P.; Sebe, G.; De Jéso, B.; and Mai, C.
Holzforschung, 61(1): 51–59. 2007.
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@article{weigenand_penetration_2007, title = {Penetration of amino-silicone micro-and macro-emulsions into {Scots} pine sapwood and the effect on water-related properties}, volume = {61}, issn = {1437-434X}, shorttitle = {Penetration of amino-silicone micro-and macro-emulsions into {Scots} pine sapwood and the effect on water-related properties}, number = {1}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Weigenand, O. and Militz, H. and Tingaut, P. and Sebe, G. and De Jéso, B. and Mai, C.}, year = {2007}, pages = {51--59}, file = {hf.2007.009:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\6P8EXTVX\\hf.2007.009.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Fixation of Methyltrimethoxysilane in Wood Pre-modified with an Alkoxysilane Coupling Agent.
Tingaut, P.; Weigenand, O.; Mai, C.; Militz, H.; and Sèbe, G.
In Hill, C. A. S.; Jones, D.; Militz, H.; and Ormondroyed, G. A., editor(s), pages 143–146, 2007.
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@inproceedings{hill_fixation_2007, title = {Fixation of {Methyltrimethoxysilane} in {Wood} {Pre}-modified with an {Alkoxysilane} {Coupling} {Agent}}, shorttitle = {Fixation of {Methyltrimethoxysilane} in {Wood} {Pre}-modified with an {Alkoxysilane} {Coupling} {Agent}}, author = {Tingaut, P. and Weigenand, O. and Mai, C. and Militz, H. and Sèbe, G.}, editor = {Hill, C. A. S. and Jones, D. and Militz, H. and Ormondroyed, G. A.}, year = {2007}, pages = {143--146}, file = {pp143-146:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\EK4UTQ6T\\pp143-146.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Effect of treatments with 1, 3-dimethylol-4, 5-dihydroxy-ethyleneurea (DMDHEU) on the tensile properties of wood.
Xie, Y.; Krause, A.; Militz, H.; Turkulin, H.; Richter, K.; and Mai, C.
Holzforschung, 61(1): 43–50. 2007.
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@article{xie_effect_2007, title = {Effect of treatments with 1, 3-dimethylol-4, 5-dihydroxy-ethyleneurea ({DMDHEU}) on the tensile properties of wood}, volume = {61}, issn = {1437-434X}, shorttitle = {Effect of treatments with 1, 3-dimethylol-4, 5-dihydroxy-ethyleneurea ({DMDHEU}) on the tensile properties of wood}, number = {1}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Xie, Y. and Krause, A. and Militz, H. and Turkulin, H. and Richter, K. and Mai, C.}, year = {2007}, pages = {43--50}, file = {hf.2007.008:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\D5D4ZTS6\\hf.2007.008.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Protection of wood for above ground application through modification with a fatty acid modified N-methylol/paraffin formulation.
Nguyen, H. M.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
In May 2007.
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doi link bibtex abstract
@inproceedings{nguyen_protection_2007, title = {Protection of wood for above ground application through modification with a fatty acid modified {N}-methylol/paraffin formulation}, doi = {IRG/WP 07-40378}, abstract = {Hydrophobic chemical modification can be regarded as an alternative approach to conventional wood preservation using biocides in order to protect wood in hazard class 3 according the European Standard EN 335-1. A formulation containing fatty acid modified N-methylol/paraffin and an aluminium salt catalyst was used to change the material properties of wood in order to protect wood from fungal decay and deterioration through weathering. Beech wood (Fagus sylvatica) treated to weight percent gains (WPG) of 10-14\% resulted in significant decrease in water uptake in a submersion test of 40-50\% when compared to that of untreated wood. The treatment slightly reduced the equilibrium moisture content at 60\% and 90\% relative humidity by 2\% compared to untreated wood. An anti-swell efficient (ASE) of 26.6\% was achieved at a WPG of 15.7\% and indicated a moderate dimensional stabilisation. Strength properties of treated wood were not reduced by the treatment. In addition to the improvement of water related properties, the durability towards basidiomycetes was highly increased (tested according to EN113); the weight loss at 15\% WPG was lower than 3\%. Infection by the blue stain fungus Aureobasidium pullulans was significantly reduced in a laboratory test due to the treatment. Outside exposure over 1 year revealed less cracking and blue stain compared to untreated wood. The results of this study show that wood modified with a formulation of fatty acid modified N methylol/ paraffin was able to protect wood applied in hazard class 3 according to the European standard EN 335-1 over a long time period without the application of conventional biocidal products.}, author = {Nguyen, H. M. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, month = may, year = {2007}, keywords = {Basidiomycetes, Beech (Fagus sylvatica), blue stain, Durability, Scots pine sapwood (Pinus syvestris), water repellent}, file = {IRG 07-40378:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\HUV3ZAN4\\IRG 07-40378.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Hydrophobic chemical modification can be regarded as an alternative approach to conventional wood preservation using biocides in order to protect wood in hazard class 3 according the European Standard EN 335-1. A formulation containing fatty acid modified N-methylol/paraffin and an aluminium salt catalyst was used to change the material properties of wood in order to protect wood from fungal decay and deterioration through weathering. Beech wood (Fagus sylvatica) treated to weight percent gains (WPG) of 10-14% resulted in significant decrease in water uptake in a submersion test of 40-50% when compared to that of untreated wood. The treatment slightly reduced the equilibrium moisture content at 60% and 90% relative humidity by 2% compared to untreated wood. An anti-swell efficient (ASE) of 26.6% was achieved at a WPG of 15.7% and indicated a moderate dimensional stabilisation. Strength properties of treated wood were not reduced by the treatment. In addition to the improvement of water related properties, the durability towards basidiomycetes was highly increased (tested according to EN113); the weight loss at 15% WPG was lower than 3%. Infection by the blue stain fungus Aureobasidium pullulans was significantly reduced in a laboratory test due to the treatment. Outside exposure over 1 year revealed less cracking and blue stain compared to untreated wood. The results of this study show that wood modified with a formulation of fatty acid modified N methylol/ paraffin was able to protect wood applied in hazard class 3 according to the European standard EN 335-1 over a long time period without the application of conventional biocidal products.
Weathering of silane treated wood.
Donath, S.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
Holz als Roh-und Werkstoff, 65(1): 35–42. 2007.
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@article{donath_weathering_2007, title = {Weathering of silane treated wood}, volume = {65}, issn = {0018-3768}, shorttitle = {Weathering of silane treated wood}, number = {1}, journal = {Holz als Roh-und Werkstoff}, author = {Donath, S. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, year = {2007}, pages = {35--42}, file = {art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-006-0131-y:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\2V9ZR742\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-006-0131-y.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Treatment of wood with aminofunctional silanes for protection against wood destroying fungi.
Donath, S.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
Holzforschung, 60(2): 210–216. 2006.
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@article{donath_treatment_2006, title = {Treatment of wood with aminofunctional silanes for protection against wood destroying fungi}, volume = {60}, issn = {1437-434X}, shorttitle = {Treatment of wood with aminofunctional silanes for protection against wood destroying fungi}, number = {2}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Donath, S. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, year = {2006}, pages = {210--216}, file = {hf.2006.035:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\J8PU6KCT\\hf.2006.035.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Creating water-repellent effects on wood by treatment with silanes.
Donath, S.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
Holzforschung, 60(1): 40–46. 2006.
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@article{donath_creating_2006, title = {Creating water-repellent effects on wood by treatment with silanes}, volume = {60}, issn = {1437-434X}, shorttitle = {Creating water-repellent effects on wood by treatment with silanes}, number = {1}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Donath, S. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, year = {2006}, pages = {40--46}, file = {hf.2006.008:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\PV5V365E\\hf.2006.008.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Evaluation of fungal infestation and decay in a simulated use class 3 situation (block test) after some years of exposure.
Gellerich, A.; Röhl, K.; Adamopoulos, S.; and Militz, H.
In May 2006.
doi link bibtex abstract
doi link bibtex abstract
@inproceedings{gellerich_evaluation_2006, title = {Evaluation of fungal infestation and decay in a simulated use class 3 situation (block test) after some years of exposure}, doi = {IRG/WP 12-20487}, abstract = {The so named “block test” was designed as part of the assessment methodology for testing the behaviour of natural and modified wood used under use class 3 (EN 335-2) conditions. The test was developed to expose the wood close to the ground to an environment with high humidity and high biological activity, but not in soil contact. The present study describes the evaluation of fungal infestation and decay of untreated samples in different blocks depending on their exposure time, positioning within the block and wood species. After 4 years outside exposure samples showed visible signs of decay. The highest rate of decay was visible in the middle layers of the block. After 7 and 8 years outside exposure, samples of all layers were infested with a similar intensity of different types of decay. The results have shown that in the bottom layer close to ground the major type of decay is white rot as well as white rot in combination with soft rot. In contrast, samples from the middle layers and top layer were infested mainly by brown and white rot but also soft rot was observed. The test setup is according the definition of use classes a method for use class 3 applications because the samples are out of ground contact. But the infestation of samples in all layers by soft rot indicated that under use class 3 test conditions but with elevated moisture conditions soft rot attack can occur and should make part of a proper test design.}, author = {Gellerich, A. and Röhl, K. and Adamopoulos, S. and Militz, H.}, month = may, year = {2006}, keywords = {Durability, fungal decay, Block test, light microscopy, testing, use class 3}, file = {IRG 12-20487:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\UJSJ7237\\IRG 12-20487.pdf:application/pdf}, }
The so named “block test” was designed as part of the assessment methodology for testing the behaviour of natural and modified wood used under use class 3 (EN 335-2) conditions. The test was developed to expose the wood close to the ground to an environment with high humidity and high biological activity, but not in soil contact. The present study describes the evaluation of fungal infestation and decay of untreated samples in different blocks depending on their exposure time, positioning within the block and wood species. After 4 years outside exposure samples showed visible signs of decay. The highest rate of decay was visible in the middle layers of the block. After 7 and 8 years outside exposure, samples of all layers were infested with a similar intensity of different types of decay. The results have shown that in the bottom layer close to ground the major type of decay is white rot as well as white rot in combination with soft rot. In contrast, samples from the middle layers and top layer were infested mainly by brown and white rot but also soft rot was observed. The test setup is according the definition of use classes a method for use class 3 applications because the samples are out of ground contact. But the infestation of samples in all layers by soft rot indicated that under use class 3 test conditions but with elevated moisture conditions soft rot attack can occur and should make part of a proper test design.
Schutzmittel für lignocellulosisches Material auf Basis von Fettsäure- und Paraffinderivaten.
Militz, H.; Mai, C.; and Hong, N. M.
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@patent{militz_schutzmittel_2006, title = {Schutzmittel für lignocellulosisches {Material} auf {Basis} von {Fettsäure}- und {Paraffinderivaten}}, shorttitle = {Schutzmittel für lignocellulosisches {Material} auf {Basis} von {Fettsäure}- und {Paraffinderivaten}}, author = {Militz, H. and Mai, C. and Hong, N. M.}, year = {2006}, file = {EP000001716995A2:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\PM48BQ2W\\EP000001716995A2.pdf:application/pdf;EP000001716995A3:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\P289CPGZ\\EP000001716995A3.pdf:application/pdf;EP000001716995B1:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\5EZUV8CC\\EP000001716995B1.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Kompositwerkstoff aus Holz und thermoplastischem Kunststoff.
Militz, H.; Mai, C.; Jenkner, P.; Edelmann, R.; Standke, B.; Michel, P.; Bergmann, J. U.; and Schmidt, S.
@patent{militz_kompositwerkstoff_2006, title = {Kompositwerkstoff aus {Holz} und thermoplastischem {Kunststoff}}, shorttitle = {Kompositwerkstoff aus {Holz} und thermoplastischem {Kunststoff}}, url = {}, author = {Militz, H. and Mai, C. and Jenkner, P. and Edelmann, R. and Standke, B. and Michel, P. and Bergmann, J. U. and Schmidt, S.}, year = {2006}, file = {DE102006013090A1:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\RN65GDPQ\\DE102006013090A1.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Verfahren zur Behandlung von Holzoberflächen.
Kingma, A. J.; Wagner, E.; Graf, K.; Menzel, K.; Militz, H.; Krause, A.; Xie, Y.; and Mai, C.
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@patent{kingma_verfahren_2006, title = {Verfahren zur {Behandlung} von {Holzoberflächen}}, shorttitle = {Verfahren zur {Behandlung} von {Holzoberflächen}}, author = {Kingma, A. J. and Wagner, E. and Graf, K. and Menzel, K. and Militz, H. and Krause, A. and Xie, Y. and Mai, C.}, year = {2006}, file = {DE102006019817A1_1:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\AAMIDZCJ\\DE102006019817A1_1.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Verfahren zum Imprägnieren von Lignocellulosematerialien mit Effektstoffen.
Kingma, A. J.; Reisacher, H. U.; Mauthe, U.; Militz, H.; Krause, A.; and Mai, C.
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@patent{kingma_verfahren_2006-1, title = {Verfahren zum {Imprägnieren} von {Lignocellulosematerialien} mit {Effektstoffen}}, shorttitle = {Verfahren zum {Imprägnieren} von {Lignocellulosematerialien} mit {Effektstoffen}}, author = {Kingma, A. J. and Reisacher, H. U. and Mauthe, U. and Militz, H. and Krause, A. and Mai, C.}, year = {2006}, file = {DE102006019816A1_1:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\4N6FSXNC\\DE102006019816A1_1.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Verwendung wässriger Wachsdispersionen zur Imprägnierung von Lignocellulose-Materialien.
Kingma, A. J.; Fechtenkötter, A.; Kasel, W.; Militz, H.; Krause, A.; and Mai, C.
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@patent{kingma_verwendung_2006, title = {Verwendung wässriger {Wachsdispersionen} zur {Imprägnierung} von {Lignocellulose}-{Materialien}}, shorttitle = {Verwendung wässriger {Wachsdispersionen} zur {Imprägnierung} von {Lignocellulose}-{Materialien}}, author = {Kingma, A. J. and Fechtenkötter, A. and Kasel, W. and Militz, H. and Krause, A. and Mai, C.}, year = {2006}, file = {DE102006019818A1:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\X22F5FNN\\DE102006019818A1.pdf:application/pdf;WO002006117158A1:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\CX2W6AHT\\WO002006117158A1.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Verfahren zum Hydrophobieren von Lignocellulosematerialien.
Kingma, A. J.; Fechtenkötter, A.; Kasel, W.; Militz, H.; Krause, A.; and Mai, C.
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@patent{kingma_verfahren_2006-2, title = {Verfahren zum {Hydrophobieren} von {Lignocellulosematerialien}}, shorttitle = {Verfahren zum {Hydrophobieren} von {Lignocellulosematerialien}}, author = {Kingma, A. J. and Fechtenkötter, A. and Kasel, W. and Militz, H. and Krause, A. and Mai, C.}, year = {2006}, file = {DE102006019820A1:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\J7I2NTSQ\\DE102006019820A1.pdf:application/pdf;EP000001879726A1:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\IVKW8RKF\\EP000001879726A1.pdf:application/pdf;WO002006117160A1:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\2D5QRVAU\\WO002006117160A1.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Coating performance of finishes on wood modified with an N-methylol compound.
Xie, Y.; Krause, A.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
Progress in organic coatings, 57(4): 291–300. 2006.
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@article{xie_coating_2006, title = {Coating performance of finishes on wood modified with an {N}-methylol compound}, volume = {57}, issn = {0300-9440}, shorttitle = {Coating performance of finishes on wood modified with an {N}-methylol compound}, number = {4}, journal = {Progress in organic coatings}, author = {Xie, Y. and Krause, A. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, year = {2006}, pages = {291--300}, file = {Xie et al. - 2006 - Coating performance of finishes on wood modified w.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\VLZ9TEAU\\Xie et al. - 2006 - Coating performance of finishes on wood modified w.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Effect on coating performance of chemical modification of wood substrates with cyclic N-Methylol compounds.
Xie, Y.; Krause, A.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
In pages 3–11, 2006.
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@inproceedings{xie_effect_2006, title = {Effect on coating performance of chemical modification of wood substrates with cyclic {N}-{Methylol} compounds}, shorttitle = {Effect on coating performance of chemical modification of wood substrates with cyclic {N}-{Methylol} compounds}, author = {Xie, Y. and Krause, A. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, year = {2006}, pages = {3--11}, }
Chemical reaction of alkoxysilane molecules in wood modified with silanol groups.
Tingaut, P.; Weigenand, O.; Mai, C.; Militz, H.; and Sèbe, G.
Holzforschung, 60(3): 271–277. 2006.
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@article{tingaut_chemical_2006, title = {Chemical reaction of alkoxysilane molecules in wood modified with silanol groups}, volume = {60}, issn = {1437-434X}, shorttitle = {Chemical reaction of alkoxysilane molecules in wood modified with silanol groups}, number = {3}, journal = {Holzforschung}, author = {Tingaut, P. and Weigenand, O. and Mai, C. and Militz, H. and Sèbe, G.}, year = {2006}, pages = {271--277}, file = {hf.2006.044:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\ZZCX23JR\\hf.2006.044.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Chemical changes in hydrothermal treated wood: FTIR analysis of combined hydrothermal and dry heat-treated wood.
Tjeerdsma, B. F.; and Militz, H.
Holz Als Roh-Und Werkstoff, 63(2): 102–111. April 2005.
@article{tjeerdsma_chemical_2005, title = {Chemical changes in hydrothermal treated wood: {FTIR} analysis of combined hydrothermal and dry heat-treated wood}, volume = {63}, issn = {0018-3768}, shorttitle = {Chemical changes in hydrothermal treated wood: {FTIR} analysis of combined hydrothermal and dry heat-treated wood}, url = {://000228315200003}, doi = {10.1007/s00107-004-0532-8}, abstract = {Wood specimens of Beech (Fagus silvatica L.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) modified by a hydrothermal treatment process were analysed by means of Fourier transform infra red spectroscopy (FTIR). The chemical transformation of the cell-wall material was studied and associated with improved wood qualities. For this purpose, FTIR spectroscopy was used as since this technique has been found appropriate to determine the intensity of specific bonds and functional groups within the polymeric structure. Cleavage of acetyl groups of the hemicellulose has been found to occur in the first treatment step under moist conditions and elevated temperature. This results in the formation of carbonic acids, mainly acetic acid. Most of the acetyl groups were found to be cleaved during the treatment of wood at high temperature, whereas only partial deacetylation was found to occur at moderate treatment temperature. The concentration of accessible hydroxyl groups was measured by acetylation and found reduced after treating at high temperature. Esterification reactions were found to occur under dry conditions at elevated temperature in the curing step, indicated by the increase of the specific ester carbonyl peak at 1740 cm(-1) in the FTIR spectrum. The esters that were formed turned out to be mainly linked to the lignin complex, considering that the newly formed carbonyl groups were found present in heat-treated wood, yet were found to be absent in the isolated holocellulose. Esterification contributes to a decrease of hygroscopicity of wood and consequently improvements of its dimensional stability and durability. However, the role of esterification in the decrease of hygroscopicity in the hydrothermal treatment process examined is believed to be minor compared to the influence of cross-linking reactions known to occur during thermal treatment of wood.}, language = {English}, number = {2}, journal = {Holz Als Roh-Und Werkstoff}, author = {Tjeerdsma, B. F. and Militz, H.}, month = apr, year = {2005}, keywords = {biomass, Degradation, dimensional stabilization, spectroscopy, stability}, pages = {102--111}, annote = {ISI Document Delivery No.: 915PBTimes Cited: 32Cited Reference Count: 38SpringerNew york}, annote = {ISI Document Delivery No.: 915PBTimes Cited: 32Cited Reference Count: 38SpringerNew york}, file = {54.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\HFI4K52C\\54.pdf:application/pdf;art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-004-0532-8:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\GKFEAER2\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-004-0532-8.pdf:application/pdf;art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-004-0532-8:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\6Z2PT8XV\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-004-0532-8.pdf:application/pdf;art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-004-0532-8:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\NPSSWJ58\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-004-0532-8.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Wood specimens of Beech (Fagus silvatica L.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) modified by a hydrothermal treatment process were analysed by means of Fourier transform infra red spectroscopy (FTIR). The chemical transformation of the cell-wall material was studied and associated with improved wood qualities. For this purpose, FTIR spectroscopy was used as since this technique has been found appropriate to determine the intensity of specific bonds and functional groups within the polymeric structure. Cleavage of acetyl groups of the hemicellulose has been found to occur in the first treatment step under moist conditions and elevated temperature. This results in the formation of carbonic acids, mainly acetic acid. Most of the acetyl groups were found to be cleaved during the treatment of wood at high temperature, whereas only partial deacetylation was found to occur at moderate treatment temperature. The concentration of accessible hydroxyl groups was measured by acetylation and found reduced after treating at high temperature. Esterification reactions were found to occur under dry conditions at elevated temperature in the curing step, indicated by the increase of the specific ester carbonyl peak at 1740 cm(-1) in the FTIR spectrum. The esters that were formed turned out to be mainly linked to the lignin complex, considering that the newly formed carbonyl groups were found present in heat-treated wood, yet were found to be absent in the isolated holocellulose. Esterification contributes to a decrease of hygroscopicity of wood and consequently improvements of its dimensional stability and durability. However, the role of esterification in the decrease of hygroscopicity in the hydrothermal treatment process examined is believed to be minor compared to the influence of cross-linking reactions known to occur during thermal treatment of wood.
Im (Holz-) Kern verändert.
Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
Georgia Augusta, 4: 128–135. 2005.
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@article{militz_im_2005, title = {Im ({Holz}-) {Kern} verändert}, volume = {4}, shorttitle = {Im ({Holz}-) {Kern} verändert}, journal = {Georgia Augusta}, author = {Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, year = {2005}, pages = {128--135}, file = {militz:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\DA8334TG\\militz.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Durability Properties of Rubber and Paulownia Wood Treated by Hydrophobation Agents.
Minh, N. H.; Mai, C.; Hung, N. M.; Khanh, N.; and Militz, H.
In Militz, H.; and Hill, C. A. S., editor(s), pages 309–313, 2005.
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@inproceedings{militz_durability_2005, title = {Durability {Properties} of {Rubber} and {Paulownia} {Wood} {Treated} by {Hydrophobation} {Agents}}, shorttitle = {Durability {Properties} of {Rubber} and {Paulownia} {Wood} {Treated} by {Hydrophobation} {Agents}}, author = {Minh, N. H. and Mai, C. and Hung, N. M. and Khanh, N. and Militz, H.}, editor = {Militz, H. and Hill, C. A. S.}, year = {2005}, pages = {309--313}, file = {ecwm2005:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\HKKDJP2Q\\ecwm2005.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Aspects of Wood Modification with Silicon Compounds: Material Properties and Process Development.
Mai, C.; Donath, S.; Weigenand, O.; and Militz, H.
In Militz, H.; and Hill, C. A. S., editor(s), pages 222–231, 2005.
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@inproceedings{militz_aspects_2005, title = {Aspects of {Wood} {Modification} with {Silicon} {Compounds}: {Material} {Properties} and {Process} {Development}}, shorttitle = {Aspects of {Wood} {Modification} with {Silicon} {Compounds}: {Material} {Properties} and {Process} {Development}}, author = {Mai, C. and Donath, S. and Weigenand, O. and Militz, H.}, editor = {Militz, H. and Hill, C. A. S.}, year = {2005}, pages = {222--231}, file = {ecwm2005:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\XP378PKS\\ecwm2005.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Untersuchungen zur Eignung von Silanen als Holzbehandlungsmittel\textbar Examination of the usefulness of silanes to treat wood.
Donath, S.; Mai, C.; and Militz, H.
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen, 156(11): 411–413. 2005.
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@article{donath_untersuchungen_2005, title = {Untersuchungen zur {Eignung} von {Silanen} als {Holzbehandlungsmittel}{\textbar} {Examination} of the usefulness of silanes to treat wood}, volume = {156}, issn = {0036-7818}, shorttitle = {Untersuchungen zur {Eignung} von {Silanen} als {Holzbehandlungsmittel}{\textbar} {Examination} of the usefulness of silanes to treat wood}, number = {11}, journal = {Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen}, author = {Donath, S. and Mai, C. and Militz, H.}, year = {2005}, pages = {411--413}, file = {szf%2E2005%2E0411:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\SMEMG2TS\\szf%2E2005%2E0411.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Comparative Investigation on some Physical Properties of Modified Wood.
Weigenand, O.; Mai, C.; Babiak, M.; and Militz, H.
In Militz, H.; and Hill, C. A. S., editor(s), pages 295–297, 2005.
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@inproceedings{militz_comparative_2005, title = {Comparative {Investigation} on some {Physical} {Properties} of {Modified} {Wood}}, shorttitle = {Comparative {Investigation} on some {Physical} {Properties} of {Modified} {Wood}}, author = {Weigenand, O. and Mai, C. and Babiak, M. and Militz, H.}, editor = {Militz, H. and Hill, C. A. S.}, year = {2005}, pages = {295--297}, file = {ecwm2005:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\C8HGGTN4\\ecwm2005.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Artificial Weathering of Wood Modified with the Cyclic N-Methylol Compounds.
Xie, Y.; Krause, A.; Mai, C.; Militz, H.; Richter, K.; Urban, K.; and Evans, P.
In Militz, H.; and Hill, C. A. S., editor(s), pages 363–366, 2005.
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@inproceedings{militz_artificial_2005, title = {Artificial {Weathering} of {Wood} {Modified} with the {Cyclic} {N}-{Methylol} {Compounds}}, shorttitle = {Artificial {Weathering} of {Wood} {Modified} with the {Cyclic} {N}-{Methylol} {Compounds}}, author = {Xie, Y. and Krause, A. and Mai, C. and Militz, H. and Richter, K. and Urban, K. and Evans, P.D.}, editor = {Militz, H. and Hill, C. A. S.}, year = {2005}, pages = {363--366}, file = {ecwm2005:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\SSNERM47\\ecwm2005.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Studies on the resistance of DMDHEU treated wood against white-rot and brown-rot fungi.
Verma, P.; Mai, C.; Krause, A.; and Militz, H.
In pages 15, April 2005.
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@inproceedings{verma_studies_2005, title = {Studies on the resistance of {DMDHEU} treated wood against white-rot and brown-rot fungi}, doi = {IRG/WP 05-10566}, abstract = {Beech wood (Fagus sylvatica) modified with the textile finishing agent 1,3 dimethylol-4,5-dihydroxyethylen urea (DMDHEU) has shown to improve durability against the white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor. In a mini-block test, the weight loss over eight weeks of incubation decreased with increasing weight percent gain (WPG) of DMDHEU. At 25\% WPG, no significant weight loss was observed, while untreated beech wood lost 37\% of its initial weight under the same conditions. This increase in resistance was shown not to be caused by a biocidal effect of monomeric DMDHEU: the growth of T. versicolor and Coniophora puteana was not significantly reduced, when DMDHEU was added to sterile malt agar plates in concentrations of up to 10\%. Poria placenta was not negatively affected up to a DMDHEU concentration of 5\%. A solid state fermentation experiment was performed with T. versicolor on milled untreated and DMDHEU modified wood in order to determine the production of extra-cellular protein and the activity of wood-decaying enzymes. T. versicolor was not able to grow on wood treated to the highest WPG (14.9\%). The activity of ligninolytic enzymes (laccase, manganese peroxidase) was highest at 7.9\% WPG compared to the untreated control and 2.8\% WPG. The overall production of hydrolytic enzymes was low in all cases and a clear distinction between untreated and modified wood was not possible.}, author = {Verma, P. and Mai, C. and Krause, A. and Militz, H.}, month = apr, year = {2005}, keywords = {1, 3-dimethylol-4, 5-dihydroxyethylen urea (DMDHEU), enzyme production, mode of action, wood modification}, pages = {15}, file = {IRG 05-10566:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\3IZCAWV4\\IRG 05-10566.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Beech wood (Fagus sylvatica) modified with the textile finishing agent 1,3 dimethylol-4,5-dihydroxyethylen urea (DMDHEU) has shown to improve durability against the white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor. In a mini-block test, the weight loss over eight weeks of incubation decreased with increasing weight percent gain (WPG) of DMDHEU. At 25% WPG, no significant weight loss was observed, while untreated beech wood lost 37% of its initial weight under the same conditions. This increase in resistance was shown not to be caused by a biocidal effect of monomeric DMDHEU: the growth of T. versicolor and Coniophora puteana was not significantly reduced, when DMDHEU was added to sterile malt agar plates in concentrations of up to 10%. Poria placenta was not negatively affected up to a DMDHEU concentration of 5%. A solid state fermentation experiment was performed with T. versicolor on milled untreated and DMDHEU modified wood in order to determine the production of extra-cellular protein and the activity of wood-decaying enzymes. T. versicolor was not able to grow on wood treated to the highest WPG (14.9%). The activity of ligninolytic enzymes (laccase, manganese peroxidase) was highest at 7.9% WPG compared to the untreated control and 2.8% WPG. The overall production of hydrolytic enzymes was low in all cases and a clear distinction between untreated and modified wood was not possible.
Weathering of wood modified with the N-methylol compound 1, 3-dimethylol-4, 5-dihydroxyethyleneurea.
Xie, Y.; Krause, A.; Mai, C.; Militz, H.; Richter, K.; Urban, K.; and Evans, P. D.
Polymer Degradation and Stability, 89(2): 189–199. 2005.
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@article{xie_weathering_2005, title = {Weathering of wood modified with the {N}-methylol compound 1, 3-dimethylol-4, 5-dihydroxyethyleneurea}, volume = {89}, issn = {0141-3910}, shorttitle = {Weathering of wood modified with the {N}-methylol compound 1, 3-dimethylol-4, 5-dihydroxyethyleneurea}, number = {2}, journal = {Polymer Degradation and Stability}, author = {Xie, Y. and Krause, A. and Mai, C. and Militz, H. and Richter, K. and Urban, K. and Evans, P. D.}, year = {2005}, pages = {189--199}, file = {2005_Polym Degrad Stabil 89(2005) 189-199:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\9XTIG8PG\\2005_Polym Degrad Stabil 89(2005) 189-199.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Solution stability and Mechanical properties of Chitosan treated Pine.
Larnøy, E.; Eikenes, M.; and Militz, H.
In pages 15, April 2005.
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@inproceedings{larnoy_solution_2005, title = {Solution stability and {Mechanical} properties of {Chitosan} treated {Pine}}, doi = {IRG/WP 05-30377}, abstract = {During the last years the research on chitosan as a wood preservative has been enhanced. Up to now, most of the research has been applied to the anti-fungal properties of chitosan, and no research was conducted on the solution stability of chitosan solutions in repeated trials by impregnation of wood, or on the mechanical properties of chitosan-treated wood. In this paper, the stability of high- and low-molecular weight chitosan solutions (2,4\% (w/v) concentration) was investigated in 15 repeated impregnation cycles using pine (Pinus sylvestris) samples. Changes in the following parameters of the treatment solution were examined: uptake of chitosan, viscosity, pH, molecular weight and concentration. In addition, the following mechanical properties of chitosan-treated pine were determined using a paired experimental design: modulus of elasticity (MOE), static bending, impact bending strength, static hardness, shear strength, tensile strength, compression strength and adhesion of paint to wood. Overall, an average chitosan uptake by the pine samples in the order of 15 to 16 kg/m³ was obtained. In the trials for determination of solution stability, the uptake, viscosity and concentration remained unchanged. However, the pH of the solutions increased, and the average chitosan molecular weight decreased, with the high molecular weight chitosan displaying larger changes than low molecular weight chitosan. No significant changes in the mechanical properties of pine treated with high-and low molecular weight chitosan (2,4\% (w/v) concentration) were determined as compared to untreated wood samples.}, author = {Larnøy, E. and Eikenes, M. and Militz, H.}, month = apr, year = {2005}, keywords = {mechanical properties, chitosan, paint adhesive ability, solution stability}, pages = {15}, file = {IRG 05-30377:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\7EWS8XGS\\IRG 05-30377.pdf:application/pdf}, }
During the last years the research on chitosan as a wood preservative has been enhanced. Up to now, most of the research has been applied to the anti-fungal properties of chitosan, and no research was conducted on the solution stability of chitosan solutions in repeated trials by impregnation of wood, or on the mechanical properties of chitosan-treated wood. In this paper, the stability of high- and low-molecular weight chitosan solutions (2,4% (w/v) concentration) was investigated in 15 repeated impregnation cycles using pine (Pinus sylvestris) samples. Changes in the following parameters of the treatment solution were examined: uptake of chitosan, viscosity, pH, molecular weight and concentration. In addition, the following mechanical properties of chitosan-treated pine were determined using a paired experimental design: modulus of elasticity (MOE), static bending, impact bending strength, static hardness, shear strength, tensile strength, compression strength and adhesion of paint to wood. Overall, an average chitosan uptake by the pine samples in the order of 15 to 16 kg/m³ was obtained. In the trials for determination of solution stability, the uptake, viscosity and concentration remained unchanged. However, the pH of the solutions increased, and the average chitosan molecular weight decreased, with the high molecular weight chitosan displaying larger changes than low molecular weight chitosan. No significant changes in the mechanical properties of pine treated with high-and low molecular weight chitosan (2,4% (w/v) concentration) were determined as compared to untreated wood samples.
Zwischenprodukt für die Herstellung von Ligninpolymerisaten und dessen Verwendung für die Herstellung von Reagentien für Herstellung von Verbundwerkstoffen aus pflanzlichen Fasern, wasserfesten Papieren und Pappen sowie Duroplasten aus Ligninderivaten.
Hüttermann, A.; Majcherczyk, A.; Mai, C.; Braun-Lüllemann, A.; Fastenrath, M.; and Nötzold, S.
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@patent{huttermann_zwischenprodukt_2004, title = {Zwischenprodukt für die {Herstellung} von {Ligninpolymerisaten} und dessen {Verwendung} für die {Herstellung} von {Reagentien} für {Herstellung} von {Verbundwerkstoffen} aus pflanzlichen {Fasern}, wasserfesten {Papieren} und {Pappen} sowie {Duroplasten} aus {Ligninderivaten}}, shorttitle = {Zwischenprodukt für die {Herstellung} von {Ligninpolymerisaten} und dessen {Verwendung} für die {Herstellung} von {Reagentien} für {Herstellung} von {Verbundwerkstoffen} aus pflanzlichen {Fasern}, wasserfesten {Papieren} und {Pappen} sowie {Duroplasten} aus {Ligninderivaten}}, author = {Hüttermann, A. and Majcherczyk, A. and Mai, C. and Braun-Lüllemann, A. and Fastenrath, M. and Nötzold, S.}, year = {2004}, file = {EP000000963399B1_all_pages:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\Q2QBE5P7\\EP000000963399B1_all_pages.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Verfahren zur Pfropfung von Lignin.
Hüttermann, A.; and Mai, C.
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@patent{huttermann_verfahren_2004, title = {Verfahren zur {Pfropfung} von {Lignin}}, shorttitle = {Verfahren zur {Pfropfung} von {Lignin}}, author = {Hüttermann, A. and Mai, C.}, year = {2004}, file = {EP000001040145A1_all_pages:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\9CFZ9SP3\\EP000001040145A1_all_pages.pdf:application/pdf;EP000001040145B1_all_pages:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\WJP3DF28\\EP000001040145B1_all_pages.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Lignification and structural biomass production in tobacco with suppressed caffeic/5‐hydroxy ferulic acid‐O‐methyl transferase activity under ambient and elevated CO2 concentrations.
Blaschke, L.; Legrand, M.; Mai, C.; and Polle, A.
Physiologia plantarum, 121(1): 75–83. 2004.
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@article{blaschke_lignification_2004, title = {Lignification and structural biomass production in tobacco with suppressed caffeic/5‐hydroxy ferulic acid‐{O}‐methyl transferase activity under ambient and elevated {CO2} concentrations}, volume = {121}, issn = {1399-3054}, shorttitle = {Lignification and structural biomass production in tobacco with suppressed caffeic/5‐hydroxy ferulic acid‐{O}‐methyl transferase activity under ambient and elevated {CO2} concentrations}, number = {1}, journal = {Physiologia plantarum}, author = {Blaschke, L. and Legrand, M. and Mai, C. and Polle, A.}, year = {2004}, pages = {75--83}, file = {j.0031-9317.2004.00297.x:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\64SS6AZ8\\j.0031-9317.2004.00297.x.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Mittel zur Ausstattung von auf Cellulose und/oder Stärke basierenden Substanzen mit Wasser abweisenden und gleichzeitig pilz-, bakterien-, insekten- sowie algenwidrigen Eigenschaften.
Edelmann, R.; Waßmer, C.; Jenkner, P.; Monkiewicz, J.; Militz, H.; Mai, C.; and Donath, S.
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@patent{edelmann_mittel_2004, title = {Mittel zur {Ausstattung} von auf {Cellulose} und/oder {Stärke} basierenden {Substanzen} mit {Wasser} abweisenden und gleichzeitig pilz-, bakterien-, insekten- sowie algenwidrigen {Eigenschaften}}, shorttitle = {Mittel zur {Ausstattung} von auf {Cellulose} und/oder {Stärke} basierenden {Substanzen} mit {Wasser} abweisenden und gleichzeitig pilz-, bakterien-, insekten- sowie algenwidrigen {Eigenschaften}}, author = {Edelmann, R. and Waßmer, C. and Jenkner, P. and Monkiewicz, J. and Militz, H. and Mai, C. and Donath, S.}, year = {2004}, file = {DE102004037044A1_all_pages:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\SDJNGNNN\\DE102004037044A1_all_pages.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Biotechnology in the wood industry.
Mai, C.; Kües, U.; and Militz, H.
Applied microbiology and biotechnology, 63(5): 477–494. 2004.
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@article{mai_biotechnology_2004, title = {Biotechnology in the wood industry}, volume = {63}, issn = {0175-7598}, shorttitle = {Biotechnology in the wood industry}, number = {5}, journal = {Applied microbiology and biotechnology}, author = {Mai, C. and Kües, U. and Militz, H.}, year = {2004}, pages = {477--494}, file = {art%3A10.1007%2Fs00253-003-1411-7:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\RNDN6FAR\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00253-003-1411-7.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Copolymerisate bzw. Propfpolymerisate von Phenolen, Verfahren zu deren Herstellung und deren Verwendung.
Mai, C.; and Hüttermann, A.
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@patent{mai_copolymerisate_2004, title = {Copolymerisate bzw. {Propfpolymerisate} von {Phenolen}, {Verfahren} zu deren {Herstellung} und deren {Verwendung}}, shorttitle = {Copolymerisate bzw. {Propfpolymerisate} von {Phenolen}, {Verfahren} zu deren {Herstellung} und deren {Verwendung}}, author = {Mai, C. and Hüttermann, A.}, year = {2004}, file = {EP000001189959A1_all_pages:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\T5K4UPQW\\EP000001189959A1_all_pages.pdf:application/pdf;EP000001189959B1_all_pages:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\5E6ZQPCN\\EP000001189959B1_all_pages.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Modification of wood with silicon compounds. Inorganic silicon compounds and sol-gel systems: a review.
Mai, C.; and Militz, H.
Wood Science and Technology, 37(5): 339–348. 2004.
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@article{mai_modification_2004, title = {Modification of wood with silicon compounds. {Inorganic} silicon compounds and sol-gel systems: a review}, volume = {37}, issn = {0043-7719}, shorttitle = {Modification of wood with silicon compounds. {Inorganic} silicon compounds and sol-gel systems: a review}, number = {5}, journal = {Wood Science and Technology}, author = {Mai, C. and Militz, H.}, year = {2004}, pages = {339--348}, file = {art%3A10.1007%2Fs00226-003-0205-5:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\7V42VHPK\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00226-003-0205-5.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Wood modification with alkoxysilanes.
Donath, S.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
Wood Science and Technology, 38(7): 555–566. 2004.
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@article{donath_wood_2004, title = {Wood modification with alkoxysilanes}, volume = {38}, issn = {0043-7719}, shorttitle = {Wood modification with alkoxysilanes}, number = {7}, journal = {Wood Science and Technology}, author = {Donath, S. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, year = {2004}, pages = {555--566}, file = {art%3A10.1007%2Fs00226-004-0257-1:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\P63HFNJ9\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00226-004-0257-1.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Degradation of acrylic copolymers by white-rot fungi.
Mai, C.; Schormann, W.; Majcherczyk, A.; and Hüttermann, A.
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 65(4): 479–487. 2004.
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@article{mai_degradation_2004, title = {Degradation of acrylic copolymers by white-rot fungi}, volume = {65}, issn = {0175-7598}, shorttitle = {Degradation of acrylic copolymers by white-rot fungi}, number = {4}, journal = {Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology}, author = {Mai, C. and Schormann, W. and Majcherczyk, A. and Hüttermann, A.}, year = {2004}, pages = {479--487}, file = {art%3A10.1007%2Fs00253-004-1668-5:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\PMZFVDJT\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00253-004-1668-5.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Modification of wood with silicon compounds. Treatment systems based on organic silicon compounds—a review.
Mai, C.; and Militz, H.
Wood Science and Technology, 37(6): 453–461. 2004.
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@article{mai_modification_2004-1, title = {Modification of wood with silicon compounds. {Treatment} systems based on organic silicon compounds—a review}, volume = {37}, issn = {0043-7719}, shorttitle = {Modification of wood with silicon compounds. {Treatment} systems based on organic silicon compounds—a review}, number = {6}, journal = {Wood Science and Technology}, author = {Mai, C. and Militz, H.}, year = {2004}, pages = {453--461}, file = {art%3A10.1007%2Fs00226-004-0225-9:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\Z846R8N7\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00226-004-0225-9.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Elevated pCO2 affects N‐metabolism of young poplar plants (Populus tremula× P. alba) differently at deficient and sufficient N‐supply.
Kruse, J.; Hetzger, I.; Mai, C.; Polle, A.; and Rennenberg, H.
New Phytologist, 157(1): 65–81. 2003.
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@article{kruse_elevated_2003, title = {Elevated {pCO2} affects {N}‐metabolism of young poplar plants ({Populus} tremula× {P}. alba) differently at deficient and sufficient {N}‐supply}, volume = {157}, issn = {1469-8137}, shorttitle = {Elevated {pCO2} affects {N}‐metabolism of young poplar plants ({Populus} tremula× {P}. alba) differently at deficient and sufficient {N}‐supply}, number = {1}, journal = {New Phytologist}, author = {Kruse, J. and Hetzger, I. and Mai, C. and Polle, A. and Rennenberg, H.}, year = {2003}, pages = {65--81}, file = {j.1469-8137.2003.00656.x:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\5F9Z9W2K\\j.1469-8137.2003.00656.x.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Soft rot decay in acetylated wood: Microcalorimetry and ergosterol assay in decayed wood.
Mohebby, B.; Mai, C.; and Militz, H.
In Van Acker, J.; and Hill, C. A. S., editor(s), pages 197–202, 2003.
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@inproceedings{van_acker_soft_2003, title = {Soft rot decay in acetylated wood: {Microcalorimetry} and ergosterol assay in decayed wood}, shorttitle = {Soft rot decay in acetylated wood: {Microcalorimetry} and ergosterol assay in decayed wood}, author = {Mohebby, B. and Mai, C. and Militz, H.}, editor = {Van Acker, J. and Hill, C. A. S.}, year = {2003}, pages = {197--202}, file = {197:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\5B9HZMZZ\\197.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Modification of wood with silicon compounds.
Mai, C.; Donath, S.; and Militz, H.
In Van Acker, J.; and Hill, C. A. S., editor(s), pages 239–251, 2003.
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@inproceedings{van_acker_modification_2003, title = {Modification of wood with silicon compounds}, shorttitle = {Modification of wood with silicon compounds}, author = {Mai, C. and Donath, S. and Militz, H.}, editor = {Van Acker, J. and Hill, C. A. S.}, year = {2003}, pages = {239--251}, file = {239:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\Z2B2VG4P\\239.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Properties of silane treated and coated wood.
Tomazoc, M.; Kricej, B.; Pavlic, M; Petric, M.; Mai, C.; and Militz, H.
,27–33. 2003.
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@article{tomazoc_properties_2003, title = {Properties of silane treated and coated wood}, shorttitle = {Properties of silane treated and coated wood}, author = {Tomazoc, M. and Kricej, B. and Pavlic, M and Petric, M. and Mai, C. and Militz, H.}, year = {2003}, pages = {27--33}, }
Einsatz von Siliziumverbindungen zur Holzvergütung.
Mai, C.; Donath, S.; and Militz, H.
In Beiträge der 23. Holzschutz-Tagung der DGfH, pages 83–96, München, Germany, March 2003. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Holzforschung (DGfH)
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@inproceedings{mai_einsatz_2003, address = {München, Germany}, title = {Einsatz von {Siliziumverbindungen} zur {Holzvergütung}}, shorttitle = {Einsatz von {Siliziumverbindungen} zur {Holzvergütung}}, booktitle = {Beiträge der 23. {Holzschutz}-{Tagung} der {DGfH}}, publisher = {Deutsche Gesellschaft für Holzforschung (DGfH)}, author = {Mai, C. and Donath, S. and Militz, H.}, month = mar, year = {2003}, pages = {83--96}, file = {11_Einsatz von Siliziumverbindungen zur Holzvergütung:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\NXXWZEX7\\11_Einsatz von Siliziumverbindungen zur Holzvergütung.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Carbon and nitrogen dynamics in acid detergent fibre lignins of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) during the growth phase.
Dyckmans, J; Flessa, H; Brinkmann, K; Mai, C; and Polle, A
Plant, Cell & Environment, 25(4): 469–478. 2002.
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@article{dyckmans_carbon_2002, title = {Carbon and nitrogen dynamics in acid detergent fibre lignins of beech ({Fagus} sylvatica {L}.) during the growth phase}, volume = {25}, issn = {1365-3040}, shorttitle = {Carbon and nitrogen dynamics in acid detergent fibre lignins of beech ({Fagus} sylvatica {L}.) during the growth phase}, number = {4}, journal = {Plant, Cell \& Environment}, author = {Dyckmans, J and Flessa, H and Brinkmann, K and Mai, C and Polle, A}, year = {2002}, pages = {469--478}, file = {j.1365-3040.2002.00826.x:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\AS2RMQIJ\\j.1365-3040.2002.00826.x.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Investigation on the yield and quality of sliced veneer produced from beech trees (Fagus sylvatica L.) containing red heartwood.
Hapla, F.; Meggers, L.; Militz, H.; and Mai, C.
Holz als Roh-und Werkstoff, 60(6): 440–442. 2002.
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@article{hapla_investigation_2002, title = {Investigation on the yield and quality of sliced veneer produced from beech trees ({Fagus} sylvatica {L}.) containing red heartwood}, volume = {60}, issn = {0018-3768}, shorttitle = {Investigation on the yield and quality of sliced veneer produced from beech trees ({Fagus} sylvatica {L}.) containing red heartwood}, number = {6}, journal = {Holz als Roh-und Werkstoff}, author = {Hapla, F. and Meggers, L. and Militz, H. and Mai, C.}, year = {2002}, pages = {440--442}, file = {art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-002-0336-7:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\3F3C69EC\\art%3A10.1007%2Fs00107-002-0336-7.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Degradation of acrylic copolymers by Fenton's reagent.
Mai, C.; Majcherczyk, A.; Schormann, W.; and Hüttermann, A.
Polymer Degradation and Stability, 75(1): 107–112. 2002.
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@article{mai_degradation_2002, title = {Degradation of acrylic copolymers by {Fenton}'s reagent}, volume = {75}, issn = {0141-3910}, shorttitle = {Degradation of acrylic copolymers by {Fenton}'s reagent}, number = {1}, journal = {Polymer Degradation and Stability}, author = {Mai, C. and Majcherczyk, A. and Schormann, Wi. and Hüttermann, A.}, year = {2002}, pages = {107--112}, }
The influence of laccase on the chemo-enzymatic synthesis of lignin graft-copolymers.
Mai, C.; Schormann, W.; Hüttermann, A.; Kappl, R.; and Hüttermann, J.
Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 30(1): 66–72. 2002.
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@article{mai_influence_2002, title = {The influence of laccase on the chemo-enzymatic synthesis of lignin graft-copolymers}, volume = {30}, issn = {0141-0229}, shorttitle = {The influence of laccase on the chemo-enzymatic synthesis of lignin graft-copolymers}, number = {1}, journal = {Enzyme and Microbial Technology}, author = {Mai, C. and Schormann, W. and Hüttermann, A. and Kappl, R. and Hüttermann, J.}, year = {2002}, pages = {66--72}, file = {1-s2.0-S0141022901004574-main:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\XPDZ89W2\\1-s2.0-S0141022901004574-main.pdf:application/pdf}, }
Potency of Azadirachta indica heart wood extracts as wood bio- preservative against termite attack.
Aguda, L. O; Olajide, O B; and Aguda, O Y
,8. .
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@article{aguda_potency_nodate, title = {Potency of {Azadirachta} indica heart wood extracts as wood bio- preservative against termite attack}, abstract = {Extractives in wood are one of the main reasons for wood resistance against bio-degradation. The chemical compositions of extractives from matured Azadirachta indica that are known to be very resistant against bio-degradation were studied to assess their role as wood preservative. Ethanol and toluene were used in the extraction of these compounds from the heartwood of Azadirahcta indica. Chemical analysis of the extracts was done using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) after derivatization using N,O bis (trimethyl silyl) acetamide. The main groups of compounds identified from both extracts are fatty acids, hydrocarbons, sterols, sterol ketones, phenolics, sterol esters and waxes. The extracts obtained were used to treat sapwood of four different wood species that are known to be susceptible to bio-degradation at 12\% (weight/weight) retention level. Treated samples were taken to timber graveyard for 12 months. It was observed that the extracts from Azadirachta indica used improved the resistance of these susceptible wood species to termite attack at the timber graveyard more than 70\% when compared to the controls and also it was observed that removal of extractives from Azadirahcta indica significantly decreased their resistance to termite attack.}, language = {en}, author = {Aguda, Lawrence O and Olajide, O B and Aguda, O Y}, pages = {8}, file = {Aguda et al. - Potency of Azadirachta indica heart wood extracts .pdf:C\:\\Users\\Eva\\Zotero\\storage\\25GMQKC2\\Aguda et al. - Potency of Azadirachta indica heart wood extracts .pdf:application/pdf}, }
Extractives in wood are one of the main reasons for wood resistance against bio-degradation. The chemical compositions of extractives from matured Azadirachta indica that are known to be very resistant against bio-degradation were studied to assess their role as wood preservative. Ethanol and toluene were used in the extraction of these compounds from the heartwood of Azadirahcta indica. Chemical analysis of the extracts was done using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) after derivatization using N,O bis (trimethyl silyl) acetamide. The main groups of compounds identified from both extracts are fatty acids, hydrocarbons, sterols, sterol ketones, phenolics, sterol esters and waxes. The extracts obtained were used to treat sapwood of four different wood species that are known to be susceptible to bio-degradation at 12% (weight/weight) retention level. Treated samples were taken to timber graveyard for 12 months. It was observed that the extracts from Azadirachta indica used improved the resistance of these susceptible wood species to termite attack at the timber graveyard more than 70% when compared to the controls and also it was observed that removal of extractives from Azadirahcta indica significantly decreased their resistance to termite attack.