An Introduction to R
- Interdisziplinary Methods -
Target group:
PhD-students of the GGG, other PhD-students if free places are available
Type of training:
multi-day workshop
14. - 18. October 2013
Mon. 14.10. – Fri. 18.10. (Mon. till Fri.)
10:00 – 12:00 + 14:00 – 16:00)
Tagungszentrum der Historischen Sternwarte, Geismar Landstr. 11
Seminarraum 3
Available seats: 10
Course language: English
Conditions of Participation: Basic mathematics (especially matrix algebra), introduction course to statistics
Requirements: The participants are supposed to bring their own laptops. In order to obtain a course certificate it is necessary to actively participate in the workshop and to hand in a report (approx. 12 pages).
Teacher: Nadja Klein / Benjamin Säfken
Seminar’s objectives:
This course is primarily aimed for PhD students from the faculties participating in the GGG and who plan to conduct empirical analyses within their PhD project. Prior knowledge of R is not required. However, the participants are supposed to be familiar with basic statistics (e.g. from introductory courses in statistics or econometrics).
The freely available statistical software environment R has established itself as a de-facto standard in many areas of statistics over the last years.
The aim of this workshop is to provide an introduction into statistical programming and regression analysis with R.
The number of participants is limited to 10. The participants are supposed to bring their own laptops. At the end of the course, participants are welcome to work on their own empirical analysis. If problems occur help will be provided. In order to obtain a course certificate it is necessary to actively participate in the workshop and to hand in a report (either based on own data or on exercises prepared by the lectures).
Credits: 0/2 Credits
Demands: depending on credits
Application starts 19.08.2013 (until 16.09.2013)
Application only via:
Contact for more information: Christina Qaim, Phone: +551 39-10630
This course is organised by the KMU-Netzwerk der GGG and funded by the European Union (European regional development fund (ERDF)).
![Logo KMU-Netzwerk der GGG](/storage/pictures/5c93e5cebdb220d78022e144a2fd6647.jpg)
![Logo EU fördert Niedersachsen](/storage/pictures/9af549c1ccb0393a814b885d1ce9269b.jpg)